Who are the 4 angels tied at Euphrates in Syria until the 6th Trump?

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1. They are angels, angelic beings (not merely messengers) – Revelation 9:13ff
2. They are tied up/bound for a specific time period between the 6th and the final 7th trump of Revelation
3. Their number of 4 does not necessarily mean the 4 directions of the world, just like the 4 winds mentioned din the Bible refer the 4 aerial mainstreams in earth’s atmosphere and not the 4 compass directions
4. They are bound in a specific geographical location by the river Euphrates mentioned in Genesis in reference of the location of Garden of Eden – Revelation 9:14
5. They are tied up to the location of modern day Syria – place of continues turmoil and war
6. The 4 angels are prepared for 4-dimentinal timeframe characterized by a specific (1) hour, (2) day, (3) month and (4) year – Revelation 9:15
7. The purpose of their release is the destruction of 1/3 of human kind
8. The loosing of the 4 angels introduces the means by which this destruction will occur – an army of 200,000,000 horsemen

  • Turkey has an army of 640,000
  • Russia has an army of 1.2 million
  • The United States Army in 2016 was 1,301,300 people, with an additional 811,000 people in the seven reserve components
  • China has an army of 2.3 million active personnel


  • Reply December 30, 2016

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply December 30, 2016

    Charles Page

    I would say they were ruling princes of that day leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and now bound in the bottomless pit.

  • Reply December 30, 2016

    Brian Crisp

    To be under the Euphrates, they would not be in the bottomless pit because I don’t believe the bottomless pit is located on earth. But the 4 beings are there in holding for the time being.

    • Reply December 30, 2016

      Charles Page

      I don’t believe the bottomless pit is located on or in the earth!

    • Reply December 30, 2016

      Brian Crisp

      I don’t believe it can be.

  • Reply December 30, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Brian Crisp What do you mean by beings? It’s very clear from the text they are angels. If the pit is not on earth where could it possibly be?

    • Reply December 30, 2016

      Brian Crisp

      Beings angels same thing. To be a bottomless pit means it can’t be on earth because the earth has a bottom.

  • Reply December 24, 2017

    Randy Buchanan

    Watchdog Man says nothing but “listen to me”.

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