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Whenever You Gather- Ray E Horton
“How is it then, brethren? Whenever you come together, each of you has a psalm, has a teaching, has a tongue, has a revelation, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification” (1 Cor. 14:26).
Notice that it says “Whenever you come together.” “Whenever” means every time, no matter what the purpose of the meeting, So, this would apply particularly to small groups, but also larger gatherings, and any time two or three of get together. We are to encourage and exhort one another. That is what the Body of Christ is all about.
“Whenever” means every time, no matter what the purpose of the meeting, So, this would apply to small groups, aw well as larger gatherings, and any time two or three of get together
After having shared a testimony, I shared this scripture and mini-teaching at a worship meeting one recent evening. It was not in any way intended to bring condemnation, but rather, a reminder to us to do what the scripture tells us, which many are not used to.
After sharing the testimony, the Lord prompted me to share this. The purpose of the meeting was to soak in and offer prophetic worship, and since it was in an art studio, to paint if so led. But, being a gathering of believers, we should be open to sharing what the Lord gives us. It did encourage another testimony to come forth.
Do We Take God’s Word Seriously?
I shared how in the early Charismatic days we took this verse seriously, and whenever we gathered, the people would be prepared from their prayer life or experience or simply a Holy Spirit prompting, to share, or not to share, as the Holy Spirit directed.
We would come with a mini-teaching or other revelation, a testimony, a prophetic word, or tongue and interpretation, even a song of the Lord. We were to be careful not to share in the flesh, and Holy Spirit always led individuals to share or not, maintaining order. Everyone was blessed. Usually, someone very sensitive to the Holy Spirit would summarize what the Lord was telling us through the flow of worship songs and words coming forth, and it would invariable flow together because the meetings were under the unction of the Holy Spirit.
God has shown me that He wants us to get back to this, so I will do my part to set the example, share this message and encourage the Body whenever possible.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce how should the CHURCH handle this NEW reality here is Trump to blame for it all/