What is holiness?

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Christopher Noel Boggess | PentecostalTheology.com



  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Ira Huth

    For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
    1 Thessalonians 4:7 KJV

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Ricky Grimsley

    Holyness is a misspelling

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Street Preacherz


  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    Lets read this in context

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    7For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness.
    8He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.
    9But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another.

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    No one can walk perfectly

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    Im just strugling with this please help

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Curt Stewart

    Separation from sin, for the purpose of being used for God’s exclusive use.

  • Reply December 21, 2017

    Curt Stewart

    Holiness must be taught and practiced. It’s progressive. Peter told the church to grow in knowledge and in grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    What does walk worthy of your calling

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess


  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    Street Preacherz

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    Read thessalonians

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    Do you have a church “home” brother and a Pastor that you can ask about the things of God. Holiness is not living in a cave. It’s fellowship, it’s service, it’s surrender, it’s the will of God, it’s living, and dying every day. It’s not abstract, it’s a pure heart before God by the blood of Jesus Christ. And walking in the light as God gives the light. Love unfiegned. Sincere prayers full of faith and passion. A life with an eye on the altar and an eye on the field. And circumcision of heart and the charge, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”
    1 Thessalonians 5:22
    The “wholly” of 5:23 might help you…

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Maziya Sibeko

    Is there any difference between holiness and Righteousness?

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    holiness – the thing without which no one will see God

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.”
    – Revelation 1:7
    Do you think it will be a day horror and a raging burning fire like the sound of a furnace as Peter describes. A day of bone shaking fear and dread when the thoughts and intents of the hearts of men are exposed and every lie revealed. Or cupcakes and tea and rose trellises…

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Ify Divine Nsoha

    Christopher Noel To be holy is to be “set apart”. It doesn’t mean you are perfect, it just means you’ve been set apart.

    So holiness is “living a life worthy of your calling”. (Ephesians 4:1)

    So “holiness”

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Jeanette Elizondo


  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Timothy K. Wiebe

    Holiness, in its most basic understanding, is the person of Jesus Christ. Him in me. Me, face to face with Him. His nature overtaking my nature through the presence and anointing of His Holy Spirit

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Randy Buchanan

    The imputation of God’s righteousness witnessed through the character of Christ, i.e., fruit of the Spirit, as well as the subjection of the will to crucify the affections of the flesh daily.

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Timothy K. Wiebe

    To live a Holy life, is to abide in Jesus. To abide in the vine. As a branch can do nothing of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so are we

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Timothy K. Wiebe

    Whenever we make holiness about us, we cheapen the work of Christ. Pointing to how I am behaving in a more holy manner than others, would be to exalt myself above Christ

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Randy Buchanan Wesleyan-Arminian theology affirms imputed righteousness, but denies the Calvinistic doctrine of imputation.Hope you truly understand what you have written above Imputed righteousness is the righteousness of Jesus credited to the Christian, enabling the Christian to be justified; imparted righteousness is what God does in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit after justification, working in the Christian to enable and empower the process of sanctification (and, in Wesleyan thought, Christian perfection).

  • Reply December 22, 2017

    Timothy K. Wiebe

    Scripture refers to Christians as “saints.” A saint is Holy, a saint is pure, a saint is just. A saint is without spot. A saint is in Christ and Christ in Him/her.

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Jeffry Woolston

    Holiness is GOD’s standard for His people. “Like Father like son.” If He is our Father, we WILL be like Him and He is HOLY. If we are NOT like Him, we are not His child.

    Holiness require receiving correction form out Father and making appropriate changes to be holy like Him.

    If God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all. Hebrews 12:8

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Melvin Harter

    I continue to post that the question is very simple and has a simple answer. HOLINESS IS THE RESULT OF A SANCTIFIED LIFE. Until Entire Sanctification is experienced in the life of a believer, he can never live a holiness life. How does one know when he has been baptized with the Holy Ghost? It is when he speaks in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and has Spiritual power. The same thought follows with Holiness. Without one experiencing Entire (aka “Substantiation” or “Instantaneous”) Sanctification, he will never live a life of Holiness.

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Bill Stockham

    “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness NO ONE WILL SEE THE LORD.” (Hebrews 12:14)

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Jeffry Woolston

    And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. Acts 11:26

    If we act, live, serve, minister, etc. SO MUCH that those who observe us say we remind them of Jesus (call us Christians) then we will be holy!

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Melvin Harter

    CoG people basically have absolutely no concept or idea of the Doctrine of Sanctification, its meaning, its application, or even its results. Most CoG preachers give a vague concept of Sanctification that has absolutely no relationship to it. The scripture declares, “MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.” (Hosea 4:6)

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Jeffry Woolston

      O..K.. in 100 words or less and at least 3 scriptures “teach” us the “truth” of the doctrine of sanctification. Ready GO!

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Jeffry Woolston if one could explain ENTIRE sanctification it would be entire now would it?

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Melvin Harter

      Why even former CoG General Overseer Paul Walker stated during his Administrstion that Sanctification had not been taught for the last 25 years. Furthermore, he said that if anyone wished to learn anything about Sanctification, they would have to go outside the CoG. What a shame & disgrace!

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Jeffry Woolston

      Melvin Harter Where did you “learn” it? I asked you to teach us “ignorant” COG preachers about it, but I have not seen you post any teaching yet. What you can bash us but not teach us?

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Melvin Harter

      Jeffry Woolston I learned it from Lee College Professors Elmer Odom, John Sims, Dr. Hollis Gause, & Dr. French Arrington from 1969-1974.

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Melvin Harter

      Jeffry Woolston You can get many of your questions answered if you go to my SANCTIFICATION page on Facebook.

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Jeffry Woolston

      Melvin Harter please provide a link. I could not find that page.

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Varnel Watson

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Jeffry Woolston

      Melvin Harter That is not a FB page.

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Looks like a good video on sanctification though

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I believe Dr. Melvin Harter is teaching here 🙂

  • Reply June 11, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Michael Todd Combs Holiness is to remove your half naked pictures from the Internets

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