What do you all think of Agnes Ozman’s automatic writing?

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Henry Volk | PentecostalTheology.com


So, what do you all think of Agnes Ozman’s automatic writing that proven to be nothing but scribbles?

What language did she claim it was?

Henry Volk [09/14/2015 11:19 AM]

John Kissinger [09/15/2015 1:03 PM]

Henry Volk [09/15/2015 1:35 PM]
She just said Chinese.

Henry Volk [09/15/2015 1:35 PM]
I believe?

Henry Volk [09/15/2015 1:48 PM]
Hun Park, I noticed you shared this post. Without knowing anything about you, I am going to assume you are Chinese. Does this seem intelligible to you? The linguist that initially examined it, dismissed it as scribbles. What do you say?

Henry Volk [09/15/2015 6:40 PM]
Hun, I checked your Facebook page and saw the Hangul on your page. My apologies.

Link Hudson [09/15/2015 8:21 PM]
From a logical perspective, how is it possible to prove them to be ‘nothing but scribbles.’ that doesn’t make sense.

Henry Volk [09/15/2015 8:22 PM]
That’s true. Lol

Link Hudson [09/15/2015 8:28 PM]
The bottom right hand side looks a little like Arabic script, then the script turned sideways. Mongolian had an Arabic script turned that way if I recall correctly. other parts look like unconnected Arabic letters.

John Kissinger [09/15/2015 8:53 PM]
it can be proved only in heven

Derrick Harmon [09/15/2015 9:08 PM]
Lots of “J’s” in the bottom right corner.

Charles Page [09/15/2015 9:21 PM]
if it is tongues are we supposed to read it? the interpretation should be legible!

Link Hudson [09/15/2015 9:52 PM]
The bottom right hand corner looks a little like Mongolian script, or Arabic script turned on it’s side like Mongollian script. This example doesn’t seem to have all the shapes of Arabic.



  • Judye Maxwell Rasmussen
    Reply September 17, 2016

    Judye Maxwell Rasmussen


  • Jon Ray
    Reply September 18, 2016

    Jon Ray

    Henry Volk posted this very good question back in the day and with a great reasoning

  • Dan Irving
    Reply July 15, 2017

    Dan Irving

    I think she scribbled the secret to the fulfillment of Pentecost.

  • Reply August 24, 2018

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply February 27, 2023


    I studied Chinese for two years and this scribbling is not Chinese characters. The missionaries sent out to China and other countries expected to speak Chinese and various foreign languages. They could not and returned home in embarrassment. Then they said, Oh we have a private tongues Charles Parham tirelessly sought to perpetuate the mythology he had invented. Despite an abundance of evidence to the contrary and without a shred of evidence Several years after those original Pentecostal missionary teams had come home under clouds of failure and disillusionment, Parham was still painting a shining picture of success:
    “We have several missionaries in the field who have the gift of tongues, who not only speak the language and understand the natives, but can use the language intelligently; it has become a gift to them. . . . It is a known fact that scores of infidels have been converted through hearing people speak distinctly in other languages.”

    The movement Charles Parham helped start has grown to massive proportions today.
    More than a century after Parham claimed his students were speaking Chinese, not one documentable case of the Pentecostal gift of tongues has ever occurred. Charismatic tongues have been repeatedly recorded and analyzed by linguists, and they have none of the characteristics of language.
    Indeed, the meaning of any message delivered in tongues was a vital aspect of the gift itself. No one was even supposed to speak in tongues without an interpreter (1 Corinthians 14:27).
    With all the controversy surrounding Charles Parham, in the wake of so much scandal and so many unfulfilled promises, especially once the total failure of his missionary strategy was evident, it is amazing that the Pentecostal movement managed to stay alive and gain the kind of following we see today.
    One of Parham’s early disciples was William J. Seymour, an African-American holiness preacher who had sat under Parham’s instruction in Houston, Texas. In 1906, Seymour was invited to lead a series of meetings in California, and while preaching in a ramshackle building in Azusa Street on the edge of downtown Los Angeles, he began to teach some of the distinctive doctrines he had heard from Parham. He taught that the only biblical evidence of Spirit baptism is the gift of speaking in tongues. Within weeks, dozens of people at Azusa Street were manifesting glossolalia, and the fame of the Pentecostal movement spread from there. Pentecostalism had at last gained a significant foothold, and from Azusa Street it ultimately expanded across America.

    But at its heart, the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement is uniquely American in character. It had its genesis in the American heartland, and from its very inception it was the fruit of a unique style of religious fanaticism that thrived on the American frontier.
    The charismatic movement was exported from America to the rest of the world by an aggressive public-relations campaign, employing several media networks that are devoted mainly to raising money.

    • Reply February 27, 2023


      Troy Day The CM is a playground for the angel of light, tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

    • Reply February 27, 2023


      Troy Day how many oracle bone scripts have you read?

    • Reply February 27, 2023


      Philip Williams 02none – when you think about it Corinth where Paul wrote about speaking in tongues was next to Delphi where the idol priests practiced ecstatic tongues

    • Reply February 27, 2023


      Troy Day have you become a cessationist?

    • Reply February 27, 2023


      Philip Williams have you?

    • Reply February 27, 2023


      Troy Day you’re arguing like a cessationist.

  • Reply February 26, 2023


    I was a missionary to China, and studied Mandarin Chinese characters for 2 years. Her scribbles are NOT Chinese, but written gibberish! How foolish to not compare with actual Chinese characters.

  • Reply February 27, 2023


    Spiritual counterfeit.

  • Reply February 27, 2023

    Stanley Wayne

    Overly enthusiastic and not biblically based

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