WHAT actually happened on these IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE LAST SHEMITAH year?

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Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:12 AM]
“As we move into the September/October months of the Jewish New Year and the appearance of the fourth blood moon, what do I know that I have heard? Historic changes will take place in the coming days that will be a prophetic catalyst for a great awakening. God is setting the stage for revival and harvest,” Jacobs says. “I also have a strong admonition that we are in a time of hearts being tested—whether we will rely on our own strength and capabilities, rather than God’s.” http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/watchman-on-the-wall/51886-cindy-jacobs-addresses-fearful-prophecies-over-america

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:22 AM]
So Jimmy Humphrey let’s see which ones of these 27/30+ actually happened http://allnewspipeline.com/27_Things_Happening_in_Sept_Oct.php

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:24 AM]

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:26 AM]
[1] 9/11/15 – 14th anniversary of the 911 attack on the U.S. And Thank GOD nothing happened…

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:30 AM]
Can I prophetically start to mock all this crap?

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:30 AM]
(Oh wait, I already did)

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:33 AM]
we are already @ #2 [2] 9/13 on the Jewish Calendar was the LAST day of the Shemitah Year – Biblically all debts will be wiped clean. There’s a great theological terminology borrowed from Pentecostalism that must be used here: ALREADY-BUT-NOT YET Timothy Carter Rick Wadholm Jr

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:34 AM]
You have no idea what you are talking about

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:34 AM]
Do tell 🙂

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:39 AM]
In the New Testament, Paul denounced the mere idea of keeping Jewish practices and incorporating them into Christianity. When some Christians thought they found spiritual significance in practicing circumcision, feast days, etc., he denounced them as folks who were on the road to apostasy at worst, or immature at best.

Knowing such things, do you think he would approve of people prophesying and interpreting history based off the Jewish calendar? A practice, which, by the way, has zero Biblical precedent?

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:42 AM]
oh dear, I smell a fellow bacon breakfast eater 🙂 Alan N Carla Smith Tom Steele Ricky Grimsley John Conger http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/i-hereby-challenge-all-bacon-lovers-ham-eaters-and-all/

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:45 AM]
All this stuff about blood moons and Jewish calendars is nothing more than men playing games with the Bible in order to exalt themselves while fleecing the saints. It’s the “deeper meaning” hermeneutic that’s gone off the rails, that the average Sunday school teacher plays every Sunday, where they imagine they have some deep insight that nobody ever saw before. It’s nonsense. It betrays the very Scriptures they pretend to explain, and has zero to do with Christ, the Bible, or anything genuinely prophetic.

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:47 AM]
Cindy Jacobs and company have been prophesying nonsense about the next great thing for so many years now, it’s a wonder their disciples aren’t asking for refunds from all those bogus conferences and books they’ve consumed

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 6:47 AM]
Peter A Vandever disagrees with you on the last one

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 6:57 AM]

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 7:04 AM]
Jimmy Humphrey are you saying that the actual Jewish festivals of 2014-2015 bounded by four “blood moons” (total lunar eclipses) which actually happened were astrological?

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 7:32 AM]

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 7:34 AM]
Good to know you have such a great astrological horizon. Now back to the list at hand: [3] 9/15 The UN Security Council resolution to formally recognizing the establishment of a Palestinian state (already recognized by the Vatican on 5/13/15)

Did France submit this resolution for a vote on September 15 2015?

Brian Roden [12/15/2015 7:35 AM]
For the millionth time, the moon turning to blood as prophesied in Scripture will be unexpected, not an astronomically predictable natural event.

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 7:35 AM]
Good to know ya’ll have such a great astrological horizon. Now back to the list at hand: [3] 9/15 The UN Security Council resolution to formally recognizing the establishment of a Palestinian state (already recognized by the Vatican on 5/13/15)

Did France submit this resolution for a vote on September 15 2015?

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 7:38 AM]
Who cares? Astrology

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 7:39 AM]
You aren’t doing anything other than what pagans do

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 7:39 AM]
Are you referring to [3] 9/15 The UN Security Council resolution to formally recognizing the establishment of a Palestinian state (already recognized by the Vatican on 5/13/15) ???

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 7:40 AM]
That’s nothing

Charismatic Theology [12/15/2015 7:49 AM]
A formal recognition of a Palestinian state seems way too much to disregard. Did it actually happen?

Jimmy Humphrey [12/15/2015 7:56 AM]
I can happily disregard it


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