We Grow as We Practice God’s Presence ~ Ray E Horton

We Grow as We Practice God’s Presence ~ Ray E Horton

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FEB 16 8am

Ongoing awareness of God’s presence within us is an important key to our spiritual growth.

God speaks to us by His Word, but it comes alive to us through Holy Spirit revelation as we spend time with Him and allow our relationship with Him to grow. We come into His presence within as we pay attention to Him and focus on Him in our daily lives, even in times not set aside, when we are working and doing our daily tasks.

As Brother Lawrence wrote, we “practice the presence of God.” Practice means to intentionally do it until it becomes natural to us.

When He speaks to us, He gives us:

  • Wisdom for the application of His Word,
  • Encouragement and peace,
  • Experience of love and joy and all the fruit that comes with the Holy Spirit.

He gives us:

  • Confidence and faith to overcome in every area of life,
  • Revelation of truth to our hearts,
  • Exposure of lies.

He convinces us, gives us the desire, and helps us to avoid the ways of the world and to let the light of Jesus shine through us to all.

Communing with Him in faith, we experience His presence, and it brings all this to pass.

Praying in our prayer language facilitates the process.


Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook


  • Reply February 14, 2020

    Haley Knox

    We are not commanded to “practice” Hods presence
    It’s not an exercise
    It’s a gift he gives us.
    His presence is the Holy Spirit-the comforter.
    This post you’ve written is not biblical.
    Jesus never once in scripture tells us to “practice” Gods presence.
    Gods not an exercise book or a routine you have to work to

    • Reply February 15, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      I don’t believe you understood what I wrote. Please re-read

    • Reply February 15, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton I strongly agree

    • Reply February 15, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Of course His omnipotent presence is a gift that is always with us by the Holy Spirit. We don’t need to seek what we already have. What I am saying here is that we must proactively tune into an awareness of His presence continually to apply God’s Word by revelation to our everyday lives. Possiblly “practice” isn’t the best choice of words. But we do need to make that awareness a part of us, which doesn’t come naturally in this busy world we live in. So, we need to spend time in prayer, praise and worship in the secret place of our hearts to become accustomed at all times to His presence there.

    • Reply February 17, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      It’s all about the awareness of God’s presence.

  • Reply February 14, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    I’m sorry that you do not understand what I wrote, Haley. Please re-read. Of course His presence is a gift in that He our omnipresent God is present to us by the Holy Spirit. Practicing God’s presence is simply meant that we must get used to the awareness of God’s presence in our lives to fully appreciate and benefit from it. Not at all unbiblical.

    “Practice” may not be the best word choice. We are not talking about some sort of program or exercise. We are talking about our prayer life, and how we can routinely experience God within us all through the day by setting apart time with Him in prayer, praise and worship, which helps make His reality within us more real at all times.

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