Unity in Spirit Among Churches

Unity in Spirit Among Churches

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[Several years ago, spirit-filled churches in Erie, Pa. gathered monthly to worship and hear from the Lord. These meetings didn’t continue for the long haul, and I pray to see them restored. Here is an example of what I wrote about one of the meetings:]

What a wonderful night of worship and Holy Spirit-inspired words as pastors and brothers and sisters from various churches came together in unity to worship and experience the Lord’s direction at the “Evening with the Holy Spirit” in Erie, PA. The praise and worship team used a great set of anointed songs to help lead us into His presence, and there were, I believe, five prophetic words from the congregation besides what leaders shared.

Prophetic flow

A unified message about rising up with the Lord’s heart and being available to be used in the new spiritual season that we are in

The Holy Spirit orchestrated a pattern in all the words and the praise and worship to bring forth a unified message about rising up with the Lord’s heart and being available to be used in the new spiritual season that we are in.

The Lord gave me a prophetic message concerning looking forward and not back – looking at His vision of us and agreeing with it. This was something He had me share with another person recently but is also for the Body of Christ. He is calling us to reach out to those who have been hurt in the church and to fan the long-hidden embers in some back into flame. It is our calling to be used to heal them because they will be His great harvesters, those who have been through dark times but have been restored by His grace. It is they who will relate well to the lost and be able to speak into their lives.

Then the worship team led a confirming song of consecration, the Ricardo Sanchez number, “Make me an answer – Move my heart Lord with the things that move Yours…” Then a word was shared a word about the river of the Holy Spirit in our lives flowing over to others.

Someone else shared from the Lord to the effect that He has been plowing heavy in our lives because of the depth of the new awakening that is upon us. But the season for plowing is about over and He is about to use us in a sustained move of the Spirit.

It’s all coming to pass

Those whom God uses to heal the hearts of hurt Christians will bring forth a crop of harvesters, empathetic lovers of the Lord who can relate to the lost and bring them in

I sat down and listened and wrote down some of the things the Lord was telling me – having shared once, I didn’t feel led to get up again. God was saying, it’s all coming to pass – those things we’ve been taught for years in spirit-filled churches, those things He has spoken to our hearts, but we have seen manifested little. It is now all starting to come to pass and experiencing it will bring us the great joy to push us forward.

Yes, those whom God uses to heal the hearts of hurt Christians will bring forth a crop of harvesters, empathetic lovers of the Lord who can relate to the lost and bring them in. God’s heart in this season is reaching out for those who have been hurt and hiding. They didn’t know yet the fullness of the truth of God’s grace in Jesus. He’s bringing them back through you and me. Let us be open to that call.

As we worshiped with Jeremy Camp’s “Give Your Glory” and sang “We just want to touch Your heart…” He spoke to me, I have… and will you let Me touch your heart with My compassion and love, enough so that you will come out of yourself and let Me overflow in your life to those around you. And the Lord brought back the words that we sang in the earlier song, “Through Your eyes, I see the ones You love; Through Your eyes, show me the ones to run to like You run.”

Don’t give up

The Lord spoke through another brother that there are those here that the enemy is trying to discourage from their assignment, but the Lord’s assignment is still in place and you can pick up where you left off. Jesus is using circumstances in your life to draw you closer to Him. So, stay in your assignment and don’t give up – stay the course. Don’t be made bitter by others but pray for them. The Lord brought to my mind Eph. 2:10:

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them,” and 2 Tim. 1:9, “God saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace…”

A brother from the worship team shared a prophetic song of the Lord, “Don’t doubt, don’t fear when you go through the fire, for that’s when the things that bind you go away. Don’t doubt, don’t fear anymore; I got you in the palm of my hand and I am holding onto you. Take hold of My hand and know I will see you through. Then the Lord shared through a sister, to expect greater things.

God’s habitation in us

We worshiped with “Greater Glory… The Earth is filled with the glory of the Lord.” The lyrics spoke of Paul having a visitation but, in this day, the Lord has made His habitation with us. The Lord reminded me that the reason the earth is filled with the glory of the Lord is that the earth is filled with believers who are filled with His glory.

A pastor brought forth the word that this is the time God is transitioning and shifting, so to be ready for the shifting in your life. Don’t give up now, but go forward since God is pushing us into a new wave – if you will just behold, you will see with greater glory. When we spend time with Him, we have no limitations, just like Jesus coming off the mountain filled with the Holy Spirit. We then are the beauty of holiness with the greater glory inside of usso don’t sit still.

He also shared a powerful testimony of overcoming a health issue as he meditated on and spoke God’s Word, a group of 80 scriptures, day and night. As he prayed in the spirit, he had the peace of the Lord. Results from the doctor: no disease was found.


Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook

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