UNGER: Definition of Demon Possession #Jezebel

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UNGER: Definition of Demon Possession #Jezebel

  •  Socioeconomic factor     Unger notes that “it is perhaps not without significance that almost all the cases of demon possession are recorded as occurring among the rude and half-Gentile populations of Galilee.”17 No cases are recorded in Jerusalem and only one in Capernaum. The others were in rural sections of Galilee, Gadera and in the regions of Tyre and Sidon and that of Caesarea Philippi.
  • Voluntary versus involuntary     Most of the biblical cases seem to indicate that these were involuntary possessions. The details of the stories are not explicit enough, however, and scholars so not agree. “Theories vary from assigning complete responsibility to denying any accountability whatever,” says Unger.1

Unger even suggests that one who is gifted in this way today may possibly find clear evidence of genuine demonlsatlon in many cases of so-called physical and mental disease.

Yet it is unlikely that the demons were deliberately trying
to give away Jesus’ messianic secret, or that they sought to
defile him by praising him. The fact that they “fell down before
him” (Mk. 3:11) shows that there was an attitude of subjection,
Unger identifies it as the ”bending of a lower to a higher will, in
hate and resentment”.

Merrill F. Unger. Biblical Demonology (Wheaton: Van Kampen Press, 1952)

Does demon possession only take place among the unregenerate?

Since the matter of demon posseJsion is not raised’ in the epistles it is tempting to conclude that demon possession does not affect the Christian community. Yet such a conclusion meets with so much opposition from those who have dealt with demoniacs in the Christian community that it caused at least one author. Merrill Unger. to· change his mind. In his earlier book. Biblical DeTnDnology. Unger wrote: The very nature of the believer’s salvation. as embracing the regenerating. sealing. Indwelling. and ruling ministry
of the Holy Spirit. placing him “In Christ”. eternally and unforfeltably. Is suIDcient explanation why he is not liable to demon inhabltation.35 After the publication of this book Unger ,I received so many reports from miSSionaries claiming to” have Witnessed repossession that in hIs later book. DeTnDns in the World Today, he writes:
The claims of these mIssionaries appear valid. since
Christians In enlightened lands where the Word of God
and Christian civilisation have restrained the baser
manifestations of demonism can somet

There can be no doubt that the Christian warfare or has significantly increase in the last century as has released some of the most dangerous spirits to destroy the . There can be question that of all Satan hierarchy of Spirits, the most dangerous spirit operating in the church today is that of Spirit. The Spirit of Jezebel is a very cunning and seductive spirit.

This high level evil spirit has been responsible for tearing down many churches, pastors, people with prophetic ministries, and other ministries. Not only that, Jezebel Spirit has also been responsible for breaking up many marriages, friendships, companies, along with getting many people to commit cold-blooded murders and suicides. But what are the different ways in which this Jezebel Spirit operates? How can we identify the Spirit of Jezebel?

Identifying The Spirit of Jezebel

  1. Refuses to admit guilt or wrong

A person with a Jezebel spirit is will never admits wrong, unless it is a temporary admittance of guilt to gain “favor” with someone. To accept responsibility would violate the core of insecurity and pride from which it operates. When a Jezebel apologizes it is never in true repentance or acknowledgment of wrongdoing but rather “I’m sorry your feelings were hurt.”

  1. Takes credit for everything

While a strong trait of Jezebel is to never take responsibility for his wrong actions or behavior, he also is quick to take credit for benefits for which he contributed no effort.

  1. Uses people to accomplish its agenda

The Spirit of Jezebel lets others do its dirty work. The Jezebel gets another person’s emotions stirred up, then lets that person go into a rage. The Jezebel sits back looking innocent, saying “Who me? What did I do?” This behavior makes it difficult for even the most ardent truth seekers to pin one down. The Jezebel spirit is clever in its agenda.

  1. Withholds information

Withholding information is one of the way a person operating under the influence of the Jezebel Spirit holds and maintain.  Remember the Jezebel spirit is a form of witchcraft. Witchcraft spirits loves to control other people. A Jezebel wields power over you by knowing something you don’t know in a situation. In the eyes of a Jezebel, having information you don’t have is a powerful weapon of control.

  1. Jezebel is threaten by Prophetic

A person with a Jezebel spirit will do everything in its power to destroy a person with a prophetic ministry or gift. Reason being is that someone with a prophetic gift or ministry will be able to identify Jezebel Spirit and will attack it. Remember Jezebel in the Bible tried to destroy all the  true prophets of and even tried to kill Elijah.

  1. Volunteers for anything

A Jezebel loves to volunteer, especially for projects were he/she will be seen and can have some level of control. Although he will work hard, his motive is never pure, and eventually his secret agenda cannot be hidden.

  1. Lies

A person with a Jezebel Spirit will lie, even when they don’t have to and are hard to detect. No one can lie better than a Jezebel. He can make you believe whatever he/she wants you to as he/she does this through manipulation. The fact that Jezebel can look you in the eye and lie just shows how strong and adamant this rebellious and recalcitrant spirit is.

  1. Ignores people

A classic ploy of a controller is to ignore you when you disagree with him. This tactic is frequently used by leaders when someone doesn’t agree with their plans, and they isolate the person by ignoring him. Some in these situations have been ignored for months, just because they chose not to be a puppet and say to every idea or whim. This puts the person out of the leader’s grace and forces him to either “come around” to the leader’s way of thinking or be indefinitely ignored. One is not free to disagree with a controller.

  1. Never gives credit or shows gratitude

A person with the Spirit of Jezebel will rarely give credit to someone or acknowledge another person’s actions, not even for something that turned out to greatly benefit the Jezebel. He just cannot bring himself to say thank you or to acknowledge that someone else did something right. There are those who have gone out of their way to bless a Jezebel by being the catalyst of sending him on a trip or giving a gift. Yet never will there be a thank you. This again puts the controller in a position of power. If Jezebel does, it is always to accomplish an end-game, but never from a pure .

  1. Criticizes everyone

This is a characteristic of a controller. He has to be the one who looks good, so he will quickly sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan. Even though he likes the plan, he can only criticize it because the idea did not originate from him. Criticizing others elevates the controller in his own mind.

  1. One-upmanship

A person with a Jezebel spirit will always upstage another person. Jezebel feels threatened by anyone who dares to steal the limelight or anyone who is a threat to his power and control. If you are with such a person and tell of your accomplishment or victory, you can be assured he will quickly tell of something he has accomplished.

  1. Spiritualizes everything

When a controller is confronted, he commonly spiritualizes the situation, explaining it off on God. This prevents him from owning up to responsibility required of him. The implication is always, “You’ve got a problem; I don’t.”

  1. Is insubordinate

A Jezebel never takes the side of the employer or a person in authority, unless it is a temporary action to make himself look good. He often will take credit for someone else’s idea. His main desire is for power and control. There is no conscience when an opportunity for recognition presents itself.

  1. Is pushy and domineering

A person with a Jezebel spirit pressures you to do things, seemingly ripping from you your right to choose or make a decision for yourself. He makes others feel as though they don’t have enough sense to think for themselves.

  1. Uses the element of surprise

A Jezebel’s main thrust is to be in control, and a large part of control is catching you off guard. Therefore, the element of surprise works well when he shows up a day early for a meeting, etc.

  1. Sows seeds of discord

A Jezebel will continually belittle another person in the most subtle way. The strategy is to “gain” control by minimizing the value of another person. It is common for him to tell half-truths to implicate another person in your eyes. By sowing these seeds, he hopes to eventually reap a harvest of destruction, improving his position of power.

  1. Commands attention

A Jezebel likes to be the center of attention and doesn’t like to see others recognized and lauded. When someone else is recognized, he will quickly undermine the person’s accomplishments verbally.

  1. Is vengeful

Since a Jezebel is never wrong, if you contradict or confront one, get ready to become his worst enemy. As long as you are in agreement with him, all is fine. But if you confront or challenge him, then look out. You are the target of his fiercest venom. A Jezebel will stop at nothing to destroy your reputation.

  1. Attempts to make you look like you’re the Jezebel

A Jezebel spirit is difficult to pin down. If the person is near to being confronted, he or she will skillfully twist the entire situation, trying to make the innocent person look like the one who is attempting to control. As always, the Jezebel will do anything to look like the one who is right.

  1. Insinuates disapproval

A Jezebel will often imply disapproval to those under his or her control. The controlled person feels no freedom to express an opinion, for fear of disapproval. This often manifests in a or in a working environment.

  1. Knows it all

A Jezebel is usually blatant regarding his knowledge of everything. Quick to express his opinion in any area, he leaves little room for anyone to point out the other side of an issue. He has made idols of his opinions.

  1. Is ambitious

The Jezebel has strong desire, but all for self. “I want what I want when I want it,” describes his worship of self-will. A Jezebel leader will never use the words, “We have a vision,” but rather, “My vision is thus and so.”

  1. Gift giving

A person with the spirit of Jezebel loves to give gifts, this again is a form of control as the Jezebel uses gifts to make you feel obligated to him. It also compromises the victim in speaking against him or her or to confront truth about that person. I am not saying that everyone who gives gifts are Jezebel or does this to control others, but gift giving is a tactic used by those who have a need to control.

  1. Is independent

No one has input in a Jezebel’s life. He fraternizes with no one unless it is to get you to “cooperate” with his agenda.

  1. Is religious

A Jezebel dwells in the local church but doesn’t like authority unless he is in the position of authority. He or she will behave like they are holy or a Christian, but they are not.

  1. Hides

We all want to believe that the person with a Jezebel spirit is delivered. The person may seem “normal” for a period, exhibiting none of the classic traits. Then suddenly without warning a situation will arise, once again with the spirit taking control and wreaking havoc over lives. Hopefully, true repentance will come. Only then will the person be delivered. Bible Knowledge wrote a very good article about The Jezebel Spirit and How it Operates I recommend you check it out.


  • Varnel Watson
    Reply March 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    This is another good definition by NO other renounced bible scholar UNGER Joseph D. Absher Robert Borders

    Charles Page has commented demons stopped existing with preterism @ 70 AD
    Orthodox exorcism expert Randal W Deese may agree
    Ricky Grimsley may disagree with both https://www.facebook.com/640123439376008/posts/878767998844883

  • Randal W Deese
    Reply March 16, 2018

    Randal W Deese

    This has nothing to do with what I teach… Opt out

    • Reply May 29, 2018

      Tammy Howell

      Do you know of any deliverance groups I can get in touch with in Little Rock and North Little Rock Arkansas? Ty

  • Varnel Watson
    Reply March 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    The theme of the Bible from beginning to end is the conflict between good and evil, between God and the devil. It begins with the serpent in Eden in Genesis 3 and concludes with the devil being cast into the lake of fire in Revelation 20. So it is not surprising that today Christians are becoming more aware of their battle against demonic forces. Many see that satanic worship is on the rise around us, increasing numbers of teenagers are experimenting with witchcraft, and “new-age” bookstores are becoming the resource center for those interested in the dark world of the occult. The Christian church is also experiencing a growing interest in combating demonic forces. Teaching on spiritual warfare is in great demand today. A proliferation of books, with titles such as Bondage Breaker and Victory Over the Darkness, spill over the shelves in Christian bookstores. The doctrine that Christians can be inhabited by demons is popularly taught by respected teachers across diverse theological lines, from the charismatic movement to fundamental dispensational teachers.

    The question remains, can a Christian have a demon? This question is not merely academic; the answer will determine our views on the sovereignty of God, the authority of the Word of God, and whether personal experience will supersede Bible doctrine. Randal

  • Reply November 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson if have had even a single class in theology, you’d know Unger is no small hitter and what he wrote about the political spirit of Jezebel has a very serious Biblical foundation…

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 7, 2018

      Link Hudson

      There are Charismatics going around calling some kind of demon or principality the ‘spirit of Jezebel.’ Whether such a thing is true or not, it is not taught in the Biblical text.

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      UNGER is not Charismatic and authors significant NT works in post WW2 1950s. Any student of theology has surely used one or more of his basic OT/NT intro writings and is familiar with Unger’s significant work in Biblical theology

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 8, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day who cares? So what? I hrew up with his Bible dictionary on the shelf. I don’t have a copy now. Unger’s comments may be the origin for the phrase ‘spirit of Jezebel’ but the Bible does not use that terminology or warn us about a demon or principality named Jezebel.

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Who cares? Were you NOT the ONE who dropped the topic on angelic / demonic order? Why wouldnt you care?

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 8, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I mean if Unger uses ‘spirit of Jezebel’ that does not mean the Bible teaches there is a particular demonic entity or demonic entity who should be named after Jezebel.

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Do you know who Unger is it? That’s like me trying to tell you Greenspan dont know jack about US economix

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 8, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I have posted that the Bible does not say there is a ‘spirit of Jezebel’, which I have pointed out in previous threads on the trend in the 1990’s to say that there is some kind of principality or demon called Jezebel.

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      You have posted a lot of things. UNGER says that it is a political spirit and explains why Read on !

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 8, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day Read on where? What are you talking about? Look through the page yourself. At this point in time in our discussion, there is a discussion of whether Christians can be demon-possessed and Unger’s opinion on it.

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

  • Link Hudson
    Reply November 8, 2018

    Link Hudson

    This type of post is a bit strange. There is a picture of a book. You comment about Unger’s book, not the book pictured there. It goes to a page where there is discussion on a topic which is not about Jezebel. Your comment to me links this discussion with a comment about Jezebel and Unger– which is not mentioned on the page. On the page, there is a discussion, then our comments about Jezebel get added to the discussion?

    This is all confusing. It’s a strange way to use the web. In Internet marketing, some of the marketers recommend having what a lecturer who taught an MBA course on it called a ‘big banana.’ That’s something you are supposed to focus your attention on or click on. Shouldn’t the page you post a link to, your comment to start this new thread, etc. be a bit more focused?

    Lots of your posts on this forum have been equally confusing, for example a comment about one topic, with a link to a discussion on a verse on a different tipic.

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Cant control what FB does with thumbs all the time and often just getting tired of it Perhaps this will help you as well

      Personal or Impersonal? An Analysis of Karl Barth and Merrill
      Unger’s Perspectives on the Personhood of the Demonic file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Owner/My%20Documents/Downloads/macdonald_personal_2013.pdf

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 8, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day thumbs?

    • Reply November 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

    • Louise Cummings
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I would like to know what it said. I saw something on Facebook about Jezebel. But I didn’t read it or comment. As far as I remembered. Unless it was about the altar where Elijah prayed a six or eight word prayer. And fire came down from Heaven and destroyed or burned up the Altar. And licked up the water. Then got afraid of her and hid from her. But he was in Gods will because a widow woman was fed from God because of Elijah obeying God. Until the famine was over. Seems like I did comment on that.

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply November 8, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I don’t think I have seen it.

  • Reply November 9, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Grandma got you again Link Hudson Lately she has been able to take down your ‘theologica randoma’ with a sentence or two 🙂

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I don’t know what you mean. i
      I hit control F and read and scanned the page at before posting. I may have followed a link too.. No reference to Jezebel on it. It may have changed since I posted.

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      you cant do theology with ctrl+F You have to read the whole thing to be able to do summa theologica

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I can see that Jezebel is not in the text on the page with control F.

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      you and your control F theology

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      It’s not about theology, it’s about me getting tagged on posts that are not related to the thread, and the thread not being related to the thread it is linked to.

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Oh this groups is very much about theology If you are doing ctrl+f for something else besides Pentecostal Theology you aint gonna find it here

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day Btw, she liked my comment about the link being to a page which is not about Jezebel.

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Yes Grandma likes you very very much 🙂 You are a very likeable PhD in your area Not so much a theologian though

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day You don’t come off as a very skilled theologian, honestly, and a lack of open mindedness to scripture when it comes to traditional doctrines. I think it is a lack of online communication skills.

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      So because you cannot discuss theology now you gonna discuss me 🙂 I am deeply honored Thank you

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day Your the one who links instead of discusses, then acts like he answered.

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      That’s funny Your name is literally Link but i am the one who linkS How can I not be amused? Pls tell me now

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day If we ever end up in the same church meeting, I can look at you and giggle whenever we sing ‘O Happy Day’ too. 🙂

  • Reply November 9, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Link I decided to replicate your “problem” hit ctrl-F and would like to post you here from the article you may have missed

    Criticizes everyone
    This is a characteristic of a controller. He has to be the one who looks good, so he will quickly sharply criticize anyone who makes a suggestion or plan. Even though he likes the plan, he can only criticize it because the idea did not originate from him. Criticizing others elevates the controller in his own mind.

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Are you meditating on that for personal growth?

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Do you read pages before you link them… all the time?

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Of course, now that you are obviously wrong again why dont just attack the person? Would admit you missed it? More from the Link page

      Identifying The Spirit of Jezebel

      Refuses to admit guilt or wrong
      A person with a Jezebel spirit is will never admits wrong, unless it is a temporary admittance of guilt to gain “favor” with someone. To accept responsibility would violate the core of insecurity and pride from which it operates. When a Jezebel apologizes it is never in true repentance or acknowledgment of wrongdoing but rather “I’m sorry your feelings were hurt.”

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day Is this a confession?

    • Reply November 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      This is part of the article on Jezebel you said contains no info about Jezebel Obviously it does along with 25 points along the definition The rest is again you trying to get out of it instead of admitting being wrong That’s all

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I really wonder if that’s what’s going on with the ‘parousia’ thing. The word, in the parousian form, is in I Thessalonians 4:15, and you don’t admit the verse is set in the parousia. I’m wondering why no admission even of that. It’s weird. I’ve made mistakes on the forum and admitted to it, you know. I’m not perfect.

      Let me ask you, Troy, did you replace the link on this thread with the link to Jezebel, as opposed to the other one that was there yesterday, and not admit you were wrong? Yesterday, your Unger thread was pointed to quotes about whether Christians can be demonized. Now there is a link a page about Jezebel.

      I am human. I can make mistakes. It is possible there were two identical looking threads I got confused or that Facebook glitched and sent to the wrong page. If it’s all my fault, I apologize. But it would be extremely ironic for you to quote about not apologizing for doing wrong after changing the link on the top. And its kind of like passing gas in the elevator with one other person and blaming it on the other guy, since the other guy knows, and there aren’t that many participants here.

      Also, if you are a theologian, why would you quote this?

      “When a Jezebel apologizes it is never in true repentance or acknowledgment of wrongdoing but rather “I’m sorry your feelings were hurt.”<<

      That sounds like the stuff from 'pop' Charismatic books on the topic. What does this have to do with Jezebel in the Bible? We don't know from scripture if Jezebel ever apologized sincerely to Ahab or if the false prophetess apologized to people in a sincere manner. The connection we know of is that the one in Revelation taught the Lord's people to eat meat offerred to idols and to commit fornication, aspects of Canaanite pagan religion in the Old Testament.

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day Would a poster a link to an article about Christians being demonized, then discussing the ‘Jezebel spirit’ in the thread, and then, when someone points out the inconsistency between the two topics, the original poster changes the link to point to a thread about Jezebel…. all so he does not have admit that he made a little mistake…be evidence of ‘the Jezebel spirit’?

    • Link Hudson
      Reply November 9, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I have noticed your site loads some information late. When I checked it yesterday, I searched for information about Jezebel, and di dnot find it except in the comments. Either the link or the page or the text itself went into a little detail on Unger’s views on Christians being demon-possessed and his reactions to missionaries’ experiences.

      Today, I look at the page, and it has that old Jezebel conversation with my comments underneath it. Your site can be a bit quirky. It could be that, rather than some kind of trick on your part. I have been on the site looking for a while, only for it to load later. I am saying that because I like to give you the benefit of the doubt. It does look like you are changign content so as not to make yourself out to be wrong– on a page against doing stuff like that.
      But it could be that that is not the case.

      If I tell you I do not see something on the site, I am not making that up. It’s happened several times before. I honestly wrote about what I saw and did not see on the page. Control F picks up Jezebel in the content not just the comments today.

      As far as some of the characteristics of Jezebel on the page, much of that is definitely not exegesis. Taking bad personality or character traits and lumping them in under the title ‘Jezebel’ isn’t very hepful for understanding the Biblical text. But ‘spirit of Jezebel’ sermons were popular in the 1990’s.

      If people want to claim they learn something about the ‘spirit of Jezebel’ that isn’t in the Bible, I’d prefer they come out and tell us they got a revelation.

  • Reply November 9, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I am not sure how to respond to that Link The OP has been the same ever since if dont mind check.

    – if it’s too long – its too deep for you so no good
    – if you cant find it with ctrF it’s someone else’s fault
    – if its been discussed before you want it explained over and over again
    Are you familiar with the Gal. 6 concept?
    It says every man should be able to carry his own burden

  • Link Hudson
    Reply November 9, 2018

    Link Hudson

    Troy Day the page did not have Jezebel part before the comments on my screen yesterday when I looked at it. I have seen that site liat a portion slower than the rest but not that long. Like I said, I used control F to find the string Jezebel and it was showing up on our comments. You have linked to irrelevant threads before and we have also had similar conversations when either that was the case or part of the site did not load. I posted yesterday about the disconnect between your post and the website. We users can only see what pops up on our screens.

    If you will honestly tell me you did not change page content, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you did not change the site. And you can refrain from mocking me when I point out your site does not load in the future.

  • Link Hudson
    Reply November 9, 2018

    Link Hudson

    As far as the Jezebel characteristics is that your aeticle? It sounds like it is based on experience with one or more proud and manipulitive leader. But can you see my point that much of the article is not exegesis from scripture abput a Jezebel spirit’- which is not even mentioned as a ‘spirit’ in scripture. Many of those behaviors are not linked to Jezebel in scripture. Many Charismatics have taught there is one demon or type of demon called the Jezebel spirit. Tgese claims should be treated as extrabiblical revelation- the best case scenario (worse would be guessing or parroting others without revelation at all)not exegesis from scripture. If there was a spirit or spirits behind her actions, we don’t know if there was just one demon motivating her. And evil people can do evil things. We do not know that evil is always specifically directly motivated by demons-not from scripture at least.

  • Reply November 10, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    change your screen to see clearly; make sure your setting allows new load vs cached load browser side and read the whole article instead of just search for key words – this is theology after all, meaning it requires reading to grasp the basic idea and Yes, Unger is very very basic theological terminology so his work is a good start for the topic but not too advanced

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UNGER: Definition of Demon Possession #Jezebel

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UNGER: Definition of Demon Possession #Jezebel

M. Hinsen Steve Webb Alan N Carla Smith Charles Page Bill Coble

UNGER: Definition of Demon Possession #Jezebel

M. Hinsen Steve Webb Alan N Carla Smith Charles Page Bill Coble

Charles Page [08/12/2015 5:39 AM]
Demon possession ceased at 70 AD.

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