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The last several decades witnessed tremendous evangelical influence in the United States. Leaders such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Paige and Dorothy Patterson, James Dobson, and James and Betty Robison made a bold impact on America’s families, churches and government. Now that those few leaders are aging or retiring, or have died, there are very few traditional evangelical leaders left holding the torch and even fewer candidates to whom they can pass it.

Anthony Portillo [03/10/2015 10:22 AM]

Kenny Duke [03/10/2015 10:31 AM]
True. We are witnessing a shift from big time leaders to individual evangelism, something that should have been happening all along. We are all called to share the Gospel of the Kingdom.

John Kissinger [03/10/2015 10:42 AM]
In the book God Is Alive and Well: The Future of Religion in America, Gallup Inc. Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport ensures: “Christianity will prevail in the U.S. America will remain very much a Christian nation in the decades ahead, albeit less so than in the past because of an increase in Americans who don’t have a religious identity.” Do you agree?

Hughes Protzman [03/10/2015 11:10 AM]
The rise of individual evangelism means the church will be going underground. Persecution and martyrdom stimulate the church to grow because it will be running on the power of the Holy Spirit and not man’s plans and technology.

Steve Webb [03/10/2015 12:05 PM]
I think to a large degree this is true, but there are a lot of underlying reasons.

John Kissinger [03/10/2015 2:03 PM]
And then there are these Real Stories From the Front Lines
of the Attack on Traditional Values

Pack Rat [03/18/2015 2:34 PM]
False, It is not the men, the leaders it is the person of the Holy Spirit. Historically revivals do not die with a leader, they just bcome a luke warm denomination….


  • Reply April 4, 2016

    William DeArteaga

    False, declining influence.

  • Reply October 20, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    America has been going down fast the Clintons came in. It almost scary to think of them in the President seat.

  • Reply October 20, 2016

    David Lewayne Porter

    Wheat and tares
    Godliness will show forth more radiantly at the same time evil grows darker, more bold and vile.

  • Reply October 20, 2016

    Jim Price

    It’s true that the evangelicals you mentioned above have had strong influence over the last half century. But all that influence has not been good and truthful. Take Jerry Falwell who sold over 100,000 tapes that was supposed to prove that President Clinton had plotted the murder of people in Arkansas, a major investigation ended up saying that we might as well blame the murders on Abe Lincoln. Yet Falwell took in millions and poisoned lots of minds, minds that are still poisoned. Wonder how the scales of heaven will be balanced out over that?

  • Reply October 20, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Gas during Clinton was 53 cent a gallon in Georgia. How about after him?

  • Reply December 6, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    The last several decades witnessed tremendous evangelical influence in the United States. Leaders such as Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, Paige and Dorothy Patterson, James Dobson, and James and Betty Robison made a bold impact on America’s families, churches and government. Now that those few leaders are aging or retiring, or have died, there are very few traditional evangelical leaders left holding the torch and even fewer candidates to whom they can pass it.

    • Reply December 6, 2018

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day I believe that is confirmation of multiple prophetic words the last few years that the days of the big name evangelists are pretty much over, and that in this new season, God will be using thousands of ordinary, nameless/faceless (publicly unknown) believers filled with the spirit to carry on even more effectively with the advent of modern technology.

    • Reply December 6, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Could be as well

  • Reply December 7, 2018

    Robert Erwine

    its folks like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson is the reason WHY evangelicalism fell out of favor in the public eye and favor . come on man open your eyes

  • Reply December 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    oh come on now Robert Erwine why is that? I see Jevan Little liking this – why such view on Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson?

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