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Jim Price |

The way the west wasn’t: If I were to ask you how many western movies you have seen you would be hard pressed to tell me. Westerns by and large have given a false history of the west and it has been a detriment to those who haven’t discerned or those who haven’t studied the true history of the west.
When we think of all the millions it takes to make the average western; the fake towns, the horses, the costumes, the railroads and to pay the actors, you would think that there would be some effort to get things right and to give some moral purpose to all the work.
It seems to me that pastors, youth workers and S.S. teachers should point out the deception in most westerns. Almost always the preachers are depicted as weak, somewhat deranged and often evil. Men are not portrayed as strong nor concerned with the greater good of the community. Women are usually placed in a saloon and as prostitutes.
The heroes are depicted as those who can shoot first can hold their liquor and can lick as least three men in a fight.
Language is kept short and cryptic ( much like we see on FB ).
I tried to point this out to my grandson and he was offended; “ah pops you just spoil my movie,he said.” We shouldn’t take for granted that everyone sees behind, what might be a satanic plot to warp the minds of the viewer.
Curt Stewart
Hollywood has always been a tool of satan. There are very few good movies produced now, and when we mention this people are defensive. Anytime some that is anti bible is defended lets me know an evil seed has been planted. Only Jesus can deliver them. It goes for a lot of music too.
Varnel Watson
Got to love the phrase S.S. teachers – reminds of the 30s 🙂
Ira Huth
That’s Hollywood!!!!
Randy Buchanan
Almost as hilarious as the flat earthers!
Scotty Searan
Isn’t watching Westerns and most movies setting evil before our eyes?
Varnel Watson
Jim Price The West is not what it used to be
Louise Cummings
So true. But I don’t watch western movies unless it’s just around where someone has one on. I probably watched some years ago.
Street Preacherz
Welcome back grandpa Jim I missed you.
Varnel Watson
The East is not what it used to be
Scotty Searan
The whole World is not what it used to be.
Varnel Watson
Nothing that used to be is what it used to be
Scotty Searan
Some of us remember the early days of TV and Movies and the programs they had.
We had ministers that would stand up and condemn TV and Movies, that too many today they seem innocent. But were they innocent. No Not really.
I am not going to describe what you saw many years ago, because you remember.
These ministers were not legalists as some would lead us to believe.
They were actually wise watchmen on the wall giving out a warning.
I will be the first to say, that I rejected some of their warnings, but they have proven to be right.
Louise Cummings
Theycall us legalisms because we believe in keeping the Word. The rules God said do. Well look at our court system. They have legal rules to go by. I think they are acting like what some people who says we don’t have to live like that any more. Well the Court Systems has a lot o rottenness in it to. But we can’t condone ourself because someone else is doing it. Especially if it’s Gods Word. We better live by it.
Corky Alexander
I disagree with much of what you say. I am relatively close and informed about those who provided “regalia” not costumes for the old westerns. If you’re talking about them leaving out genocide I agree.
Varnel Watson
Is old western theology dead?
Corky Alexander
Not at all
Scotty Searan
In all my comments I have never said all TV was wrong. Which I know it is not. There are some good TV programs.
But the vast majority are sinful (99%)
I will not watch them that show or are sponsored by things that are sinful.
Because you want to watch them, that is between you and God.
But I do not see how suppose Christians can watch sinful things and not be convicted.
TV, Youtube, movies and etc that show evil things that God says is sin, we should not sponsor them by our participation.
This is not judging whether you keep a day holy or not. We need to live every day holy.
This is not judging on what you eat, because you need to eat to sustain life.
But Movies, TV and etc. type are not life sustaining. They are for entertainment.
Now Yes I know what Colossian 2 says, Because I worked a job for 40 years that required me to work many Sundays.
I do not want to do or be involved in anything that would cause someone to stumble
This is my final comment on this.
Varnel Watson
Is it still effective as it once was ?
Louise Cummings
I’m trying to say I don’t go along with that kind of legalisms. I know the Bible says without faith it is impossible to please God. And I believe in healing. I do believe God will prosper you. But to put it it as prosperity doctrine. I never went along with it in the way I feel they mean it. But I was healed with cancer twenty something years ago. Bro T. L. Lowery called me out of the line that was way long. I was near the back of the line. The Pathologists said the report said number four Cancer. I was sent to a specialist. He sent it to the same Pathologists. The report came back, no cancer cells in it. That was after prayer the when the last test came back , no cancer cells. God has done to many Miracles just in my family. For me not to believe in healing. He healed my daughter wit an impediment of speech before she started to school. No one could understand her , very little. And in our Revival with Bro Sidney Hicks. After prayer he told her to say one. She couldn’t say it very little. He prayed again and ask The Lord to put Healing in her tongue. That when she started to school there would be no embarrassment in her speech. With in two weeks she was saying words as plain as I could. She married a preacher. And has been in revivals in just about every State and two country’s. She plays the piano and has sang in many States and two country’s. The Lord taught her to play the piano. I showed her a few cords. But now her and her husband and two children are pastoring our Church. So I hope you understand what I mean on both subjects.
Varnel Watson
Stan Wayne left us for Australia
Miley Cyrus left us for England
but ol’ John Wayne is here to stay
Varnel Watson
John Wayne theology is here to stay too
Varnel Watson
coming to an end Terry Wiles Daniel J Hesse
Daniel J Hesse
Interesting. I wonder what Cane Ridge really had to offer. Louis L’Amour really gives some pictures in his books.
Daniel J Hesse
Truth will set you free and
Varnel Watson