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Utah earthquake damages Mormon temple and knocks trumpet from iconic angel statue

The 5.7-magnitude earthquake that shook Utah Wednesday morning also dislodged a symbolic part of Salt Lake City’s iconic Mormon temple: the trumpet of an angel statue atop its highest spire.

The temple is the spiritual focal point for the 16 million members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“The trumpet on the Angel Moroni statue fell off, and there is minor displacement of some of the temple’s smaller spire stones,” said Daniel Woodruff, a spokesman for the church. The earthquake didn’t injure any workers, Woodruff said, adding that the Salt Lake Temple has been closed to the public while undergoing a seismic upgrade. In addition to Moroni’s trumpet falling off, some the temple’s smaller spire stones were displaced, the church said. No other damage was reported. Aerial photos show the fallen trumpet appeared to land on the roof of the temple near the base of its spires.


  • Reply March 19, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    SAN FRANCISCO — Trish Tracey sat alone in her shuttered restaurant Tuesday in the Mission district, a bustling, historically Latino neighborhood that’s become popular with tech workers.

    A chef in the city for 30 years, she had laid off the last of her 17 employees at Myriad Gastropub and was in talks with her landlord about her lease. It could be weeks or months before she reopens, assuming things ever get back to normal.

    “Everything is out of our control,” she said.

  • William DeArteaga
    Reply March 19, 2020

    William DeArteaga

    wish it were true

  • Reply March 19, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    William DeArteaga it actually is The 5+ earthquake caused Moroni to drop its golden trump all the way down from the top

  • Reply March 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    William DeArteaga Nelson Banuchi That said, the president and his administration are responsible for grave, costly errors, most especially the epic manufacturing failures in diagnostic testing, the decision to test too few people, the delay in expanding testing to labs outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and problems in the supply chain. These mistakes have left us blind and badly behind the curve, and, for a few crucial weeks, they created a false sense of security. What we now know is that the coronavirus silently spread for several weeks, without us being aware of it and while we were doing nothing to stop it. Containment and mitigation efforts could have significantly slowed its spread at an early, critical point, but we frittered away that opportunity.

  • Reply March 20, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    people will blame Trump if many people die and they will blame Trump if he overreacted and they will blame Trump if he under reacted. The same thing was done by Obama who under reacted and waited six months to deal with the swine flu. But since the media were his lap dogs and communist coworkers they did not hype it so it became nothing.

    14,000 US citizens died of the swine flu during the crisis there was no crisis.

    The hype machine called the media is what has caused this problem. Trump knows that they are trying to hang it around his neck like they hung Katrina around George Bush‘s neck. Aside from the fact that he is truly concerned, the hype machine is making his administration overreact.

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      are you truly NOT reading what I write Robert W. Graves or just showing bios on auto over drive?

    • Robert W. Graves
      Reply March 20, 2020

      Robert W. Graves

      Troy Day is this not your comment to your own post? Change your password???

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Robert W. Graves REASONING – no US president to enforce curfew has ever been re-elected Who’s scared? Change your unhealthy fixation please!

    • Robert W. Graves
      Reply March 20, 2020

      Robert W. Graves

      Troy Day no fixation, just replying to your comment and attachment in the comment (not the OP).

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Robert W. Graves yeah You are quite fixed on the Atlantic article but I didnt write it Did you even read the comment you are writing under?

    • Robert W. Graves
      Reply March 20, 2020

      Robert W. Graves

      Troy Day you mean this one? I read this one. Are saying you didn’t write and post it?

    • Reply March 20, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Robert W. Graves if you scroll up just a bit you will read it for yourself Playing dumb is not working for you anymore Your Trump fixation is blinding you #sorry

  • Reply March 21, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    Robert W. Graves before anymore cultish like comments from you PLS read and examine THIS by James P Bowers What I have gathered about COVID 19 from reading.
    The US through a series of blunders and bureaucratic inefficiencies missed the opportunity to prevent the spread of the virus. Even now, the Trump Administration tells us we don’t need to be tested when most of us want and need to know WHO is infected and who isn’t.

    We are facing a long term threat to life with COVID 19. Anyone who tells us otherwise is lying or misinformed. Study the Spanish Flu of 1918. The worst could come this fall and winter after a summertime decline in cases — if we are lucky.

    Third, there will be no quick fix, no vaccine, in all likelihood for 18 months. There are presently almost no effective therapies. No real expert agrees with Trump’s misleading predictions on that front.

    Pray. Hope for an unexpected breakthrough. Know it is not expected. Follow CDC guidelines. Care for ALL of us. Pray.

    and this by RichardAnna Boyce hope you see it IF not he/she can copy paste it here for you to read

  • Reply June 18, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    RT William DeArteaga The current American crisis needs sustained intercessory prayer for peace and reconciliation that only Our Lord can provide. Evangelicals need to repent for choosing and electing a man of such crudeness and lack of character to be President. (It was based on a false prophecy of him being a “Cyrus” to Christians). His cruel and intemperate tweets which revile his political enemies have been sinful (1 Cor 6:9-10) and has “tickled the ears” of his supporters,” but left him without moral authority outside his base. He has disqualified himself be an instrument of reconciliation that we o desperately need.

    I am praying that Gen Colin Powell run for President and create the basis of a Center party.

    • Reply June 18, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Ray E Horton I remember the times when ol Bill will tell me not to tag him on political posts 🙂 How the times change as all – me particularly

    • Ray E Horton
      Reply June 18, 2020

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day 🙂 Yep!

  • Sabrina Jones Hunt
    Reply June 18, 2020

    Sabrina Jones Hunt

    I’m must say I’m a bit confused by this post. ?

  • C.b. Brumit
    Reply June 18, 2020

    C.b. Brumit

    You are sick

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