Are Your Friends Prepared for Food Shortages? :: By Lisa Heaton

Are Your Friends Prepared for Food Shortages? :: By Lisa Heaton

You see it, the coming food shortages, and are preparing to the best of your ability. If you’re anything like me, you’ve mentioned it to your friends and family and find they often dismiss your warnings. Because of that, I finally recorded a video, and put the warning in writing, and sent it to every […]

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Current Events are Worrisome :: By Mark Tredecim

Current Events are Worrisome :: By Mark Tredecim

Western European energy policies have put these countries in a dangerous place. Their dependence upon Russia for oil and gas, weather conditions and power plant closures will make for a long, cold, dark and expensive winter. With residents and industries starving for energy, will the leaders respond with wisdom, integrity and courage, or otherwise? Will […]

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What are the "briars and thorns" in Isaiah 27:4?

What are the "briars and thorns" in Isaiah 27:4?

I have no wrath.
Should someone give Me briars and thorns in battle,
Then I would step on them, I would burn them completely. (NASB)

Simply put, how should we understand this verse? Who are the briars and thorns, and why is it given to s…

How Committed Are We To Jesus? :: By Grant Phillips

How Committed Are We To Jesus? :: By Grant Phillips

Elijah Ogunyi of Gashua, of Yobe state in Nigeria, said of his life as a minister in that region, “Persecution is a part of Christian life. If truly we pastors are called by God, we should expect persecution.” [The Voice of the Martyrs, August 2022, Vol. 56 No.8] Seventeen-year-old Moses Joseph of Kudana state, Nigeria, […]

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Two Years Later: Where Are We Now? Part 5 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Two Years Later: Where Are We Now? Part 5 :: By Paul J. Scharf

Cybersecurity is a subject about which I know almost nothing and would certainly never give advice. Yet this is an issue that affects all of us—in our communications, finances, and now, especially, ministries. So, along with many other people, I am dependent upon the expertise, advice, and assistance of those who really live within this […]

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