Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context

Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context

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Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context
by Joseph S. Girdler

FOREWORD:  If we remove the pneumatic force from Christian missions, the church will be in the world but also of the world. Then what was divinely assigned will become humanly performed. It is the Holy Spirit that leads the church to minister to the world and yet protect the church from the world. In this book Dr. Girdler makes it clear that only in the pneumatic context we could correctly understand Christ’s mandate to the church for missions. It addresses the missional nature of the church, the true purpose of mission finances, and the understanding of culture that aims at the proclamation of the gospel. A Spirit-driven mission would not miss any of these three!   


  1. Redemptive Contextualization: Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context. Why is Missions Important?
  1. Missional Pneumatology of God’s Command: Why Should Churches Be Missions Sending Churches?

III.       Financial Contextualization of Missio Dei:

Financing the Mission of God

  1. Cultural Contextualization of Missio Dei: The Practical in Sharing Your Story and Reaching the Lost. Fifty Missional Lessons Learned in 30+ Years of Ministry


  • Girdler’s book Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context is a passionate and personal read from the understanding of a pastor and leader in the Assemblies of God regarding the work of the Holy Spirit in missions. He outlines a framework of redemptive contextualization, missional pneumatology, financial contextualization, and cultural contextualization. The book is concise and to the point, while incorporating his own unique style of illustrations. Dr. Greg Mundis, Springfield, Missouri, Executive Director – Assemblies of God World Missions
  • I have heard it said, if you speak from your mind, you reach another mind. If you speak from your heart, you reach another heart. This book speaks from the heart, and will touch your heart. It touched mine. Ken Groen, Regional Superintendent, Open Bible Churches, (ret.), Des Moines, Iowa 
  • When I am asked to review a literary work of this type, the first things I want to know are: (1) Does he really believe this? (2) Does he practice it? (3) How much passion does he have for his exposition? All three of these questions were met positively by Joe Girdler in the work at hand. I believe Redemptive Missiology is something that needs to be repeated over and over again, especially by people who really believe in it and are passionate about the subject. Throughout the years I have known Joe and Renee, I have seen this on display in every sense of the word. I believe the content of his work is biblical, on-target, and lived in their daily lives. John Bueno, Missionary, El Salvador, Former Executive Director of World Missions, Assemblies of God (ret.)
  • When it comes to missiology, Dr. Joseph Girdler thoroughly knows the subject. He leads and teaches from a world of hands-on experience. From District Mission director, while he and Renee pastored a thriving mission-minded congregation, to superintendent of the Kentucky Ministry Network, Joe leads with passion and compassion for missions and missionaries. His concise work will provide theological answers to the questions of why and practical applications for pastors, churches, and individuals looking for ways to put their missiology into practice. Bill McDonald, Founder, Unsion International Television Network, Ecuador 
  • My wife, Charlotte, and I were in the first months of our itineration in preparation to serve in Argentina. We had just concluded a youth missions service at our home church in Lexington, KY, and the youth pastor handed me a note that he had found in the offering plate. It was from a dear friend, a college student. The note, dated March 16, 1986, said, “My offering to you today is my life, with Renee to the service of God wherever he may lead. -Joe” Joe’s heart for evangelism and missions began very early in his walk with the Lord and shines brightly in this volume, Redemptive Missiology in Pneumatic Context. You will weep as you read of the painful experiences that he faced as a child and a young man, but then as you follow his journey, Joe’s Spirit-led compassion will inspire you to cry out, “Father, use me in a greater way to reach hurting, lost people from my doorstep to the ends of the earth!” Martin Jacobson, Missionary 30+ years, Director, Patagonia Bible Institute, (ret.) – Argentina 
  • “Go into all the world and make disciples.” This is not the great suggestion but the Great Co-Mission; us working together with God to make His Good News known to all people in all places. It would seem, however, that sometimes we forget and need to remind ourselves. Dr. Joseph S. Girdler has done a great service in these pages to bring us back once again to why we are here and what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus the Christ. Missions. The call of Jesus is “follow me,” and He is always going. We must go, too. Thank you, Dr. Girdler, for resounding that clear, unmistakable, and unrelenting toll for all who have ears to hear! Steve Turley, Global Missionary, Croatia, Belgium, Europe
  • This book is not for those who protect the status quo in their spiritual walk and ministry. As I read chapter one, “Why Is Missions Important?” I found myself weeping. To see God’s purpose for the Church and the individual believer compared to the actual spiritual condition of the Church and its members brought tears that I could scarcely control. As I continued reading, I found myself wishing that this book could be required reading by every pastor and every church member who truly desires to live and work according to God’s will.
  • I have known the author, Joe Girdler, for most of his Christian walk. During this time we have built a very close relationship. So close, in fact, that I call him “Son” and he calls me “Dad.” I have watched him grow in both his walk with the Lord and God’s blessings upon his ministry. What he writes here is not theory, but experience directed by the Holy Spirit. I encourage you to read this book with an open heart and mind, allowing God to guide you to those areas where you need special personal attention. Our one responsibility while we walk on this earth is to reach the lost for Christ! Nothing else matters! Paul Brannan, Branson West, Missouri, Assemblies of God Missionary for 50+ years (ret.), former Executive Leadership Committee (ELC), Assemblies of God World Missions, Asst. Superintendent/Missions Dir., Kentucky Ministry Network, Assemblies of God (ret.)


  • Reply April 22, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Thank you Joseph Steven Girdler Sure wish we had more of this article than just the praise Tom Torbeyns have you read it?

  • Tom Torbeyns
    Reply April 22, 2019

    Tom Torbeyns

    While I haven’t read this work, maybe the following link can help:

    • Reply April 22, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      no – not really as we’ve read it before but nice Wondering if you may have taken the class as one of yours

  • Reply October 1, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Hugh Lowrie penned many moons ago before you ever came into the picture but if you really want to discuss missio dei as you claim here it is

    • Reply October 2, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Hugh Lowrie its now clear to me that you are all talk and no theology If you were really interested in that

  • Reply April 27, 2023


    Many of these deep thinkers have never walked up to a stranger and shared the gospel. James 1:22 says they are self-deceived — But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

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