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Update: 9-21-22
Last month, I did two prior teachings on this subject of the Unseen Realm. Part 1 was on August 3, and Part 2 was on August 24. In those Prophecy Updates, we explored how the Bible contains much that simply isn’t taught today in churches.
We know that Bible Prophecy, comprising almost 1/3 of Scripture, is largely snubbed to the ignorance and detriment of most church congregations, leaving them ill-prepared for these last days. In the same manner, with the supernatural aspects of the Bible – other than extremely obvious phenomena such as the virgin birth, Jesus’ miracles, and His resurrection – the great majority of these aspects and mysteries of God have been neglected in modern, western Christianity. It’s actually rather sad because it is in understanding this in the Bible that we truly end up with a much greater knowledge of the larger Biblical narrative. In fact, if I may be so bold as to say, I believe that without this context of the supernatural that the Bible clearly describes, modern Christianity is lacking awareness and is much the poorer for it.
What does our ignorance do? It makes us easier targets for Satan and his nefarious agenda. When we truly see the Biblical framework through a new lens of the supernatural, we’re better prepared to resist Satan and his minions, who are hard at work corrupting the world – and worse – the church.
Today we’ll take a little deeper look at some of the issues raised in the prior teaching, and we’ll introduce some new, completely Biblical ideas to you – all in the interest of making each of us better informed and able to serve God’s Kingdom to our utmost as we wait for Christ’s soon return.
Click here to watch this Prophecy Update:
Gary Ritter website: books & blog
Kindle Vella story: Tribulation Rising
Please note that a copy of the slides is available in the post on my website under the article with the same title.
The post Prophecy Update: Angels and Fallen Angels Part 3 :: By Gary W. Ritter appeared first on Rapture Ready.