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Troy Day |

There is NO post-Trib Rapture???
John Kissinger [10/28/2015 2:02 PM]
I can do better than that in 4 words: ain’t no post-trib rapture
David N Laura Aragon [10/28/2015 2:04 PM]
Stan Wayne [10/28/2015 2:38 PM]
Link Hudson [10/28/2015 5:52 PM]
John Kissinger Could anyone who…
Dan Irving
Two hours is a long time to wade through Hocking’s cold cessationistic dispensationalism, to find a nugget . . of some sort.
Link Hudson
Can someone point out a passage that actually teaches pretrib, instead of just passages people read the idea into.? How can one reconcile pretrib with Ii these 1 which has Jesus giving the church rest when He returns executing wrath on them that know not God.
Varnel Watson
NAR eschatology is poison Dan Irving
Link Hudson
Does NAR have a clear eschatology that can be nailed down?
William Cato
From what I read in Revelations there are two post-trib raptures. The two witnesses and 144,000 JEwish evangelist.
Varnel Watson
yeah, as I was telling Link Hudson Terry Wiles
Angel Bonilla
There is not pre trib rapture either.
Terry Wiles
Hope you’re ready whenever it is.
Angel Bonilla
Terry Wiles , hope so.
Varnel Watson
no such thing as post-Trib #sorry
Link Hudson
The man of sin will be destroyed at the brightness of the Lord’s parousia. The beast is dealt with at the end of the tribulation in Revelation. The rapture occurs at the parousia in I Thessalonians 4. See v. 15.
Varnel Watson
I Thessalonians 4. See v. 15 does not say any of that There is NO point of a rapture after the tribulation.Actually, Paul specifically explains that rapture @ parousia is an oxymoron
Gary Micheal Epping
MAT 24:29-31 is very straightforward in what Jesus himself says, yet people still try to manipulate and change the words of the Lord into something entirely different. “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.”
Link Hudson
Troy Day Look it up, Troy. ‘Parousia’ is in I Thessalonians 4:15.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson I am very sorry to observe again your poor grammatical skills in the Greek
You will most certainly NOT remember even IF I remind you that I was the first to tell you ‘Parousia’ is in the text
You will also not remember I recommended you do some reading like Dwight Pentecost’s book with proper interpretation
You most certainly dont remember the proper translation I pointed you from Darby who translated the whole Bible in English and French
You have to apply your style of grammar acrobatics NOT to see that Paul is contradicting the ‘Parousia’ with the harpazo to show they are different events
That little word FOR that you miss in your thinking on the verse, shows you in the Greek a contradicting clause meaning
Dont want you to be ignorant about the ‘Parousia’ – which they were like many today
because the Harpazo in the dissension of the Lord (a different even and not the ‘Parousia’ ) – a different event shall be in this order
I see you dont remember ANY of that and I dont expect you to. If memory serves me well your memory is too short – about 2 weeks short and needs to be reminded of the things said prior
Not to mention the meaning you put in ‘Parousia’ is not in the text at all but that’s really something you already know
Link Hudson
Troy Day From my perspective you dodged the question. I had pointed this out to you many times and waited for your response.
I have gone to pages in the past with no relevant article. Maybe they werent mobile friendly. Maybe I just did not see tge response. Do you mind responding in the corn box?
I do not claim any level of knowledge of Greek grammar. It ooks like a bit of exegesisis to me, frankly. Didn’t you have a Greek argument for the wine the apostles or Jesus drank not gaving alcohol in it some time back–something the Greeks had not figured out from their own language.
Do you have a link to an actual article.
Varnel Watson
oh not again – oh well has it been 2 weeks ?
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal Epping can you prove post-Trib rapture of the NT church just using Mt 24? I dont think so – not in that text
Link Hudson
Troy Day Paul refers to the gathering in II Thes. 2:1.
Varnel Watson
No actually he does not – 2 Thes is NOT written yet but we’ve already discussed this and you already knowS it
Gary Micheal Epping
What more do you need than the words of Jesus: “they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Why try to weasel around that!
Terry Wiles
For there to be a post-trib rapture the scripture would have to be changed to read “God has appointed us to wrath.”
Varnel Watson
That is true Terry Wiles the church will be wiped out during the Tribulation it it remains under the wrath too
Gary Micheal Epping
Do you not think that God will protect his own? Use the brain that God gave you and quit trying to hold up a failed doctrine about a pretrib myth.
Varnel Watson
My question to you was for a specific proof from Mt 24 – I for one dont see post-Trib rapture proof there Yes, I think God will protect his own by taking them away before the Tribulation like Terry Wiles already said
Link Hudson
Troy Day show us some scripture that shpws the way God protects the saints is by a pretrib raprure.
If God let apostles die from persecition why would modern American believers with their cushy lives be guaranteed to escape from suffering.