#Clinton building a strong following in light of current events

#Clinton building a strong following in light of current events Jon Sellers https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-fantasy-scenario-that-could-become-reality-for-clinton/2016/01/10/085496a6-b7d6-11e5-829c-26ffb874a18d_story.html?wpisrc=nl_az_most #Trump is also developing a strong political lobby to run as…

Obama isn’t finished

Obama isn’t finished with his reign of terror. Could he be expanding from this nation to go world-wide?!? Interesting article invloving Obama and the…

Catholics engaging with protestants

One argument Catholics use when engaging with protestants is that every individual believer and/or denomination nsjdvtheurcienxspin in the Gisoel tbsvibfaabkr one. John Ruffle [01/11/2016…