I have shewed you all things

I have shewed you all things

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I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, IT IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE.
– Acts 20:35

I call it putting in a little work for Jesus. The blessing is working with Christ in his great cause. vessels unto honor. fit for the masters use. Jesus is still reaching and saving and helping those that have no help. And he wants to use you. It is very humbling to reach out a hand to someone that is hurting and in need. How much does a sandwich or dry socks or a blanket really do? Its the love and hope and humanity of a thing. The being present and the trust. When a man doesnt care if he lives or dies, that man is in real trouble.
To feed the hungry, clothe the naked or vist the prisoner is to be a part of Gods work. It is more blessed to give than to receive, for, what we have, we receive of him. And, what we give, we give from him. That in everything Christ is honored and made known. To release a thing, to give, to meet the need of the needy. To ease their suffering is to partake of Christ.
If youve never been hungry or youve never been an outcast you neednt worry about it. You dont have to get shot to know it hurts and you shouldnt play with guns. The same is true in Christ work you dont have to come from the desert to know where the water is, and its the water they need. Lead them to the water, the life giving water, that is Christ.
Giving is as important in the Christian life as communion. Giving is as essential as faith for faith works by love. And faith without works is dead. When Jesus says it is more blessed to give.. must mean standing with him and for him. showing his grace and mercy in a real way. this week I heard the dope man on the corner say I dont believe in their Jesus but you cant say anything about them because you see how they feed people. Thats a blessing and a witness. Peace

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