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Toni Armstrong |

I dont know about you but when I was at school personal pronouns referred to the person.
Revelation 22:3-4
[3]And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
[4]And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
So God and the lamb must be the HIS and HIM ??? And therefore as the scriptures testify One God One person
Hank Parrish
Yes God manifested Himself
Jeremy Brown
One God three persons, smh
Hank Parrish
Three persons separate and distinct means 3 separate Gods. God is not 3…..God is One.
Alan Parsons
You must be the same non Christian from last week trying to trip us up again. The trinity is mentioned numerous times in the bible.if you’re saying those verses are lying, you’re calling God a liar.
Paul Swan
Another grammar flunky trying to make the language disprove what his mind cannot fathom.
Charlemagne Alcala
I don’t know if this is the appropriate illustration, but pls do correct me if it’s wrong. The doctrine of the Trinity can be compared to a water but placed in different containers, each containers have different shapes, size and functions but inside they all have same substance, water. Same chemical composition (H2O), externally they are different but internally they’re the same. I hope that helps.
Charlemagne Alcala
Based on that illustration we can’t say there are 3 waters because basically it’s just water H2O. Same with the Trinity in substance and essence the persons in the Trinity are one God
Jamie Bennett
I’m not sure why you’ve put confidence in the oneness teaching based off cherry picked verses. When Christians assert the Trinity, it’s based off a full understanding of God’s revelation in Scripture.
Now, what I do appreciate about your arguments is that you’re going to the text instead of making strawman arguments like the other guy in this thread – he likes to assert a falsehood and then attack that. No Christian believes in 3 separate gods but in one God revealed in three persons. It is a mystery beyond full comprehension but it is something that can be apprehended.
All that said, l would agree with your statement at the very top of the page and the text you’re using is indeed speaking of this mystery. Every pronoun refers to a proper noun. In the case of the verse you chose, there are two proper nouns. That is because the author is making a significant distinction. If oneness modalism were true, there would be no reason for this distinction, especially in this case, since this is the throne room of God.
Ross Tucker
The conjunction “and” shows the cooperation of the “two”, Jesus and his Father (John 8:17-19; Revelation 21:22; 22:3).
Baba Yaga
One nature of God and three persons.
The third person is the seven spirits before the throne
Revelation 1:4
and the Lamb has the seven spirits within him.
Revelation 5:6
For in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily
Alice A. Anacioco
Perhaps, you can better understand this if explained by a former Muslim who used to think that belief in the doctrine of the trinity is plain polytheism ?.
James Clark
and the throne of God and of the lamb… do we have one throne Tony or is there two? notice, “of God… AND OF THE Lamb… showing clearly either two people, or the lamb is also God the Father. one or the other. so, is Jesus the Father, or is Jesus another person who came from the Father.
James Clark
Revelation 14:1 | And I looked, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him one hundred forty-four thousand who had his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
Stacy Turbeville
Exactly. People trying to push a trinity have to ignore too many verses and manipulate and invent too much confusion to get the listener or reader confused. James White in a debate I watched in his introduction as pro trinitarian, spend 20 minutes (his opening argument) in Philippians 2. I’m sorry but really? You have to manipulate for 20 minutes a passage because why, you can’t find straight forward teachings on the most important commandment in scripture? This is a complete red flag. They have to ban any discussion on this in the American Church because it’s easy to destroy in debate. True doctrine has nothing to hide and takes on all comers.
Barb Salter
Another poster, Alice, provided an excellent video by a former Muslim regarding the Trinity.
Law Olivier
Genesis 3 “Let US make man in our image”
Keith Schuster
2 CORINTHIANS 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort…
can GOD have a God? Can GOD have a Father?
Jeremy Block
It’s not the thrones of God and of the lamb, it is singular: throne of God and if the Lamb, clearly two distinctions occupying the same space
Kate Marie Wendi
Oh, shut up and go read Edward Henry Bickersteth’s The Trinty with all its scripture proofs then come back to me and have the audacity to say this is not the clear plain teaching if scripture, you bigot!
Patrick Boren
Yep. Couldn’t disagree with you more. Jesus is God but He is not the Father though they are One, He in the Father and the Father in Him.
Hank Parrish
God and Lamb being Jesus, God incarnate
Terence Sowers
Toni Armstrong I already gave you an exegeses of John 1:1-5, 14 that gives you an answer in another posting. Did you miss it? Was it too long for you? Do you want me to post it here? It is plain and simple that Jesus is God and was in the beginning and everything was created through Him and God the Father. He became flesh and walked among us. I can’t really shorten the exegeses up any more than what I did to help you out.
There are a lot of phrases that I cannot comprehend knowing they are one yet two. But I will comprehend it when I get to heaven.