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ALL you need to know about the gay homosexual issue from a theological point of view
ALL you need to know about the gay homosexual issue from a theological point of view
Homosexuality and the Bible
Homosexuality and the Bible A Case Study in the Use of the Bible for Ethics Loren L. Johns Introduction Homosexuality has proved to be…
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ALL you need to know about the gay homosexual issue from a theological point of view
Homosexuality and the Bible Homosexuality and the Bible A Case Study in the Use of the Bible for Ethics Loren L. Johns Introduction Homosexuality has proved to be… Read More Does God
Homosexuality is a tendency to be attracted to the same sex. Is the tendency to be attracted a sin, or acting on it? Preachers have to be sensitive to this sort of thing. The LGBT movement programs people to think they are ‘born that way.’ They interpret statements like the title of the OP to mean they are just damned to Hell no matter what.
The Bible says homosexuality is an abomination so case closed I guess.
Though it says this seven or so chapters before it says you can buy foreign slaves and pass them down to your kids as property (Lev 25:45) … so the real question is why should we care what this book says about anything?
Matt 5:27-30 esv
27“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.
Any sexual activity outside of monogamous, man-woman marriage is sin according to the Bible. Hetero- or homosexual.
But I would say it is the activity itself, or the lust (strong desire, thinking about how you would do it if you could get away with it, or make arrangements for it) that is the sin.
The heterosexual man who ogles a woman who isn’t his wife is just as guilty of sin.
The Bible says it isn’t you they hate But God. So they think they are fighting you , but according to the Bible , they are fighting God.
Yet we have king david loving a man more than any woman
It is easy to read some things with a dirty mind though you got the details of that wrong.
Link Hudson curious how your non-dirty mind interprets moses’ commands to his troops to kill all the men and grown women of the conquered midianites, but “keep the young virgin girls for yourselves as booty.” (Num 31:18)
Or the instructions in Deut 21 for how to deal with rape victims. If the rape occurs in a city, kill the victim ‘cuz she didnt scream loud enough. If the victim is an unbetrothed virgin, the rapist must pay her dad a brideprice and marry her. Kind of a “you break it, you buy it” situation I guess.
In another thread you mentioned people with a “natural revulsion” to homosexuality along with opposing it on moral grounds. Personally, i think that captures pretty well how i feel about the bible’s position on rape. What about you?
Brian Roden guess we are not up to modern theologies like this one
They need to read the Bible. Let God speak to them. Unless they just don’t care sheathed they go to Heaven or not.The Pastor Of that Church should have his license took away. Or repent , because he won’t get by at Judgment either.
Why don’t these guys go be imams at a mosque or a priest a Buddhist temple?
not enough money there link
I don’t think that would help with the Lord. It’s real Repentance they need.
That minister, but he can’t be Gods minister. He doesn’t know the Bible if he doesn’t believe that’s sin. Who would go to a church like that. Ca group of the same kind I guess. I would feel like I was sinning to go to a place like that. I won’t call it a church.
Varnel Watson
everything you need to know Terry Wiles Link Hudsonwe we know Joe Absher encounters them in the streets but does Brody Pope encounter them in church while preaching down South
Carson Bradshaw
Romans chapter 1
Joe Absher
Sometimes the Lord will grant repentance unto life. It’s true of all men, sometimes there’s a breaking and a turning to Christ the Saviour.
I’m no expert Mr Day. I do meet regularly and personally with men coming out of that life. I don’t compromise the truth of the gospel but I’m not mean about it.
The sexual assualts I’ve had were that devil the “seducing spirit” but it’s not limited to homosexuality.
Isara Mo
Was there a ” demonic principality or authority or ruler of darkness of this world OVER THE CITY OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH?”
Why was the lifestyle prevalent over that area so DOMINANTLY …. and yet a few kilometres away was Abraham, the friend of God unaffected…Not only that but even Lot seems not to be part of the parcel of the Sodom mental.aberration or depravity(or was ita spiritual malfunction? ..I don’t know..
Gods response to Sodom and Gomorrah sins was fire….destructive fire…
But it seems the fire of God destroyed the city and demolished it..but not the spirit(spirits) for it seems they have survived up to now..
Grace is more powerful than fire?..
Varnel Watson
may the Lord will grant repentance unto life.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Is homosexuality a demonic bent, a judgement from God or a natural aberration of the human mind?
Searching the scriptures on the matter reveal Gods prohibition and judgement…there is no favor, closed eyes or tolerance….but yet there is the word”MERCY” which over rules ALL
Terry Wiles
Troy Day Isara Mo.
Romans’ clearly states it is a being “given over to a reprobate mind.” We generally apply that individually. But in a society that knew God and rejects God I believe it is possible that God has backed off and “given over” the whole society to a reprobate mind.
But those who turn to God will find mercy.
Varnel Watson
So then American society knew God and rejects God?
Ron Raylene Raney
Troy Day as I see the USA today, that is true, but return to God is possible, but repentance would be required, of leaders, I don’t have much hope of that happing today
Varnel Watson
religious leaders or political ones?
Ron Raylene Raney
Troy Day both, to many religious leaders have neither denied the issue or made errors as to what the scriptures say
Varnel Watson
you said it – aint happening any time soon
Terry Wiles
Troy Day I believe you have it.
Isara Mo
Terry Wiles
When the whole society is given over to a ” reprobate mind” we won’t see the manifestation in homosexuality(or lesbianism) but we see every kind of godlessness, from paedophilia , drug addiction, prostitution, senseless killings, idolatry masked in sensuality, …name it, every kind of vice.
But it is important to address this matter from two dimensions…God giving over society to a reprobate mind because they KNEW HIM then reject Him but more importantly to see the problem as demonic .
Troy Day prays that the Lord grant repentance unto life..( A very important prayer..)
Isara Mo
Troy Day None of the two…neither religious or political..
You need spiritual leaders like John the Baptism or Elijah who were not fuzzled by religious or political leaders..
John zeal cost him his neck…Elijah wanted to commit suicide then ran for his life..
It cost Jesus his life(political and religious conspiracy.?).
Sorry No, it was not THEM but God used them to fulfil a program..a plan.
We might think it is an easy thing to tell the say the call a spade a spade..
But i still believe God has a remnant…who will change the situation but not the religious or political leaders..It is more of a spiritual matter than a legal matter.
Abraham interceded for Sodom ..and pleaded with God ” What if there are 25 men….?
America has more than 25 righteous men..
Joe Absher
“But this is a people plundered and despoiled;
All of them are trapped in caves,
Or are hidden away in prisons;
They have become a prey with none to deliver them,
And a spoil, with none to say, “Give them back!”
– Isaiah 42:22 (NASB)
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Thanks Joe
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
The worst kind of imprisonment in the world is not physical imprisonment but spiritual imprisonment: when you get a friend who says “,Give back…” one must thank God..
Varnel Watson
any church out there that has approached the issue ?
Daniel J Hesse
My physical therapist mentioned Grace 2.0. Said the approach is excellent. We need to address the whole sexuality issue in general.
Varnel Watson
Grace 2.0 conversion is illegal in many places in the US
Robert Erwine
then there is that whole thing with king David and Johnathan , in our times and context it would be gay but then not so much so .
Varnel Watson
there is no such thing with king David and Johnathan
Joe Absher
Perverts try to twist that scripture. They try to twist the tenderness of Christ and apostle John too. Such evil and twisted minds attempt to claim the spotless Lamb of God as their own.
Varnel Watson
seen it before with other doctrines too
Joe Absher
Homosexuals want Jesus to be gay. Adulterers want Jesus to run off with Mary Magdalene. Liars want Jesus to be false and doubters and the communists the same. Every body wants a piece of the Lord Jesus of course in the end it will be those dreadful words for them, “depart from me I never knew you.”
Varnel Watson
its in the BIBLE #noughsaid