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Holiness, which is also the perfection of God is the Righteousness, love and power of God.
Holiness has a structure, which is the righteousness.
Holiness has a content, which is love.
Holiness has a dynamic, which is the power of God.
Jesus is the savior, who sets us right with God. God sets us right with himself. To set right, and to set right on the right path of righteousness.
Jesus is the sanctifier, who whishes us to love as he loves in the whole Christian life
Jesus is the Holy Spirit Baptizer for witness. The witness is not contrary to the witness giver. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and righteousness, convinces us, and regenerates us, and leads us into all truth, the Spirit sanctifies, is the determining influence.
Sin is missing the mark, the way, sin is also in being, which is a tendency to rebellion, indifference. Sin is also the judgment, and a metaphysical reality, sin is also a power and bondage, and a whole nexus of evil. (Christ sets the captives free)
Prayer becomes the point of engagement, it is the first theological and spiritual act. We pray with words understood, and words not understood. We pray according the word. We pray without ceasing, as the word of God abides in us. Prayer is also the motif on the journey. Prayer is the sighing, longing for home. Prayer is also through tongues and spirit addresses the Spirit through the Spirit. Meaning is deeper than cognitive understanding. Prayer strengthens our being.
As we praise we become bold to come against the enemy, we become courageous Christians. The church becomes a community of righteousness, who takes care of the hungry and homeless. Repentance is also a communal act. The church is a righteous and loving community, and a holy communion in the Lord. We know each other intimately, we quit counting the sheep, but knowing them. The church is also a community of gifts. The church is filled with the fullness of God, we are a cooperate temple of the Holy Spirit.
The Mission of the Church is to go out spread scriptural holiness. That’s why the church is against abortion. Don’t ask the government to legislate, what the church is unwilling to do. The mission is setting people free.
Opposition comes as we follow the Lord. Faith transforms us. We are opposed by the world, and we are opposed by the flesh (Rom.8:13). We overcome our own carnality. We are also by the devil. We overcome him by the power of the Holy Spirit. Good intentions are not enough for opposing the devil, we need the power of God, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will give discernment and power.
- We are on a pilgrim, pursuit, and follows Jesus, we are being led by the Spirit, and journey with, thought and toward God.
- History is missionary history unto the eschaton.
- Salvation is a drama of crises-development
- The church is on the way
- Heaven is the goal
- The Lord makes us fit for journey.
Revision (see “Triune Center”)
F.7: There is a process of bellowing, identification and vocation. That is a 3D process.
- see article on Nature and Evidence of Spiritual Fullness
The fullness of the Spirit is not contrary to the Scripture.
The fruit of the Spirit is descriptive and prescriptive.
See section on Initial evidence, in same article. The initial evidence is not a legal term, but a relational term. Do you have to speak in tongues? This point misses the point. Tongue speaking is not law, but gospel, edifying and good news. Tongue speaking is like a kiss, you love each other before and after, but it is an expression of love and relationship.
If we don’t press on the enemy, the Lord allows the enemy to press us, so that we would call on him.
Lyndsey Dunn
Isara Mo
Good words.
Varnel Watson
require good deeds
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce Jesus is the sanctifier, who whishes us to love as he loves in the whole Christian life
Jesus is the Holy Spirit Baptizer for witness. The witness is not contrary to the witness giver. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and righteousness, convinces us, and regenerates us, and leads us into all truth, the Spirit sanctifies, is the determining influence.
Sin is missing the mark, the way, sin is also in being, which is a tendency to rebellion, indifference. Sin is also the judgment, and a metaphysical reality, sin is also a power and bondage, and a whole nexus of evil. (Christ sets the captives free)
Prayer becomes the point of engagement, it is the first theological and spiritual act. We pray with words understood, and words not understood. We pray according the word. We pray without ceasing, as the word of God abides in us. Prayer is also the motif on the journey. Prayer is the sighing, longing for home. Prayer is also through tongues and spirit addresses the Spirit through the Spirit. Meaning is deeper than cognitive understanding. Prayer strengthens our being.