Greater Than Your Situation

Greater Than Your Situation ~ Ray E Horton

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His Glory Within Is Greater Than Your Situation ~ Ray E Horton

He who lives in us is bigger and greater than anything with which the world, the flesh or the devil can challenge us

I like to advise those going through stuff, and to remind myself, that we don’t hide from the stuff we go through in life and bury the feelings. They are real and must be acknowledged. BUT, He who lives in us is bigger and greater than anything with which the world, the flesh or the devil can challenge us.  As we stay close to and trust in Him, He delivers us or brings us through, and in Him, we overcome.

I consider this present suffering not worthy to compare to the glory that is about to be revealed within us” (Rom. 8:18). Notice that Paul didn’t say that glory would be reveal “to” us, but, rather, “within us.” Glory!!!  He is already within us in His glory, by the Holy Spirit, to give us the victory, the light that pushes back the darkness.

I like the way Larry Thompson puts it in His message series on “Glory Restored”:

“The level of Word, within us is the reality for comprehending what the Holy Spirit is always imparting to us. He states in Romans 8:18 ‘I consider….’ So how are you considering? The entire verse, ‘I consider this present suffering not worthy to compare to the glory that is about to be revealed within us.’ That truth from the Holy Spirit, if your scales are calibrated correctly, is that His glory always outweighs the present conditions, no matter how long, it has always been that way. His glory is always greater.

“Now how do we activate His glory into this present set of circumstances?” … The peace and/or joy of the Lord “are indicators that His glory in me is activated, and rising up out of me,” Thompson continued.  “The reality of peace comes from every word spoken by the Father, which was given to Jesus, which the Holy Spirit declared to me. The peace He gives is nothing like what the world has. His peace transforms whole realms, wherever we walk, His righteousness goes before us and His glory is our rear guard.”

His glory always outweighs the present conditions

This bears repeating:  “His glory always outweighs the present conditions, no matter how long, it has always been that way.  His glory is always greater.”   Paul prayed for the Ephesians that the Lord would grant them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him so that they would see the glory of His inheritance that was already in the saints. (Eph 1:17-18).

Andrew Wommack pointed out in his commentary on Rom. 8:18: “This leaves no doubt that, as Christians, our spirits are already complete. We don’t need more faith, more power, or more anointing. We simply need to use more of what we have already received. Many Christians will be shocked when they stand before God and realize that all the things that they prayed for were inside them from the time they believed.”

So, we need not hide from or be overwhelmed by our situations, but acknowledge them, then turn to He who is within us. And, as you “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov. 3:5), what happens? As “in all your ways [you] acknowledge Him, He will direct your paths” (Vs. 6).

Let us remember, when stuff presses in on our lives, to not lean on our own understanding, but acknowledge Him, and His power within, and in faith see the victorious outcome even before it manifests, for then, it will surely come.

(Written and first posted on Facebook November 27, 2014)


Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook


  • Ray E Horton
    Reply May 4, 2020

    Ray E Horton

    “Let us remember, when stuff presses in on our lives, to not lean on our own understanding, but acknowledge Him, and His power within, and in faith see the victorious outcome even before it manifests, for then, it will surely come.”

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