Generational wealth

Generational wealth

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Generational wealth 🧠 🗝


  • Reply February 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Steve Losee Philip Williams BOTH Kenneth Hagin and Wagner wrote their last books before passing on MONEY Terry Wiles

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Steve Losee

      Hagin and Wagner both had enough issues to make me distrust anything they said.

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      yet here they are with their final words for you

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Steve Losee

      sorry; not for me.

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day First I ever heard of the ‘great wealth transfer’ was from C Peter Wagner around 2002. He wanted to visit Statesville, NC, possibly to find a place to relocate his ministry from Colorado Springs. My cousin in Statesville real estate showed him some farms.

      Peter kept talking about some guy who had this idea, and also frequently on the phone with him. I figured the guy was using poor Peter to get the wealth transfer from my friend who was probably their target.

      We picked up Prophet Windbag Chuck Pierce at the airport. Pierce kept prophesying every few minutes, spinning around as he released ever more prophetic wind.

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day Interestingly, Bob Jones was then living in Statesville. What brought all these Prophets to this little town where I was born? Rick Joyner had set up in nearby Wilkesboro. I reckoned it was sorcery.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Terry Wiles

      Philip Williams from his mouth?

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Terry Wiles Yes, in the sense that they admitted to seeking prophetic knowledge about what God was going to do so they could exploit it for their own ministries.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      When you told Brown about Todd, why didnt he do nothing and resulted in Resolution needed to be written ?

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day He had heard a positive report about the Lakeland revival from someone in Virginia and wanted to wait.

      He didn’t have to wait long.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      how long are we talking about – BTW you still have not explained the meaning and purpose of the said spirit

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day that’s been awhile. I think a week or two.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Have you any experience with a peacock?

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      BTW, farmers use them to herd turkeys.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      none @ all – tell us all about it

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      peacocks strut and display their colors. They are mean, nasty, and aggressively rough.

      turkeys are also aggressive, but dumb.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      yes I remember you saying that a while back

  • Reply February 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      “The Midas Touch” is an excellent and well balanced book with valid Biblical principles concerning money, where Hagin came against some of the exaggerations and errors that developed in the Word of Faith movement concerning prosperity.

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I have heard similar but have not rad the book yet Tell us more about it – what is he saying exactly ?

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      “Hagin taught that God was not glorified by poverty and that preachers do not have to be poor. But before he died in 2003 and left his Rhema Bible Training Center in the hands of his son, Kenneth Hagin Jr., he summoned many of his colleagues to Tulsa to rebuke them for distorting his message. He was not happy that some of his followers were manipulating the Bible to support what he viewed as greed and selfish indulgence.”

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      written again by J. Lee Grady Hagin made in The Midas Touch:

      1. Financial prosperity is not a sign of God’s blessing. Hagin wrote: “If wealth alone were a sign of spirituality, then drug traffickers and crime bosses would be spiritual giants. Material wealth can be connected to the blessings of God or it can be totally disconnected from the blessings of God.”

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Yes, one of several of Hagin’s main objections, as listed in the article, to the excesses of some preachers.

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Ray E Horton

      As a commenter in the article pointed out, “This article refers to the ‘Word of Faith’ moment as the ‘Word-Faith” movement; this is a common error. The name “Word of Faith’ comes from Romans 10:8: What does it say? ‘The word is near you, it is in your heart and in your mouth (that is the word of faith which we preach).’ …
      The ‘Word of Faith’ movement taught that just as one believes with one’s heart and confesses with one’s mouth the Lord Jesus in order to receive salvation, one needs to believe with one’s heart and to confess with one’s mouth to receive anything else from God, including physical healing and financial provision and prosperity.”

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      yes Paul L. King has done the study on that

    • Reply February 20, 2019

      Paul L. King

      Troy Day yes, in my book Only Believe, I mentioned the balance of Hagin’s book The Midas Touch. Some prosperity preachers got upset with Hagin’s over the book.

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      namely Koppeland over the jet situation

  • Reply February 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply February 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Financial Inversion Shall Increase in These Days
    Word from the Lord through Charles Capps, February 1, 1978
    1. “Financial inversion shall increase in these days. For you see, it is My desire to move
    in the realm of your financial prosperity. But, release Me, saith the Lord, release Me
    that I may come in your behalf and move on your behalf.
    2. “For yes, yes, yes, there shall be in this hour financial distress here and there. The
    economy shall go up and it will go down; but those who learn to walk in the Word,
    they shall see the prosperity of the Word come forth in this hour in a way that has not
    been seen by men in days past.
    3. “Yes, there is coming a financial inversion in the world’s system. It has been held in
    reservoirs of wicked men for days on end. But the end is nigh.
    4. “Those reservoirs shall be tapped and shall be drained into the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    It shall be done, saith the Lord.”

  • Reply February 21, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Philip Williams

    ‘great wealth transfer’ was from C Peter Wagner around 2002.

    SO in 1999 Wagner is still in Fuller – somewhat partially
    His ideas are already on paper and the AG publishes several of his papers among scholarly research on missions Their idea is to monetize as have been with the FL revival HOWEVER Peter has already formed in his head his own apostolic strategy and simply uses AG as a slingshot for his new old NAR And he does it so well that Terry Wiles has to participate in writing Resolution 16 so AG can shut down any and every attempt of NAR to take over the movement, which they could have done if it wasnt the FL revival several blowouts one after the other

    Wagner pulls the lone ranger move and starts his own thing within 2 TWO short years it is huge, international and takes over random AG outside of USA There was even a recent discussion on NAR influencing pentecostal eschatology as a result

    This not AG’s first rodeo however, Wagner is shut down for good among AG in the USA though he expands internationally It is from this period 2002-20025 that most of his life long research is published Yes the wealth book, yes the Apostles and Prophets (studied as a text book at that time in AGTS and COGTS) and yes the alligators wrestling book Wagner knows he has but a decade left to make it happened Once again he could have if it wasnt for 2015 #noughsaid

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Troy Day interesting.

      What is all this about monetarizing the gospel? Did the AoG also decide to become Cannanites, merchandising the Kingdom of God?

    • Reply February 21, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      This I have no way of knowing – but my interest is in the peacock statement we see repeated for some reason

  • Reply February 21, 2019

    Isara Mo

    No comments.I see wealth in movies but have not any..?

  • Reply February 21, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    its an important issue when you come to think about it

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