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Dr. D K Olukoya Revealing the Secret Prayer for Divine Acceleration
Dr. D K Olukoya Revealing the Secret Prayer for Divine Acceleration
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Dr. D K Olukoya Revealing the Secret Prayer for Divine Acceleration
prayer, video August 10, 2017 Dr. D K Olukoya Revealing the Secret Prayer for Divine Acceleration Posted by in PentecostalTheology.comFacebookTwitterSubscribe Subscribe to receive all news to your email or phone: [wysija_form id=”1″] FacebookTwitterSubscribe Subs…
Anna Zambelli Joe Absher Video works fine Just click and watch it Many more prayers like this one coming soon Wonder how such prayers are applicable in Asia Link Hudson
Varnel Watson
familiar with Scott & Sandy Boyd? Robert Borders
Robert Borders
I don’t think that I have heard of them
Varnel Watson
Warfare Manual for Ministers
by Scott & Sandy Boyd
seems to be quite an extensive work forwarded by
Rev. Roger Stedman
Senior Pastor of Clapham Christian Fellowship
London, UK
This manual is an intelligence update for the common minister wanting
to experience uncommon freedom in their youth, college, and singles
ministries! Scott reveals to control the fight, you must control the light! I
highly recommend this lethal weapon in the hands of the holy!
Heartland Fellowship Church
College Pastor
Jeff Baldwin
In this powerful book Scott is exposing the devices and strategies of the
evil one. In these last days detailed instruction on spiritual warfare and
deliverance is much needed and this manual meets that need.
Zico Pollari
Missionary to America
Product of Fire and Ice Ministries of Dallas
Web Site:
This is the first book in a three part series by Scott and Sandy Boyd on
spiritual warfare and the deliverance ministry. The second book in this
series is entitled The Deliverance Ministry, and the last book in this series is entitled Angel of Light.
Derek Prince “They Shall Expel Demons” book purchase here
Derek Prince “Blessings or Curses: You Can Choose” book purchase here
Derek Prince “Rules of Engagement” book purchase here
Derek Prince “Secrets of a Prayer Warrior” book purchase here
“Set Yourself Free” by Robert Heidler purchase here
Part 1 The Power of a Blessing Audio Download Sermon Notes video
Part 2 How to Pass from Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince Sermon Audio video
Part 3 A Deep Consecration Audio Download Sermon Notes Video
Part 4 The Deliverance Ministry of Jesus Audio Download Sermon Notes Video
The Seductions of Satan Series is dealing with the issues of spiritual warfare and deliverance, and it is Pastor Scott’s most sought after teaching series. Do you still battle with lust? Are you struggling with suicidal thoughts or depression? Do you see negative traits in your family that you find yourself struggling with? Are there still stubborn issues of chronic sickness in your life, or do you find it very difficult to pray or read the Bible? These are some signs the enemy might still be at work in your life, and that you need a spiritual breakthrough. This teaching series can help bring that breakthrough into your life. In this powerful series, Pastor Scott teaches you how to destroy what satan has had in your life.
Do you want to take a college level course on Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare? The Deliverance and Warfare Bible School class below is just that. If you follow all the way through all this curriculum listed below, Sandy and I will send you a certificate of completion. This is truly a graduate level course on warfare and Deliverance. To take our Bible School you must:
1. Read Pastor Scott’s Books (Transformed, Jezebel Book, and Walking in the Freedom, Victory, and Dominion of the Cross) All five of these books can be read for free on our Book Page of our website.
2. Listen to or watch the five series: Going Deeper in Prayer Series (5 Parts) Priesthood of the Believer Series (10 Parts) Communion Hebrew Roots (16 Parts) Seductions of Satan Series (18 Parts), and Faith Series (16 parts) These can be listened to here
3. Read Benny Hinn’s Good Morning Holy Spirit book (you will have to purchase this: click here)
4. Read Kenneth Hagin’s book on Biblical Faith Study Course (you will have to purchase this: click here)
5. Read Larry Lea’s book Could You Not Tarry One Hour (you will have to purchase this: click here)
6. (Optional) I highly recommend you purchase and read Derek Prince’s two classic books on deliverance entitled The Shall Expel Demons, and Blessings or Curses: you can choose. I recommend these books stay in your library so you can refer back to them.
Terry Wiles
Secret prayers and Divine Acceleration. … hum
The first is in the prayer closet I presume. The second must have something to do with Rapture Troy Day?
Varnel Watson
all you need is Divine Acceleration Terry Wiles