Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice?

Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice?

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Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice?

Since Jesus is not to be a priest in the levitical order, He need not be from the tribe of Levi

In the sacrifice of the New and Eternal covenant, Jesus does not merely perfect the priesthood, but bestows it upon us.

Yes, it is through the death of Christ we are made clean, our sin atoned for. This is priestly imagery.

He has a sacrifice, as every priesthood must have; but His Victim is of singular and outstanding value; Christ is the true King of Justice. Therefore, Jesus is a superior High Priest because Melchizedek’s order is permanent. The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers states that all believers in Christ share in his priestly status, eliminating any special classes. He will be a priest-king like Melchizedek, ruling in Jerusalem. Jesus saw himself as David’s lord and priest-king.


  • Reply July 21, 2023


    He has a sacrifice, as every priesthood must have; but His Victim is of singular and outstanding value; Christ is the true King of Justice. Therefore, Jesus is a superior High Priest because Melchizedek’s order is permanent. The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers states that all believers in Christ share in his priestly status, eliminating any special classes. He will be a priest-king like Melchizedek, ruling in Jerusalem. Jesus saw himself as David’s lord and priest-king. NOW what is @everyone thinking about this idea? Dan Anthony Brett Dobbs

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      A Chief Priest of the Son of God had done His sacrifice through His own Blood for our sake. After His resurrection, He becomes a King of kings seated on the throne. Amen!

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Rasiah Thomas but does he have to be a KING to make the sacrifice valid was my question to John Mushenhouse Dan Anthony Brett Dobbs and Jared G. Cheshire

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Of course, it is valid and accepted by God the Father.

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      but he is NOT a physical King on earth now? Kyle Williams

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Troy Day He is the Ruler of Kings on the Earth (Revelation 1:5) presently.

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Troy Day an earthly millennium is what the Protestants of old liked to call “a Jewish myth” which I believe they got from Agustine.

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Kyle Williams sorry SAYS witness – Kingdom comes later on
      Augustine was wrong on many things trying to please his earthly kings – from the free will to the city of God on earth and all

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Troy Day Jesus is not the Ruler of Kings on the Earth (Revelation 1:5)?

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Troy Day amen

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day – I seriously doubt that “all believers in Christ share in His priestly status.” He is the “great high priest.” He “ever lives to make intercession.” He is able to “save them to the uttermost.” Believers are certainly “priests unto God” but they do not share equal statues with the great high priest.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Kyle Williams I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow.

  • Reply July 21, 2023


    There is a priesthood of the laity as well as a ministerial priesthood.

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Tony Schneider it brings to mind the scripture Isaiah 6 1-4 I saw the lord high and lifted up on his throne and his train filled the temple Jesus is lord of all lords king of all kings worthy is the lamb that was slain

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Tony Schneider Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice? Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice?

    • Reply July 21, 2023


      Troy Day if we are looking at the typology between Melchizadek and Our Lord then yes.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Tony Schneider I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow.

  • Reply July 21, 2023


    MANY People I have loved greatly in our area and prayed hours for have completely abandoned the idea of being part of God’s great army at the War Room. For whatever reason which matters not to me but to the Lord. They left and never returned to the fellowship in which they said the Lord had sent them. Personal opinions drive most people and not the Holy Ghost. It’s sad knowing the work they were to do from here will suffer or not even be done. They should come and finish the courses God gave them faithfully and see God bless them. If not, their blessings could be delayed or stopped. The gift and call of God is without repentance.

  • Reply July 21, 2023


    “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
    Hebrews 4:16

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    have you heard of this one Kyle Williams Link Hudson Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice?

    the plot continues – I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow. John Mushenhouse Duane L Burgess Brett Dobbs Jared G. Cheshire Dan Anthony ONE of them being he will STOP being high priest which will invalidate His sacrifice and our sins will return back on us – has @everyone heard of this one just yet?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day it sounds like the post mils will go to any length to support their conclusions. The 19th chapter of Revelation says Christ will come to earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s. This will not violate his eternal unchangeable priesthood. Jesus is the author of all priesthood.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      If you ever take the time to trace out the ages of those in Jesus’ lineage in Genesis, you will discover that Shem and Abraham were alive at the same time and that Shem fits the description of Melchizedek! But very few are the Bible scholars that have searcherd this out.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey I have never heard of POSTMIL who does not believe in physical kingdom on earth like Augustine did with Byzantium Central concepts of Postmillennialism is that The kingdom will not arrive instantaneously but develops progressively. In their view, Christ will return only after the kingdom has come in its fullness. The “arrival” of the kingdom, therefore, is gradual by degrees BUT there is still “arrival” on earth and re-establishing the DAVIDIC covenant and restoration of ISRAEL right? Kyle Williams

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      well Michael Chauncey I will play along and challenge you to show where in REV 19 Christ returns ON EARTH 🙂 show the verse pls Sandra Hines

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey

      11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True

      17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair

      Key text on this spread of the gospel advancement of the kingdom leading up to the
      second coming is B. B. Warfield’s interpretation of Revelation 19:
      “The section opens with a vision of the victory of the Word of God, the King of Kings
      and Lord of Lords over all His enemies. We see Him come forth from heaven girt for
      war, followed by the armies of heaven. . . . The thing symbolized is obviously the
      complete victory of the Son of God over all the hosts of wickedness. . . . The
      conquest is wrought by the spoken word—in short, by the preaching of the
      gospel. . . . What we have here, in effect, is a picture of the whole period between
      the first and second advents, seen from the point of view of heaven. It is the period
      of advancing victory of the Son of God over the world. . . . As emphatically as Paul,
      John teaches that the earthly history of the Church is not a history merely of conflict
      with evil, but of conquest over evil: and even more richly than Paul, John teaches
      that this conquest will be decisive and complete. The whole meaning of the vision of
      Revelation 19:11-21 is that Jesus Christ comes forth not to war merely but to
      victory; and every detail of the picture is laid in with a view precisely to emphasizing
      the thoroughness of this victory. The Gospel of Christ is, John being witness,
      completely to conquer the world. . . . A progressively advancing conquest of the
      earth by Christ’s gospel implies a coming age deserving at least the relative name of

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day they seem to be looking at the Second Coming as a second incarnation, the original incarnation for the purpose of being the Lamb of God, as if the Second Coming would reverse that. But the risen Jesus was already a new creation when he ascended to Heaven.

      True, that many do look for Jesus in his Second Coming as if he weren’t someone with a spiritual body, as say an ordinary king living on earth. In fact, we live in him as part of his body. Now, he fills the Heavens as the case since his ascension. When we see him, he will fill the sky. He will be like the sun. The current sun will be darken and the stars will fall from the sky. There will be a new Heaven and New Earth.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day Revelations 19:11 thru 16

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Kenneth Hose I think I have heard this.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Kenneth Hose sure and NOAH berried children and grand children and great grandchildren as result of the the flood, but Christ NOT returning?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Kenneth Hose Are Melchizedek and Shem the same person?
      This question is frequently asked and has caught the interest of many scholars. Let us examine first these two names and then the arguments for and against the two being the same person.

      Melchizedek means “King of righteousness” (Heb. 7:1-2). He was known as the great high priest, priest of the most high God (Gen. 14:18) ordained as priest after the order of the Son of God (Heb 7:3). He’s also known as Abram/ Abraham’s ecclesiastical leader (Gen. 14:19) (Gen. 14:20) (Heb. 7:4) and King of Salem (Gen. 14:18.)

      Abraham and Melchizedek
      Shem is the Son of Noah (Gen. 5:32), the progenitor of Abraham. (1 Chronicles 1:24-27.) It was assumed that he held the keys to the priesthood and was the great high priest of his day where he stands next to Noah during this time when patriarchs passed on the priesthood in the family.

      Shem and Melchizedek are two different people:
      An account of Identity: Shem was born in 2448 B.C. and lived for 602 years. He was 100 years old at the time of the great flood. Abraham was born in 1948 B.C., and was 140 years old when Shem died. But the coincidence in Shem and Melchizedek living at the same time only makes their identity a possibility, not a reality.
      Genealogy: We know Shem’s line and descendants. Abraham’s father was Terah, who was in the line of Shem. We do not know Melchizedek’s genealogy.
      Melchizedek in the Bible: Genesis 14:18-20
      The Bible doesn’t tell us much about Melchizedek beyond that he was a priest of God, and that his line of priesthood is an important one. Some Christians see Melchizedek as an early foreshadowing of Jesus himself.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      That argument is ludicrous. Jesus’ Priesthood, Prophethood, and Kingship are structurally united in his Messiahship and are and will have been eternal even after his Return. His Return will consummate New Creation and complete a radical redemptive transformation of creation as a whole in such a way that will affect how priesthood and prophethood function (Paul suggests prophecy will cease at the Parousia, and what would priestly ministry look like in a world freed from sin and death?). But such questions aside, whoever asserted that is treating Christ like a created thing who suffers functional limitations, and not God – the Incarnate, resurrected Son.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      I am not “hard set” that Shem WAS Melchizedek. I am just saying he could have been. I plotted the genealogies from Adam thru Joseph on graph paper taped together (five feet long) years ago. Abraham died 33 years before Shem died. We will all find out “who was who” when we are in our immortal bodies.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day I don’t see how they could produce any evidence to support that conclusion.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day that is not biblical

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day heresy. What text says that. He doesn’t unstand the majesty of Gods Lamb/Lion Son

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Sharon Nash Alexander I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow. Link Hudson you know I asked them for a proof and they mumbled something just like when I asked for a proof that the church will NOT be going to heaven … 🙂 You know they gave me some not-literal Rev 20 reform illusion symbolism of a non-literal imaginary Davidic Kingdom without physical Christ present that even Kyle Williams do not believe You know I nailed them to an old rigged theological cross where such belong… Terry Wiles Brett Dobbs but I suspect this CoF belief may not be far from what Dan Anthony and Jared G. Cheshire hold – who knows?

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Troy Day, that’s a ridiculous hypothesis. Jesus is spirit; and in that state of being, He touches the earth through us at all times.

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Sandra Hines yes? what about it more specifically ?

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Jerry Flynn I do not disagree BUT where all this comes from? Even Kyle Williams has stated it all ends ON earth – is this scope only this earth or NEW heaven and earth as well?

      Additionally the speaker kept on repeating GOD is omnipotent
      He did not in particular mention God is omnipresent
      though such is understood Dan Anthony Jared G. Cheshire

      even GOD being an omnipresent GOD
      the SACRIFICE was very locally present NOT omnipresent
      and here on earth – how can Jesus touching this earth invalidate His ETERNAL sacrifice is for others to ponder Link Hudson Duane L Burgess

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Troy Day why is it worth pondering?

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Troy Day, God is immutable; why do so many people propose these theories which include changes in God?

    • Reply July 24, 2023


      Jerry Flynn have not a clue – just want to find the reasoning behind it and so far pre-mil Kyle Williams has not heard of it either

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    Philip Williams Millennialism flourished again among various sects during the English Civil War (1638–49) and
    the succeeding dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell, notably among the Fifth Monarchy Men. But
    earlier in the century, two Puritan writers, Thomas Brightman and Joseph Mede, both
    Cambridge scholars, initiated (respectively) postmillennialism and premillennialism.
    Postmillennialism was the view that Christ would return after (Lat. post) the millennium. That
    implied that the gospel would spread and the world become increasingly peaceful before the
    second advent. Premillennialism was the view that Christ would return before (Lat. pre) the
    millennium. That implied that conditions on earth would become progressively worse until
    Christ defeated evil at the second advent. In the eighteenth century, the leaders of the
    Evangelical Revival, such as Jonathan *Edwards, leant towards postmillennialism, although
    John *Wesley appears to have held the more complex view of the great pietist scholar of Halle,
    Johann Albrecht Bengel (1687–1752), that there would be two millennia, one before and one
    after the second advent. The evangelical movement for ‘foreign missions’ led by William Carey,
    Thomas Chalmers, John Venn and many others was accordingly predominantly
    postmillennialist. The spread of the gospel would usher in the universal reign of Christ. This
    vision continued to inspire the American revivalist, Charles Finney, and the Scottish missionary,
    David Livingstone in the mid-nineteenth century. The missionary societies therefore engaged in
    medical and educational work to improve society, Livingstone advocating an alliance of
    Christianity, commerce and civilization to counter the Arab slave trade in East Africa. But from
    the 1820s a more pessimistic premillennialism began to stir

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day fairly good summary. The pessimism comes from shifting the AntiChrist (then seen as the Pope) from the past to the future, tossing America and the Church under the bus so as to worship a future Israel that isn’t the Church but composed of those who reckon Jesus to be a pretender and deceiver. Essentially replacing Christians with antiChristians. Go figure.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day and now we have kingdom now to were we will just evolve into the coming of Christ and there will be no rapture.
      I my self am a Pan-Millennialist..
      Jesus is able to take care of me no matter how it Pans Out. Pre, post or mid..He has a plan and my trust is in Him.
      But if you go with the Hebrew Marriage Ceremo y I’d say it was diffently Pre with the lay out of the Song of Solomon and John chapt 14 being a ceremonial part of the Hebrew wedding traditions of that day.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Junior Beasley not sure what is Pan-Millennialist YES now we have kingdom BUT it is not on earth which invalidates Philip Williams statement about the POPE – then we have in Revelation a clear statement NOW is the Kingdom… the Kingdom is not until then! but what about Jesus never returning on earth?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Philip Williams what about Jesus never returning on earth? pre-mil exists heavily in the early church before Augustine – it is Augustine with Byzantium kingdom-now who shifts the catholic church to post-mil which Kyle Williams also supports as “reformed” BUT this still does not answer the question of Christ never returning on earth as invalidating his sacrifice

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day I don’t know about him never returning seems they all have returning just not all have the catching away.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day none of the positions confess that Jesus will not return to earth.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day Don’t conflate premil with the rapture. None of the fathers believed that Christians would be taken away to Heaven and replaced as God’s witnesses in the earth by unbelieving Jews. Not a single one of them. Nor did anyone else before John Nelson Darby. All of these as did our Americans fathers believed that the Church was God’s Israel. The rapture is evidence of a great apostasy, teaching Christians to despise the Church bought by the blood of Jesus.

      As to this nonsense about Jesus’s blood not availing when he returns to the earth, that’s just more confusion. But no one will be able to repent on the day of his return as he is Coming to punish those who don’t believe, casting them into outer darkness where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Zechariah 12 pertains to Jesus’s death.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Philip Williams that makes no sense Kyle Williams tell me another one – I just spent 3 days with a post-mil who claimed IF Jesus returns on earth this will invalidate his priesthood and his sacrifice – sins will be returned on ppl… Pls explain alongside Oscar Valdez what reformed postmil this is

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Junior Beasley tell me another one – I just spent 3 days with a post-mil who claimed IF Jesus returns on earth this will invalidate his priesthood and his sacrifice – sins will be returned on ppl… Pls explain to Kyle Williams what heretical reformed postmil this is

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day interesting question; do you believe that a new temple will be erected on the mount and animal sacrifice will be reinstated?

      Also I believe Jesus will return with all of His Saints to establish the NH&NE

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Kyle Williams no 3rd temple is needed in my eschatology for the rapture to take place BEFORE the tribulation. HOWEVER I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day when Jesus touches this earth again, and He will, there will be major consequences for all manner of ungodliness and people who have blasphemed the Son of God. Jesus came the first time to save the world. He is returning as the judge of the earth when He physically returns to earth.

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Kyle Williams well I do not disagree with that of course Junior Beasley however the postmil speaker repeatedly stated IF JESUS touches earth he is NO priest anymore and our sins will come back upon us – quote unquote

      I am YET unable to place this in a reference The ONLY postmil thing I have found CLOSE to it is here

      When our Brother G.C. Brewer published his book of essays titled Contending for the Faith (1941), he provided biblical argumentation against many false doctrines that were popular in his day. Some of those false teachings are still prominent today, including “premillennialism,” or the doctrine that Christ is going to return to Earth to establish a kingdom in Jerusalem for 1,000 years. According to this doctrine, the righteous dead will be raised to serve in Christ’s earthly kingdom for a thousand years, and then the last judgment will occur.

      The Bible teaches that “when Christ comes he will judge both the living and the dead and that following this judgment both the righteous and the wicked will enter into their eternal state—the righteous into life eternal (to be forever with the Lord—not to enter upon an associate reign to be brought to an end in a thousand years) and the wicked into eternal punishment” (195, parenthetical item in orig.).
      Supporting passages: Matthew 25:31-46; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10; 2 Timothy 4:1-2; John 5:28-29.

      The Bible teaches that “when Christ comes the heavens will pass away with a great noise and that the earth shall be burned up with all the works that are therein; that the earth wherein sin dwells will exist no more. Whereas premillennialism preaches that when Christ comes he will take up his abode on this mundane sphere, become an earth dweller, and rule over suffering, sinning, dying men and women for a thousand years!” (196).
      Supporting passage: 2 Peter 3:2-14.

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    Oscar Valdez Darby was more successful in propagating his views in the USA.
    Dispensationalism became widely known through the annual Niagara Bible Conferences from
    1883 to 1900 and was taught in the notes of the widely influential Scofield Bible (1909).
    Postmillennialism continued to influence the wider evangelical movement, although the
    watchword of the Student Volunteer Movement (founded 1886), ‘The evangelization of the
    world in this generation’, was interpreted both ways.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day but you can’t win the world for Christ when you are expecting the AntiChrist.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Philip Williams beyond the point good ol’ friend – they are saying IF Christ returns there will be NO sacrifice for our sins ???

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day confusion reigns.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Philip Williams I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day the major consequences will precede his Coming.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Philip Williams People are leaving this world but the sadness about it is that they died and their body will be buried and most of them will lifted up their eyes in a place called hell . Most funeral these days you go to will say how good and great the person was and that they’re in heaven . This is far from the truth , being good , loving people, going to church every Sunday will not get you to heaven. The one and only way to salvation is trusting by faith by Grace on the LAMB OF GOD JESUS CHRIST. Time is running out , tomorrow you may be in hell in a state of shock screaming, crying, praying, begging in pain and torment . Stop trusting in your good works and self righteousness thinking that you will get to heaven

    • Reply July 23, 2023


      Troy Day i am trusting the Jesus who took this lost sheep into his robe in Heaven where he also met his family in Heaven. The only thing the Lord told me is that i was out of my place in trying to save the world. I am sure that he is right about that. I am glad it’s not my job but his.

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    The NT seems to anticipate that the number of those saved when Christ returns will not be
    as great as the Postmillennialism suggests, and that conditions will be decidedly bad, not
    good. See Mt. 7:13-14; Lk. 18:8; 2 Thess. 2:3-4; 2 Tim. 3:1-5,12-13; 4:3-4. In the parable of the
    Tares in Mt. 13:36-43. Postmillennialism interpretation of Rev. 19-20 seems forced and artificial. For example Gary North thinks that essential to any idea of Christians “reigning” in history is
    “Christians’ possession of the judicial authority to impose negative civil sanctions or the private
    economic power to impose both positive and negative cultural sanctions [in particular, those
    given in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28]” Such conflating of the political and the religious is not just a bad idea but a dangerous one. Postmillennialism minimizes one of the primary experiences that will characterize the church
    and all Christians throughout this present age: suffering with Christ. Postmillennialism undermines the NT emphasis on the church’s imminent expectation of
    Christ’s return. It undermines the element of watchfulness that is essential to the NT church.
    See 1 Cor. 16:22; Rom. 13:11-12; Phil. 4:5; Js. 5:8; 1 Pt. 4:7; 1 Jn. 2:18; Rev. 1:3; 22:20.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day if you aren’t saved when Christ returns, you will be cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Philip Williams they are saying Christ CANNOT return on earth

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day but he returns to the sky, as lightning fills the sky.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      so HOW would He then establish the Davidic Kingdom in Jerusalem based on the Davidic covenant Kyle Williams so dearly upholds?

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    He is Prophet , Priest, & King

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Brian Copeland what about a JUDGE? Michael Chauncey

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day He will be a Judge , but He has been Prophet, Priest , & King according to Scripture

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day Revelation 22:12–13 (NKJV): 12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.”

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Brian Copeland sure sure BUT alike Philip Williams they say this is Jesus coming in the clouds and not on earth #ohWell

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    Here’s what I know. Once I was blind (lost in sin) but now I see.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Ron Culbreth sure, but how do you see this OP in your seeing?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Ron Culbreth that is wonderful as we share that. What we don’t seem to share is the studying to show ourselves approved. We make excuses for it and so many take great spiritual pride in saying I am saved and it is less of me to seek knowledge of the world. Ron that only shows that we really don’t see much. What say you Troy Day

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      John Mushenhouse I was told by a person who claims to be post-mil that IF Jesus ever touches this earth again, there will major consequences to follow.

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    Jesus is prophet, preist, and king. In his first Advent, he prophesied his own death, resurrection, ascension and second coming. He fulfilled his role as priest by offering himself, he continues to fulfill the role of high priest as our intercessor and advocate. He is king of all creation. When he returns he will sit on David’s throne ruling all nations.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey the prophet, priest, and king is an western fallacy?
      which one of these was SAMSON who also had the SPIRIT ?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day I didn’t say Samson was PP&K, That was Jesus. Its true. He is.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey what was Samson then? if you teach JESUS is prophet, priest, and king because the Spirit in the OT came only over the offices of prophet, priest, and king ?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day Samson isn’t even in the equation. He is a cautionary tale. What might Samson have accomplished if he had not been such a compromiser?

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey a cautionary tale? how did the SPIRIT came upon Samson since he was not prophet, priest, and king ? You will need add a JUDGE to your equation to make it at least half way BIBLICAL

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day Jesus is judge too.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey you said only Jesus is prophet, preist, and king.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Troy Day only mentioned prophet priest and king. I didn’t say Jesus is nothing m9re than prophet preist and king. He is Avocare, Healer, Shepherd, protector, commander in chief and a million other descriptors that could be mentioned.

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Michael Chauncey Exactly

    • Reply July 22, 2023


      Brian Copeland People are leaving this world but the sadness about it is that they died and their body will be buried and most of them will lifted up their eyes in a place called hell . Most funeral these days you go to will say how good and great the person was and that they’re in heaven . This is far from the truth , being good , loving people, going to church every Sunday will not get you to heaven. The one and only way to salvation is trusting by faith by Grace on the LAMB OF GOD JESUS CHRIST. Time is running out , tomorrow you may be in hell in a state of shock screaming, crying, praying, begging in pain and torment . Stop trusting in your good works and self righteousness thinking that you will get to heaven

  • Reply July 22, 2023


    Mark J. Riley Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice? Does Jesus have to be a King in order to be a valid Priest and Sacrifice?
    Since Jesus is not to be a priest in the levitical order, He need not be from the tribe of Levi
    In the sacrifice of the New and Eternal covenant, Jesus does not merely perfect the priesthood, but bestows it upon us.

  • Reply July 23, 2023


    The Word says Jesus is a priest forever Hebrews 7:17,28
    Psalm 145:13 Jesus kingdom is everlasting
    Revelation 19:16 Jesus is King of Kings!
    I see no biblical scripture that states Jesus had to be a king to be a valid priest
    Nothing will change these facts!!!

    • Reply July 24, 2023


      Greg Baldwin me neither MUST be some pre-mil heresy
      Psalm 145:13 speaks of JESUS ?

    • Reply July 24, 2023


      Troy Day
      I believe it is don’t you?
      John 5:39 Jesus said the scripture testify of Him
      Luke 24:44 psalms were written concerning him
      Mathew 22:44-46 says Jesus was David’s Lord
      Psalm145 David is praising his Lord and God

    • Reply July 24, 2023


      Enough proof for me 🙂

    • Reply July 24, 2023


      Troy Day
      One more verse
      Got to get some rest
      2Peter 1:11 spoke of Jesus our Savior’s everlasting kingdom also

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