Do you believe tongues must be interpreted?

Do you believe tongues must be interpreted?

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Link Hudson |


Do you believe tongues must be interpreted in church?

From my time in the A/G, I came away with the general impression that the A/G teaches that if there is speaking in tongues out loud in the congregation, that it should be interpreted. If not, the speaker is to be quiet. Some people may think he got out of step with the Spirit or something like that (not their words, just my way of explaining it.)

But it seems like some of the churches from the more Holiness side of the movement, especially those that were three steppers (saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost as three distinct steps) are more open to everyone praying in tongues at the same time.

It also seems like these Holiness Pentecostal denominations are more inclined to think you can only speak in tongues when the Spirit comes on you, and therefore if you can, you should. While A/G folks seem more inclined to believe in a prayer language that you can exercise more or less at will.

Belief and experience of a prayer language seem more common these days among some of these historically Holiness churches, and belief in sanctification as a one-time thing is less entrenched as well, it seems.

It seems like churches who think of tongues as something you can only do at certain times are more into the idea that it doesn’t have to be interpreted. Would other posters agree with me on that?

Am I right that A/G folks generally aren’t for praying in tongues en masse like a lot of Charismatics and some of the other Pentecostal denominations? Is that generally the case or just my experience?

Here are some relevant verses from I Corinthians 14.
27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.

28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

Teri Shenk [10/05/2015 4:57 AM]
My spouse looked this up in the Bible & it says that it should be interpreted. If I’m remembering right, it was in 1Corinthians. If he were awake, I would ask him. We attend a Pentecostal Church & only once have I heard tongues interpreted & it was by the person who spoke in tongues.

Link Hudson [10/05/2015 5:08 AM]
Teri Shenk, Growing up, I often heard tongues and interpretation in church, but I don’t remember hearing people speaking in tongues without interpretation in church in the A/G, except once in a school chapel associated with a Christian school, a 15 or 16-year-old spoke in tongues and there was no interpretation. The principal, a pastor, said he believed that was for personal edification and continued right along.

Then I grew up and went to a Charismatic COG overseas where they tell everyone to speak in tongues like at a Benny Hinn Crusade, and it was a bit of culture shock. I’ve also been in Pentecostal churches of the more Holiness variety in the southeast where everyone prays at the same time, and they could pray in tongues when they do that.

Teri Shenk [10/05/2015 5:15 AM]
Until this time in my life, I have never attended a Pentecostal Church, although I remember, as a child, attending a Pentecostal revival with a babysitter. In the Church that I attend, there is no interpretation & that really bothers my spouse b/c the Scripture says there should be interpretation. IMHO, we cannot pick & choose which of the scriptures that we will abide by. The Holy Bible is God’s word & he is the FINAL authority.

Link Hudson [10/05/2015 5:48 AM]
Teri Shenk, well, if there is no interpreter, the speaker in tongues is to be silent in the church. Churches that don’t allow for tongues and interpretation aren’t obeying those verses either.

Donald George [10/05/2015 6:55 AM]
That’s sort of correct. When a “message” is given in tongues, it may or may not be interpreted, but sometimes it’s interpreted by the message giver. There’s a big difference in one’s prayer language & the gift of tongues & interpretations. In the A/G all are prodded to receive the “Baptism in the Holy Ghost” with the evidence of speaking in tongues (a prayer language). In fact to be ordained with the A/G you must be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Teri Shenk [10/05/2015 6:58 AM]
Link Hudson, Your point is valid! I have attended many different churches in my life…….. Some with friends, some by choice & some by family choice. I have never heard anyone speak in tongues in any Church but the Pentecostal Church. I find that to be interesting. How about you?

Teri Shenk [10/05/2015 7:01 AM]
What is A/G? This is a term that I’m not familiar with……

Donald George [10/05/2015 7:02 AM]
Assemblies of God Church.

Donald George [10/05/2015 7:12 AM]
I was first licensed by the A/G Fellowship to preach the Gospel in 1972.

Link Hudson [10/05/2015 7:12 AM]
I added an explanation.

Link Hudson [10/05/2015 7:13 AM]
Donald George, is my experience with the A/G and interpretation of tongues fairly typical of the denomination?

David John Maxfield [10/05/2015 5:48 PM]
If preaching in tongues to the congregation it’s needs to be interpreted, but if you’re on your own with God and you speak to him alone in tongues it is for the building up of yourself in the spirit and doesn’t need interpretation.

Link Hudson [10/05/2015 5:49 PM]
I don’t take ‘let him keep silent in the church and let him speak to himself and to God’ to mean to murmur in tongues under your breath. If other people can hear, you aren’t keeping silent.

I dont’ remember any kind of group speaking in tongues in the A/Gs I attended in the 1980’s, but I realize there is some variety within the denomination.

Windell House [10/06/2015 9:08 AM]
There are many times when spirit of The Lord is moving over a service and his presents is really moving. There can be many different people praying a load in tongues. Be when spirit is moving and a single person gives out a message in tongues, the church will know and there’s nearly always be a interpretation.

John Kissinger [10/19/2015 2:48 PM]
Link Hudson are you now baptist?

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 3:22 PM]
John Kissinger, I’ve baptized a few people, but my beliefs that tongues need to be interpreted are a Pentecostal belief. It was held to in the A/G churches or at least practiced. I was at Family Worship Center in Baton Rogue before the Swaggart scandal, back when a lot of ‘big names’ in the A/G were either there or visited from time to time. The Bible college professors and the congregation in general certainly expected tongues spoken out in the congregation to be interpreted, and there wasn’t a practice of people praying out loud in tongues or doing so under their breath for the most part. Maybe you’d hear it at an altar call. The other A/G’s I visited or spent a lot of time in were the same way, expect maybe one way out in a small town.

Yoido, which probably wasn’t A/G when I went there, had the feel of a Presbyerian church, except for everyone praying in tongues for 30 seconds or a minute during the service.

I used to think of speaking in tongues en masse as a Charismatic, neo-Pentecostal practice, a bit of disorderly charismania. But I think there have been plenty of Pentecostal groups that do it. Some of the Pentecostal churches in the southeast have a practice of everyone praying at the same time, and some people may speak in tongues during that time.

There is some variety in Pentecostalism. I remember Seymour’s newsletter, where he said that after a while, they learned that there needed to be some order when it came to tongues. I wonder if some of those Pentecostals who were a bit more disorderly with the tongues were likely to have been influenced by folks who visited Azusa Street earlier in the revival rather than later. It could be that the A/Gs from the west with their CMA and other backgrounds were a bit ‘tamer’ when it comes to emotionalism and order than the folks from the revivalist Holiness background of the southeast.

There are also some of the Pentecostals from the Holiness heritage in the Southeast whose denominations were historically against the ‘prayer language’ idea, and thought of speaking in tongues as something that you can only do when the Spirit comes on you to do it, rather than as something to be stewarded. If you think that way, then it may not be a far leap to think that if you CAN speak in tongues at a particular moment, that you are supposed to. I Corinthians 14 makes it clear that speaking in tongues is to be stewarded.

Why would Paul have written in I Corinthians 14:27 for speakers in tongues to take turns if he weren’t against en masse speaking in tongues as an ongoing thing in the church meeting? I wonder how many Pentecostals bother to actually study the passage in depth. A lot of folks use their church experience and what they’ve heard in sermons as a standard of what to do in church.

But every generation of believers has a responsibilities to examine the scriptures to see if what they are doing lines up.

John Kissinger [10/19/2015 3:23 PM]
Did not answer my question about your theological roots?

Charles Page [10/19/2015 3:39 PM]
tongues are stewarded…never heard that but it makes sense to me! most Pentecostals have to “work it up” and then they say it is God speaking!!! go figure!!

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 4:19 PM]
I grew up in Pentecostal churches, teen years in the A/G. My parents were Baptists until I was about 2. I had a couple of uncles who were Baptist pastors, one of whom past away and lots of Baptist relatives. But I rarely visited Baptist churches when going to see relatives or when I went to relatives. My parents are both more Arminian in their view of things as far as soteriology is concerned.

My parents got involved in the A/G after going to a Charismatic meeting up at a fire hall in some town somewhere in Pennsyvania. We moved a lot, and I spent several years in NC in an independent Full Gospel church that was Pentecostal in style and doctrine, then spent middle and high school in A/G, with a brief stint in a COG (Cleveland) when we moved. I did got a Charismatic church when I was 7 and 8 when we lived in KY and there wasn’t a Pentecostal church in town.

John Ruffle [10/19/2015 4:23 PM]
I think we can get hung up on doctrinal interpretations and all of us misdvwgat the Holy Spirit wants to do in and through us. Legalism spells death to the Holy Spirit’s ascendancy.

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 4:25 PM]
I’m going to an independent bi-lingual Chinese church. I’ve heard beliefs there described as ‘Pentecostal.’

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 4:26 PM]
John Ruffle I see ignoring what the Lord has commanded for stewarding gifts as one of the main historical causes for the diminishing of the role of spiritual gifts in church meetings and in the life of the believer.

John Kissinger [10/19/2015 4:30 PM]
Link, so you’re basically a baptist who has visited Pentecostal churches on occasion. That explains a lot. Thanks Timothy Carter

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 4:58 PM]
John Kissinger I’ve only visited a Baptist churches on several occasions. I grew up in Pentecostalism, the A/G in particular. What is your background? Are you a neo-Pentecostal?

The word of God is a lot more important to me than denominational background.

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 5:00 PM]
Btw, I don’t know what anything I’ve written on this thread has to do with Baptists, except that they have Baptists like other Christians and may point out to you if your church deviates on something obvious. But most Baptist churches don’t seem to allow for orderly operation of gifts of the Spirit, or at least don’t have anyone trying to do it.

Link Hudson [10/19/2015 5:00 PM]
gifts like prophecy and tongues, I mean.

Timothy Carter [10/19/2015 6:50 PM]
Link Hudson you are correct the Apostle Paul does tell us that when we are gathered in church service and someone is giving out tongues without an interpretation for the third time then the speaker should remain silent.

Please notice it is the 3rd time when the speaker should remain silent.

Now let me ask you if John Doe is going to speak in tongues how is he going to know if Link Hudson is going to refuse to interpret the first time then the second time and then the third time?

How is sister better than everyone who is speaking in tongues going to know when she speaks in tongues for the first time in the church service going to know that link Hudson is going to refuse to interpret the first time the second time and the third time?

If this interpretation is so important to you why aren’t you interpreting?

I would like for you to answer all of these questions please I have a point.

A very good point which will be shown by the answer to these questions.

When the Apostle Paul talked about interpretation of tongues in the assembly of the saints he was only talking about one method of tongue use.

The interpretation of tongues is not the only method in which tongues are to be used. We also have the method of what some people or like to call “private prayer language”

Please don’t say that this private prayer language does not belong in the church. Because this is Holy Spirit talking through the individual. The Bible plainly says that Holy Spirit came up on them then they spoke in tongues. Earlier we hear Jesus run people out of the church with a whip and say my father’s house is a house of what? That’s right my father’s house of the house of prayer.

The church is a house of prayer. So how can we possibly stand back and claim that Holy Spirit is not allowed to pray in the house of prayer? This is a true question please answer.

John Kissinger [10/19/2015 6:52 PM]
basic baptist is NOT the same as primitive baptist Charles


  • Reply October 6, 2016

    Nelson Banuchi

    In the 1980’s I attended Brooklyn Tabernacle pastored by Jim Cymbala. The church would have a time of everyone speaking in tongues during worship; and, if I remember correctly, there may have been, at least, two time where there was congregational singing in tongues (not sure if it was all in the same unknown language, but it all harmonized beautifully).

    There were more times than not when someone would speak in tongues and another would interpret it. There were even some instances where Pastor Cymbala would interrupt the one speaking in tongues to inform him that it was not the time for it!

    I have not had that experience since I left to help start another church in Brooklyn, NY. I miss Brooklyn Tab.

  • Reply October 6, 2016

    Nelson Banuchi

    In the 1980’s I attended Brooklyn Tabernacle pastored by Jim Cymbala. The church would have a time of everyone speaking in tongues during worship; and, if I remember correctly, there may have been, at least, two time where there was congregational singing in tongues (not sure if it was all in the same unknown language, but it all harmonized beautifully).

    There were more times than not when someone would speak in tongues and another would interpret it. There were even some instances where Pastor Cymbala would interrupt the one speaking in tongues to inform him that it was not the time for it!

    I have not had that experience since I left to help start another church in Brooklyn, NY. I miss Brooklyn Tab.

  • Reply August 2, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Yeas I do Stan Wayne What did they teach Nyack College

    • Reply August 2, 2017

      Stan Wayne

      I have taken classes at the Seminary but I AGTS grad

      No private no
      Yes public yes

  • Reply August 2, 2017

    Genny J Baird

    Not personally when it your prayer language , but to edify the church yes! And I believe that this is the reason I was a weak christain until I got my prayer language , now I know my prayers make a difference thank you Jesus

  • Reply August 2, 2017

    Joyce Alford

    i believe there is a prayer language to edify church and I also believe their is a prayer languag that edifies me

  • Reply August 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson


  • Reply August 3, 2017

    Terry Wiles

    Must be interpreted when/if it rises to the level of demanding the attention of the congregation.

  • Reply August 3, 2017

    Doug Anderson

    Sometimes tongue’s is for everyone however the biblical definition of tongue’s is Language so sometimes the church needs to be still and allow God to speak to the one he knows is understanding.

  • Reply August 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Link Hudson I will go out on a limb here Tongues are from and for God – all the time!

  • Reply August 3, 2017

    Link Hudson

    If someone speaks in tongues in the assembly and finds that there is no interpreter, he should stop speaking in tongues.

  • Reply August 3, 2017

    Scotty Searan

    If it is given as a message it should be interpreted, but if there’s no interpretation, the message giver should keep silent and not give another message
    Our church is a praying church. The are many times when we are praying for individuals many are being prayed over in a prayer language simultaneously.
    We adhere to 1 Corinthians 14 in the amount of messages and interpretation; no more than 3. This does not include the prayer language prayer. I pray with people, but I do not go to pray with an individual with the Intention of praying in a prayer language. It just flows out of my spirit as I pray and not Every time I pray.
    I was in a service one time that had 18 messages in tongues and interpretation. I taught on 1 Corinthians 14 a couple of weeks later and a deacon rebuked me saying he did not believe 1 Corinthians 14 that it wasn’t for this church just at Corinth. I replied I gave you the word. I sat down. I was a regular attendee at the time, but I walked out and didn’t go back for at 10 years.
    When this incident happened the church was averaging 85, but now they average 12. 20 years later. The people attending are the rebukers family and a few close friends. They do not fellowship with other churches in the section

  • Reply August 4, 2017

    Randy Buchanan

    I liken multiple people using their prayer language during a congregational setting to people praying individually while in a crowd or even akin positive self talk. While it happens in a congregational setting, it is manifested not as a congregational tongue, which must be interpreted, but as a tongue meant for an individual’s spiritual self-edification.

  • Reply August 4, 2017

    Link Hudson

    Randy Buchanan, isn’t the tongue for self-edification that Paul is addressing when he says, ‘let him keep silent in the church and speak to himself and to God?’

  • Reply August 4, 2017

    Randy Buchanan

    Don’t restrict yourself to just 1 Corinthians. While the word “tongues” is not used explicitly in Paul’s other epistles, there are implicit references to tongues. One such which comes to mind is the injunction to sing spiritual songs or songs of the Spirit. This directly correlates to what Paul said about about both praying and singing with the understanding as well as praying and singing in the Spirit.

    Since this portion of chapter 14 is dealing with maintaining order, it seems as if some people who were using their prayer languages were allowing their utilization to get out of control.

    These spiritual prayers were meant to happen between themselves and God and as such no interpretation would be needed or required.

    The word for silence could be translated as restrain or to withhold. And actually, the phrase “speak to himself and to God” actually lends credence to the idea that Paul is encouraging the use of a person’s prayer language.

    Look at an earlier passage in chapter 14.

    “For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    “For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

    “For if you have the ability to speak in tongues, you will be talking only to God, since people won’t be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the Spirit, but it will all be mysterious.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    In the context of this chapter, the term “speak…to God” IS an indication of using the spiritual gift of tongues individually.

  • Reply August 4, 2017

    Randy Buchanan

    The root word for silence is siga which according to Liddel, Scott and Jones is defined as:

    σῖγα, Adv., (σιγή) silently, used in Trag. (and late Ep., A.R.1.267), σῖγ’ ἔχοντεσ S.Ph.258; σῖγ’ ἔχουσα πρόσμενε Id.El.1236; ἀλλὰ ς. πρόσμενε ib.1399; ἄκουε σ. Id.Fr.815; κάθησο σ. Ar.Ach.59: also as an exclam., σῖγα hush! be still! A.Ag.1344; so οὐ σ.; Id.Th.250; οὐ σῖγ’ ἀνέξει; S.Aj.75; the public crier proclaiming silence said ς. πᾶσ (sc. ἔστω), Ar.Ach.238, cf. E.Hec.532; ς. κηρῦξαι στρατῷ Id.Ph. 1224.
    under one’s breath, in a whisper, quietly, secretly (cf. σιγή 11), τὰ δὲ ς. τισ βαΰζει A.Ag.449; σῖγ’ ἐπέρχεται φάτισ S.Ant.700; ς. σήμαινε Id.Ph.22; ς. μὲν ἡρώεσσιν ἐκέκλετο Orph.A.702; πῶσ αἱ πατρῷαί σ’ ἄλοκεσ φέρειν . . σῖγ’ ἐδυνάθησαν; S.OT1212.

    So silent can mean being kept secret, whispered, hushed. It does NOT require a total absence of sound for silence to exist only that the sound be muted.

  • Reply May 19, 2018

    Alan Smith


  • Reply May 19, 2018

    Alan Smith


  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Aberdeen Chan

    Tongues and prophecy are related. Healing and deliverance is a form of prophecy, says that illness, weakness or evil spirits will leave the person after the prayer supernaturally.

    1 Corinthians 14:4,
    “He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.”

    The gift of tongues serves as a form of spiritual renewal, and even to be used for healing and deliverance. Since ‘speaking in tongues’ might not be a language we know, but what does it interpret as? It is the interpretation of spiritual life for sanctification, the spiritual edification of a Christian. Those people who benefit from the ministry which leads by people been renewed and spiritually strengthen in such unique way are the interpreters.

    Interpreters not interpreting the language, but to interpret the action. Because many testimonies of healing and deliverance which about leading people to Christ, often accomplish by praying in tongues. Those who benefited from the gift of tongues, repent of their sinful life and bondage, and to live as a God-fearing Christian. They are using their life to interpret they receive the gift of tongues to fight for spiritual warfare and continuing to receive the divine miracles. To interpret the action during and the results aftermath, and not about the meaning of verbal. If no miracle (without repentance) happens after praying in tongues, then let him/her be silent.

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Aberdeen Chan

    Tongues and prophecy are related. Healing and deliverance is a form of prophecy, says that illness, weakness or evil spirits will leave the person after the prayer supernaturally.

    1 Corinthians 14:4,
    “He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.”

    The gift of tongues serves as a form of spiritual renewal, and even to be used for healing and deliverance. Since ‘speaking in tongues’ might not be a language we know, but what does it interpret as? It is the interpretation of spiritual life for sanctification, the spiritual edification of a Christian. Those people who benefit from the ministry which leads by people been renewed and spiritually strengthen in such unique way are the interpreters.

    Interpreters not interpreting the language, but to interpret the action. Because many testimonies of healing and deliverance which about leading people to Christ, often accomplish by praying in tongues. Those who benefited from the gift of tongues, repent of their sinful life and bondage, and to live as a God-fearing Christian. They are using their life to interpret they receive the gift of tongues to fight for spiritual warfare and continuing to receive the divine miracles. To interpret the action during and the results aftermath, and not about the meaning of verbal. If no miracle (without repentance) happens after praying in tongues, then let him/her be silent.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Yes i believe in public worship the gift of tongues must be interpreted
    All tongues is not the gift of tongues though they can be used interchangeably.
    I have the gift of tongues and interpretation
    This is a qualm of mine, i don’t like the term PRAYER LANGUAGE because to me it can give off the connotation that it could be learned as some are teaching in these circles
    I prefer PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT and it is different from the GIFT OF TONGUES.
    With me neither one is learned
    I am using my own self as an example to explain
    When I field the anointing to give out a MESSAGE IN TONGUES it comes out with a boldness and much louder than I normally speaks. It is like the HOLY GHOST saying give me your attention. I can control it.
    With SPIRITUAL PRAYING I do not just start SPIRITUALLY PRAYING, I start out praying in the natural and it will evolve into SPIRITUALLY PRAYING but in public when this happens I feel the anointing to speak lower, if i am praying for someone, to get closer to them. It is like the HOLY GHOST wants it to be to myself or be confidential between the one I am praying for.
    Now I do have a qualm about a minister or leader telling everyone to pray or praise in a prayer language in a congregation setting
    I just cannot begin to pray in SPIRITUAL PRAYING anytime I please. I can pray or praise naturally at anytime. But I need the anointing to SPIRITUALLY PRAY.
    I do not participate in this type of SPIRITUAL PRAYING . So far my natural praying has not evolved into SPIRITUALLY PRAYING in a congregational service
    Yes I have some qualms and questions about and the HOLY GHOST Has not forced Himself in this manifestation on me.
    There is another aspect of the Holy Ghost and it is mentioned in Romans 8:26 and it is the HOLY GHOST groaning words that cannot be uttered. I do not believe these groanings need to be interpreted. They should be kept to themselves or the ones with whom you are praying for.
    Yes you have some teaching their congregation to groan
    I have qualms and questions about it and i do not participate.
    I cannot just start groaning in the spirit on my own

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Yes i believe in public worship the gift of tongues must be interpreted
    All tongues is not the gift of tongues though they can be used interchangeably.
    I have the gift of tongues and interpretation
    This is a qualm of mine, i don’t like the term PRAYER LANGUAGE because to me it can give off the connotation that it could be learned as some are teaching in these circles
    I prefer PRAYING IN THE SPIRIT and it is different from the GIFT OF TONGUES.
    With me neither one is learned
    I am using my own self as an example to explain
    When I field the anointing to give out a MESSAGE IN TONGUES it comes out with a boldness and much louder than I normally speaks. It is like the HOLY GHOST saying give me your attention. I can control it.
    With SPIRITUAL PRAYING I do not just start SPIRITUALLY PRAYING, I start out praying in the natural and it will evolve into SPIRITUALLY PRAYING but in public when this happens I feel the anointing to speak lower, if i am praying for someone, to get closer to them. It is like the HOLY GHOST wants it to be to myself or be confidential between the one I am praying for.
    Now I do have a qualm about a minister or leader telling everyone to pray or praise in a prayer language in a congregation setting
    I just cannot begin to pray in SPIRITUAL PRAYING anytime I please. I can pray or praise naturally at anytime. But I need the anointing to SPIRITUALLY PRAY.
    I do not participate in this type of SPIRITUAL PRAYING . So far my natural praying has not evolved into SPIRITUALLY PRAYING in a congregational service
    Yes I have some qualms and questions about and the HOLY GHOST Has not forced Himself in this manifestation on me.
    There is another aspect of the Holy Ghost and it is mentioned in Romans 8:26 and it is the HOLY GHOST groaning words that cannot be uttered. I do not believe these groanings need to be interpreted. They should be kept to themselves or the ones with whom you are praying for.
    Yes you have some teaching their congregation to groan
    I have qualms and questions about it and i do not participate.
    I cannot just start groaning in the spirit on my own

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Interesting Pentecostal discussion proposed back in the day by Link Hudson

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Stephan Webb what a strange bapticostal question Joe Absher THis comes from the OP It seems like churches who think of tongues as something you can only do at certain times are more into the idea that it doesn’t have to be interpreted. Would other posters agree?

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    William DeArteaga

    no, especially in private prayer none is needed

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    David Tripp

    That is up to the Lord

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Bishop Bernie L Wade

    Only those that are given for that purpose

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    The Bible said let one interpreted where the church can understand. If there be no interpreter , let them keep silent. So, I think you need an interpreter.

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    I think the very question of the OP is wrongly asked opening a strawman What does it matter what do YOU think about the tongues which GOD gives?

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Joe Absher

    Its best to fellowship with tongue talkers they understand. Usually we just join right in lol

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Ray E Horton

    As a Gift of Tongues message, given in a congregational setting, absolutely required. As one’s personal, devotional prayer language, not at all (although that doesn’t mean you can’t ask for an interpretation of what you are praying).

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    There are tongues that isn’t to be interpreted. The Bible says you are speaking to yourself and to God. You don’t speak that kind , that you hear all over the the whole church can hear that kind. You are so full of The Holy Ghost , that you speak utterance that could be heard only that the ones sitting near you , could hear. That’s like speaking to God.

  • Reply June 18, 2019

    Vickie Embry

    Tongues is the only language devil can’t understand

  • Reply June 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    HOW ELSE do we know WHAT THE Spirit says to the CHURCH? Philip Williams Stephan Webb

  • Reply June 19, 2019

    Philip Williams

    The one who speaks those tongues that come from God hears them just as do the others. If spoken to a congregation, God is giving notice that he has a message for the congregation and is expects the congregation to be quiet while waiting for the interpretation (cf 1Cor 14 reference to Isaiah 28. God’s messenger from the Assyrian king speaks a language that the people cannot understand unless interpreted.) These tongues are for the unbeliever, even God’s own people. A true meeting with God reveals our unbelief. (cf Peter after obeying the Lord and catching the great number of fish). A true meeting of the Lord is a frightening thing for the carnal, our normal state. This is Paul’s instructions in 1Cor 14.

    Now, this is the goal of our meetings, to hear from God. But to hear from God, we must first approach God. Compare to the people coming and praying at the Temple. They pray individually and bowed down as in the old Holiness meetings. The only way that God will listen is that we be as humble as a child, babbling Abba, Father! God will hear that, but he isn’t interested in the typical evangelical prayer in which the speaker seems either to be instructing the congregation or worse, instructing God!

    While praying in unison in whatever language our hearts are seeking God, one of those messages in tongues may be directed to the congregation. Everyone will know it.

    It is most important that the whole congregation and especially the leaders be submitted to and led by God. If a congregation isn’t going to do/allow that, the Spirit of the Lord will not be present. But various spirits that are not from God may also wish to manifest. Those elders who can discern spirits can gently rebuke them for God is a God of order. You see even Jesus having to rebuke those demons. For the Kingdom of God to come, we must become spiritually strong. God allows these spirits to test us for the very purpose of making us spiritually strong. We can’t deal with these spirits from our own minds and will. Only through the Spirit when we depend on God and not ourselves can we do this.

  • Reply June 19, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Classical Pentecostals made difference between the sign and the gift of tongues As well as they should have Charles

    • Reply June 19, 2019

      Charles Page

      simply put there is a public and a private tongue. A congregation worshiping will have multiple private tongues expressed corporately. The worship leader should not fear this expression of corporate worship. If it is a public expression then the worship leader should administrate Biblical order into the function.

    • Reply June 19, 2019

      Joe Absher

      I know a dear saint if a woman. 80+ years. A true servant of Christ. When she gets filled and starts cracking out them tongues you’d be lowest kind of dog to stop her. But to honest I don’t think it’s ever been out of order or unseemly.

    • Reply June 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      HOW else would we know what GOD is saying to the church ?

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Charles Page

      what is the difference btw translation and interpretation?

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      tell us Charles Page

    • Reply June 20, 2019

      Charles Page

      KJV the messages are interpreted

  • Reply June 20, 2019

    Isara Mo

    Yes and No
    In church in gathering yes, in the privacy of ones one on one talk with the Father..No.
    But sometimes the church might explode in tongues simultenously NO NEED

  • Reply June 20, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Isara Mo Charles Page I would suspect the whole private prayer tongue is just another charismatic deviation from the truth

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