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in the “privacy” of your car, bathroom, closet, bedroom, back yard, prison cell, anywhere.
Get in the HABIT of praying OUT LOUD to the Lord.
Notice that most deliverance prayers are spoken COMMANDS to the enemy,
in the name of Jesus
rather than requests to Jesus or God.
IN THE NAME OF JESUS, IBIND you evil spirit of ________________________________
NEVER cast out a demon, if you/he are/is NOT a Christian, because you/he may get WORSE.
Matthew 12:43-45 “When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied (by the Holy Spirit), swept clean and put in order.Then it goes and takes with it 7 other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.That is how it will be with this wicked generation.”
IN THE NAME OF JESUS, IBIND you evil spirit of ________________________________
ICAST you out
And place you under the feet of Jesus Christ.
I command you never to return.
Based on the experience of Derek Prince
Jesus Christ, I affirm that You are the Son of God and the only door to eternal life.
I acknowledge that You died for my sins on the cross 2000 years ago
and rose from the dead by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
That same Holy Spirit power is greater than all other powers and has already defeated Satan and his demons on the cross 2000 years ago.
I renounce all arrogance, self-sufficiency and pride, which was the downfall of Satin.
I have nothing and am nothing, except in You my hiding place. Jesus,
I confess all my sins, especially __________________________________________________
I confess all my omissions, especially _____________________________________________
I confess the sins of my ancestors, especially _______________________________________
I apologize for all the sins and omissions which I have just now stated.
I promise to try (with Your help and the help of others) not to repeat these sins.
If I slip and fall, I will try to confess immediately, and turn to You for help.
With Your help I will refuse temptation and negative attitudes, especially rejection.
With Your help I will obey my doctor/mate/pastor/employer & not my negative feelings/thoughts.
With Your help I will be the friend that I need/want in my life. With Your help I will take a shower, brush my teeth, make my bed, do my laundry, & eat fruit.
Iforgive everyone whether they deserve it or not, because You forgave me and held nothing back.
I now especially forgive ________________________________
As you bring to my attention any occult activity, situation, or object that displeases you.
I will repent and sever my relationship with it, even if it is very valuable.
Thank youfor becoming a curse on the cross for me, so that I may be freed of all curses
that are due to my own sins or the sins of my ancestors.
Itake my stand, in Your name, Jesus, against all Satan’s demons.
I trust that You will take care of the demons and also take care of me.
I resist the devil,
in Your name, Jesus.
I speak to you that have control over me.
I bind you .
I command you to quietly go
from me now under the feet of
I expel you .
I command you never to return
I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of ________________________.
I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of ________________________.
I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of ________________________.
I adore and praise you for your deliverance of the demon of ________________________.
I ask You to fill with Your Holy Spirit those empty spots
vacated by the demons who left
so that when they try to come back there will be no place for them.
Bless you Lord.Thank you Lord.My heart is full of joy and gratefulness.
from hatred, resentment, bitterness
Jesus, deliver me from my hatred, resentment and bitterness. Jesus, come fill the holes in my heart with Your Holy Spirit.
In Jesus’ name I pray.Amen.
Credit = Father John Bertolucci from On Fire with the Spirit
By Parent for Child
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, I am depending on You to provide a safe passageway to deliverance for my child, the same way You opened the Red Sea for Moses.I am waiting in great expectation for You to provide a hedge round about him/her the same way You placed a cloud and fire front and rear.I am waiting for You and Your angel to lead the way to permanent restoration, to become a blessing, especially to You and for the purposes for which he/she was
created.Thank You Father God.
Exodus 14:15-28 TLB15Then the Lord said to Moses, “Quit PRAYING and get the people moving! Forward, march!16Use your rod – Hold it out over the water.The sea will open up a
path before you.All the people of Israel shall walk through on dry ground!17I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians (demons/ interference/self-righteous/misguided) and they
will go in after you.You will see the honor I will get in defeating Pharaoh (Satan) and all his armies, chariots and horsemen.
18All Egypt (hell/enemies/opposition/ mindsets that omit God of the Trinity) shall know that I am Jehovah.”
19Then the Angel of God, who was leading the people of Israel, moved the cloud around behind them.20It stood between the people of Israel and the Egyptians. That night as it changed to
a pillar of fire, it gave darkness (blindness/confusion/hindrance) to the Egyptians but light (sight/counsel/clarity/direction) to the people of Israel!So the Egyptians couldn’t find (overcome/harass/torment/terrorize/victimize/capture/ensla ve) the Israelis!
21Meanwhile, Moses stretched his rod over the sea, and the
Lord opened up a path through the sea, with walls of water on each side; a strong East wind blew all that night, drying the sea bottom.
22So the people of Israel walked through the sea on dry
ground!23Then the Egyptians followed them between the walls of water along the bottom of the sea Under-The-Sea – all of Pharaoh’s horses, chariots and horsemen.24But in the early morning Jehovah looked down from the cloud of fie upon the array of the Egyptians and began to harass them.25Their chariot wheels began coming off, so
that their chariots scraped along the dry ground.”Let’s get out
of here,” the Egyptians yelled.”Jehovah is fighting for them and against us.”
26When all the Israelites were on the other side, the Lord said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand again over the sea, so that
the waters will come back over the Egyptians, their chariots
and horsemen.” (Close all doors/gates to the enemy, in Jesus name.) 27Moses did and the sea returned to normal beneath
the morning light.The Egyptians tried to flee, but the Lord drowned them in the sea.28The water covered the path, the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that
chased after Israel through the sea.Not one (accuser/nightmare/enemy/plague/pre-existing condition/disease) remained alive.
Exodus 15:26 TLB26″If you will listen to the voice of the Lord your God, obey it, and do what is right, then I will NOT make you suffer the diseases I sent on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord Who heals you.”
Deliverance Prayer Card – laminated directions to follow
All following credits go to Pat Holliday.
See her deliverance books
credits go to Pat Holliday
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I rebuke, break and loose: myself and my family from any and all evil CURSES, fetishes, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, psychotic powers, sorcery,
bewitchments, enchantments, witchcraft, love potions and psychotic source.
In the name of Jesus, I return them to the senders now. (Genesis 12:2, 28-29, Deuteronomy 30:7, Psalms 109:17-19)
Let him that loves curses receive it to himself. (Psalm 109). (Note – also see Pat Holliday’s The Witch Doctor and The Man)
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God, the
only way to God,
and that You died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead.
I give up all my rebellion and all my sin.I submit myself to You as my Lord.
I confess all my sins before You and ask for Your forgiveness, especially for any sins that exposed me to a curse.Release me also from the consequences of my ancestors’ sins.
By a decision of my will, I forgive all who have harmed me or wronged me, just as I want God to forgive me.
In particular, I forgive _______________,
___________________, __________________.
I renounce all contact with anything occult or satanic.If I have any “contact objects”,
I commit myself to destroy them.I cancel all Satan’s claims against me.
Lord Jesus, I believe that on the cross Youtook on Yourself every curse that could ever come upon me.
I ask You now to release me from every curse over my line, in Your name, Lord Jesus Christ.
By faith I now receive my release from every family curse and I thank You for it.
I thank You today, tomorrow, and every day – for the rest of my life.
Pat Holliday
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I renounce, BREAK, free and loose myself and my family from all psychic heredity, demonic holds, psychic powers, physical and mental illness bondage,
family and marital curses, and all other curses upon us, back through all generations, iniquities, occult and psychic involvements of myself or my spouse, our parents and any
other of our ancestors.
BINDING – Pat Holliday
Satan, we BIND you, in the name of Jesus.You can no longer exercise dominion over _____________
(Some things we can bind as shown in Ephesians 6:12: principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual forces in high places (heavenlies)
Adaptation from Joan Hunter’s Healing the Whole Man Handbook
1. Lead the person in a prayer of repentance for generational
2. Lead the person in a prayer of forgiveness, especially from traumas suffered at a younger age.
3. In the name of Jesus Christ, bind and command the spirit of Bipolar Disorder to be quiet.
4. In the name of Jesus Christ, cast out the spirit of Bipolar Disorder.
5. In the name of Jesus Christ, command the spirit never to return.
6. In the name of Jesus Christ, command the electrical and magnetic frequencies to be in harmony and balance.
7. Lead the person to accept Jesus and to reject Satan.
8. Teach the person to accept Jesus and to reject Satan, out loud, nightly.
9. Teach the person to read the Bible out loud nightly.
10 Teach the person to proclaim/sing nightly that he/she is God’s adopted son/daughter.
Adaptation from Joan Hunter’s Healing the Whole Man Handbook
1. Lead the person in a prayer of personal repentance, especially for rejection and rebellion.
2. Lead person in prayer of repentance for generational curses. 3. In the name of Jesus command all chemicals and hormones in the body to be in balance.
4. In the name of Jesus command a new brain.
5. In the name of Jesus command the brain to process information properly.
6. Lead the person to accept Jesus and to reject Satan.
7. Teach the person to accept Jesus and to reject Satan, out loud, nightly.
8. Teach the person to read the Bible out loud nightly. (Sunset and sunrise are excellent times.)
9. Teach the person to proclaim/sing nightly that he/she is God’s adopted son/daughter.
In the name of Jesus, I bind Satan and all his helpers.I place them under the feet of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus, I reclaim all the things that Satan has stolen from _________________________
In the name of Jesus, I LOOSE all that Satan has stolen from __________________________
In the name of Jesus, upon _________________________’s
mind I LOOSE spiritual knowledge, revelation,
insight, understanding, wisdom, truth, discernment, diligent searching, freedom and permanent deliverance.
According to Matthew 18:18, in the name of Jesus, I cut Satan, his demons and curses LOOSE from me, my family and friends.I command you, Satan and all evil spirits and curses, to LOOSE me, my family, and all the things you have stolen from us, that are ours through the blessings of Jesus.I ask You, Lord, to send Your angels to bring these things back to us.
Father God, in the name of Jesus, I LOOSE Your power over myself and my family.I ask You to send Your holy angels to
fight our battles in the heavenlies.Let them guard us from
Satan and all his hosts who would have us believing and agreeing with lies.In the name of Jesus, we bind and cancel all deception within us, and prevent any more deception from getting to us.In the name of Jesus, upon all fears I LOOSE perfect agape, true and pure love, the love of God and our love for each other (1st John 4:18), a sound mind and self control (2nd Timothy 1:7 & Micah 3:8).
In the name of Jesus, upon our minds I LOOSE knowledge, revelation, understanding (John 8:32), wisdom (Job 20:3),
truth (Exodus 28:3 & Ephesians 1:17), diligent searching (John 14:17 & 1st John 4:6), freedom (Psalm 77:6),
and deliverance (Psalm 51:12).
In the name of Jesus, upon all marriages and against all family
destroying spirits, I LOOSE God’s family protecting angels (Genesis 2-4).
In the name of Jesus, upon rejection, I LOOSE the love of the brethren (1st John 3:14), acceptance in the beloved
(Ephesians 1:6), acceptance of God + approval of men (Romans 14:18), and adoption as children of God (Romans 8:15).
In the name of Jesus, I LOOSE upon us Your power of praise (Isaiah 61:3), thankfulness, worship (John 4:23), singing (1st Corinthians 14:15), prayer (1st Corinthians 4:21), all the Holy Spirit fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), love, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering (Ecclesiastes 7:8), gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Proverbs 1:19 & Isaiah 57:15), temperance, self-control, all the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1st Corinthians 12:8-10), wisdom, knowledge, faith (2nd Corinthians 4:12), prophecies, healings, miracles (Revelation 19:10), tongues, interpretation of tongues, discernment of spirits, quiet (1st Peter 3:4), constraining (Job 32:18), contrite (Psalm 51:17), judgment (Isaiah 4:4, 28:6), repentance, and conviction (Isaiah 57:15, 66:2).
Thank You Father God for Your permanent freedom through the name of Your son Jesus Christ.
Pat Holliday
In the name of Jesus Christ, Iforbid and BLOCK all Satanic and demonic activities from transferring to me,
any of my family, or into our lives.
I ask You Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, to surround myself, family, church, pastor, leaders, and all mates with warring angels.The blood of Jesus Christ be between us and the forces of hell.
Pat Holliday
In the name of Jesus Christ, I BIND evil rulers, strongmen, doorkeepers, and all demons (of witchcraft, Satan worship, human and animal sacrifice, black magic, witchcraft control, mind control, mind or other occult) working in me, my family, and throughout the world, each country, each state, city, township, suburb, street, neighborhood, block home, and
Upon all Satan’s perpetrators – children partaking of and planning wicked and evil practices, I LOOSE, in the name of Jesus, spirits of confusion, forgetfulness, and destruction of
evil works.
In the name of Jesus, I LOOSE God’s mercy of salvation, adoption as children of God (Romans 8-15), and permanent deliverance.
Father God, in the name of Jesus, please place a special covering of warrior angels over each unholy ceremony, coven, witch and warlock, so that no curse or demon can emerge or be sent.In the name of Jesus, I return to hell all curses and
demons that the sender already has or will attempt to send. Thank You Father God for sending Your special angels to
protect (Exodus 8:22-23), hide, and put a hedge around (Job 1:10 & Hosea 2:6) all in the deliverance ministry, plus around the people and animals that would be sought out to be
sacrificed or cursed.Thank You Father God for Your love.In
Jesus name se pray.Amen.
BINDING the enemy and LOOSING the mind the enemy has stolen
In the name of Jesus Christ
We bind the strongmen and helpers that have stolen the mind
of _______________________
In the name of Jesus
We put the strongmen and helpers under the feet of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus
We Loose what the enemy has stolen.
According to Isaiah 11:2 and Ephesians 1:17-18 may the
Holy Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge, revelation and fear of the Lord
come to dwell in ________________________________
According to Isaiah 11:3 may ____________________________
not judge after the sight of his eyes
neither reprove after the hearing of his ears,
but according to the insight, counsel, justice and mercy of the Lord
We thank You in advance.
We bless You, Lord Jesus.
We adore, praise and worship You.
You Can Be Free, Deliverance – Series 5
by Pat Holliday CD or book
Holliday shares that the spirit of fear (torment, anxiety, phobias, nightmares, terrors, fear of man,
panic attacks) may be first bound and then, according to 2nd Timothy 1:7,
love, power and a sound mind may be loosed, in the NAME OF JESUS.
For mental illness, Holliday recommends that we first bind the spirits of infirmity
and then loose healing in JESUS NAME.
TEAM MINISTRY according to Charles H Kraft in
Defeating Dark Angels – Breaking Demonic Oppression in the Believer’s Life
TEAM MINISTRY @ beginning of session
In Jesus’ name I command all spirits that are not of God, any emissaries of the Evil One who may be here, to leave.Iclaim
this place, this time, these people for the Lord Jesus and forbid any activity by any satanic beings except what I specifically command.
I ask the Lord for guidance, authority, and power of the Holy Spirit.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I claim protection for – each one of the ministry team, the one being ministered to, our families,
our health, and everything else that pertains to us, from any revenge or other dirty tricks from the Enemy.
In the name of Jesus, I cut off any spirits inside this person
from any help they might get from outside spirits for from any others inside the person.
In the name of Jesus, I forbid any spirits inside this person to cause any violence, any throwing-up, orother showybehavior.
In the name of Jesus, during ____________________________(eg, bathroom break,
timeout to regroup), Iforbid any representatives of the Enemy’s
kingdom to hear what we say; I speak confusion to the
Enemy’s communication system and forbid any members of
that kingdom to interfere in our plans in any way.
In the name ofJesus,I forbid the banding together of the demons inside to strengthen the one we are working on.
In the name of Jesus, I forbid any spirit to move back and forth from person to person.
In the name of Jesus, I break any soul ties between anyone sharing a demon.
In the name of Jesus, I claim _______________’s will, mind
and emotions.We cancel your authority and break your power over it.If _____________ has give it to you, werenounce and
reject that permission and take _____________’s will, mind
and emotions for Jesus.
to be done “after” inner healing of basic issues, to weaken any demons.
Demons need to be challenged, to flush them out, in the event they are present.
To be done only under the supervision of the team leader.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Head Spirit come to attention.
In the name of Jesus Christ, spirit that has caused __________________, come to attention.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Spirit of ____________________ ,
I challenge you and command you to come to attention.
In the name of Jesus, I forbid you to hide.
In the name of Jesus, I forbid you to exert any control over ___________________.
1st get rid of intergenerational spirits or curses, to weaken demons.
In the name of Jesus, I command you to tell me if you have any grip through inheritance.
Through your mother or father?
How many generations back?
In the name of Jesus I take authority over the ancestor ____ generations back and break your power in the ___th, ___th, ___th 3rd, and 2nd generation back.
In the name of Jesus, I now break your power or _______’s father/mother and cut off any power you have over him/her through your involvement in this family at the point of ___________’sconception.
In the name of Jesus,if this is the Enemy, I command you to stop.
In the name of Jesus, I take authority over the
intergenerational spirit of _______________ comingthrough
the parent’s bloodline and break your power in Jesus’ name.
I forbid you to have any more power over _______________.
In the name of Jesus, I break the power of the curse
concerning _____________ that have come through the
parent’s bloodline.
Evict groups of like minded demons.Bind with their leader.
By the authority of the Holy Spirit, I tie you demons together with the Head Spirit _____________ ,
place you under the feet of Jesus, and command you never to return again.
Jesus, please send your angels to chain, remove, and dispose of the demons bound to their Head Spirit ___________.
Jesus, please separate these demons from ___________ forever.
In the name of Jesus, I command no pieces of you to remain.
In the name of Jesus, I separate these demons from _______________ as far as the East is from the West and
place the cross on which Jesus died and the tomb from which
he rose again between ____________ and these demons
I forbid any of these demons to ever return or to send any others.
In Jesus’ name, we forbid any of these spirits or any others to return.
We declare that this person belongs totally to Jesus Christ and allow no further trespassing by Enemy agents.
I seal in Jesus’ name all that He has done here.
We close all doors through which the demons gained entrance and remove allvulnerabilities in Jesus’ name.
Lord, I commit myself totally to Your will.Open my eyes and my heart to Your truth regarding all deception of past relationships, Jezebel spirits and deceptive spirits.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I command that all deceiving
spirits depart from me.
I reject and renounce all their counterfeit gifts.
Help my soul and heart to get out of the pain of discovery.
May I be a blessing and not a curse to your holy name.
In You do I trust.Thank You.Amen.
The Forgiveness Prayer
Credits =by Father Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Catholic prayer adaptation from HOM Ministries,
108 Aberdeen St, Lowell, Massachusetts, 01850 Domestic-Church.Com: Sacramental: Spiritual Warfare Prayer www.domestic-
M 09/14/05, 13700 asp
Some prayers we need to repeat 3X in order to break curses or linkages to evil that have been invoked 3X to blaspheme the Trinity.
Heavenly Father, I love You, I praise You, and I worship You.I thank You for sending Your son Jesus Christ, Who won victory over disease, evil and separation from You.I thank you for the forgiveness of my sins through the substitution of Your son
Jesus in my place on the cross.I thank You for Your Holy Spirit Who baptizes me with Your power to bind and place under Your feet the enemy of of our mind, body and soul.Ithank You for
Your Holy Spirit Who baptizes me with Your gifts to do Your miracles, teaching, loving, and healing the broken of mind,
body and spirit.I thank You for Your Holy Spirit Who baptizes
me with Your power, so that I might bring delight to Your heart, for You Father God are the source of all goodness, beauty, love and blessing.We are nothing except you fill us up with
Yourself.I than You Jesus Christ for being my intercessor
before God our Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, I place myself at the foot of Your cross and
ask You to cover me with Your precious blood which pours
forth from Your most sacred heart and Your most holy wounds.Cleanse me, my Jesus, in the living water that flows from Your side, and from the river of life in heaven.I ask You to surround me, Lord Jesus, with Your holy angels.
Heavenly Father, let the healing waters of my baptism now
flow back through the maternal and paternal generations to exterminate my family blood line of Satan and sin.I come
before You, Father God, and ask forgiveness for myself, my living relatives, and my deceased ancestors for any known and any unknown evil or powers in opposition to You.In Jesus’ holy name, I now reclaim any territory that was handed over to
Satan and place it under the lordship of Jesus Christ.That includes any person, place or thing.
By the power of Your Holy Spirit, reveal to me, Father God, any people I need to forgive and any areas of unconfessed sin, whether real or imagined.Reveal aspects of my life that are not pleasing to You, Father God, ways that have given or could give Satan a foothold in my life.Father, I give to You any unforgiveness;I am willing to be willing;I give to You my sins;and I give to You all the ways that Satan has a hold on my life.Thank You, Father, for reminding me of what I need to apologize for.Thank You for forgiving me 70 times 7.Thank You that you love me, even when I do not love You back.
Lord Jesus, in Your holy name, I bind all evil spirits of the air, water, ground, underground, and nether world.Ifurther bind, in Jesus’ name, any and all emissaries of the satanic headquarters and claim the precious blood of Jesus on the air, atmosphere, water, ground, and their fruits around us, the underground and the netherworld below.
Heavenly Father, allow Your son Jesus to come now with the Holy Spirit and Your holy angels to protect me from all harm
and to keep all evil spirits from taking revenge on me in any way.
(Repeat the following sentence three times: once in honor of
the Father, once in honor of the Son, and once in honor of the Holy Spirit.)
In the Name of Jesus and in the honor of the Father, I seal myself, my relatives, this place, and all sources of supply in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
In the Name of Jesus and in the honor of Jesus Christ I seal myself, my relatives, this place, and all sources of supply in the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
In the Name of Jesus and in the honor of the Holy Spirit, I seal myself, my relatives, this place, and all sources of supply in the
precious blood of Jesus Christ.
(To break and dissolve all satanic seals, repeat the following paragraph three times in honor of the Holy Trinity because satanic seals are places three times to blaspheme the Holy Trinity.)
In the honor of the holy trinity and in the holy name of Jesus, I break and dissolve any and all curses, hexes, spells, snares, traps, lies, obstacles, deceptions, diversions, evil spiritual influences, evil wishes, evil desires, hereditary seals (known
and unknown) and every dysfunction and disease from any source including my own mistakes and sins.In Jesus’ name, I sever the transmission of any and all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonds, soul ties, and satanic works.In Jesus’ name, I break and dissolve any and all links and effects of links with: astrologers; bohmos; channelers; charters; clairvoyants;
crystal healers; crystals; fortune tellers; mediums; New Age Movement; non Christian/non Jewish religions; occult seers; palm, tea leaf, or tarot card readers; psychics; santeros;
satanic cults; spirit guides; witch doctors; and, Voodoo.In
Jesus’ name, Idissolve all effects of participation in seances
and divination, ouija boards, horoscopes, occult games of all sorts, and any form of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ.
In the honor of the holy trinity and in the holy name of Jesus, I break and dissolve any and all curses, hexes, spells, snares, traps, lies, obstacles, deceptions, diversions, evil spiritual influences, evil wishes, evil desires, hereditary seals (known
and unknown) and every dysfunction and disease from any source including my own mistakes and sins.In Jesus’ name, I sever the transmission of any and all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonds, soul ties, and satanic works.In Jesus’ name, I break and dissolve any and all links and effects of links with: astrologers; bohmos; channelers; charters; clairvoyants;
crystal healers; crystals; fortune tellers; mediums; New Age Movement; non Christian/non Jewish religions; occult seers; palm, tea leaf, or tarot card readers; psychics; santeros;
satanic cults; spirit guides; witch doctors; and, Voodoo.In
Jesus’ name, Idissolve all effects of participation in seances
and divination, ouija boards, horoscopes, occult games of all sorts, and any form of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ.
In the honor of the holy trinity and in the holy name of Jesus, I break and dissolve any and all curses, hexes, spells, snares, traps, lies, obstacles, deceptions, diversions, evil spiritual
influences, evil wishes, evil desires, hereditary seals (known
and unknown) and every dysfunction and disease from any source including my own mistakes and sins.In Jesus’ name, I sever the transmission of any and all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonds, soul ties, and satanic works.In Jesus’ name, I break and dissolve any and all links and effects of links with: astrologers; bohmos; channelers; charters; clairvoyants;
crystal healers; crystals; fortune tellers; mediums; New Age Movement; non Christian/non Jewish religions; occult seers; palm, tea leaf, or tarot card readers; psychics; santeros;
satanic cults; spirit guides; witch doctors; and, Voodoo.In
Jesus’ name, Idissolve all effects of participation in seances
and divination, ouija boards, horoscopes, occult games of all sorts, and any form of worship that does not offer true honor to Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit, please reveal to me through Your word of
knowledge any evil spirits that have attached themselves to me in any way.
(Negative emotions and feelings are often revealed: anger, arrogance, bitterness, brutality, confusion, cruelty, envy, fear, hatred, insecurity, jealousy, pride, resentment, or terror.)
As You bring any to mind, I pray against each –
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you evil spirit of_________________________________
I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to me or anyone, so that He can dispose of you according to His holy will.
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you evil spirit of_________________________________
I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to me or anyone, so that He candispose of
you according to His holy will.
In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you evil spirit of_________________________________
I command you to go directly to Jesus, without manifestation and without harm to me or anyone, so that He can dispose of you according to His holy will.
I thank You, heavenly Father for Your love.I thank You, Holy Spirit for empowering me to be aggressive against Satan and evil spirits.I thank You, Jesus, for setting me free.Holy Spirit, please wave a red flag any time the enemy tries to come back
to its former place of comfort and familiarity.With the help of God, I will repeat these prays as often as need be to keep the enemy out of my life.Jesus please send my guardian angel and
any other necessary angels to keep a hedge round about me.What a comfort to know You are my protection.What a comfort to know that you love me.Thank you.I am very grateful.Jesus, help me to be a blessing to You as You are to me.
Scripture says in John 14:6(JB) You, Lord Jesus are the way,
the truth and the life.
Scripture says in John 10:10 (JB)You have come that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
Scripture says in Isaiah 12:2 (JB)God indeed is my savior; I am confident and unafraid.My strength and courage is the Lord,
and He has been my savior.Amen. Alleluia. Amen.
Credit = Reinhard Bonnkein Evangelism by
Devil, “I want to talk to you in the Name of Jesus Christ.”
Spiritual Warfare Prayer
credit = Yun, Brother with Hattaway, Paul in book The
Heavenly Man
“In the name of Jesus, I fight against you, Satan.
I stand against all your lies.
You have deceived me into thinking ___________________________________________.
I bind you in Jesus’ name!”
Spiritual Warfare Prayer #prayer1
Father, we love You.father we give You glory and honor.We lift our hands and praise You Father.We adore You for You are our treat I AM.
In the name of Jesus, Father, we lift __________________________ to You.
In the name of Jesus, Father, we ask that You place good godly people around them who can help them to walk in the deliverance You are giving.
In the name of Jesus, Father, give ______________________
a hunger and thirst for You.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out idolatry.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out depression.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out rejection.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out fear of rejection.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out grief.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out unholy ties.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out fear and torment.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out insecurity.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out fantasy lust.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out self accusation and self hate.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out rebellion and accusation towards others.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out compulsive confession. In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out suspicion and distrust.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out selfishness.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out self deception, self delusion, and self seduction.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out pride.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out control.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cat out unforgiveness, resentment, violence, anger, bitterness, hopelessness, suicide, guilt, shame, frustration, vanity, perfection, unfairness, shyness, loneliness, sensitiveness, nervousness, tension, and all kinds of fear.
In the name of Jesus, Father, cast out paranoid.
In the name of Jesus, Father, heal ____________________
from the top of his/her head to the heels of his/her feet. Father, You said in Your word that You would give us a right mind.
Father, give ______________________ a right mind, one that
is stayed on You.
In the name of Jesus, Father, line up ______________________ ‘s emotions with Your word.
Father, You said that You lead the captive free.
Father, You said that You came that we might have life more abundantly.
Father, make ______________________ free through Jesus
Father, even the man who had the legions of demons in him went and became an evangelist for You Lord, even to the leading of a whole city to You, Father, once he was set free from the demons.
In the name of Jesus, Father, we loose this prayer in Heaven in the promise given by You, that we can do this in and through
the authority and power given to all Christians by speaking
Your word.
Now we speak aloud Your word in Mark 16:17 KJV.These signs shall follow them who believe.In My name shall they cast out devils.
Now we speak aloud Your word in Matthew 16:19 KJV.I will
give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.Whatever youshall bind on earth shall be bound (already) in heaven.Whatever you shall loose on earth, shall be (already) loosed in heaven.
In the name of Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit upon __________________ ‘s body, mind/soul, and spirit.
Father, You do what _______________________ cannot do.
Father, give _________________________ the deliverance
that only You can do.
Father, You are our I AM.
We look to You.We believe.We receieve.
We now thank You for accomplishing these things.We worship and praise You.We give You the glory.In the name of Your son Jesus Christ, we pray.
Anti-Witchcraft Prayers – for others
In the name of Jesus, I come through the blood of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I come against the prince-ruling spirit and all spirit guides.
In the name of Jesus, right now, I paralyze you and silence you, forbidding you from influencing or strengthening any witch or witches.
In the name of Jesus, we are destroying your very works: the spirits of – hate, bitterness and murder, envy and jealousy, wizardry, sorcery, and all your co-spirits.Your works, your powers, and your influences are destroyed.
In the name of Jesus, I paralyze you all, right now.
In the name of Jesus, you will not be able to use this soul/individual/human spirit any longer against the church or against another individual.
In the name of Jesus, I come against the spirit of spiritual blindness, binding the spirits of bondage and heaviness, fear
and hate.
I pray, Lord, that you will open their eyes so they can see the glory of Jesus.Open their hearts to hear Your voice.Break the yokes in their lives.Give them liberty in their souls, so that they
may be free to repent.Show them every evil work and every
evil deed they are guilty of.Lord Jesus, convict their hearts unto repentance.Bring these souls out of darkness.
Save these souls, so that You may have the glory.
In the name of Jesus, Satan, I silence you, binding all your interference.
In the name of Jesus, you will not interfere with these souls.
In the name of Jesus, they will have their own free will choice, so as to make up their own minds, if they want to repent and choose Jesus as their savior.
In the name of Jesus, they will do it without your interference. Jesus, I pray that You will release warring angels to wage war against these demonic activities.
Jesus, I pray you will send ministering spirits to minister to
their souls/minds, spirits, and bodies.
I worship and thank You.I love You.I bless You.Amen.
Anti-Witchcraft Prayers – for self
In Jesus name, Father, I break and loose myself from all witchcraft curses and demons being sent to me and my family. According to Jeremiah 51:20-23, in the name of Jesus, as Your war club and weapons of war, I break in pieces the walls of protection that the Satanists and witches have put up .
In the name of Jesus, I cancel/reverse/void any
harm/evil/bad intention of the enemy toward us.
First and foremost, I pray for the salvation of any Satanist or witch opposing You or Your children.
You have said to pray for those who persecute us, and to bless them.Do do that now.However,
According to Exodus 22:18, in the name of Jesus, I send the curses and demons back to them to to to them what the Satanists and witches sent to do to us, if that is Your perfect will.
In Jesus name, I send judgment, fire, burning, destruction, and death to the Satanists and witches sending anything our way, if that is Your perfect will.
In Jesus name, I heap coals from Your altar upon their foreheads, if that is Your perfect will.
In Jesus name, I cover myself and family with the blood of
In Jesus name, I ask for warring angels to be placed around us for protection.
In Jesus name, I break and loose us from all evil psychic power, thoughts and prayers against us.
In Jesus name, I break and loose us from words spoken in hurt, anger, sorrow, or bitterness.
In Jesus name, I break & loose us from the power of incense & candles being burned against our behalf.
In Jesus name, I break and loose us from all ungodly intercessory prayers.
I bless, praise, thank, adore You, Father God, in Jesus name.Amen.
Return to Sacraments and Sacramentals Page.
COMMAND Prayer – for self
In the name of Jesus Christ,
I cut all demons from communication and help from other demons and from Satan.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that they will enter into confusion
of their own and truly be weakened.
In the name of Jesus, I pray for a strengthening of faith in
In the name of Jesus, I pray to trust God’s Word.
In the name of Jesus, I pray to distinguish between the
thoughts – of Satan (and/or his demons), my own, and God’s.
In the name of Jesus, I pray for Godly counsel and help.
In the name of Jesus, I pray for God’s angelic protection to
break up every scheme of the enemy.
Thank You, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
PROTECTION Prayer – for self
Oh, Holy Spirit, do not abandon me in these ties of difficulty.I know that Satan goes around like a hunter.He never tires his search to have me fall prey to him.If he is able to strike at my hope, then my love for You fades.If my love for You fades, so does my faith in You.Console me, Holy Spirit.
Help me.Protect me always. Holy Spirit let me rejoice in You
forever.Possess me completely.
Prune me gently, oh Spirit of God, wherever it is necessary, so that I may bear much fruit in my life.
In Jesus name I pray.Amen
PROTECTION Prayer – for self
In the name of Jesus Christ, I wash and seal myself, family members, relatives, friends, business associates, pets, and assets + Your children into the precious blood of Jesus Christ,
so that we may be protected from any spirit of retaliation + any other evil spirits, now and forever.Amen
PROTECTION Prayer – for self
SaintMichael, archangel, defend us in battle.Protect us against wickedness and snares of the devil.May God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
Oh Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, bind and cast far away all evil spirits who prowl around the world seeking to ruin our own,
our children’s, and Your children’s souls/hearts/minds.
In Jesus name we pray.Amen.
-breaking curses
of the Blue Lodge, York Rite, Ancient & Accepted or Scottish Rite, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Kadosh, Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, All
other Decrees.
Double click any of the following web sites: emasonry_curses.htm elease%20from%20freemasonry.htm
[DANGER Albert Pile, Masonic sovereign grand commander, published Morals and Dogma (out of print) for the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite (4th-32nd degrees) in America
(containing 20% membership of US masons in 35 south and west states).He inadvertently reveals that Satan, under an assumed name, is out to blasphemy God and to deceive the Scottish Masons from understanding the evil spiritual dynamics of the Masonic organization.Masons are sworn to secrecy and bound by oaths of family curses. http://illuminati-
Another book = Shaw and McKenney The Deadly
Deceptionshares how Free masons regularly curse themselves and their families through secret oaths and how in the higher degrees they dedicatethemselves and their families to Lucifer. Derek Prince’s book Blessing or notes that in order to terminate a family curse, one needs to renounce the spirit of Freemasonry, plus one needs to destroy ALL Freemasonry clothing/jewelry/books/objects.
Stone Phillips TV program titled “God’s Banker” that aired 5/11/05 discusses the Black Friars, a Masonic offshoot
outlawed in Italy.It is connected with the bricklayers trade and was formed as a political organization called P-2.]
1st Samuel 17:45-47 NIV “I (David) come against you (Goliath)
in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, Who you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me.I’ll strike you down and cut off your head.Today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth.The whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves.The battle is the Lord’s.He will give all of you into our hands.”[Spiritual insight
= We can go on the offensive (in the name of Jesus) against
our spiritual enemy, Satan, if we are born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit.]
Zechariah 3:2 KJV The Lord said to Satan,
“The Lord rebuke you, O Satan.The Lord that has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you.”
Matthew 6:5-15″When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, Who is unseen.then
your Father, who sees what is done insecret will reward you.When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for
they think they will be heard because of their many
not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.This, then, is how you should pray:
‘Our father in heaven, hallowed be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your will done, as it is in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us our debts (and trespasses) as we also have forgiven our debtors (and trespassers).Lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE.’
If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
Mark 8:33 TPNT “You must return to where you came from, Satan, because you do not think the things of God.”
Luke 10:17-20 NIV The 72 returned with joy and said, Lord, even the demons submit to us – in Your name.He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.I have given you
authority totrample on snakes, scorpions and to overcome ALL the power of the enemy.Nothing will harm you.Do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
Romans 8:26 We do not know what we should pray for,…but
the Spirit Himself makes INTERCESSION for us withgroanings which cannot be uttered.”
1st Peter 3:18-22 NIV 18Christ died for sins once for all (the righteous (died) for the unrighteous) to bring you to God.He was put to death in the body, but made alive by the (Holy)
Spirit, 19through Whom He also went (into hell) and preached
to the (human) spirits in prison, 20who disobeyed long ago
when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark
was being built. In it only a few people, 8 in all, were saved through water.21This water symbolizes baptism that now
saves you also – not the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a good conscience toward God.It saves you by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22Who has gone into heaven
(after preaching in hell) and is at God’s right hand – with angels, authorities, and powers in submission to Him. (Spiritual insight
= Christ overcame, death, disease, infirmity/disability, sin,
Satan and the demons.)
Basham, DonDeliver Us From
Deceased, Pastor Basham in chapter 16 The Deliverance
Ministry Grows shares the testimony of a demon protesting the use of “praying in tongues, the perfect prayer”!
Bell, StephenBreaking Freebooklet or pocket size booklet
Prayer for (1) forgiveness (2) curses (3) the occult (4) soul-
ties (5) fathers’ iniquities
Bell was mentored by the Hammonds, but later did not
continue working with them due to doctrinal differences. DELIVERANCE MINISTRIES
Brown, Dr. Rebecca & Daniel Yoder Unbroken
Subtitle = Hidden Source of Trouble in the Christian’s LifeA
must read for those who are stuck.
Author emphasizes that ignorance is no cause/excuse for Satan not to prosecute and imprison us.
Curses due to a legal trespass by self or ancestor need to be repented of.If this is not done the curses may repeat
themselves, if not in our generation, then in another generation. Curses due to Satan’s opportunism can be eliminated/broken in the name of Jesus.
If we have done all to no avail, then we need to lay on our
faces, asking God to reveal to us the trespass.
Chapter 2 Legal Grounds spells out
I. Breaking a curse from God due to our/ancestor’s trespass.
a. Acknowledge own/forefathers sin.
b. Confess sin.
c. Repent for sin.
d. Ask God to remove curse.
e. In the case of disease, you or your husband anoint any affected body part with oil.
f. In the name of Jesus, command any demons that came into your life through that sin to leave at once.
g. Ask Jesus to close the doorway, to prevent the return of any spirit.
h. Repeat for each known sin.
i. Thank Jesus.
II. Breaking a curse from Satan due to our/ancestor’s trespass. a. Acknowledge own/forefathers sin.
b. Confess sin.
c. Repent for sin.
d. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over this curse of ________.”
e. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command it to be broken now.”
f.In the case of disease, you or your husband anoint any affected body part with oil.
g. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind all demon spirits associated with this curse.”
h. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all demon spirits associated with thiscurse to leave quietly, NOW.” i. Ask Jesus to close the doorway, to prevent the return of any spirit.
j. Thank Jesus.
III. Breaking a curse from Satan due to Satan’s trespass.
a. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over this curse of ________.”
b. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ,I command this curse to be broken, NOW!”
c. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind all demon spirits associated with this curse.”
d. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all demon spirits associated with this curse to leave quietly,
e. Ask Jesus to close the doorway, to prevent the return of any spirit.
f. Thank Jesus.
Chapter 3 Inherited Curses spells out how to break curses from non-Christian dedications.
a. Acknowledge forefathers sin.
b. Confess forefathers sin.
c. Repent for forefathers sin.
d. Ask the Lord to completely separate you from iniquities of forefathers.
e. Out loud, renounce any dedication placed upon your life to
the service of Satan or any of demons (knowingly or
unwittingly by the pastor not being born again).
f. Out loud, proclaim that you are now a born again Christian in the service of Jesus Christ.
g. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I take authority over the curse of destruction.”
(that was activated through your broken dedication)
h. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the curse of destruction to be broken now.”
i. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I bind all demon spirits associated with this curse.”
j. Out loud say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all demon spirits associated with thecurse of destruction to leave quietly, NOW.”
k. Repeat until your speech is clear and resolute.
l. Ask Jesus to close the door, to prevent the return of any spirit.
m. Thank Jesus.
Cassada, BarbaraUnto
subtitle = Freemasonry – Freedom in Christ or Bondage to Lucifer?Booklet gives deliverance prayers for 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
Holy Royal Arch, 18th, 30th, 31st, 32nd and 33rd degrees, plus York Rite and American Shriners.The 1st Degree prayer renounces the Masonic blindfold and its effects on emotions, confusion, fear of the dark, light and sudden noises.The Holy Royal Arch Degree prayer renounces the curse of decapitation and brain exposure to the hot sun plus any resulting mind and brain diseases.The American Shriners prayer renounces the curse of madness.Concluding prayer renounces all fear of insanity, anguish, death wishes, suicide and death in the name of Jesus Christ.
Cox, Paul L Heaven Trek – Daring to Go where God Wants Us to Go
Appendix has 2 excellent prayers(a) to dismantle (evil) powers DELIVERANCE by RECOGNITION
and (b) to release Holy Spirit fullness in one’s life.
“I repent for myself and those in my generational line for the 7 sins in Proverbs 6:16.”
(haughtiness, lying, murdering, plotting evil, eagerness to do wrong, a false witness, sowing discord among brothers)
Eckhart, JohnIdentifying and Breaking
Curseswww.doubleblessing.comBook has excellent 2 page
prayer at end.
Eckhardt, JohnLoose Thyself Highly recommended with some excellent prayers.Booklet
small enough to put into back pocket.
Eckhardt, John Prayers That Rout Demonsexcellent
It is imperative that we personalize both scripture and this book’s prayers, when praying either.This is called spiritual warfare.
Hammond, Frank & Ida MaePigs in the Parlor
Subtitle = A Practical Guide to DeliveranceA primer/textbook of/on schizophrenia deliverance!
The Hammonds explained that prayer is directed to God.Deliverance is directed to evil spirits.We do NOT ask God to deliver us.He already defeated Satan 2000 years ago.God told Moses and his people to capture/claim the land He had given them.Likewise, we need to finish God’s work of evicting
demonic trespassers in our lives. We are to command the evil spirits to depart, in the name of Jesus.We talk to the enemy,
not to God.
Hammond, Frank and Ida MaeKingdom Living for the
The Hammonds made it a routine practice to break all inherited curses from all to whom they ministered.The person repeats a prayer including these ideas, “Jesus, You are my savior.I now confess all my sins, especially the sin(s) ______________________________.I now repent for all the
unconfessed sins of my ancestors.Each curse that would come upon me or my descendents because of my ancestors’ sins is now broken, because You became a curse on the cross for us who repent.In the name of Jesus Christ I now command every evil spirit which has gained power in my life through ancestral sins to leave me right now.In the name of Jesus, I break all curses off my family.Thank You wonderful savior.Amen.”
Heidler, Robert DSet Yourself Free – A Deliverance Manual
Heidler, Robert DThe Messianic Church Arisingwww.glory-of-
Appendix 3 part 1 says, “I remember hearing Derek
Princewww.derekprince.comshare that in leading people into deliverance, DELIVERANCE MINISTRIEShe often had them
make that profession…in faith, ‘I am redeemed by the blood of the Lamb out of the hand of the enemy.’That was often enough to break the power of demonic forces from a believer’s life!”
Kelley, Earthquake Order book #1122 “Bound to Lose, Destined to Win”
Chapter 14 Questions and Answers – “”A blockade
spirit…stands over us at times when we pray.Witches call it the one-eyed, one-armed blockade spirit.It will even put its arm around you and try to pull you up from off your knees… This spirit clocks communicationbetween you and heaven by using thoughts of your everyday life…Doubt and fear are attacks of the enemy.A blockade spirit will also whisper thing to you
about your past…The enemy is also capable of blocking the answer to your prayers…Simply say, ‘In the name of Jesus, I command every foul spirit to leave this room.I am going to
pray, and my prayers will not able blocked’…Before you pray…read scripture, listen to worship music, and spend time praising and thanking God.Create an atmosphere.”
Lamb, JoyThe Sword of the Spirit – the Word of GodLamb’s Books Inc publishers
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Booklet contains scripture quotes for declaring protection, deliverance, and/or inner healing.
Linn, Matthew & DennisDeliverance Prayer Paulist Press Mentoring book on the use/applications/testimonies/power of blessed salt and/or water against evil spirits.
The blessing for oil/water/salt can be something like this,
“May you be purified, empowered in the dwellings and congregations to root out and banish the enemy, along with his fallen angels.Let no evil or harm hover, lurk, dwell on or in any anointed premise or person, his family or associates.In the name of Jesus, amen.”
After sprinkling blessed salt/water one can pray, “In the name of the Father, Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit, I command all evil to leave and never return.Jesus Christ please be present
and remain.”
MacNutt, FrancisDeliverance from Evil
Book is salted throughout with helpful mentoring and short prayers.Chapter 13 is How to Pray for Deliverance.Prior to
deliverance the client needs to receive Jesus as his savior/baptizer in the Holy Spirit and needs to have spent alot
of time in scripture study.Additionally, the prayer team needs,
in the name of Jesus, to forbid “any communication in the
realm of evil spirits” and to forbid any evil spirit “to draw
power from any spirits outside the person”.Another team preparation prayer may be the binding/casting out of blocking (mockery/lying/confusion/sleepiness/game-playing) spirits. MacNutt notes that deliverance prayers are commands to demons, whereas prayers are petitions to Father God.Both are done “in the name of Jesus Christ”.Additionally we can
command defective human nature to be restored, in the name
of Jesus Christ.Luke 4:39 gives us an example of Jesus
rebuking a fever.MacNutt discusses temporary possession/demonization such as in the case of inability to
speak the name of Jesus during one’s personal commitment to Christ.The team names the troubling evil spirit (eg, anger) and, in the name of Jesus Christ, commands it to go to Jesus Christ. (Always speak softly and tell/remind person you are
addressing the spirit and NOT him/her personally.)Ask the
client to alert the team to any danger that is happening internally.After the spirits have departed, the team needs to
ask God to fill in any empty space/vacancy with Jesus’ characteristics/virtues that are the opposite of the the evils that/who left.Afterward, prayerfully cleanse the team of any
evil that may be attempting to attach itself to them.
Chapter 19 Deliverance through Blessed Objects references Father Rick Thomas, El Paso, Texas, USA who hands out cans of blessed salt, which results in deliverances when sprinkled or added to food.
Some of MacNutt’s Catholic ideas are NOT condoned by Protestants.For instance, some of the spirits encountered by a tormented Catholic person may be those Catholic human spirits in purgatory (between earth and heaven). Nevertheless, excellent book.
Michaelsen, Johana Like Lambs to the Slaughter chapter 15
What’s a Parent to Do?sectionI Renounce the Devil
“If there are sins of occultism or perversion in your life or
family line that have not been dealt with, it is certainly possible for that demonic opening to be there” as coldness of the heart, unforgiveness, or psychic powers masquerading as gifts of the Holy Spirit.We can “pray something like this:
Almighty God, in the name of YourSon, Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
I confess to You these things which Your Word tells me are abomination in Your sight (list them out loud.)
I now renounce these practices.
I renounce Satan and all his works.
I renounce my (personal or inherited) spirit guide, in the name of Jesus the Messiah,
and I command you, deceitful spirit, to depart from me (and
our family) to go to that place where Jesus send you.
I now reject any psychic powers or abilities which have possessed me (and/or my family on both sides),
and I commandthem to leave my life in the name of Jesus the Messiah.
I renounce the occult practices of our forefathers.If any spirit
of Witchcraft or sorcery has attached itself to us or our children or our family line because of these practices, I now command them to leave, and I declare, by the victory of Jesus Christ, that their power over us and any of our children or our children’s children is now broken forever.
I now ask You, Lord Jesus, to come into my life.I ask You to be my Savior and my Lord.
I commit myself to You now and forever.Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, Lord.Cover me and our family (on both sides) with the protection of Your holy blood shed at the cross in payment for our sins.
Almighty God, I praise You that the Son of God appeared for
this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.Destroy now, Almighty Lord, every work of the devil in
our life and in the life of our children.Shield and protect us from the hatred and deceit of the Evil One.Teach us, Lord, how to truly minister our children in Your name, that they may always see Your grace and unconditional love for them reflected through us.I lift this prayer to You, heavenly Father, in the precious name of Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.Amen.”
Pierce, ChuckbookPrayers that Outwit the
Prince, Derekwww.derekprince.comDELIVERANCE MINISTRIES Savard, LibertyBreaking the Power of Unmet Needs, Unhealed Hurts, Unresolved Issues in Your LifeSymptoms Versus Sources section of chapter 4 Wrong Behaviors, Word Curses, and
Generational Bondages shares deliverance testimony.
“I prayed for 20 years that an alcoholic friend would lose his taste for alcohol…Nothing happened.Then I began to pray, binding and loosing…within a few weeks, this man declared
that alcohol didn’t taste good anymore…I then realized that for 20 years I had prayed against a symptom – the taste for alcohol.Nothing ‘happened’ until I began binding this man’s will to God’s will and loosing the strongholds protecting the source
or reason that he drank…You do not have to name the
symptoms or identify specific sources in your binding and
loosing prayers.”
Schubert, Linda5 Minute Miraclesbooklet www.linda-
Chapter 7 Learning from Each Other”We can pray, ‘Lord, whatever isn’t from Jesus that is affecting or afflicting this person – take it away and fill the area with the presence of Jesus…If we sense the presence of something evil a attacking the person we can silence it under our breath.We don’t need to mention it out loud.We are called to pray, not to be doctors…Quietly allow the healing to manifest itself.The doctor will confirm.”
Ferrell, Ana Mendez + Ferrell, Emerson Spiritual Authority4
CD’s http://www.voiceofthelight.com2.26.2008
DVD #3 is marvelous!It reveals that there is a parallel underworld comparable to both the heavenlies and the earthly.There is sort of a carbon copy of the worldly – below
and above.However, if the heavenly is the real/original, then
the other 2 are copies.One gets the message.Regardless, since most battles are spiritual, rather than worldly, our spirit may need to unite with the Holy Spirit and to descend into hell, as Christ did (after dying but before rising from the dead.) There
in a place called captivity, He released captives into heaven – those who accepted Him as Messiah. In hell we rescue the broken pieces of the heart/mind/soul and release them into
the heavenlies to be ministered to by God.If instructed to do so, in hell and on earth, we minister life both spiritually and physically to weakened individuals.We need not go into hell in spirit, unless instructed to do so, but we do need to say aloud this prayer for each prisoner of Satan,
“I am calling your soul out of captivity.Come forth in the name
of Jesus Christ.I call ____________’s soul to be established in
the heavenlies with You, Father God.___________ right now
today ____________ your soul is set free from captivity and
established in heaven, thanks be to God.”Mark this day on your
calendar as a memento to God .
Copeland, Kenneth
3/15/2007 TV program indicates that many people pray incorrectly; they demand of God rather than demand of Satan.If we do not take authority over evil, then Satan will/may take authority over/for us.
If we do not choose, then Satan will/may choose for us.
[It is sort of like failing to vote.We lose by default/negligence/omission. Life is sort of like a football team.Either we play the defense or we play the offense.It is the offensive side who carries the ball, who makes the goal, who scores the points.
Perhaps an offensive prayer would go like this, “In the name of Jesus, ‘Satan, take your hands off ___________ .’
The word of God says,
‘________________________________’. Satan, ‘you have to
obey the word of God.'”
Additionally we can speak to negative situations and tell them
to go in the name of Jesus, based scripture which says _____________________________________(as relevant to
that specific problem).Then we thank God that it is now accomplished/in His hands/not in our hands.Remember each generation is to claim what is already accomplished/done by Christ 2000 years ago.Anger should always be at evil and NOT
at a person or at God.]
Cox, Paul Aslan’s Place of good
insights + lots of good prayers. =
Prayer to Establish Us As Living Stones
Prayer To Heal Attention Deficit Disorder
Prayer Of Release For Masons And Their Descendants Renunciation of Curses Listed in Deuteronomy 28:15-68
Prayer to Release Us into Financial Freedom, by Dr. Paul L. Cox Prayer to Release Me Into My God Given Influence by Dr. Paul L. Cox
Prayer for Those Who Were Involved in Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Deliverance Prayers – intro.htm
Hinn, Benny4/30/2007 Benny Hinn is having TV broadcast shown on 5/4/2007 for deliverance of viewers. Viewers are encouraged to pray TO JESUS whatever they wish regarding deliverance and wounds of the past.
4/30/2007 guests are Francis Frangipane and Dottie Rambo. Daily prayer requests to Benny Hinn’s intercessors may be e- mailed to
Lake Hamilton Deliverance Prayers tm
“Because demons tend to “cluster” in family groupings, the thesaurus can be an amazingly helpful instrument to identify demons within a specific category…It’s in JESUS name we pray.”
MacNutt, Francis and Judith MacNutt, Francis The prayer for deliverance http://www.hispeople- 20Out%20Demons.html
“’In the name of Jesus Christ I command you spirit of ____ to depart quietly and without doing harm and never to return.’ Authority – the Name of Jesus.
The command – it is not a request or plea.
To whom – command directed to specific evil spirit – not to God asking Him to do it.
What – to leave immediately.
How – quietly without hurting or disrupting.”
MacNutt, Francis & Judith Video/DVD Level 3 School of Healing Prayer program on deliverance –
shares excellent insights/reminders.Always before and after each deliverance ministry, pray for cleansing of room and those
ministering over others (wishing to be permanently free of any demonic attachments/curses/hexes/spells/assignments/spirits/oppres sion/nightmares/consignments/ symptoms), and for any and
all such entities to go to Jesus – for Him to take care of.Additionally we are regularly to go to communion, so as to
be free of any opportunity of Satan to legally/legitimatey
attack us.Daily we are to worship Christ and then to decommission all evil placing evil under the feet of Jesus.We
are to daily cancel any curse directed against ourselves, family or business.At day’s end we are to again thank and worship
Moyo, AndrewLISTEN to 3/31/2008-4/4/2008 Messianic Vision radio broadcast #1585 archive at
Dr. Andrew Moyo was in the forefront of the revival in Uganda.Moyo says there is a difference between praying and speaking to/commanding a healing.When God told Mayo to
show His power, Mayo spoke to blind eyes.He did not pray.Mayo’s book #1155 Working the Works of God can be ordered from Sid Roth.Order this Book
Mezuza on home doorpost – prayer Blessed are You Adonai, Ruler of the Universe, who has given
us life, health and strength and enabled us to reach this
Win Worley Warfare Prayer for the Lost
Ward, Pastor Chris & Rita – Private deliverance application –
Monthly Saturday deliverance programs are open to the public
Logos Christian Fellowship, Leesburg, FL 34749
A number of Spiritual Warfare Prayers To Pray
(Warning – Vengeance is the Lord’s, not ours!Scripture admonishes us to both forgive and pray for our enemies.
We place ourselves in danger of not being forgiven by the Lord,
if we do not forgive.
We can pray, ” In the name of Jesus, I cancel all ungodly assignments against us.”)
Witchcraft – Voodoo – Prayers against it and other witchcraft
THE invisible BOX – A Most Effective Weapon to Dislodge a Demon
JN414-2. PRAYER FOCUS: Buddhist beachhead in Europe
(2)Counter Terrorism by the Holy Spirit10/16/2002
International Deliverance Society
Prayer for ADD and ADHD
Credits to Pat Legako, Edmond, Oklahoma, USA(405) 341-5402 Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
of any structural brain abnormalities that have been passed down through the generations
or that have been caused by stress in the womb.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization ofthe firing and receptors ofthe transmitters, axiom and synapse within this one’s brain functionl.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization of the amino acids, chemical releases, and neutrons.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization/restoration of each genetic base pair to its intended function.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization/adjustment of those parts of the brain that need healing especially in these parts according to this individuals needs :
In the cerebral cortex, prefrontal and frontal lobe.
In the parietal lobe and the occipital lobes
In the temporal lobes and the brain stem.
In the cerebellum.
In the thalamus and the hypothalamus areas.
In the Broca’s Aphasia and the Wernecke’s area.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization of the neurological interruptions and
over firing.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization/balance/renewal of neurological pathways
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we command
healing/normalization of brain wiring routing.
Father God, in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ and in the power of Your Holy Spirit I/we
bind and cast out the familiar spirits of ADD and ADHD.
bind and cast out the spirits of rejection, self-hatred, rebellion, jealousy and envy.
bind and cast out the Deaf and Dumb spirits and any
Beelzebub babbling spirit.
bind and cast out any homosexual spirits and double-minded spirits in the name of Jesus.
Father God, we thank You for accomplishing all these things by Your name and Your power.
We ask You to protect what You have accomplished.In Jesus name we pray.Amen.
The majority of prayer is defensive and whiney plus self
centered.There are 2 sides of a team, defensive and
offensive.It is the offensive that makes the goals.It is the offensive that makes headway.It is the offensive that picks
itself out of the dust and begins running/charging/attacking.Defense is definitely needed, but
to get our prayers answered, we need to finish off the
opponent with the offensive strategies.Victims only stay so,
until they wake up and become victors.Our prayers need to begin to stop on the head of the enemy.This is not a solo act,
but teamwork.One great strategy is to continuously every
single day proclaim/shout/sing out loud every scripture that
contradicts what the enemy has done and intends to do.The second strategy is to help our victim to join in with us.We can under-gird this victim with prayer/encouragement/mentoring/ modeling/whatever it takes.Finally, whatever we do/say/pray always do “in the name of Jesus’ and never in our own power.