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How do (and should) we deal with Pentecostal oneness as a Trinitarian Pentecostal since we share together very similar spiritual experiences? Comment!
Varnel Watson
Michael Hazlewood after listening to you for the past hour I think I now clealry understand your point You want us to listen to you and your private interpretation and NOT to our KJV BIBLE clearly says in Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Do you reject the KJV BIBLE now?
Michael Hazlewood
OKAY Nicodemus do it your way ignore all the Apostles taught and did in obedience ; keep believing the Tares and following the wolves in sheeps clothing
Varnel Watson
the Apostles taught the APOSTOLIC CREED which clearly says in agreement with Mt. 28:19 the following
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day MANMADE creed not from the Apostles or God
Michael Hazlewood
OKAY Nicodemus do it your way ignore all the Apostles taught and did in obedience ; keep believing the Tares and following the wolves in sheeps clothing
Varnel Watson
Michael Hazlewood WHY do you bring up the apostles when our KJV BIBLE in Matthew 28:19 clearly states
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Do you believe men over GODS Word the BIBLE?
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day I obey God rather than men Psalm 118:8 KJB
Varnel Watson
I can only agree with the BIBLE KJV
you speak like some liberal who rejects the BIBLE which in Matthew 28:19 clearly states
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Do you believe men over GODS Word the BIBLE?
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day I would have attended an AoG Church before this thread but now NO WAY
Varnel Watson
cults and liberals often demand to listen to them and not listen to the KJ BIBLE which in Matthew 28:19 says
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day Come out of her and be baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sin or burn
Varnel Watson
How can you so easily reject the authority of the KJ BIBLE which in Matthew 28:19 says
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day AOG is clearly a cult
Joshwa Bedford
Michael Hazlewood many of us genuinely want to know your view and understand your position. However, it get difficult to do so when you avoid questions, or make false allocations about AOG being a cult or calling brothers and sisters in the Lord heretics.
We, as 21st century believers, we can’t reject Gods revelation made to man throughout the centuries. The apostles creed was meant to be inline with the Apostles heart and correct a very dangerous heresy, The Arian Herecy.
We cannot be prideful and puffed up and say we know best. Theology is best understood when first aligned with the Word of God and then aligned with historical theology. Systematic Theology and Historical Theology should go hand in hand.
Lastly, when understanding Systematic Theology, we must conduct a proper hermeneutic. We are not the primary recipients/audience; we are secondary recipients/audience. So, before we make a conclusion about a passage of scripture today, we must first see what the conclusion was then. When we know the conclusion then, we can practically apply it to today.
I don’t think anyone wants to debate and fight with you, I think many of us want to know your heart and understand what you believe and why you believe it.
Michael Hazlewood
Joshwa Bedford YOU all did 3 times the calling I did and then took it off and continually lied about it , misrepresent scriptures then accuse me of it
Michael Hazlewood
Joshwa Bedford SO you ignore what they say and all their accusations they make then put out a public statement against me WOW it seems a bit like what the democrats are doing to the President lol
Michael Hazlewood
There is only ONE GOD and JESUS is His name
Michael Hazlewood
Baptism calling on the name of Jesus Christ is the only way ANYONE in Scripture was ever Baptized in obedience to the commandment of Christ ; any other interpretation is heresy ; Anyone who was ever baptized any other way EVEN by the greatest man who ever lived according to Christ Jesus was rebaptized in the name of Christ Jesus ACT 19:1-6 KJB
Michael Hazlewood
NO Christian anywhere in Scripture ever received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost w/o evidence of speaking in tongues – never -to preach against it is heresy
Michael Hazlewood
To Teach OR Preach that anything Scripture requires in obedience – For salvation Covenant (the everlasting covenant of Abraham ) Colossians 2:9- 14 KJB is not essential for salvation is Blasphemy against the doctrine of The Lord Jesus Christ
Michael Hazlewood
Holiness separation , holiness cleansing , holiness purging and holiness living is essential for your salvation PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!
Joshwa Bedford
Michael Hazlewood when you say “holiness separation” do you mean the separatists view that people must be removed from the world/sinners?
Michael Hazlewood
Joshwa Bedford No from the carnal ways of the world and be converted to the ways of Holy God right in the midst of them
Michael Hazlewood
YES it is very Christlike to REBUKE Heretics and Blasphemers who interpret Scripture to fit their religion as appose to obeying Scripture for their salvation
Joshwa Bedford
Michael Hazlewood are you saying holiness lifestyle is required before salvation, or it’s an evidence of salvation and Christ’s work in the believer?
Michael Hazlewood
It is false religious teachings that obedience to Scripture salvation is a works salvation – works salvation is the replacement or annilation of Christ sacrifice replacing it with another
Louise Cummings
According to the Bible. All Three was from the beginning. The Bible talks about The Spirit moving upon the face of the deep. He had jobs He did The Father has always been. He created the Heavens and the Earth. After man dined. He gave His Only Begotten Son to die Shed His Blood for our sins. And He arose again. The point I was going to make. It that an Angel Appeared to an earthly woman, a Virgin, Named Mary. And she would bear a Son and His Name would be Called Jesus. When He was horned. He Jot His Name. The Angel had already told them. That’s what His Name would be. So Mary Named Him Jesus , when He got His Name. But before that a priest named Zachariah’s. And told him his wife was going to have a son , in her old age. And His Name would be John. And he would go preaching Jesus. Make His Path straight. When He comes , to save the lost. He said I’m not the one. I preach Baptizing people. Unto repentance. See the Word Repentance. But He comes . Whose shoes I’m not worthy to unloose. He Shall Baptize you with zither Holy Ghost. I didn’t look this up. But if you have a Bible that teaches the word straight. We were Baptized into His ( Body or His death. ). I’ll half too look it up.
Michael Hazlewood
Joshwa Bedford essential for salvation as it is of salvation w/o holiness you cannot please God – w/o holiness no man shall see God
Joshwa Bedford
Michael Hazlewood can you please elaborate more on your view of Jesus alone being God.
Please include the pluralistic mentions of the Godhead, types, and Christophanies in the Old Testament.
Old Testament talks a lot about, “the spirit of God.” Is that the Holy Spirit?
Though scripture doesn’t say the word “Trinity,” doesn’t mean the Trinity is not God. The biblical, historical, and modern view of God is that He is one God in three persons; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.