BURNOUT in the MINISTRY: Have you been there yourself?

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BURNOUT in the MINISTRY: Have you been there yourself?

P. Drucker said that the four hardest jobs in America are:

The President of the United States A university president A CEO of a hospital and A pastor

Is that true?

90% of pastors said the ministry was completely different than what they thought it would be like before they entered the ministry.

70 %say they have a lower self-image now than when they first started.

John Kissinger [01/24/2016 7:01 AM]
“The antidote to exhaustion is not rest but wholeheartedness.” David Whyte

Jimmy Humphrey [01/24/2016 7:26 AM]
Good. Pastoring wasn’t ever meant to be a full time vocational pursuit to begin with. “Full time ministry” ought to be the exception instead of the norm.

John Kissinger [01/24/2016 7:34 AM]
7 Lessons from Burnout

#1 Burnout is worse than you think.
#2 Burnout affects more than the pastor.
#3 Pastors need to take responsibility for themselves.
#4 Church leaders should take this seriously.
#5 Congregations need to accept some responsibility.
#6 Our way of “doing church” needs to take some responsibility.
#7 Burnout isn’t the end of the road.


John Kissinger [01/24/2016 7:52 AM]
we also have some people that are in the ministry for the wrong reasons or are just not cut for such work Alan N Carla Smith

Hanny Setiawan [01/24/2016 1:10 PM]
How can we burnout if we love what we do?

John Kissinger [01/24/2016 1:18 PM]
7 WAYS to Prevent Pastor Burnout

1. 24/7 mentalit
2. Conflict.
3. Expectations
4. Unwillingness to let go
5. No friends
6. Not suited for some tasks
7. No life outside the church

Seven Responses to Prevent Pastor Burnout

Jo Shartzer [01/24/2016 3:10 PM]
Yep..I had street ministry was active evangelist but walked away

David M. Hinsen [01/24/2016 5:45 PM]
This is a much needed discussion. Intriguing comments.

John Kissinger [01/24/2016 5:52 PM]
#WoW Hinsen on the move [after all this time]

Charles Page [01/24/2016 5:54 PM]
if you are in a rut (grave opened at both ends) walking away is essential to healing. Pastors need healing!

John Kissinger [01/24/2016 5:58 PM]
many ministers need to allow their families to heal them – after God Himself, the family knows you better than anyone else David M. Hinsen


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