Ash Wednesday: Why Observe It?

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What is Ash Wednesday?
For most of my life, I didn’t ask this question, nor did I care about the answer. I, along, with most evangelical Christians in America, didn’t give Ash Wednesday a thought.
But then, in 2004, Ash Wednesday loomed large in American Protestant consciousness. Why? Because on that day Mel Gibson released what was to become his epic blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ. For the first time in history, the phrase “Ash Wednesday” was on the lips of millions of evangelical Christians, not just Catholics and other “high church” Protestants, as we anticipated the official release of The Passion. Every since 2004, many who never wondered about Ash Wednesday have been asking: What is Ash Wednesday? How do we observe it? Why should we observe it?
I grew up with only a vague notion of Ash Wednesday. To me, it was some Catholic holy day that I, as an evangelical Protestant, didn’t have to worry about, thanks be to God. In my view, all of “that religious stuff” detracted from what really mattered, which was having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In my early evangelical years it never dawned on me that some of “the religious stuff” might actually enrich my faith in Christ.
During the spring of 1976, my first year of college, I was startled to see a woman who worked in my dining hall with a dark cross rubbed on her forehead. At first I wondered if it were a bizarre bruise. Then I noticed other women with similar crosses. It finally dawned on me what I was seeing. Here was my introduction to Ash Wednesday piety. These women, who were all Roman Catholic, had gone to services that morning and had ashes placed on their foreheads. I felt impressed that these women were willing to wear their ashes so publicly, even though it seemed a rather odd thing to do. It never dawned on me that this would be something I might do myself one day.
Fast forward sixteen years, to the spring of 1992. During my first year as Senior Pastor of Irvine Presbyterian Church, I learned that this church had a tradition of celebrating Ash Wednesday with a special worship service. It included the “imposition of ashes” on the foreheads of worshipers. I, as the pastor, was expected to be one of the chief imposers! So I decided it was time to learn about the meaning of Ash Wednesday. I wanted to be sure that the theological underpinnings of such a practice were biblically solid, and that it was something in which I could freely participate.
Here’s some of what I learned . . . .
Ash Wednesday is a Christian holiday (holy day) that is not a biblical requirement (just like Christmas and Easter, which are not commanded in Scripture). Nevertheless, it has been honored by Christians for well over ten centuries, falling at the beginning of Lent, a six-week season of preparation for Easter. In the earliest centuries, Christians who had been stuck in persistent sin had ashes sprinkled on their bodies as a sign of repentance, even as Job repented “in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). Around the tenth century, all believers began to signify their need for repentance by having ashes placed on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. Notice: even this sign of sinfulness hinted at the good news yet to come through its shape. Ash Wednesday is not some dour, depressing holy day because it symbolically anticipates Good Friday and Easter.
How Do We Observe Ash Wednesday?
Today, celebrations of Ash Wednesday vary among churches that recognize this holiday. More and more Protestant and even evangelical churches hold some sort of Ash Wednesday services. At Irvine Presbyterian Church, where I served for sixteen years as pastor, and at St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Boerne, Texas, where I now attend, the distinctive activity of Ash Wednesday services is the “imposition of ashes.” Ashes are placed on the foreheads of worshipers as a reminder of our mortality and sinfulness. The person who imposes the ashes quotes something like what God once said to Adam after he had sinned: “You are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Gen 3:19). This is the bad news of our sinfulness that prepares us to receive the good news of forgiveness in Christ.
Why Should We Observe Ash Wednesday?
There is no biblical commandment that requires us to observe Ash Wednesday. Thus, I believe this one of those practices that Christians are free to observe or not to observe. The theological core of Ash Wednesday is, however, shaped by a biblical theology of creation, sin, mortality, death, grace, and salvation. It also enacts biblical injunctions to “weep with those who weep” and to “confess your sins to one another.”
What I value most about Ash Wednesday worship services is the chance for us all to openly acknowledge our frailty and sinfulness. In a world that often expects us to be perfect, Ash Wednesday gives us an opportunity to freely confess our imperfections. We can let down our pretenses and be truly honest with each other about who we are. We all bear the mark of sin, from the youngest babies to the oldest seniors. We all stand guilty before a holy God. We all are mortal and will someday experience bodily death. Thus we all need a Savior.
Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of Ash Wednesday is that it begins the season of Lent. This is also a foreign concept for many evangelical Christians. In a couple of days I’ll weigh in on the meaning and benefit of Lent.
How Ash Wednesday Enriches Our Lives and Our Relationship with God
The denial of death . . . it’s all around us. When people die, they are often alone, sequestered in hospitals far away from the sad eyes of friends and family. If someone happens to die at home, the corpse is quickly sent away from the grieving relatives. In polite society, one doesn’t talk much about death. And when it’s necessary to say something that has to do with dying, nifty euphemisms keep us from confronting the brute facts. When I lived in California, people would say, “Uncle Fred passed away.” In Texas, for some reason, people are more succinct, saying, “Uncle Fred passed.”
Of course our own fears concerning our own demise match our cultural squeamishness about death. We don’t want to think about our own mortality, and we do many things to pretend that its not approaching. We dye our graying hair. We cover our age spots with make up. We get cosmetic surgery to preserve the image of youth. Rarely do we seriously think about our own death. As a pastor, I’m amazed at how unusual it is for someone to make plans for his or her own memorial service, or even to leave notes for the family. These are things we’d rather not have to bother with.
I’m reminded about a story told by my friend Tim, who was a restaurant manager. Part of his job was to explain the company’s benefit package to his new employees. One time, Tim hired a young man who didn’t speak English very well because he had recently immigrated to the United States. Tim explained the vacation policy, sick leave, and health insurance, all without incident. Then he came to the life insurance. He said that if the employee died, his family would get $25,000.
At this point the employee had a shocked look on his face, and said, “No, no, Tim!”
Tim wasn’t sure he had been clear, so he explained, once again, “Look, if you die, your family will get $25,000.”
Again, the employee was unhappy. “No, I don’t want it,” he said urgently.
“Why not?” Tim asked. “If you die, this will be good for your family.”
“But Tim,” the employee cried, “I don’t want to die!”
Ash Wednesday is a day to stare death in the face, to acknowledge our mortality. All of us will die. Christians who observe this holiday get ashes “imposed” on their foreheads, while a minister or lay church worker says, “You have come from dust, and to dust you will return.” In other words, “You are going to die. And here are some ashes to remind you, just in case you’ve forgotten.”
For sixteen years of Ash Wednesday services at Irvine Presyyterian Church, I put ashes on the heads of older adults, some of whom had serious cancer and didn’t live much longer. I also put tiny black crosses made of ash on the foreheads of babies far too young to realize what was happening to them. I imposed ashes on teenagers and senior citizens, on men and women, on boys and girls. All of these I reminded of their mortality, and they freely received the reminder. “You are dust,” I said, implying, “You are going to die.”
What gives us such freedom to think about death? Are we Christians morose? Do we have some peculiar fascination with dying? I don’t think so. Rather, what allows us to stare death in the face is the assurance of life, real life, eternal life. When we know our lives are safe in the hands of God, and that this physical life is just the beginning of eternity, then we’re free to be honest about what lies ahead for us. We can face death without fear or pretending, because we know the One who defeated death.
I’ll never forget my last visit with a dear member of my congregation named Helen. She was a tiny woman when healthy, but old age and disease had ravaged her body. I wouldn’t be surprised if she weighed 75 pounds on the day of my last visit.
There was no question that Helen was soon to die. And there was no point for me to pretend as if that weren’t true. So I asked her straightaway: “Helen, it’s obvious that you don’t have too much time left in this body. How are you feeling about dying?”
“Mark,” she said with a weak but confident voice, “I’ve lived a good, long life. I’ve been blessed far beyond what I could have hoped. You’re right, my body is giving out. I don’t have much longer to live. But I want you to know that I am ready. I’m not afraid. I’m eager to see my Lord. I hope I get to soon.”
Talk about staring death in the face! What gave Helen such unusual bluntness and boldness when it came to her own imminent death? Her faith in God. Her confidence that her life was really just beginning. Her assurance that her soul was safe in the hands of a gracious, loving God.
And so it is for Christians on Ash Wednesday. We can face death. We can admit our own mortality. We can talk openly about the limits of this life. Why? Because we know that through Christ we have entered into life eternal, the fullness of life that will not end when our bodies give out.
The emotional result of Ash Wednesday observance isn’t depression or gloom, but gratitude and new energy for living. When we realize how desperately we need God, and how God is faithful far beyond our desperation, we can’t help but offering our lives to him in fresh gratitude. And when we recognize that life doesn’t go on forever, then we find new passion to delight in the gifts of each and every day, and to take none of them for granted.
My and and me, a few years before the Ash Wednesday I mention here.
One year, as I returned to my seat after imposing ashes upon dozens of worshipers, I sat next to my 12-year-old son. I couldn’t help but notice the prominent black cross on his forehead, placed there by another leader. All of a sudden it hit me that my dear boy will die someday. Though I knew this in principle, I had never really thought about it before. My boy won’t live forever. His life, like mine and that of every other human being, will come to an end. At that moment I prayed that God would give Nathan a long and blessed life. And then I hugged him for a good minute, treasuring the life we share together.
How grateful I am for the grace of God that allows us to stare death in the face so we can live with greater passion and delight! And how thankful I am for a day that allows me to think about death so I can cherish life even more!


  • Reply March 6, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    WELL where do we go from here? Gary Micheal Epping Joe Absher Henry Volk

  • Joe Absher
    Reply March 6, 2019

    Joe Absher

    I ain’t agin it . But isn’t that what regular altar ministry is for? If you only die to yourself or consider your mortality once a year you ain’t gonna get to far along in grace.
    Most Pentecostal or charismatic people I know resist anything that looks religious or formal or Catholic.
    But like I said I’m not against it. I’ve known Pentecostal people to go the whole 9 yards sackcloth and ashes. Might be a good opportunity to share our faith in Jesus Christ the Saviour today!!!

  • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

    we don’t celebrate it like the catholics do but we will celebrate it today as our 40 day lent fast today as it does every year. It helps with those who are on the fence or just connecting to the ministry. It is a great example and opportunity for discipleship.

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 6, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Do you use the ashes pastor?

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Joe Absher no

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Joe Absher oil

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 6, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Pastor are you calling 40 day fast for your church. What’s a lent fast?

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Joe Absher yes we are doing a 40 day fast during lent. It’s a progressive fast and the intent is on spiritual discipline and spiritual formation

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 6, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Forgive my ignorance, but what is a “progressive” fast

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Joe Absher thats what we call our fast as it progresses with intensity as we go. It will start out with a set of parameters and grow stricter as we go. Where today I could eat all day but only certain things. Every week something else is taken away including times we can eat, eventually it will be a pure fast of absolutely nothing.

      This allows those who have never participated in a fast to join us and learn as we go. It helps with self discipline. I realize this is not for everyone but it has worked well for us…

    • Reply March 6, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      progresses with intensity? – aint fast supposed to go the other way around ?

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 6, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Thank you.

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Troy Day well when you are teaching people to fast you go slow to go long

    • Reply March 6, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      such method NOT in the my Bible as it seems

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 6, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Pastor can you please do a schedule? Water days etc.

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Troy Day Daniel fast is. In many ways it’s the same. I guess it’s just my attempt at helping more people learn to fast. By the end they will do a complete fast. All I can say is the we see miracles and deliverance at increased rates every year. Maybe just because people are expecting them

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Joe Absher do you mean can things be scheduled during the fast? For us it is. Every week starting today has changes on schedule. Starting out with no sugars, refined flours, pastries etc. o artificial sweeteners. Next week no pork, next week no beef. In the last weekend it’s vegetables and fruits only and you can only eat once after sundown. Last week nothing at all.

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Except water

  • Reply March 6, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    we don’t celebrate [period] and we shouldnt

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Troy Day nothing bad can come out of fasting and praying more intently during these 40 days but I understand your preference. It has helped me produce stronger members out of new converts the 15 years so I’m going to keep rocking with it ?

    • Reply March 6, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      do you bring your ash to church on such day?

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Troy Day ha ha well that depends if you look at my legs under my robe which I only usually where during lent or during consecration and ordination services. I may take ash with me daily

    • Reply March 6, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      makes a great church sign if you ask me

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 6, 2019

      Joe Absher

      I just got it

    • Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

      Joe Absher would help if I fixed typo earlier

    • Reply March 7, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      what hypo?

    • Joe Absher
      Reply March 7, 2019

      Joe Absher

      Take your pick?

  • Patricia Gardner Smith

    Today begins the 40 days of “weeping for Tammuz” to bring his spirit up from the underworld.

    Worshippers take his mark in their foreheads which is a “T” made of carbon that has…
    6 protons
    6 electrons
    6 neutrons

    “Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.” Ez 8:13

  • Reply February 26, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    why not?

  • Rafy Vazquez
    Reply February 27, 2020

    Rafy Vazquez


  • Reply February 28, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    why not?

  • Reply February 22, 2023


    well I dont Peter Vandever but I am sure more REAL Pentecostals like Brett Dobbs Philip Williams Kyle Williams and why not even our fav Gary Micheal Epping have been up early to line up and get the mark of their foreheads 🙂

  • Reply February 22, 2023


    Why not?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Philip Williams why not wear the mark on your forehead? DO TELL!

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Troy Day the cross is the mark of the beast? I don’t think so.

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Philip Williams the cross of ashes given to thee by thy pope? Wouldnt we agree the pope will be giving the mark of the beast during Trib? Bishop Bernie L Wade Jevan Little Dan Anthony Jeffrey Snyder

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Troy Day that’s a mighty good mark.

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Troy Day nope

  • Reply February 22, 2023


    He is ALIVE …not dead .

  • Reply February 22, 2023


    Can’t find it in Scripture.

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Duane L Burgess what? The cross?
      Remembering the cross?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Duane L Burgess why don’t you ever answer the questions people ask of you. You just avoid them and go on to other pronouncements. This behavior has led me to question your academic integrity.

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      yes Philip Williams why don’t you ever answer the questions people ask of you

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      John Mushenhouse Middle School students do it all the time…

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      Duane L Burgess sure is from dust you have been made to dust you shall return or how about repenting in dust and ashes, the symbolism is soaked in scripture friend. Many weekends and conferences and series and whatever you might like to call them at churches aren’t in scripture, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a purpose in the kingdom of God

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      Matt McQueary what are you talking about ?

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      James McEachern have to agree with Duane L Burgess
      Can’t find it in Scripture.

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      Troy Day I posted a link to the definition of an internet Troll. I guess whoever deleted it can look it up.

  • Reply February 23, 2023


    That is a really great article!

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      James McEachern you got a cross on you today brother ?

  • Reply February 23, 2023


    It’s pagan. We should not observe it.

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      Derek Godfrey tell us ALL about it

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      Troy Day most church holy days are pagan. Why do Protestants still practice them, rather than protest them and stick with holy days listed in the Bible?

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      Derek Godfrey but Philip Williams bows to the pope ?

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