The Lord Jesus has put it in my heart to share this to give people peace in these dark days. We read and listen to every news story and video from around the world and see the fabric of society coming undone. In the last few weeks, we have seen the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, […]
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Varnel Watson
its something worth looking into Joe Absher
Isara Mo
Troy Day
It is really worth looking into.
I have listened to Perry and he has raised some very important points on the matter.
However i beg to differ with him on the interpretation/ misinterpretation of Matthew 17:21..(this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting..”
I don’t believe Jesus was talking about lack faith or unbelief of the disciples but was really addressing the issue if demonic deliverance not faith level.
I don’t see incidences of people fasting in the OT or NT to ” increase their faith” but we see incidences of fasting to God to overcome situations, problems ..but of faith?(help me)
Isaiah 58:6 mentions the kind of fast God wants…to loose chains and untie cords of the yoke…”
But otherwise Perry has covered the subject well..and it is worth looking into..
1 Thessa 2:18…We wanted to come AGAIN AND AGAIN but Satan blocked our way(Paul)..
Varnel Watson
tell us what you gathered from all this?
Isara Mo
There is war going on and though we have a High Priest who have gone into Heaven, we still have to fight it over here because the enemy is STILL with us and at large.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Rev 12:9 says Satan leads the ” whole world” astray….
1 John 5:19 says “We know we are the children of God but we also know that the whole world is under the influence of the evil one”
How does an earthly president govern his country..possibly by cabinet ministers, a parliament, judiciary, etc..
How does Satan who influences or leads the whole world astray govern?
Possibly thru principalities, authorities, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms..
Troy Day help me on this verse: ” He translated us from the kingdom of darkness…to the kingdom of light..”
Was this a spiritual or physical shift?..
If it is spiritual which part of us was translated(transferred ) and which part was not…and if it was a physical transfer(which i doubt) which part would have been transferred?
I ask that because if the whole world (kingdom of light? Kingdom of darkness?…) is still under the control or influence of the evil one(you can see his global influence .) how can a believer counter that influence?
Varnel Watson
give us the brief points of the attack that you learned
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Anytime you seriously teach or preach rightly the WORD of God especially on deliverance and warfare you become the devils prime target of attack.
About two years ago I was a contributing member of two different online Christian groups and I thought it was just fun until I had a very severe attack. .to intimidate me.
He said why was I taking people from his lies by telling the truth?Why was I tormenting his ” chiefs” wherever I go to do ministry…Why was I revealing the ” secrets” of his queens?..
That incident made me sober and for a whole year laid down my arms and reflect on the reality of spiritual warefare…..not that by laying down arms helped but it gave me chance to reflect.
That is why I don’t see any reason to argue or persuade someone that this warfare is real…
Varnel Watson
What you say is true but what did you gather from the video Perry has been teaching them good lately
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Oh sorry i misunderstood your question… meant what I gathered from Perry’s video..
I will revert
Varnel Watson
still pretty good stuff dont you think – I think he’s got a better one this week Alan Smith
Alan Smith
Troy Day agreed