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Perry Stone – Prophetic Insight from Israel
Prophetic Insight from Israel 8 Programs as Aired on Manna-fest. Includes 2 Programs Banned from Television! • The Mystery of the Parable of the…

Pay attention to Israel and Jerusalem in 2018
I have had a fascination with Bible prophecy since I was twelve, and have studied it immensely over the past 18 years (not in…

Is America Replacing Israel Theologically?
HUCKABEE DENIES AMBASSADOR TO ISRAEL APOLOGIZES TO ‘JEWISH LIBERALS’ Resolution on Peace in Israel and the Middle East Israel and America: Twin Nations in…

Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy
Perry Stone: Nuclear War with Iran Prophecy (TBN January, 2012) | The Vision (Re: attacks, Iran etc) PERRY STONE’s website and email On Tuesday night,…

Perry Stone: Prophetic Impact in US-Iran Leading to War
Prophetic minister Perry Stone, in Israel for an upcoming telecast when Iran struck a historic deal Sunday with six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear…

The Significance of Syria In the Bible Prophecy Today
Is the Syria of Today the Assyria of the Bible? In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians…

A full list of all fulfilled and not-so fulfilled prophecies for 2016 and upcoming 2017
A full list of all fulfilled and not-so fulfilled prophecies for 2016 and upcoming 2017 What happened and what not? Plus 20 Signs of…

Blessings Released Through Heavenly Portals
Perry Stone teaches from Israel.

America’s Choice- Reformation or Ruin
Perry Stone teaches from Israel.

Get Back Up!
Perry Stone teaches from Israel.

A full list of all fulfilled and not-so fulfilled prophecies for 2015 and upcoming 2016-17 – What happened and what not? Plus 20 Signs of the #LASTDAYS: renewed revised and revisited #ourCOG
A full list of all fulfilled and not-so fulfilled prophecies for 2015 and upcoming 2016-17 – What happened and what not? Plus 20 Signs…

Is Donald Trump YOUR 2016 #GOP candidate?
Is Donald Trump Now YOUR 2016 #GOP presidential candidate? Clarens Lapointe [07/03/2015 9:11 AM] As long as it’s NOT Hillary Clinton!!!! David M. Hinsen…
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley Perry says 10 of EU and 10 of OPEC Each leg of Dan 2 image to have a parallel fulfillment like it was under Byzantine Rome
Ricky Grimsley
It’s possible but 10 and 10 equal 20 not 10.
Varnel Watson
well 2 legs in Dan 2 – come to think about it there were more than 10 countries under Rome too
Ricky Grimsley
True. But it’s the future kings we have to count because the prophecy is in the future.
Varnel Watson
I am not entirely sure the number 10 in this prophecy is literal. The decimal system as a symbol could be more of it. 10 kingdoms giving their power does not sound as a count but more of a count down
Ricky Grimsley
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley
Perry stone would burn you at the stake for such comments
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley not entirely sure about that – he preaches about 2×10 kingdoms from the literal 10 so…