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Acts 4:12
[12]Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Varnel Watson
Nope. The topic has a very very nice picture but WHO can control what FB decides to put? Certainly not us
Varnel Watson
the real theological question here is WHO gave THE name? – and that solves the dilemma of John David Barton
Link Hudson
Troy Day Can you add a picture?
Varnel Watson
The picture is there
Fb dont like it
Not much could be done
The Link uses standard FB API
It is not linked via the website itself
Works all the time except when FB glitches
Louise Cummings
He said in the Word. The example He gave. He was liken it like Husband and wife. When we are Married. We become one. The Bible tells us that. So that is how it is with The Father and Son. And The Holy Spirit. The Bible says their are Three. But they all are One. But you see each One Has His Work to do. The Son obeys The Father. The Spirit leads us into all Truths and Righteousness. Is the way I understand it. You might have a better way of explaining.
Varnel Watson
to prove oneness?
Varnel Watson
Where exactly do Oneness Pentecostals stand in relation to orthodoxy?
Are they in or out?
This difference in the matter of words used during baptisms represents something far more important: a different view of the nature of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—what orthodox Christians refer to as the Trinity.
Beginning about 1913, certain Pentecostal ministers began to ask, “What is the correct apostolic formula for baptizing believers?” Several ministers concluded that the correct formula, the one used by the apostles themselves, was found in Acts 2:38, where Peter proclaims, “Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”
Attentive Bible readers will immediately ask, “But didn’t Jesus command the disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?” Indeed, that formula is found in Matthew 28:19. But Oneness Pentecostals just dont care WHEN asked if they believe in God the Father, Son, and Spirit, all Oneness Pentecostals would not know what to tell you and start twisting the BIBLE
Philip Williams
Troy, the way to challenge Oneness is their denial of the Pre-incarnation Son. For that you should pay attention to Heiser’s ‘two powers of Heaven’ less you be guilty of the same kind of modalism.
Salvatore Tropea Sr
Philip Williams Is the Oneness the same as the Jesus Only movement?
Philip Williams
Salvatore Tropea Sr
Michael Hazlewood
YOU people are spiritually retarded sick minded ; Blaspheming Scripture to push a non-Biblical Organizational narrative OBEY ACTS 2:38 or burn
Paul L. King
Michael Hazlewood, Nasty, nasty. Not exactly Holy Spirit-filled, 1 Cor 13 language and attitude. Resorting to logical fallacies such as ad hominem attacks and name calling, rather than addressing the Scriptures hermeneutically, exegetically, and contextually shows the great weaknesses in your arguments as well as lack of Spirit-filled charity.
Cameron King
Luke clearly wasn’t teaching on Baptism in Acts 2:38. He was making reference to Jews being saved and the way one knows they were converting to Christianity is they were baptized in Jesus name. Baptism in the name of the Father or the Spirit would have made this baptism no different that John the Baptist. Luke was just referencing the distinctive. The same concept is true in Acts 4:12. A generic belief in God doesn’t save anyone. It’s the distinctive of Jesus that saves. Especially when preaching to one that is a practitioner of another religion. In this case Peter was preaching to the Jewish Sanhedrin. Acceptance of Jesus would be the definitive factor in conversion.
Varnel Watson
Michael Hazlewood we dont know you well enough to call you names or give your diagnosis though some do give those over the internet for the people who need professional help BUT one thing is clear you dont have Biblical understanding of Acts 4:12 and your reference to Acts 2:38 will probably amount to the same – just throwing verses without knowing what they actually mean Your efforts make oneness no lesser heresy
Nora Neel-Toney
My understanding is they are Pentecostal in their beliefs and teachings. The only difference that I’m aware of they believe and teach a person MUST be baptized in the name of Jesus only. If you are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit you won’t get in heaven.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson a FB internet question you’ve posed before on this post. Why since the post has its own thumb FB chooses to attach some radical picture like the one above? Is it heretical?
Michael Hazlewood
Without Jesus name called upon in baptism your lost in your sins
Varnel Watson
inst the name of Jesus called in the Trinitarian baptismal formula? What seems to be the problem here – you wanting to disregard the Father and the Spirit in the Trinity ?
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day I have shown Scripture that Jesus is the Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace and the Almighty and You choose to ignore Scripture and stay with your religion instead of God
Varnel Watson
You probably have but what about this verse? What is your interpretation of it?
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day You are totally ignoring what I am saying , not reading the Scriptures I give then accusing me of being the heretic , lol Just like the Pharisees
Varnel Watson
Michael Hazlewood I listen to our KJV BIBLE not to you per se and I jusdge heresy and heretical doctrines by the BIBLE not by what you say – I think it is fare since our KJV BIBLE clearly says in Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day No you don’t listen ; If you culd hear you would obey but hearing you cannot hear so you blow off Scriptures and accuse and Blspheme
Varnel Watson
Michael Hazlewood So I should listen to you and NOT to my
KJV BIBLE clearly says in Matthew 28:19
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
Michael Hazlewood
Troy Day Do what the Bible Christians did in obedience to Jesus and not what you have been taught by Heretics
Varnel Watson
they obeyed Matthew 28:19 which says
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost
and did not ignor it like the liberal heretics
Miller Isaac
Yeah Google whatever you don’t want the bible to say and im spamming.
Varnel Watson
this is a VERY old discussion we’ve had in this group Gives a great Biblical perspective on the subject without you wanting to delete this verse and that verse WHY Dont you give us your BIBLICAL perspective on this well known verse?
Varnel Watson
Paul L. King You’ve said to have done research on oneness What is your take on this Bible verse as a proof or disproof ?
Paul L. King
This verse is irrelevant to the oneness-trinitarian debate. Both Oneness and Trinitarian people agree that people are saved only through the name of Jesus. Praise God that we agree on at least that. However, the conflict comes in interpreting what is meant by the statement. Oneness people interpret in a very unusual manner. This verse does not prove or disprove oneness or trinitarianism.
Varnel Watson
Paul L. King True but yet often cited by oneness folk because of none other name under heaven
David McLaughlin
Paul L. King The real issue I have with Oneness people is the teaching that if you do not speak in tongues you are not saved.
Isara Mo
//Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11 //
God had given Him(Jesus) a NAME…
Very first , Jesus name in not correctly named after the only one son of God , His name is Yeshu .
This verse means exactly Yeshu not Jesus .
If you have not read your Bible word by word you will argue with me holy ghost and Holy Spirit is same .
Dear lover of Abba do not be deceived…….Hour is near…….
Tara Sing Bhandari
Very first , Jesus name in not correctly named after the only one son of God , His name is Yeshu .
This verse means exactly Yeshu not Jesus .
If you have not read your Bible word by word you will argue with me holy ghost and Holy Spirit is same .
Dear lover of Abba do not be deceived…….Hour is near…….