AA Allen’s Prophecy on Miracle Valley

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God is reported to have told Allen, “I say unto thee I have ordained this place [Miracle Valley] and if thou wilt trust me, there shall no evil befall this place. There is no power that can destroy that which I have ordained. If thou wilt believe that I am the God of all flesh, that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, no evil shall befall this place, no destruction, because the hand of the Lord is upon this place and surrounding this place. I shall protect it from all the powers of evil and all the powers of man, for I, the Lord, am the power of all powers. There is no power but of me, saith the Lord, and I shall protect, I shall keep, and I shall save throughout the Millennial Age, saith the Lord.”


Miracle Valley

We were stopped at a rundown liquor store, only a few miles from the Mexican border, when I saw it. My son and I had been driving a lonely stretch of Arizona Highway 92, with little to see except dry grasslands stretching in all directions towards distant broken mountains on the horizon. He was thirsty. This was the only place to get a drink. And yet there, in the distance, was the tattered dome of a church rising from the desolate landscape. I pointed to the complex and told my son, “We’re going in.”

He smiled. We had already trespassed in abandoned houses, a church and heavy mining facilities earlier in the day, so it seemed natural that we would go into this abandoned church as well. As we got closer, we could see that the church was surrounded by tall grass and a number of rundown buildings. The roof of the church looked as if it had been violently ripped off, exposing the great hall that must once have been filled with worshippers. Even though my son and I love exploring ruins together, there was something foreboding about this place. But we were too curious to stay away.

Broken sign for the Bible school

The first building we came to was the cafeteria and meeting hall. The main doors were locked tight, but when we went around back we found a door that had been jimmied open. The kitchen was partially stocked and looked as if it could be ready for service without much work, It seemed like the workers had dropped their utensils and departed unexpectedly and without notice. Inside the main room, a large group of Gothic-style high-back chairs sat neatly arranged for a large gathering. The room was decorated for a fall celebration. Had the participants just left? Maybe they were due to arrive at any moment.

The room was ready for the celebration to begin

Next we found a school building. In the classrooms the chairs sat as if the students had stood up and left for a fire drill, but had then been lost to some great unknown apocalypse, never to return. Lessons were still written on the chalkboard. The loneliness of the space was heartbreaking. The lives of the occupants seemed to hang on the edges of the all the furniture that their hands had last touched on their way out the door.

School desks and chairs

Dormitories were left a tumbled mess of personal belongings, alarm clocks, cleaning aids and furniture. Looters had set fire to a few rooms, and smoke damage added to the mood of desperation and abandonment. It was clear that many people had shared these rooms and passed each other socially in the halls. As trespassers, my son and I found it hard not to worry that someone was hiding inside one of them.

Scary dormitory corridor

What was this place? Why did it hold such an aura of menace? When I got back to my home in Tucson, I started doing research. The more I learned, the more powerful the images I’d recorded came to seem. The emptiness of the compound was the sort you feel when your beliefs are shaken to the core. The fact that it was named Miracle Valley seemed savagely ironic now.

Soiled sheet over window, light streaming in

What do you do with your faith when your religious leader is found dead, sitting in a chair surrounded by a pool of his own piss, his luxury hotel room “strewn with pills and empty liquor bottles?” How do you stay a believer when your spiritual shepherd was unable to save himself from his own substance abuse; especially when it was your money that had been funding his addictions? These were the questions faced by members of the Miracle Life Fellowship when their founder A.A. Allen succumbed to acute alcohol poisoning after a particularly heavy drinking and pill-popping binge at San Francisco’s Jack Tar Hotel in 1970.

Desk drawer with bottle of Scope showing

Growing up in a Catholic family, I had never listened to any of A. A. Allen’s numerous daily radio and TV broadcasts. I wasn’t aware of the Miracle Magazine that he published monthly to highlight the many modern-day wonders for which he took credit. And I never could have imagined that my son and I would one day stumble on the remains of his dream on a trip to explore ruins around Bisbee, Arizona.

Tabernacle amid the grasslands

My boy likes old mining sites and abandoned buildings. He dreams of finding a forgotten chest of gold in a collapsed mine shaft or an old suitcase stuffed full of gangster cash in an abandoned building. But the “treasures” we found at this complex, at the intersection of Arizona Highway 92 and Healing Way, were both more mundane and more disturbing. We found evidence of what people will do to impose reason on faith, a record of a crumbling order.

Files strewn about the floor

A.A. Allen started out as a preacher in the World Assemblies of God Fellowship in 1936. After attending an Oral Roberts tent revival in 1949, Allen found his calling to spread the “miracles” of the Lord. Shortly after witnessing Roberts’ revival he founded A.A. Allen Revivals, Inc. This gave him both tax-exempt status and put him in control of all financial gains from this venture. Then he went on the road in earnest pushing his Healing Revival Campaigns across America. In 1955, Allen took the boldly entrepreneurial step of purchasing a large expensive tent — something he could not really afford — that could accommodate over 10,000 people. Allen had faith in his own success.

That same year, he was arrested for driving drunk in Knoxville, Tennessee. This event was the last straw for the Assembly of God organization which then pushed Allen to resign from their ministry. During this same time, he also resigned from the Voice of Healing association in whose magazines he had been a regular contributor since 1950. When his drinking became too much to hide, Allen pulled out of all organizations that he had initially looked to for support. Instead, he began to rely solely on his growing popularity and his own organization in which he held absolute financial control.

Keys on the floor

When Allen jumped bail on his drunk-driving arrest, he claimed that the charges were nothing but “a trick of the devil to try to kill his ministry.” He and his supporters claimed that all the drinking and corruption charges lodged against him were nothing but malicious slander. For governments and religious movements alike, staying on a war-footing increases solidarity in your ranks. Americans fighting their “War on Terror,” politicians in the former Soviet Union at war with everyone within and without, followers of Jim Jones and the People’s Temple fleeing to Guyana and David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians barracading himself and his followers into their Waco, Texas compound: all relied on followers coming together to fight against what were perceived to be common enemies, real or imaginary.

This is why allegations of corruption and misdeeds by Allen were discounted within the Miracle Life Fellowship, as persecution not only of Allen himself, but of all his supporters and followers as well. Indeed, even now there are currently numerous websites devoted to conspiracy theories meant to debunk the official accounts of Allen’s life and death.

Light streaming through window onto empty floor

Who doesn’t dream of a happy miracle that will change their life forever? Allen wrote in his booklet, Power To Get Wealth. How You Can Have It! that the key to financial success could be found in Deuteronomy 8:18: “It is He that giveth thee power to get wealth.” Allen added, “Christ came to do away with the works of the devil, and one of the works of the devil is POVERTY!” Capitalizing on this promise, Allen began selling “prosperity clothes” which were anointed with his mysterious “Miracle Oil.” Allen sold these handkerchiefs for $100, a very large sum in 1958. He promised to forever change donors’ fortune with this act, claiming he could command God to “turn dollar bills into twenties.” No matter how you do the math, you’d be a fool not to purchase one of the these prosperity handkerchiefs, right? After turning just five dollars into twenties, everything else would be free money!

Chalkboard with quotation from the Book of Luke

The miracles Allen promised didn’t stop with financial success. He ran TV commercials declaiming, “See! Hear! Actual miracles happening before your eyes! Cancer, tumors, goiters disappear! Crutches, braces, wheelchairs, stretchers discarded! Crossed eyes straightened! Caught by the camera as they occurred in the healing line before thousands of witnesses.” Allen often matched his wild promises with wild style, wearing outlandish outfits such as a lavender suit with white patent leather boots. What the commercials didn’t tell you was that Allen’s hired “goon squads” violently prevented all independent photographers and reporters from documenting or testing the validity of his purported miracles.

A pair of crutches, crossed

The concept of faith-healing is interesting from a scientific standpoint. Even if Allen was guilty of questionable practices, an understanding of statistics would suggest that, given the vast numbers of people who attended his revivals, many actually found the “miracle cures” that they came looking for. Current research has shown that even when using mainstream commercial pharmaceuticals, more than 50% of their effectiveness comes from the placebo effect. Our bodies work in mysterious ways, especially when we have strong faith and belief in the cure. It begs the question, “What does truth matter when even a lie can heal you?”

A Jesus statuette amid empty boxes

The land that Life Fellowship International Bible School was built on was given to Allen in 1958 by Urbane Leiendecker, a young rancher. God reportedly spoke directly to Leiendecker as he sat alone in his pickup truck one night looking up at the stars saying “My son, from this place the Gospel shall go out to all the world…with signs, wonders and miracles.” A short time after this visitation, while Leiendecker was attending the 1958 Great A.A. Allen Winter Camp Meeting in Phoenix Arizona, God again spoke to Leiendecker saying, “This is what I have asked you to do with your range! This is the purpose for which I have ordained it and told you to give it to Brother Allen.” Within days, A. A. Allen Revivals, Inc. was named the sole owner of Miracle Valley.

Folded seats for an auditorium

After Allen died, the property changed hands many times. First it went to Reverend Don Stewart. After taking charge, Stewart was immediately hit by Allen’s brother-in-law with allegations of embezzlement and pocketing offerings from revivals. Stewart moved up to Phoenix and tried to sell the school. He gave up in 1975 and leased the college to the Hispanic Assemblies of God organization for one dollar a year for twenty years, essentially giving the property away.

The surrounding grasslands and mountains

This new group turned out to be somewhat militant in actions and beliefs and preached what locals referred to as “anti-white doctrine.” The group had repeated hostile and violent confrontations with neighbors and utility workers. In 1982, law enforcement was called in. An armed standoff ensued that ended with two group members and one deputy shot dead. In the same year, an arson fire caused substantial damage to the administration office and a large warehouse on the property.

Empty filing cabinets, one with the designation "Father"

Stewart received a one million dollars insurance cash-out settlement from the insurance company. To avoid a prolonged legal battle with the Hispanic Assemblies of God organization, who still held a twenty-year lease on the property, he gave them the property as-is with the agreement that they would maintain a bible school on it for an additional twenty years. After receiving his one million dollars, Stewart walked away with more money than he could have gotten though any legitimate sale. The arsonists were never caught.

The Hispanic Assemblies of God organisation occupied the premises for precisely twenty years after receiving the property from Stewart, thereby honoring their legal commitment. Then, in 1999, they sold the complex to the Harter Ministries who began teaching classical Pentecostal theology. This organization found it hard to make money with this approach. Within ten years, this new bible college was destitute and unable to meet expenses. In January, 2009, banks foreclosed on the property and it was vacated by force of court order. This explains the Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations strewn throughout the compound, traces of what would be the final celebrations in Miracle Valley.

Looking up at rotunda of dome

I wonder what the devotees felt while celebrating their last New Year’s Day in the complex. Did the weaker in the group sneak off to buy liquor across the highway? Did they huddle together praying for a financial miracle that would save their school? Were they making plans for what they would do if the school was lost? Or did they find denial in their faith?

A.A. Allen is quoted saying, “Again and again, when my head was splitting and my frayed nerves let me shake visibly with a ‘hangover’, I promised myself I would never go on another again. But when night came, I was right back there…the life of the party! A confirmed drunkard!” After dedicating his life to spreading the Lord’s Word, Allen said, “No more dances! No more liquor! No more cigarettes! Desire for them had vanished, and a new joy and peace had taken their place.” What had filled his new life was money, power and a devoted following. Life on the road, fancy clothes, throngs of fans — it all had to be exciting.

Office in disarray

In the adminstational offices, the ghost of Allen still lingers. You can imagine not only the financial power Allen had at the apex of his career, but his isolation. What did Allen think when he sat up alone at night? How did he deal with his personal crises of faith? Looking out through the north-facing windows in the Dome of Faith at night, the lights of the liquor store beckon from across the field. Did he send a faithful assistant out for liquor when the pressure of being A. A. Allen became too great to bear, or had he successfully kicked his alcoholism as he claimed (despite the fact that after his death, the coroner concluded following a 12-day investigation and autopsy that Allen died from “liver failure brought on by acute alcoholism”)? Does it even matter anymore?

God is reported to have told Allen, “I say unto thee I have ordained this place [Miracle Valley] and if thou wilt trust me, there shall no evil befall this place. There is no power that can destroy that which I have ordained. If thou wilt believe that I am the God of all flesh, that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, no evil shall befall this place, no destruction, because the hand of the Lord is upon this place and surrounding this place. I shall protect it from all the powers of evil and all the powers of man, for I, the Lord, am the power of all powers. There is no power but of me, saith the Lord, and I shall protect, I shall keep, and I shall save throughout the Millennial Age, saith the Lord.”

Looking through a broken window at the compound

After my son and I emerged from the last building, we heard the sounds of glass shattering and other materials being smashed. The sun was going down, and darkness descended around us. We rushed through the central grounds of the compound and saw two carloads of teenagers wielding sledgehammers. They were smashing windows and breaking down doors. We were done exploring and didn’t want to confront them. As we quietly walked out toward the main highway where our car was parked along Healing Way, we heard the sounds of continued destruction punctuated by riotous laughter. No one was protecting Miracle Valley on this night.

 * * * 

Urban Leiendecker (the rancher who gave his 1280 acre ranch to the A. A. Allen Revivals, Inc. in 1958) came by to inform us that he recently had a vision, and in his vision, he and Rev. A. A. Allen were walking throughout the campus as it appears today. Leiendecker said to me,“Brother Harter, this is the time for the restoration of Miracle Valley” and then Brother Leiendecker said that in his vision, as he and Rev. Allen walked throughout the campus, Allen began to point to each building and told Leiendecker that he wanted “these buildings restored.” As they walked to the old A. A. Allen Revivals, Inc. Headquarters Building that was destroyed by fire in 1982, again Rev. Allen told Leiendecker as he pointed to it, “I want this building rebuilt.”Leiendecker then stated that A. A. Allen told him that “Now is the time!” referring to the Allen prophecy given in 1970 at the Miracle Valley Mid-Winter Camp Meeting.

Prior to Rev. Allen’s untimely death in June 1970, Brother Allen aired over his nation-wide radio program a vision that God had given to him during the previous Christmas season. The Holy Ghost prophesied through Allen in his last Mid-Winter Camp Meeting held at Miracle Valley in 1970. The prophecy was simply that “Miracle Valley would become like a ghost-town with the buildings needing repair, etc., that tumbleweeds would blow across the campus and weeds would appear to be everywhere. However, in the last days, God will honor His Word again for Miracle Valley.”

The prophecy continues by God telling everyone that He will send “another people to Miracle Valley” that would fulfill God’s divine will and that students would leave this campus again and go throughout the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, performing miracles, signs and wonders, and literally masses of people would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. This revival will start at Miracle Valley and spread throughout the entire world.

In 1999, Melvin Harter Ministries obtained Miracle Valley.  Miracle Valley Bible College & Seminary was opened immediately, and students began arriving.  Miracle Valley Bible College & Seminary is now preparing students for active ministry. 

Dr. Harter writes,

“Plainly spoken, Miracle Valley needs your help. As many of you know, Sister Harter & I have labored most intensively for the past 9 years. We have seen God move time after time for us during these years. However, we are faced with another major hurdle. 
We must get Miracle Valley refinance ASAP. We have applied for another loan, but they sent word back that Miracle Valley does not show enough income to sustain the loan. So you can see it is really going to take a MIRACLE to save Miracle Valley…”

May God richly bless you as you join with us at Miracle Valley.

– Dr. Harter  email: miracleoffice@yahoo.com

WEBSITE:  http://www.miraclevalley.net


  • Reply January 19, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Excellent post Scotty Searan with unfortunate ending

  • Reply January 19, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Troy DayI had seen some of these films through the years
    There was something about Bro. A.A. Allen meeting it is just hard to comprehend and even today I get Holy Ghost goosebumps and began to weep as I think about what I saw in his meetings and other ministers meetings.
    One little comical thing. We attended the 1st Assembly of God in Birmingham, but during this crusade that pastor told the congregation they were not sponsoring his crusade and would recommend that we not attend.
    My Dad caught the pastor at that Sunday Afternoon service when that miracle happened.

  • Reply January 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    This one seems to be final but maybe before bro Melvin got involved

  • Reply January 20, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    I had a little chat last night with BRO Melvin earlier this morning

  • Reply January 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    It will be great to post it so we can learn about the restoration end of the prophecy and how is it coming to an end. Does it align with the 100-yr Azusa prophecy we have been discussing in the group with Stephen Williams

  • Reply November 15, 2019

    Sherry ONeill Driggers

    Here is it November 15 2019 and a Wild Connection Has Been Made. I Declare that Soon we will Begin to See Movement for this Property to be Used as Abba Intended. The Story has Just Begun

  • Reply July 30, 2020

    Joe Absher

    Interesting article . thank you from.A.A..Allen’s old place to eschatology is necessary. Already posted that there’s a thousand comments on the rapture

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Troy Day

      no bait and switch Just the truth PM me that active address and time when there Cant be that hard after all

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Joe Absher

      The piece is about A.A. Allen and an update on miracle valley . A tragic end to a great ministry . should give us all some pause to consider the deception of sin and weakness of the flesh . but there’s no mention of a rapture of any kind . again thank you for sharing .

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Troy Day

      Joe Absher its old news I remember reading it 4-5 yrs ago Lots have happened since I hate to see it gone NOT sure where you are getting about the rapture of the UFOs

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Joe Absher

      I guess UFO’s are important to some and the ttime of our departure too . as to the story I think there’s some bias . but I can understand how some scoff at our pentecostal experience .

  • Reply July 30, 2020

    Peter Vandever

    People worship Miracle Valley like it is the Mount of Olives lol

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Troy Day

      yes Joe Absher first hand grave suckling tomb stone bowing etc But the ranch is now bought newly owned and farm developed

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Peter Vandever

      and that old COG guy that worshipped the place lol

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Troy Day

      Peter Vandever dont know about that mainly BETHEL does it but has been sold

  • Reply July 30, 2020

    Troy Day

    Melvin Harter how can one obtain one of those red leather chairs? Peter Vandever you can see most of the artifacts are pretty recent mid 90s truth be told – modern telephone, 90s mouth wash brand Cant say AAA used any of these in the original campus

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Peter Vandever

      Very little of MV has anything to do with AA since the 1970’s. It is cursed in some ways. I do not get the cult following it has.

    • Reply July 30, 2020

      Troy Day

      Peter Vandever mainly BETHEL grave suckling

    • Reply July 31, 2020

      Melvin Harter

      Troy Day the red chairs were brought in by the A/G. They were chairs from Ft Huachuca. Most of them were taped and in very poor condition. I left them behind.

    • Reply July 31, 2020

      Troy Day

      Melvin Harter sure wish to have one as a point of prayer and restoration but oh well Life goes on You should write a book about the whole thing with explanation of the artifacts you have been able to gather as historical record

    • Reply July 31, 2020

      Melvin Harter

      Troy Day I certainly have that in my near future plans.

    • Reply August 2, 2020

      Troy Day

      Melvin Harter give us the intro chapter 🙂

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