A. J. Tomlinson speaking in tongues in 1907 – Church of God (of Prophecy) Cleveland, TN

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Aug. 19, 1907 Union Grove, One received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues.

Nov. 19, 1907 Just came home last night from the Tellico mountains, where I have been for a week holding meetings. While I was preaching some laughed, about all cried, and one fell off his seat and just bellowed out
in good fashion.

Nov. 10, 1908 I went to Chattanooga on Monday, Nov. 2, and remained till Sat. Preached 8 sermons. No
preaching in the first service after Sunday School. We knelt to pray and before we ever arose from our knees the power fell, people talking and praying in tongues, and while yet on my knees I made the altar call, and part of that was in tongues. The altar was filled and some fell under the power and were wrought on _very much by the Spirit._

This work continued until dark and the people were gathering for the night service. Some of us had eaten no dinner, so we slipped out a few minutes and took some refreshment. When I returned the house was packed
and I had barely room to stand while I preached. The climax of the day reached at night when a brother suddenly shouted out at the top of his voice and the power fell so extensively that almost instantly the whole congregation arose to a standing position, and I think 200 people were shouting, leaping, clapping their hands and talking and praising God in tongues all at once.

Nov. 26, 1908 This brings into the work very soon several churches, also bids fair to get a number of churches of the same body in S. C., and one or more in _China._ Several received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, some sanctified and some converted. The fire fell the second service, and one man rose right up while I was preaching and received the Holy Ghost. And the remarkable part of that meeting was that the last part of the text was preached by the Holy Ghost by His own demonstrations by a number of people under the Spirit performing their part instead of by words from my mouth. Glorious meetings.

Nov. 26, 1908 Cleveland. During my sermon I broke down and went to crying, and the Holy Ghost caught up Homer, my own son, and he went to preaching in tongues until he and I and others fell under deep groans and weeping and praying. This continued for some length of time, which was really demonstrating the last part of my text, but after while I was able to finish my sermon and close the meeting.

Dec. 19, 1908 Sobel, Tenn. 6 professions and 9 received the baptism with the Holy Ghost. I feel tonight’s great meeting is a result of that night of prayer. God gave us wonderful victory. One sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues a good deal.

Jan 2, 1909 After this scene the church took action and excluded him on the charge brought against him, Rom.
16:17. On top of this action God gave us a wonderful meeting at night. Tongues and interpretations, much
demonstration and power. House was crowded. Among others, my son Homer gave a message in
tongues, which was interpreted to mean, “Jesus is coming soon. Get ready. Those who are not ready
are going to hell,” etc. The power of intercessory prayer fell on me and I fell off my seat and commenced groaning and _praying in tongues_ and strong crying and tears.

Jan. 3, 1909 Taught a Sunday School class. Held meeting afternoon and at night. One received the baptism
with the Holy Ghost.

Jan. 4, 1909 Taught the Bible school all day. Meeting at night. The Spirit gave the interpretation of two or three short messages through me for the first, clear.

Jan. 7, 1909 Assembly opened today. I act as clerk and chairman. Harmonious action all day.

Jan. 8, 1909 I led the meeting last night and tonight. No one preached tonight, but a wonderful meeting. 3 baptized with the Holy Ghost, 1 profession. Some healed. Wonderful. Glory.

Jan. 10, 1909 The day’s fruit was 4 converted, and 4 baptized with the Holy Ghost.

Jan. 28, 1909 7 of us went out in the country, had a prayer service with a blind girl. We felt that the Spirit taught us some good lessons in battling with demons.

Feb. 7, 1909 Held Sunday School, taught a class. Meeting afternoon and at night. Preached 2 sermons. The Lord gave us wonderful meetings. Tongues and the interpretations. Homer is being used wonderfully, with others. Several in altar. 1 baptized with the Holy Ghost. Glory! Glory! Glory!

Feb. 16, 1909 Last night after supper, we, with Bro. Bryant who had just come home, were singing. We heard Homer, my sixteen year old son, upstairs in agonizing prayer. We soon left off the singing and went upstairs. Homer was caught away under the power and control of the Spirit. He had been agonizing in prayer, when suddenly he arose on his knees and quoted the text: “If ye love me, keep my commandments, and I will pray the Father and he will give you another Comforter,” etc., _in a tongue,_ which was interpreted by Bro. Bryant. From the text he preached a sermon in a _foreign language,_ then he made his altar call, and it appeared that numbers came forward, and began to get saved. Then he went through great ecstasies of joy over the salvation of souls. Pen cannot describe the scene. The _language_ was clear and distinct. Others in the town are _frequently caught away in the Spirit in a similar way._ While the devil is raging God is blessedly working. Sick are being healed, devils cast out, etc., etc.

Feb. 20, 1909 Meeting at night. _Several messages_ given in tongues and the Holy Spirit gave the interpretations through me. Luther Richard, Homer Tomlinson, Jesse Trim _preached in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance_

Mar. 10, 1909 Held meeting at night. _Several messages_ in tongues, and the Lord used me to interpret.



  • Reply July 18, 2016

    Sia Khan

    Sia Khan liked this on Facebook.

  • Reply February 20, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Jim Daniel Jim Price and Louise Cummings If this was the case with Monroe / Murphy revival WHY Tomlinson is not recorded to speak in tongues until after Azusa and WHY nothing is said in his book about that or in Spurlings book? All they talk is holiness and entire sanctification. Where does the Monroe/Murphy revival connect speaking in tongues to HSB as initial evidence?

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    David Lewayne Porter

    My understanding is that the CoG was founded as a holiness movement and the Holy Ghost baptism with the evidence of speaking in tongues came later.
    That could explain the post and fit the narrative. (I checked the brief history of the Church of God, but I need to look at my copy of “Like a Mighty Army”).

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Danny Woods

      The great work of J.H. King of the Fire-Baptized Holiness Church had a good deal with the COG becoming Pentecostal.

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Danny Woods

      By the way, I hold the position of archives departmental assistant at the North Carolina Conference offices of the IPHC. If you have any questions about the IPHC’s history, etc., then you can contact me or Karen Lucas who is archives director at the NC IPHC archives office.

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    David Lewayne Porter I have to agree. Was later before or after Azusa? Jim Daniel

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      David Lewayne Porter

      I believe that the record was after being visited by someone that had just returned from Azusa Street

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Danny Woods

    Initial evidence and entire sanctification are contentious issues within my denomination, the IPHC, because some pastors simply do not preach and teach about it.

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Danny Woods

    Come on, Brother Paul F. Evans. Enlighten us with your doctrinal knowledge.

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Bro Jim The question still is: when they spoke in tongues did they knew this was initial evidence of the HSB Many have spoken in tongues and still do but do not recognize it as part of the HSB doctrine Stephen

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    David Lewayne Porter

    Troy Day
    The Church of God are speaking in tongues before AJ Tomlinson and before Azusa Street

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Louise Cummings

      Very true. But he was attending church with them when he came through there. He was of a different faith for a while. But finally joined them.

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    David Lewayne Porter

    In 1896 – over 100 people baptized with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking with tongues
    In 1903 – AJ Tomlinson joined and became pastor

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    David I’ve read this but does it not read too much into the story. This is a much later account / read from the 1950s edition of a story that happened in 1896 – like half of century earlier. With his in mind is there an earlier account of the story that documents that when the spoke in tongues there, they knew it was HSB and this was its sign – in other words was that their official doctrine at the time? The question must be asked because neither Spurling in his Lost Link book neither AJ Tomlinson in his official history of the Church of God mention that there were people baptized or that this was a doctrine taught in 1896

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Link Hudson

      Didn’t that become church doctrine after Cashwell returned from Azusa Street?

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Shiloh had it as doctrine around 1900 and then Parham 1901

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Louise Cummings

    I think this is one if not the best book I ever read. If you didn’t read it all you should read the rest. Sometimes I was crying. Sometimes I was laughing. It’s a great book.

  • Reply February 21, 2017

    Louise Cummings

    The one I read said they was speaking in langurs they didn’t understand. And got to searching the Bible and found it in The book of Acts. It’s been a long time since I read it but I’m pretty sure that’s how it started out. They said Tomlinson was praying for the Holy Ghost a long time. And when he got it he spoke in ten different languages fluently.

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Link Hudson

      DId someone know the languages so they could count?

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Louise Cummings

      Link Hudson I didn’t ever understand how they knew that it was ten different languages, unless people gathering around from father away knew the language. I know they traveled to many different places preaching. And maybe he came to some places that spoke the language that he knew he had spoken. That part wasn’t explained as far as I can remember. But it did always did pixel me how the gospel spread so fast to so many places. Because it would tell where they were preaching and all of a sudden they would be miles from there preaching. How some would come with guns to kill the husband of the house. And the wife would hide her husband. And tell the man with the gun to put it down. And come on in we have dinner on the table. And they would come in and eat. Tried to burn the school house down where they worship. And the Lord would send a rain and put the fire out. The book is amazing. But I don’t know how they knew about your question unless in traveling they would come up on places that spoke that language. It seems they traveled so far sod. I’m sure with out much of a way to travel. But the gospel traveled fast into different places.

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Early source for all this pls Like a mighty army comes some half a century later A. J. Tomlinson speaking in tongues in 1907

      “Jan 2, 1909 After this scene the church took action and excluded him on the charge brought against him, Rom 16:17. On top of this action God gave us a wonderful meeting at night. Tongues and interpretations, much demonstration and power. House was crowded. Among others, my son Homer gave a message in tongues, which was interpreted to mean, “Jesus is coming soon. Get ready. Those who are not ready are going to hell,” etc. The power of intercessory prayer fell on me and I fell off my seat and commenced groaning and _praying in tongues_ and strong crying and tears.”


    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Link Hudson

      Louise Cummings Maybe it ‘sounded like’ 10 different languages. I wonder how someone at Topeka Kansas verified tongues Chinese in 1901. The accounts of people recognizing their own languages makes more sense to me since it was so international, and there are accounts of people understanding their own languages. You’d think they’d say they met a Chinese person who verified it if that was the case.

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Louise Cummings

      Link Hudson I would love to answer your question. But I don’t know. All I know is I’m pretty sure that’s what it said in the Like a Mighty Army that I read. That been years ago. I could have some things confused. It’s been so kind. But to my remembrance that’s the way I remember that it read. I didn’t think of all these questions to figure out. I was just enjoying the book.

    • Reply February 21, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      checked with the local Panda Express? By race every 1000 contains 1 japanese, a Chinese, 3 Indians, 116 … Sci., Topeka, 1901, xvn, 215-216

  • Reply January 12, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Having been seeking Spirit baptism for about a year, on January 12, 1908, Pastor A.J. Tomlinson rose from his seat to pray during G.B. Cashwell’s sermon at North Cleveland Church of God. Before reaching the altar, Tomlinson fell to the floor under the power of the Spirit. He later recalled, “My mind was clear, but a peculiar power so enveloped and thrilled my whole being that I concluded to yield myself up to God and await results. . . . As I lay there great joy flooded my soul. The happiest moments I had ever known up to that time. I never knew what real joy was before. … Oh, such floods and billows of glory ran through my whole being for several minutes!”

    Why would the official record deviate? Link Hudson http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/preaching-in-tongues-among-early-pentecostals-nov-26-1908-cleveland/

    • Reply January 13, 2019

      Link Hudson

      I get a ‘This site cannot be reached’ error.

    • Reply January 13, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      You always get some error instead of giving an answer I just saw Ed Brewer posting something about 1908 but the fact is tongues were spoken among the Appalachians much much earlier

    • Reply January 14, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day there were references to tongues among Methodists in 1801, and at least one New Light Baptist in the 1800s and among the Gift Adventists in the 1870s, also among German Pietists in the 1800s.

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      certainly well aware through 1801 could be a long shot that you will not be able to prove- the question is however in the earlier dates in your church that officially claims 1908 – so this op is about 1908 in particular

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day 1801 Methodist revival near the University of Georgia according to a quote in The New Charismatics II.

      If I recall correctly, I have read that the Azusa Street Revival was from 1906 to 1908.

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Varnel Watson

  • Reply January 15, 2019

    Link Hudson

    I could understand back in 1908 when tongues had been so rare and new that it must have been a big deal for someone to ‘preach in tongues.’ But if we look at I Corinthians 14, can we really say that Paul would approve of that, unless the tongues were interpreted. It doesn’t edify other people, based on what Paul wrote.

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Gary Micheal Epping

      Sounds like the preaching in tongues was interpreted. “Feb. 20, 1909 Meeting at night. _Several messages_ given in tongues and the Holy Spirit gave the interpretations through me. Luther Richard, Homer Tomlinson, Jesse Trim _preached in tongues as the Spirit gave utterance_”

    • Reply January 15, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Gary Micheal Epping It’s not clear if he meant the same thing by preaching in tongues as he did by messages in tongues. Nowadays, Pentecostals use preaching for one thing, messages in tongues for another. But that was 1908.

  • Reply January 15, 2019

    Link Hudson

    This was after the Azusa Street Revival started. Had there been any contact? When did Cashwell come back from LA?

  • Reply January 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Everyone already knows this Link The question is about the 1908 date – why was it chosen for official record since your denomination had HSB years prior? That is the question here

    • Reply January 16, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day hsb? What are you calling my denomination? Thechurch I go to is not a part ofa denomination. I went to a GBI last year in Jakarta.

    • Reply January 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Holy Spirit Baptism with the evidence of tongues

    • Reply January 16, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day I think both of us are aware that there were accounts of speaking in tongues at the Shearer school house revival. The Fire-Baptized Holiness were teaching the baptism of fire and there are accounts of some of them speaking in tongues, too. Parham was teaching the initial evidence doctrine in 1901 apparently, and Seymour was teaching it by 1906 at the beginnint of the Azusa.

      Wikipedia says, “Through Rodgers and Pinson, A. J. Tomlinson of the Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee, heard of Cashwell’s message and invited him to Cleveland. On January 12, 1908, following a sermon by Cashwell, Tomlinson fell to the floor. He professed to receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in at least ten different languages.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaston_B._Cashwell

      Cashwell went to Azusa in 1906 and was preaching in the Raleigh Durham area by the end of that year. The COG or group that formed the organization may have believed the initial evidence teaching before Cashwell got there, or maybe they weren’t as hard-core on the idea that tongues had ot be the initial evidence yet.

      Maybe you could write a paper on it. If Brother Vinson Synan is on the forum, he may be able to straighten us out on this.

    • Reply January 16, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I am not too familiar with the Shearer school house revival but I do know they were NOT the church of God that came to existence later on. Even AJ Tomlinson did not recognize them as baptized. He did not recognize earlier 1906 and 1907 speaking in tongues one including his own son. So why 1908 was picked after all?

  • Reply January 16, 2019

    Link Hudson

    Where is tge paet about Tomlinson giving the 1908 date in ‘your denomination’? I do not get what the issue is that you are concerned about.

  • Reply January 16, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    I am not sure if I am reading your question write are you asking of the source of 1908 or what?

    • Reply January 16, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Yes, did Tomlinson say they started speaking in tongues in 1908? What is surprising about the quotes you link to?

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Are you saying Tomlinson started speaking in tongues in 1908? Because his own statements say different

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day which statements. It is easy to get your dates mixed up years latwer.

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      naaah I ‘ve been pretty clear about the dates

  • Reply January 17, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    G.B. Cashwell

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      came much later to Dunn NC – right?

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day He was asked by Tomlison to preach and that is when Tomlison spoke in tongues.

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      OK but the Evangel says Tomlinson spoke in tongues also before Cashwell came as early as 1907 and his son Homer preached in tongues long before Cashwell – so how about that?

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day I read that in the archives in Cleveland before they had the resource center. There are also 2 different accounts on why AJ left or was kicked out. The Tomlisons did like the priority so perhaps they said they did before Cashwell. The records says differently. I do know that I had a missionary teacher in a unaccredited school who knew personally the first speakers in Kansas.The teacher’s name was Mrs. Pauline Parham, daughter-in-law of Charles. I believed her as I found her to be a blessed and holy woman of God.

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day who controlled the Evangel along with every work in the church. I read these articles before they had the research center. They were in the attic of the old library in total disorder. I was permitted for the sake of my research through a friend I made in the church. I learned many an interesting thing from post official and hand written records. Who knows if they were eventually organized or whatever. I also got to interview a few of the children of the founders and they had quite the tales to tell as well.

    • Reply January 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Thanks I will post the links a bit later today

  • Reply January 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Ed Brewer Melvin Harter how do yall explain this discrepancy in the actual dates?

  • Reply January 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Tim Dalton Tim Dalton posting to your dual accounts


    A.J. Tomlinson tie to Frank Sandford in Maine before coming to Cleveland, Tennessee. http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/an-interesting-article-on-a-j-tomlinson/

    A.J. Tomlinson never mentioned, shared or counted as part of his Church of God the school house revival of 1896 (possibly with tongues) – we do not have him own this account of the story

    A.J. Tomlinson prayed through to his own sanctification

    AJ Tomlinson preaches at Tellico mountains: People laugh, cry and fall in the Spirit in 1907

    A. J. Tomlinson himself speaking in tongues in 1907 – Church of God (of Prophecy) Cleveland, TN http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/a-j-tomlinson-speaking-in-tongues-in-1907-church-of-god-of-prophecy-cleveland-tn/#comment-68007

    THEN as per Harold D. Hunter + ‎Cecil M. Robeck specifically recounted Cashwell’s influence on A.J. Tomlinson in Cleveland, Tennessee


    January of 1908 he preached in Cleveland, Tennessee, at the conclusion the General Conference of the Church of God. A.J. Tomlinson, at that time pastor of the church in Cleveland, received the Pentecostal baptism HOW SO when he spoke in tongues in 1907? http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/cashwell-taylor-and-the-theology-of-missionary-xenolalia/

    PREACHING in TONGUES among early PENTECOSTALS Nov. 26, 1908 Cleveland TN http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/preaching-in-tongues-among-early-pentecostals-nov-26-1908-cleveland/

    The 1923 Church of God Report of Investigation on A. J. Tomlinson http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/a-j-tomlinsons-diary-in-3-volumes-full-view-search-download/

    A J Tomlinson Last Lost Interview (1943) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9Iu2QwJquY

    A.J. TOMLINSON’S DIARY (IN 3 VOLUMES) [FULL VIEW, SEARCH, DOWNLOAD] – obviously to most there were TWO SETS of diaries (as it seems) http://www.pentecostaltheology.com/a-j-tomlinsons-diary-in-3-volumes-full-view-search-download/

  • Reply January 17, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Aug. 19, 1907 Union Grove, One received the baptism with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues.

    Nov. 19, 1907 Just came home last night from the Tellico mountains, where I have been for a week holding meetings. While I was preaching some laughed, about all cried, and one fell off his seat and just bellowed out in good fashion.


  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Still no answer? Link Hudson Tim Dalton

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day what is the question exactly? I do not see the problem

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      different accounts of the years as Tim Dalton pointed out

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    troy I told you what I read for myself in the archives and not what was approved and edited by Tomlison. What else can I say?

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      you may have a point there – what is your doubt?

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day You are a historian. When you see two different accounts and both seem to have been written by somewhat reliable sources, what do you think. I think there might have been some conflict with Tomlison wanting to be the pentecostal pathfinder and the other side wanting to give that to the church and not a defrocked former GS. It was an interesting time. I see a lot of strong individualism versus an attempt to build a church. We perhaps won’t ever get to the truth.

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      oh not really – I am just an observer but I have observed a few things about Tomlinson that seems you’ve noticed too – so I was wondering what are your doubts based on? In this case I am a bit confused

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Well it is a fact that he named his new movement after himself. I know there were bitter accusations made to discredit him by the CoG. They named their school after his replacement. I really only have circumstantial evidence, but I do suspect that he liked the prominence and wanted to be seen as the driving force in eastern pentecostalism. We can prove Cashwell did preach a meeting. We have the word of Tomlison and a few of his cronies supporting his claims. The early CoG wanted legitimacy and sought status as they were mostly poor and looked down on by the established churches. You can get that by having an early leader who was at the onset of the Pentecostal revival and thus the written “official” accounts. As time passed and the division occurred, perhaps some wanted(the CoG) to share a different story. The question would be how could one contradict the official accounts after many agreed on them for years. It just wasn’t the “Holy” thing to do. It leaves a lot of questions about the early CoG.

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      how was it named after himself? COGOP?

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      The first name after the split was church if God- Tomlison. It was later changed to denote they are the church the Book of Revelation is speaking about.

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I am not too aware with cog history Link Hudson may know more about that than me I made few points below and would be interesting in hearing your comments on each of them – I’ve wondered about them for sometimes

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Tim Dalton several of my own observations

    – of course the 1923 proceedings
    – but before that there is a UT dissertation on cog history that is not very well promoted as it seems – ti claims Tomlinson was much smarter then the people he led and somewhat more wealthy though his early diaries do not reflect that at all but later he owned an airplane
    – then we have the fact of ignoring the 1896 spirit baptism – I am not ware of even one account where he mentions it Certainly NOT in his book on the history of his own denomination

    Then we come to the HSB recording
    – he knows about HSB and visited Shioh
    – he is aware about it as soon as Azusa occurs 1906
    – he speaks in tongues as early as 1907
    – his son Homer speaks in tongues and preaches in tongues
    – ppl in his congregations @ Telico and Reliance speak in tongues prior to 1908
    – some are also reported upon leaving the Liberty Baptist church there in the late 1800s
    – 1908 is NOT the first visit by Cashwell
    YET the official baptism is recorded not until JAN of 1908
    I have a working theory about this BUT I still ask here WHY

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    I put in a call to the official Historian at White Wing, but just got his voice message.

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    The General offices of the church is closed from 12-1 so I called the bookstore. They said he was the historian and they transferred me I am guessing he is at lunch.

    • Reply January 18, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      why asking cogop when the original statement was made by cog?

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Link Hudson

    I am not sure I see the problem here. If other people spoke in tongues in his church in 1907 and it did not happen to him until January 1908, does that explain everything?

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    he did 1907 and earlier – how many times do we need to repeat this? Let’s see what the official historian says after all

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    still not in. I am sure he will be off Monday so let us wait until Tuesday. What exactly do you want me to ask?

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    yeah I’ve heard this before 🙂 in about week or 2 Link Hudson will forget the whole thing and we will have to ask again 🙂 #modusOperandi

  • Reply January 18, 2019

    Tim Dalton

    If I said I will call Tuesday, I will call. I already called today.

    • Reply January 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      but why cogop when cog put out the date?

    • Reply January 19, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      Troy Day – Only the Tomlison’s know. Actually there was a bitter rivalry between the two churches. COGOP makes it sound hand picked by God I guess. There is another group in Cleveland – COG New testament Judaism who thought they were the ones in Rev. to cry out Babylon from the heavens. They went up in airplanes and screamed.

      Very little bible study, extra biblical revelations,a need for importance, superstitions, and having the priority may have played a part. Of course, to me that seems to have been the legacy many left. So many mistook emotions and impulse for the Holy Spirit. They will quote this at me if they know or understand what I just wrote- The prophet is a fool; the man of the spirit is mad, Hosea 9:7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_God_(Jerusalem_Acres)

    • Reply January 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      I originally saw it here which sparked the question about the dates Surprised Melvin Harter or Jim Price has not given us the scoop just yet https://www.facebook.com/edbrewer64/posts/10156975162029414

    • Reply January 19, 2019

      Tim Dalton

      well he was no Agnes Ozman.

    • Reply January 19, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      true but just stating the obvious discrepancies

  • […] A. J. Tomlinson speaking in tongues in 1907 – Church of God (of Prophecy) Cleveland, TN […]

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