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Appeals court rules gender dysphoria is a protected disability, sides with trans inmate
A federal court has ruled that the Americans With Disabilities Act protects trans-identified individuals and that a prison policy requiring inmates to be housed based on their biological sex violates federal law.
Paris hit by 80% of average August rainfall in 90 minutes, France
Violent thunderstorms brought heavy rain and strong winds to parts of France on August 16, 2022, bringing temporary relief to the drought-stricken country.
Thrivetime Show: Latest monkeypox scare is a push for cashless money system, warns Clay Clark
The latest monkeypox scare claiming that the disease can be spread through money and other objects is a push for a cashless system, according to “Thrivetime Show” host Clay Clark.
DNA biowarfare: House Intelligence Committee member warns Americans against using DNA testing kits
Biosamples gathered by various DNA testing services could be sold and used to develop bioweapons specifically tailored to target certain groups or even individuals, US lawmakers have claimed at the Aspen Security Forum – echoing concerns long voiced by Russian officials.
Zimbabwe Hails Success Of Gold Coin Issuance – Lower Denominations Coming
Declaring its July launch of one-ounce gold coins a success, Zimbabwe’s central bank says it will begin issuing and selling coins in smaller gold denominations this fall.
US stocks declined as global markets digested red-hot UK CPI data and the latest FOMC Minutes – Newsquawk Asia-Pac Market Open
US stocks finished lower with early headwinds stemming from the EU session in the aftermath of the red-hot UK CPI data which rose to a 40-year high and spurred upside in yields, although markets were later cushioned by the FOMC Minutes as many officials saw a risk that the Fed could tighten more
CDC walk-back of COVID guidance vindicates legal challenges to mandates, lawyers say
Teenager studies find vaccine efficacy wanes in less than four weeks, second dose followed by “cardiovascular effects” in nearly a third.
EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots
We are now releasing ICP-MS lab test results that compare the elemental composition of human blood to the elemental composition of a clot sample taken from the body of a person who received a covid vaccination and then subsequently died.
Antisemitic Flyers Alleging That ‘COVID Is A Jewish Conspiracy’ By A Group Called Goyim Defense League Turning Up In States Across The Country
The God who wrote the Bible, when He walked this earth the first time, walked it as a Jewish man, and His name was Yeshua Ha’Mashiach, Jesus the Christ. He has chosen people, out of all the nations of the earth, to call His own, the Jews are that people. If you as a Christian want God’s blessing, then you need to do two things. One, give them the gospel, they won’t likely want it, but give it to them anyway. Two, when you see them attacked and persecuted, stand up for them. If you’ll do those two things, you will be far ahead of about 90% of every professing Christian on the face of the earth here in the closing moments of the Church Age.
Bill Gates is quietly carrying out a sinister plan to force you to eat Fake Meat
Bill Gates owns more farmland in the U.S. than any other private farmer, having purchased a total of 242,000 acres. Is the purchase of this land all part of his plan to force you to eat lab-grown synthetic meat?
The Great Reset is coming fast and nothing will ever be the same againDon’t expect a Christmas in 2022. There won’t be any street lights or much in the way of entertainment or celebration. There will be very few Christmas trees standing in town squares and the ones that there are will not be lit. The excuse will be the energy crisis and the unbearable costs. As usual, the global warming hoax will be an excuse.
America’s cotton shortage might take the shirt off your back
Intense drought has forced cotton farmers to abandon millions of acres that have produced so little cotton that they are no longer worth harvesting, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.
Pro-family activists convinced Texas GOP to openly reject LGBT agenda in party platform
Texas MassResistance is leading the way back to normalcy. On July 24 the Texas Tribune, a prominent left-wing newspaper, published a banner article “‘We failed’: Gay Republicans who fought for acceptance in Texas GOP see little progress,” describing how the Texas branch of the Log Cabin Republican organization, which pushes homosexual and transgender issues into the Republican Party across the country, was now admitting defeat in Texas.
De-Dollarization In Progress Could “Vaporize” Stocks, Bonds And Real Estate
“All of the Eastern European countries that have repatriated their gold. They’re all part of the EU but they all trade their own currency. They’re all going to break away from the Western system!”
ELCA vote opens door to nixing conscience protections for same-sex marriage opponents
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has approved a proposal to possibly revise a social statement that respects the conscience of members who oppose same-sex marriage.
The post 18 Aug 2022 appeared first on Rapture Ready.