15 Rewards of Spiritual Fasting

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Rediscover the value of fasting to experience long-prayed-for breakthroughs and blessings in your life! Consult a doctor if you have health problems. Use wisdom if it is a water; juice; veggie; favorite food; 1, 2, 3-day or extended fast. Expect some spiritual and physical resistance. Those are mild hunger pangs. You won’t die!

Get started and stay motivated by regularly reviewing these potential benefits of fasting:

  1. Renews spiritual vision
  2. Brings a holy brokenness
  3. Purifies our heart
  4. Humbles our soul
  5. Releases spiritual guidance
  6. Subdues our flesh
  7. Heightens spiritual awareness
  8. Deepens communion with God
  9. Clears our minds to hear God
  10. Brings supernatural refreshing
  11. Adds power to prayer
  12. Brings deliverance
  13. Brings greater fruitfulness
  14. Facilitates breakthroughs
  15. Cleanses the physical body

Realizing the urgency of the hour and the critical need for God’s divine intervention in our nation, will you join with millions of dedicated Christians reengaging in the rhythm of regular fasting? Join with Jesus, the early church, Paul, Jonah, Esther, Moses, David, Elijah, Nehemiah, Daniel and countless others throughout the ages who have recognized fasting’s potential for releasing the atomic power of God!

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