What is your net worth?

What is your net worth?

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A strange question to ask during this time of the year. Jeff Bezos is said to be worth 113 biion dollars. Apple, a company has a net value of around 900 billion USD?. A man has a value and a company has a value also . If net worth is the total value of my assests(which are very meague) and my liabilities (which are u payable) then I might think I am worthless person. But reading these following Scriptures made me re think about my net worth. The first says and I quote// For you know that it was not with PERISHABLE THINGS such as SILVER or GOLD that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the PRECIOUS BLOOD of CHRIST , a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 1:18‭-‬19 NIV// This verse mentions two of the MOST PRECIOUS METALS in the stock exchange ie GOLD and SILVER and says they are PERISHABLE THINGS.. Perishable? The whole world is in pursuit of these two precious metals. In the past I was also part of the rat race. I also knew that GOLD and SILVER were very worthy metals.. but didn’t know they were PERISHABLE until I read the Word of God. Money is an item of purchase and it said the LOVE of it is the root of all evil. Yet gold , which is perishable and silver which is also perishable are the material by which money is made. Net worth is measured in monetary terms with gold and silver forming the basis of valuation. Then God says He has redeemed me by the PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST… . an item of puchase MORE WORTHY than any gold or silver. God has purchased me by His blood and I am in his sight like the Rolyce Royce Sweep Tail is to the eyes of its owner, a very expensive, valuable and worthy possession As passover is drawing to a close it would be worthwhile to re visit Revelation 5:9 and reflect about the whole transaction that took place on the cross for it is written//. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and WITH your BLOOD you PURCHASE for GOD PERSONS from every tribe and language and people and nation. Revelation 5:9 NIV // I looked up the word PURCHASE to make sure I got it right. When a person goes to the supermarket people say they are going to do PURCHASES.. of groceries etc. And the word is defined this way//ACQUIRE something) by PAYING for it; BUY… // So ANY PERSON who has CHRIST is a possession of GOD (Not his own) and his net worth is not measured by his assets minus by liabilities but by the value of the item if purchase :. THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS.. Prayer:. Lord plse give me AWARENESS so that I can understand my NET WORTH.. Worthy is I than anything in the world because I am a possession of GOD.. Amen 2 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and REPENTANCE for the FIRGIVENESS of SINS will be PREACHED in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. Luke 24:46‭-‬47 NIV// The instructions were given after the Lord Jesus rose from the dead by JESUS HIMSELF ..during “passover” which the world is about to celebrate. Who changed these instructions to PROSPERITY and the many fairy tales going the rounds?. Blood was shed should be the central message for without IT repentance for the FORGIVENESS of sins is IMPOSSIBLE..


  • Reply April 30, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    good one by Isara Mo Alan Smith

    • Alan Smith
      Reply May 1, 2020

      Alan Smith

      Troy Day my net worth is NOT worth writing about.

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply April 30, 2020

    Louise Cummings

    I can’t get into this because I don’t know how. About all my life lived from one. Check to another. My daddy farmed for other people. Making 25 cents a day. My mother and daddy has been dead for years. We raised our food. Done just about all my marriage the same way.

  • Louise Cummings
    Reply April 30, 2020

    Louise Cummings

    Bless his heart. It’s hard to believe one house hold made that much in a life time. That’s a shame if you are, with all the kids in the world starving to death. I’m thankful for your blessings. But you can’t take it with you. Why not build a homeless person. a home. Or build a home for many homeless people and hire someone to take care of a lot at one time. That would be a blessing to you and them to.

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