What is a, “word of wisdom” after reading several authors…

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Street Preacherz | PentecostalTheology.com


What is a, “word of wisdom” after reading several authors and classics by men and women who are knowledgeable on these things. Some prayer and some little experience. It boils down to a specific piece of information, a “word of wisdom” unknown by the natural mind and revealed by the Holy Spirit to the spirit of the believer. The spirit and soul cleansed from sin has a wonderful communion with God in intimacy and confidence. Reference Heb. 9:14
A word of wisdom is the knowledge of God’s will and plan and the foresight to carry it out. It is different from the ” word of knowledge.
In the “word of knowledge” again a piece of God’s knowledge unknown by the natural mind but without the foresight or knowledge of God’s specific will or plan in the future. It is very much present and or past tense. And may not be for anyone’s benefit but yours. Meaning just because you know a thing doesn’t mean it is for you to speak on it. It is not gossip or criticism or suspicion. But may be useful for accurate, effective prayer and intercession and personal ministry.
These two and the “discerning of spirits” are what are traditionally called the “revelation” gifts. God shows or tells, he reveals a thing.
In the discerning of spirits it is right to accept it as the knowledge of a spirit’s character whether angels, demons, and of men also. This is important for our protection and the oversight of the church. How much we need it in these last days!!!
“The discerning of spirits” I believe should include seeing and knowing God by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Remember blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God!!! These are they that have come out of great tribulation and washed their robes in the blood of the lamb. This is knowing God by the ministry of the Holy Spirit!
Why are these things important? Do you have children? Do you work with unbelievers? Do you speak with others for the cause of Christ? Would you pray through to victory? Would you know God and his will for your life.
While nothing can replace the sure foundation of Gods Word, it is important to remember the Holy Spirit helps us in the things of God and in the knowledge of God. Remember of all people’s the Christian is blessed. For us the truth is a person and His name is Jesus. Please seek God, trust God, and honor God with your life by being available for this precious ministry. The ministry of the Holy Spirit!!!

much luv, an old soldier, bro joe


  • Reply December 29, 2016

    Street Preacherz

    Very limited I know, but an important subject for gospel ministry. And could save your life and the life of your loved ones

  • Reply September 25, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    back in 2016 it was asked and answered by Joe Absher

    A word of wisdom is the knowledge of God’s will and plan and the foresight to carry it out. It is different from the ” word of knowledge.
    In the “word of knowledge” again a piece of God’s knowledge unknown by the natural mind but without the foresight or knowledge of God’s specific will or plan in the future. It is very much present and or past tense. And may not be for anyone’s benefit but yours. Meaning just because you know a thing doesn’t mean it is for you to speak on it. It is not gossip or criticism or suspicion. But may be useful for accurate, effective prayer and intercession and personal ministry.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I hadn’t seen it yet. My grandsons birthday is today also. I have been busy putting some past pictures of him on here. And I always write things I remember about them when they were little. My phone messes up so much. It takes so long to get it done. I’m so bad to hit wrong letters. When I try to straighten them out. I mess my phone out good. About the word of Wisdom. I meant nothing by that. If I offended anyone I’m sorry. I just saw where they was discussing Wisdom and Knowledge. I didn’t think nothing about anyone taking that personal. I didn’t even think about them thinking I thought they was wrong. Or I was bragging on myself. I never want Glory for anything. To zGod be the glory for anything in my life. I love listening to people’s personal experiences. The reason I told that was to explain what I thought Word Of Knowledge was the only gift I could think of that would explain Word. Of Knowledge. And wasn’t sure that was what it would be called. But if it isn’t called that. Then I don’t know if there’s any gift you could say that I would be used with. But I am used in certain ways. But I don’t know how God would call it. I just try to be obedient. But I’m the one who needs Wisdom. And I do pray for it. Only theLord knows how much I need it. Well thanks for bringing that out to me. Ever who was writing. When I was saying what I thought the two words. I apologize for hurting them. I surely know in my heart. That I never ment of bragging on me. If anything. I down myself. I never mean anything I say as bragging. So I don’t remember who was writing. I temper Scotty Searan. He’s the only one I remember being in that discussion. I hope they can see my apology

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      Thank you Link Hudson.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      was that cake good or what?

    • Reply September 26, 2018

      Joe Absher

      Happy birthday grandma Louise! May our Lord shine his light and favor on you. Grace and strength health big dreams and opportunities in Jesus name!

  • Reply September 25, 2018

    Guy Caley

    Sometimes I think it’s easier to see an example to understand exactly what one of the manifestations of the Spirit is. I believe an example of this gift in operation is found in Acts 15 beginning with verse 13, when James addressed the Jerusalem council.

  • Reply September 25, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I feel giving a brief practical addendum to the definition because many if not most have not seen real Word of Wisdom operating

    Word of knowledge is to the WHAT
    Word of wisdom is to the HOW

    So, just like when the speaker of Word of Wisdom does not have to KNOW the word but has to obey that GOD knows it and just speak forth the word of wisdom as to the WHAT

    in the same way word of wisdom is NOT OF the speaker him/her-self As a matter of fact they may NOT know what the word of knowledge is for or how to use the Word of Wisdom AND the speaker needs to simply obey that GOD knows HOW and speak forth the word of Wisdom though he/she may not understand it or know what it means exactly

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Guy Caley

      I don’t think there is any intent in 1 Corinthians 12 to give either an exhaustive list or to draw sharp lines between the various manifestations of the Spirit. Many of these work together and there is no real need to categorize them when they are in action. Wisdom, knowledge, discernment, faith, prophecy, etc. all of these may be working together in any combination.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      uuuh Paul is pretty strict in his definitions if you ask me

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Guy Caley

      Troy Day with theological terms perhaps. But in 1 Corinthians 12 the topic is the manifestations of the spirit in their various forms. Apart from tongues, prophecy and interpretation of tongues (the utterance gifts) we don’t ever really get a “compare and contrast” on these manifestations. It’s pretty hard to argue for a hard and fast distinction that Paul never makes.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      I am not saying the would not operate together but it could be a mess. And how does one distinct them if operated all together

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Guy Caley

      Where do you get the idea that we need to draw hard and fast distinctions between them? To what end?

  • Reply September 25, 2018

    Ray E Horton

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Ray, I agree with #2 that it is word or phrase not a long sentence which Link Hudson has also accented on However, his definition is of Word of Faith not Word of Wisdom right where he says:

      DEFINITION: The gift of the Word of Wisdom is an instantaneous and divine revelation of the sovereign mind, will, purpose, plan, or counsel of God concerning things of the past, present, or future.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Not to sure about that. I see what I prefer to distinguish as the gift of special faith as a supernatural imparting of faith that doesn’t come through the normal process of renewing the mind to God’s Word, which God can impart and use for us when our natural faith has not yet become strong in a certain area.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      faith is gift of power
      wisdom is a gift of speech

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Link Hudson

      The word translated ‘word’ can also be loosely translated as ‘message.’ I see a ‘word of wisdom’ as a ‘word’ the Spirit speaks to the individual, whether or not he speaks it out to others, or just acts on it, or prays about it.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Ray E Horton

      Troy Day Yes, the gift of special faith I a gift of power imparted to provide His divine faith to accomplish something God wants to do. The Word of Wisdom is a revelatory gift.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Ray E Horton

      Link Hudson Yes, like all the revelation gifts, the word of wisdom as well as the inspiration gifts come to the individual. But, like all the gifts, it is for the upbuilding of the body of Christ, for the common good. So, yes, it may be used to build up the individual so he/she can otherwise encourage the church, but, more commonly, it is shared, usually in conjunction with prophecy, giving it substance.

  • Reply September 25, 2018

    Link Hudson

    I think it’s when God speaks a word to an individual about what to do or how to do it.

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      I lean more toward the HOW to do it like in Acts 9

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Link Hudson

      what part of acts 9?

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      where Ananias is told
      Go to the street,
      you will find so and so
      power oil on top of him
      and he will see and so on

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Link Hudson

      Are all commands words of wisdom, then?

    • Reply September 25, 2018

      Ray E Horton

      I see that more the Word of Knowledge, God imparting a bit of knowledge supernaturally that he wouldn’t have otherwise, concerning what to do and how to do it. I see the Word of Wisdom more as the “why,” as a supernatural explanation of a bit of the purposes of God’s heart.

    • Reply September 26, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Just a brief example
      I still feel most have never seen Word of Wisdom in operation

  • Reply September 26, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Isara Mo tell is more about your experience with Word of Wisdom – many comment without having ever seen it operating

    • Reply September 26, 2018

      Isara Mo

      Troy if you listen and watch some modern day ” prophets” on how they handle the gift of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge(the two has to go together…the wisdom is an inner revelation of hidden information/ fact about a problem, and MUST BE FOLLOWED by a a word of knowledge…by God which is a SOLUTION or answer to the problem or situation.(Biblical operations of these two gifts).
      About seven years ago we were called to pray for a young man who had been hospitalised with “meningitis” for two weeks.
      Then he was discharged but his situation didnt improve when he arrived home.
      When they called us to pray for him(we went with my wife) the young man was in a kind of trance and the family told us that he had been like that for the past three days..
      We began to pray for him around 6 pm without getting any visible or marked results..
      .Around 10 0r 11 oclock, when we were about to give up, i heard a very gentle voice say ” Freemason”and I stepped up to the young mans ear and whispered ” freemason”
      Just that simple word and the young man exploded…he began to speak loudly wanting to run away now: his tongue loosed up and we knew then that he had secretly entered into freemasonry without the familys knowledge.
      I believe the voice that whispered into my spirit ” freemason” was the Holy Spirit and the Lord Jesus delivered completely the young fella from those spirits..
      I think if someone is really committed to God and humbles themselves, the possibility of experiencing this gift if imminent.
      But as I have said earlier I have some reservations about
      most who ” claim” to operate in the spirit of wisdom…in todays world for the demarcation between divination/ word of knowledge and wisdom is truly thin.
      I desire to have this gift all the times for it is a gift which eases things up…No much sweat.
      It is a practical gift…

    • Reply September 26, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      spirit of wisdom? what about Word of Wisdom?

    • Reply September 27, 2018

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day i guess i wanted to say Word of wisdom not spirit of wisdom

    • Reply September 27, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      so after seeing in person Word of wisdom how would you define it?

  • Reply January 15, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    most never used gift of Spirit in church Isara Mo

    WISDOM makes one wise person more powerful than ten rulers in a city.
    Ecclesiastes 7:8‭, ‬19 NIV..
    Whatever wisdom is King Solomon asked for it… He never went to Harvard nor Yale but got it direct ftom He who is wise..
    And from that experience Solomon has the audacity to tell others it is worthwhile to have it.
    Lord give me wisdom…

    • Reply January 15, 2020

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      How can one use something which he doesn’t have? Or is that we have the gift and don’t know it?
      Today I met a certain young lady in a bank and while we were seated on the sofa waiting to be served I just found myself telling her some very sensitive things about her private life and how harsh mother (whom I had never met) was and when we were half way thru the conversation she clasped my hand and had tears flowing down her eyes…. She is just 22.
      I then prayed wirh her and could sense there was great relief in her.. and joy.
      Gift of wisdom or word of knowledge or is it spirit of discernment?
      It is very likely many people have the gifts of the Spirit lying latent in them that is why they don’t use it but it is also very possible they don’t have no gifts at all and thus can’t use them..

    • Reply January 15, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Isara Mo word of wisdom is the mOST never used gift of them ALL What is the point of believing in ALL gifts Jevan Little IF the church only uses a few by choice and dont other MOST Charismatics have never seen word of wisdom and dont know it from a hole in the wall Peter Vandever

    • Reply January 15, 2020

      Jevan Little

      Troy Day it may be they don’t emphasize them when teaching on the topic

    • Reply January 15, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Jevan Little Peter Vandever hasnt seen them in revival and left the prophetic movement with no wisdom gift

  • Reply February 20, 2023


    Brett Dobbs Duane L Burgess I read your discussion on word of knowledge which is NOT prophecy here

    I’ve got my eye on the Chris Reed guy. His “word of knowledge” is in question. I’ll explain why after I mention this. Unlike most of the false word of faith prophets. Chris actually gave a very lengthy and detailed prophecy for 2023. He gave multiple prophecy’s for 2023. All of them in enough detail to test them. So, next year we will be able to determine if he’s false or not.
    I question his words of knowledge after I saw this video. I think he possibly uses the same method.

    LONG ago we had a disc. with Terry Wiles Joseph D. Absher on the difference between word of knowledge and word of wisdom. Word of wisdom is perhaps the most unseen and ignored gift among them all. Ppl who do not see in the BIBLE dif. between the sign of tongues and the gift of tongues like Link Hudson MAY not see dif. between wordOFknow. and word of wisdom. And this is JUST sad b/c in our every day walk like finding Noah Philip Williams or Asbury revival Kyle Williams we need NAMELY Word of Knowledge…

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Troy Day There seems to be something going on here– either plants in the audience or else some sort of spirit or ‘soul power’ to get those details. How would he know by a man’s voice that he played the drums or had a company to sell? Maybe a man named ‘Allen’ ends to be in his 60’s. Unless he’s at a location where most people are business owners and drummers, stats and taking chances won’t get you that information.

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Link Hudson I honestly did not take the time to watch the whole thing waiting for Brett Dobbs to give us the scoop

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Troy Day it’s a short video and worth the watch. I’m in agreement with Link Hudson. Once that guy put the blind fold on and started giving perfect random details like he did, there has to be a spirit feeding him that information.

      So when I see Chris Reed speaking some of the similar lingo as in it being a performance. “So there is absolutely no way we could have planned this”, “we don’t know each other, and this is first time we’ve met” and stuff like that.
      That throws red flags.

      I’ve been told personal stories of operating in a gift of knowledge. And their stories doesn’t match up to the way that Chris Reed explains it.

      With that being said, that doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit won’t operate in that way. I’m referring to Chris saying that he sees words over peoples heads or sees play by play pictures of stuff and that’s how the Holy Spirit reveals things to him. Like significant numbers and stuff.

      Other people have told me when they received a word of knowledge, none of that stuff happened. They just knew. Or they would say certain things to people without even knowing that they knew it.

      So… I don’t know. It’s better to just watch both videos and compare for yourself and see what y’all think.

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Brett Dobbs A word of wisdom is the knowledge of God’s will and plan and the foresight to carry it out. It is different from the ” word of knowledge.

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Troy Day I’m not talking about about a word of wisdom.

      A word of knowledge about someone’s personal life that was originally unknown. That is a word of knowledge. It is a thing known by God and then giving to someone else.

      If a word of knowledge is defined differently, then what do you call what I just defined?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Brett Dobbs Link Hudson do you have a Biblical definition of word of wisdom like John Mushenhouse Asked?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Troy Day yeah it’s called the book of proverbs

  • Reply February 20, 2023


    I would still like the bible’s definition of it, Until then we are reduced to guesswork at best and possible false teaching at worse.

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      John Mushenhouse TRUE THAT – give us a good one Nelson Banuchi

  • Reply February 20, 2023


    Using “wisdom” as the root, which is the correct application of knowledge, this would be supernatural guidance through one believer to another (who would recognize it as such in her/her spirit). Yet another reason our churches aren’t structured properly. Having to stan or get up in front of an “audience” quenches this.

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Steve Losee HOW SO – is this related to the HOLY GHOST GIFT of “wisdom”

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Troy Day where is the “gift of wisdom” listed as such in Scripture?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Steve Losee do you have a Biblical definition of word of wisdom like John Mushenhouse Asked?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Troy Day The Bible doesn’t define; it describes. Words of wisdom would include Joseph’s counsel to Pharoah, Paul’s encouragement to the churches in Acts 14, etc.

  • Reply February 20, 2023


    John Mushenhouse A word of wisdom is the knowledge of God’s will and plan and the foresight to carry it out. It is different from the ” word of knowledge.

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Troy Day well since the bible doesn’t define it, how do we know without speculating. It sounds good, but out thoughts are not God’s thoughts Isaiah 55

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      John Mushenhouse it gives enough perimeter for definition as it does for word of knowledge ? IF the BIBLE does not give def. how are to practice it? Proverbs 4:6-7, “Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

    • Reply February 20, 2023


      Troy Day just more speculation. Yes we are to get it but show where it says the word of wisdom is defined there. Wisdom is different than the word – that is quite the stretch there Troy. You can’t make a link –

    • Reply February 21, 2023


      John Mushenhouse how do you mean?

    • Reply February 21, 2023


      Troy Day you are trying to make wisdom and the word of wisdom the same thing. how can you if the bible is silent to what the word of wisdom is. Your logic is flawed and it is just human logic. Sometimes we just can’t have everything known as we know in part the word says. I know the word of wisdom exists, but I don’t know how it is manifested.

    • Reply February 21, 2023


      John Mushenhouse NOT @ all Have you ever seen word of wisdom in the church? I’ve seen it in NationalINFO telling Philip Williams about Noah

    • Reply February 21, 2023


      Troy Day just because we see a supernatural occurrence means that it is the word of knowledge.. You have to have something as the standard to say if it is what it is. That would be the bible which is silent and not man’s presumptions.

    • Reply February 21, 2023


      John Mushenhouse well Philip Williams does not know Luke, so…

  • Reply February 21, 2023


    1 John 5:7 KJV — For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    There are no fake 3 dollar bills because there are no real ones . However there are plenty of fake 20 dollar bills . Question is where’s the scriptural integrity. The Holy Spirit does not and will not contradict the known will of God and the holy scripture . And the holy spirit isn’t interested in the next big thing . Jesus is and always has been “the big thing” the theme and the conclusion . Peace .

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Joseph D. Absher do you have a Biblical definition of word of wisdom like John Mushenhouse Asked?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      I didn’t see that request

  • Reply February 22, 2023


    Neither the “word of wisdom” or the “word of knowledge” are taught in Scripture in the manner they are often being used today.

    Context is critical:
    Paul wrote to the Corinthians who were living carnally, abusing spiritual gifts, and seeking self edification.

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Duane L Burgess do you have a Biblical definition of word of wisdom like John Mushenhouse Asked?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      It is interesting that Mark 6:2 speaks of Jesus being given wisdom or perhaps just the people’s own interpretation as to how he got His new spoken wisdom as they knew him from a child. — And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished, saying, “Where did this Man get these things? And what wisdom is this which is given to Him, that such mighty works are performed by His hands!– Many different thoughts on this and something that Howard Carter and others didn’t go into as they tried to describe experiences. Did Jesus get wisdom here or the crowd thought so because he was silent growing up in His home town. If given, is this the same as the passage in 1 Cor. claims to be for the saints. What was the content of this wisdom? It astonished the listeners. In context these things refer to His teaching, which was teaching that was with godly wisdom, “for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as their scribes.” (Mt 7:29+) AT Robertson said”Robertson on “Where did this man get these things?” – Laconic and curt. With a sting and a fling in their words as the sequel shows….They felt that there was some hocus-pocus about it somehow and somewhere. They do not deny the wisdom of his words, nor the wonder of his works, but the townsmen knew Jesus and they had never suspected that he possessed such gifts and graces.” JD Jones + “What is the wisdom that is given unto this Man?”—this was the second question. He never “guessed at truth.” He declared the truth as one who knew. There was no “perhaps,” or “if” or “it may be,” in His speech. The note of certitude rang through it all. And as Jesus declared His Gospel men recognised its truth. Truth always has a self-evidencing power. And even these prejudiced Nazarenes could not fail to see that Jesus had a grip of truth, a knowledge of God, a familiarity with the eternal, that no prophet or psalmist had ever possessed. And it left them speechless with amazement. “What is the wisdom that is given unto this man?” they said. Alan Carr + His Words – When Jesus preached, He did so with grace and charm. His words were filled with divine authority. He did not speak like the local rabbis. They quoted other rabbis and had no sense of certainty in their words. When Jesus spoke, He did so with the sense that He knew what He was talking about. He left no doubt in the minds of His hearers that His words must either be accepted or rejected. He left His hearers no wiggle room. In fact, when some officers were sent from the Pharisees to hear what Jesus had to say, they came back and said, “Never man spake like this man”, John 7:46. When the people of Nazareth heard Jesus speak, they were amazed.

      His Wisdom – When Jesus spoke, His words were filled with truth. The people heard Him declare old truths in new ways. They listened as He taught spiritual truth by using the common everyday things around them. While His illustrations may have called on the common, the truth He preached was anything but common. The Lord’s wisdom left them shaking their heads in disbelief.

      His Works – The Lord’s fame had preceded Him to Nazareth. They had heard about the miracles He had performed elsewhere. They could not believe that a young man from their own town could do the miracles that were attributed to Him.

      The people of Nazareth could not believe what they were hearing and Who they were hearing it from. They heard what Jesus had to say and they were left with their mouths hanging open. Our Lord’s message still affects people that way. When you read the Bible and study the message of the Gospel, it can cause you to be astonished.—Well folks any connection or did the crowd just thought He had to be given the wisdom because Jesus never spoke as he did now. If He was given this opens up quite a bunch of questions and thoughts. Then again, a Biblical definition would be helpful.

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Duane L Burgess Please define how those two gifts are taught in the scripture so we can be sure . BTW you must have a gift before one can abuse it. Are you thinking out your words before you type them? Yes Paul wrote correction, but you have to have something to correct. You are not digging very deep. Troy Day any thoughts?

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      John Mushenhouse YES a nice definition is in order here…

  • Reply February 22, 2023


    Wisdom can be taught only by God through the Holy Spirit, and knowledge can be acquired from this world. According to the Bible, “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy” (James 3:17). Amen!

    • Reply February 22, 2023


      Rasiah Thomas but you only gave it’s qualities and not what it is.

    • Reply February 23, 2023


      John Mushenhouse Although more wisdom of God was obtained by King Solomon, he was unable to keep up the divine commands of God due to his weakness. Beware!

  • Reply February 23, 2023


    so Steve Losee “wisdom” as the root, which is the correct application of knowledge, this would would word of wisdom be the correct application of word of knowledge? John Mushenhouse may agree with this one now

    • Reply February 24, 2023


      Troy Day yes, but only if it qualifies as “manifestation of the Spirit” i.e. natural explanations & understandings don’t really explain it.

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