The Role of conquest Missionaries

The Role of conquest Missionaries

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Watch the whole MISSION movie on youTube here


Chapter I – The Missionary Movement where it came from

Chapter II – Functions of the Missionary

Chapter III – Dr. Philip – “Defendre of the Hottentots”

Chapter IV – Divide and Rule

Chapter V – Political role of the mission

Chapter VI – The Wesleyans take a hand

Chapter VII – “The Missionary Charter”

Chapter VIII – “Christianity and Civilization”

Chapter X – Triumph of disunity (1)

Chapter X – Triumph of disunity (2)

Chapter XI – Completion of military conquest

Chapter XII – End and Beginning

NOSIPHO MAJEKE: A Biographical Note


  • Reply July 16, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    out of interest; how many Pentecostal churches in USA, were started by immigrants?

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      hahah you tell us 🙂

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      you have all the surveys. My own experience in London was i left in 1974 with 1 church in my locality; and when i returned in 2000 there were 41. The 40 new churches were all started by black African migrants since 1990. The largest church i went to, Pentecostal KICC? was 30,000 and i was one of 5 whites (tourist not local) and rest all black; started by black African 7 years before.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce keep in mind LONDON is NOT what it was in 1974 – what do you think?

      MOST if not ALL churches in the USA were started by pilgrims and other religious immigrants from UK and Europe

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      The Role of the Missionaries in conquest that you posted recently, details London’s Missionary history as one of conquering in aid of capitalism; so i admit it is ugly, and one of my ancestors Rev William Boyce was one of the worst. I don’t know much about USA history, but have those who have been affected from USA capitalism overseas, become immigrants and started churches in USA this Millenium?

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce well FYI started flying through London many many moons ago Heathrow
      London Stansted
      Luton – cheap where most migrants fly too Waited there many many hours for late and cancelled flights

      It was somewhere in the early 90s during a Heathrow overnighter – the hotel was right in the lobby of the airport I started noticed workers with islamic head covering Strange at first Mainly Indian – figured they were a colony so well But that time I started noticing them more and more and within few years they were all over the airport just about every position except pilots and flight attnd. 30 years later you’ve seen the picture – London is not what it used to be I like the big church by the river near Mi6 They call themselves NEW WINE have many friends there – good size church

      Now how was it in Australia – first Christian churches started by white missionaries right?

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      first pastor was also first magistrate. So born again Sunday. Dragged chain into court next day Monday to confront the same official. After Billy Graham crusade, very few converts ended up in churches; because of penal heritage they didnt trust pastors. Some mega churches in Australia started by Kiwis, who don’t have penal history; but Australia trying to colonise NZ as an aussie state hahaha.

    • Reply July 17, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      One significant war that made the United States become more of an official imperial power was the Spanish-American War. By winning this war, the US acquired possession in the Philippines. First 25 years of Philippine AOG was Holy Spirit led. Then USA TV evangelists started mega churches for 2nd 25 years; but left leaving mega buildings and financies, but no locals trained to take over as mega pastors. Last 25 years has seen AOG split 5 years ago because of two powerful locals with different views on influence from outside . Dave A S is world famous international evangelist, and generous, lived and worked in US. Split from Rey C who is championed more by locals. USA did not leave behind a working justice system; so it will take 10 years before DAS and RC meet each other in Supreme court.

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