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This national church survey reveals important data about the state of the church in America today | Pew Forum | Barna Research Group | Gallup
The survey has been conducted for the past two years in several hundred congregations from all denominations across the United States. All collected national trends provide information about essential ministry dynamics and characteristics of the local congregation like:
- Church Type & Membership
- Teams & Leaders
- Praise & Worship
- Pastoral/Personal
- Mission & Vision
Subscribe to weekly newsletter to receive free each published report containing important information about current church trends in America today.
The answers to the above questions are found in Pentecostal theology, which claims the “five-fold Gospel.” The results of a recent survey of one hundred randomly selected Bulgarian Protestants asking about the fundamentals of their faith is shown in the following table:
Sample reports from the national State of the Church survey include:
- 5 common church types across the nation
- 3 financial characteristics of the average church in America
- College education take over church leadership
- 4 leading types of pastor’s teams
- The growth of congregational ethnicity
- 6 dimensions of leadership training for small churches (80-120 members)
- Top 3 problems in church growth
- 8 Successful strategies to communicate with your church volunteer teams
- 4 age groups within the make of church membership
- 7 factors that make your congregational ethnos
- 20th century paradigm for church training still used today
- How can you improve worship within a church service
- 5 ways to improve how the community views your church
- 3 successful ways how to really spend half of your time in prayer and meditation
Though, the majority of participants were among Western North American Pentecostal/Charismatic congregations, the National State of the Church Survey brings results of the state of the church much similar to the ones presented by the Pew Forum, Barna Research Group and Gallup. While the said researchers present a more holistic to the Christian body information, the National State of the Church Survey brings a special focus of statistical data on Pentecostal/Charismatic congregations, their structure, leadership and praxis.
Our team of experts is currently preparing a detailed publication of our findings in several parts which will air during the month of March. Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter and all other available media channels and be notified of each part of the National State of the Church Survey as soon as it becomes available online.
This ministry web tool really showed us how to handle personal evangelism and newcomers. The dynamics of an effective church hasn’t changed for 2,000 years. We are to evangelize the lost, assimilate those evangelized, disciple those assimilated, and unleash those who have been discipled for ministry and ongoing evangelistic impact. ~Jeff T., Atlanta
Used for our volunteers and it worked out great. Can’t wait for the financial module to come out so we can implement it in our church program! ~Summerville Church, IL
Varnel Watson
Daniel J Hesse as promised to Amazon Terry
Does a person have free will? – YES – 78% NO – 22%
Can a person choose to be saved or not? – YES – 75% NO – 25%
Must a person accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior in order to be saved? – YES – 97% NO – 3%
Can a person lose his/her salvation? – YES – 75% NO – 25%
Is the use of alcohol sin? – YES – 60% NO – 40%
Can a person be saved without being baptized in the Holy Spirit? – YES – 72% NO – 28%
Are you baptized with the Holy Spirit? – YES – 63% NO – 37%
Have the spiritual gifts described in the Bible ceased? – YES – 10% NO – 90%
Are there apostles today? – YES – 64% NO – 36%
Do you go to church each week? – YES – 73% NO – 27%
Do you pray daily? – YES – 88% NO – 12%
Do you read the Bible daily? – YES – 77% NO – 23%
Do you fast more than once a week? – YES – 35% NO – 65%
Daniel J Hesse
Wonder what a larger lot would look like?
Varnel Watson
These stats are from several hundred churches nation wide. A study in America does not get bigger than that – at least I dont know of one that surpasses into the thousands of churches; maybe a denominational one – but then we know how denominations do their counts
Daniel J Hesse
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
and this is JUST 2015-2019 Statistics Report on the Assemblies of God (USA)
2017 300 new churches – 319 closed churches
2016 406 new churches – 280 closed one
as seen on the chart
The 2017-18 decline is worse than 2013
The 3-4 year growth (2014-2016) is over
our AG are now hit harder than ever before and declining
Link Hudson
The stats that show that over 60% believe in modern apostles is interesting. I wonder how much of this is NAR influence as opposed to a more traditional idea of the role of apostleship.
This question is a weird one, IMO, if it was the only one asked about fasting:
“Do you fast more than once a week?”
If the surveyor were writing a paper on Pharisees fasting twice a week or the recommendations of the Didache and wanted to quote a stat on the number of Pentecsotals who fast more than that, the question makes sense. But why say two times a week? Why not ask about once a week, once a month or regularly?
Varnel Watson
Terry Wiles made sure for this not to happen with Res 16
Link Hudson
Troy Day Please enlighten those of us not connected with the inner workings of the A/G. What was Resolution 16, and which part was made sure not to happen.
Varnel Watson
google it
Salvatore Tropea Sr
Varnel Watson
Daniel J Hesse The USA denominations that are growing, or at least not losing members, are those where Latinos are either in Latino churches or in intercultural churches with a large Latino presence. Juan Martinez
Varnel Watson
Of the five U.S. denominations that have the largest Latino presence, in four of them Latinos are at least 20 percent of the membership: Assemblies of God, Seventh-Day Adventist, Church of God, and Apostolic Assembly.
Daniel J Hesse
Where would OUR AG be w/o our Latino churches?
Varnel Watson
is what we are as church in America today
Daniel J Hesse
Troy Day I wonder how they do discipleship? How do they do the distinctives as we know them? How do they embrace our core beliefs coming from Catholicism?
Varnel Watson
same way as everyone else – it all comes down from the TOP with LifeWay publications in hand
Daniel J Hesse
Troy Day ? what about GPH ?
Daniel J Hesse
Troy Day what about Global University? Do they really buy in?
Varnel Watson
be my guest Steve Maxwell