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In this video, I talk about some prophecy that could be true. Even if it’s not true, this example can be used as a good point for …
David E. Taylor has Prophesied with 100% Accuracy Beforehand What is Taking Place NOW Between Russia and the United States, including the Nations of Iran and China that would join with Russia to Plot War!
Russia, China, & Iran Assemble Against America – Prophesied by David E. Taylor
Russia Has Strategically Started War with America! If We Don’t Do Something World War III Will Begin
This is a matter of GREAT urgency! It is time to wake up! Nearly 30 years ago, Jesus appeared to David E. Taylor in a dream and showed him that Russia would come upon America’s coast with nuclear submarines and nuke the whole Florida coast, California, and other key cities. Over the past 3 decades, he has consistently spoken of this impending war and the countries that Russia will make alliances with to attack America, which include specifically China and Iran, as well as North Korea, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and other nations!
The Exact Nations David E. Taylor Said Would Join with Russia Have Manifested!
Just recently, it came out on global and national news that China and Iran have joined Russia in practicing naval warfare drills! Just a few days after this naval drill, on New Years Eve, the United States Embassy was Attacked in Iraq, and government officials from Iran sponsored it! This is exactly what David E. Taylor has been warning America about for years, and which he just spoke about nearly 2 months beforehand (November 8-9 2019), specifically naming the nations that would join with Russia! He was right all along! You must watch this video!
Whats the point of being right if you can do nothing to change the outcome? Alot of these comments seem anxious for things to go sideways sooner than later. Whats that do for ones Kids? Their Kids? It might be more useful for the “god fearing” prophets to make efforts to prevent the timeline rather than welcome it and hope it takes them soon. You think God likes people who Avoid the work set before them by those ones becoming aware of things that they have a choice to affect or not? I dunno. Everyones at a different stage in their life, and most likely tired of constantly having to make effort just to live. If this is true, then its no wonder people are glad when death comes huh. But doesn’t that mean that Life has become a burden that will crush our progeny for generations to come if we don’t do something about it now?
Militær aktivitet i USA av ukjent årsak, profetisk om ulykker og krig, Norges overmot – og det svarte bildet av synden – penslet i boken Eden – Profetiske Artikler
[…] Så har vi Azovmena profetien, fra pastor Philip Barnett, som har tjenestegjort i Ukraina – som sier at USA bruke atombomber mot russiske styrker i Øst-Ukraina -og Russland vil svare med å bruke atomangrep mot USA. Du kan også lese noe om profetien her. […]