
Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul L. King, Is It Of God? Applying Biblical Principles of Spiritual Discernment, Volume 2 (Owasso, OK: Paul King Ministries, 2021), 426 pages, ISBN 9798537657590. Dr. Paul King is a man with diverse ministry experience, he is both an academician and a practitioner. He has two doctoral degrees and has taught at a number of […]

How do we reconcile Deuteronomy 22:5 with John 7:24?

How do we reconcile Deuteronomy 22:5 with John 7:24?

“A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a
man put on a woman’s garment, for all who do so are an abomination to
the Lord your God.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭22‬:‭5‬ ‭NKJV


“Do not judge according to appearance, but j…

Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul L. King, Is It Of God? Applying Biblical Principles of Spiritual Discernment, Volume 2 (Owasso, OK: Paul King Ministries, 2021), 426 pages, ISBN 9798537657590. Dr. Paul King is a man with diverse ministry experience, he is both an academician and a practitioner. He has two doctoral degrees and has taught at a number of […]

Judgement of God upon man

Judgement of God upon man

  http://youtu.be/67-irly28GE55) Judgement of God upon man and the size of Noah’s ark – Finis J. Dake (GPFM Lesson 11)