
A Prophetic Call To Repentance

A Prophetic Call To Repentance

PNEUMA 41 (2019) 9–25 pentecostal Theology A Prophetic Call to Repentance David, Bathsheba and a Royal Abuse of Power Jacqueline Grey Alphacrucis College, Sydney,…

4 stages of a call

4 stages of a call

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy…

SPS 2019 Conference: Call for Papers

SPS 2019 Conference Hosted by William Seymour College February 28–March 2 Landham, MD Call for Papers Now Open Until June 30th Reception History: Receiving Scripture in the Pentecostal…