Bishop Jakes, Could You Clarify?
Bishop Jakes, Could You Clarify? via AskDrBrown Which one do you mean among several theological evolving(s) mentioned here: theology of ministry to homosexuals, theology…
Bishop Jakes, Could You Clarify? via AskDrBrown Which one do you mean among several theological evolving(s) mentioned here: theology of ministry to homosexuals, theology…
We have been talking about the early beginnings of the Church of God. The lower left of this map, where it says Unicoi Trail…
Christ is our Healing Bishop Timothy R Carter, Ph.D When we apply the total context of what Scripture teaches us about the redemption and…
DOWNLOAD this article as PDF or DOC file Present Social Changes In Society And How To Respond To Them. +Terry Wiles, Bishop Earlier, I…
Please pray that the Catholic Bishop of Luxembourg will allow us to speak to all their priests about Jesus.
Is this INSANE or what?? The world’s first lesbian bishop of a mainstream Christian denomination has put forth a call for one of the…
Gay Rights Groups Sue Bishop For Inciting Violence After He Quotes Bible A Swiss Roman Catholic Bishop is being sued by gay rights organisations…
It is with deep feelings of sorrow and pain that we received confirmation earlier this evening of the brutal murder of Coptic Christians in…
Bishop of Sokoto in Nigeria says the fight against corruption in government, inequalities and the threat posed by the Islamist group Boko Haram are…