Stir the Waters of the Spirit

Stir the Waters of the Spirit

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Stir the Waters of the Spirit – Speak with His Voice
Prophetic Word received by Ray E Horton

[Highlighting this prophetic word that the Lord gave me several years ago for those who didn’t see it. Re-reading it, it is an exciting message. I am humbled that the Lord used me to bring it forth.]

Come into My presence with singing and thanksgiving and let the joy flow. Rise up, rise up strong in Me. Break free, break free from the lies of the enemy. Press in! Press on! Surge forth in My power and might by the Spirit of the Lord.

Awaken My Church

You shall awaken My people to arise in Me and to be set free, to march forth from their graves, the shrouds removed, bright shining in Me. Awaken My church from complacency, to arise and go forth and follow Me.

Stir up the waters of the Holy Spirit in your heart… Stir, stir, stir, as you praise My Name, as you open your eyes and leave the world behind

Stir up the waters of the Holy Spirit in your heart, and let the winds blow, and let the fire fall. Stir, stir, stir, as you praise My Name, as you open your eyes and leave the world behind.

As you stir, the winds of God’s purposes will blow, of His direction and change, and the power to move forward and gain momentum.

And the fire will flame forth that is motivation, and My desires made yours, burning away distractions, and lighting the path, spreading to others.

And hear MY voice from the depths of your heart: “This is the way, walk in it.” And speak it forth, the voice of the Spirit, the living Word of God, like a trumpet, like an arrow from your mouth, to pierce hearts, to stir up life.

My Words in Your Mouth Bring Life

The Words of My Spirit in your mouth are life, and they are aligned with My written Word. Before them, death and darkness must flee. No-one can resist the thunder of the Lord from your still small voice. They will hear! They will come! They will live!

It is a creative voice of faith and miracles to heal and restore, to lift up and to tear down, and make a highway for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, upon which you and the army of the Lord will join Him in Kingdom advance.

Then speak forth a creative word to widen the highway for others to join, a mighty army dispatched to turn over tables, buildings, the ways of the world. Break out in cohorts at the crossroads here and there, and touch an angry, fearful world with the words and power of My love. Each step you take, each word you speak, they will be shaken and awakened and be set free.

Yes, the world is angry, but let the holy anger of the Lord rise up as a holy zeal to turn their anger into joy. For by My voice through you, the plans and treachery of the wicked will be destroyed, and new hope and refreshing will come forth as the light of day dawns in their hearts.

Say, “No more fear, for the Lord is here and will have His way.” Do this today!

[The beginnings of this word concerning stirring the waters of the Spirit came to me as we were praying in the Spirit during pre-service prayer one Sunday. Then, on Tuesday morning, the Lord awakened me early and spoke forth this message, which I wrote down – Ray E Horton]

Ray E Horton

Serving the Lord as encourager, reconciler, intercessor and prophetic teacher of God's Word, primarily in person and on Facebook, as well as writer and editor. Beyond, or as part of, the Ministry of Reconciliation that we are all called to, I am serving the Lord and His people as a minister of prayer at a local church, and encouraging the brethren locally among people I know, and worldwide on Facebook

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