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But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
– Matthew 15:13
He, the Lord Jesus, answered his disciples concerning the pharisees offense. saying leave them alone. the gospel is a matter of the heart. there is a change of heart. there is deliverance from
inordinate affections, unholy loyalties and bad doctrine.
In the gospel, Jesus Christ comes into that heart and rules in that heart. he brings peace and joy and righteousness. In the gospel Jesus teaches faith and honors faith. faith in God and his cleansing power. He takes out the stoney heart with its hardness and unbelief. He takes out the rivalry and rebellion. the weakness of the flesh is exposed with all its folly, manipulation and self righteousness. He plucks out the evil root.
In Jesus Christ the demons are rooted out! Plucked up! Pulled out. thats where religious leaders fail and why Jesus calls them blind leaders of the blind. the gospel of Jesus Christ is first new birth, a new heart, purity, faith and deliverance. In Jesus Christ we are set free from the bondage and cruelty of sin and cold, dead religion.
Lord deliver us, cleanse us, heal us and set us free, today and everyday in Jesus name.