10 Plagues

Lesson # 2 In our study of the 10 Plague. The LORD does not deny the existence of others gods. Egypt worshiped the Nile…

Modern Calvinism Is Not Biblical

Thanks to Charles Page for his response to my post on John Calvin. http://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.com Charles Page Why I Believe Modern Calvinism Is Not Biblical…


THE BEATITUDES For the next 8 lessons we will be studying the BEATITUDES. hhttp://andnowyouknowmore.blogspot.comttp://andnowyouknowmore.blobspot.com/2015/05/todaywe-look-at-the-beatitudes .htmlandnowyouknowmore.blogspot.comttp

A Courageous Disciple #1

Today’s Lesson Complied and Edited by Dr. Paul Lee The following lesson is from the original MSS by B. H. Clendennen , School of…