Is GOD OK with gay?

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Paul Alner |



Is homosexuality a sin? And who do we believe? God is the ultimate and sovereign judge for sin. Homosexuality is sin by His order; it is not decided by public opinion or deceived/false clergy. Changin


  • Reply December 6, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    I agree with the article but the issue now for the Christian community is very simple: to stand up for the truth will definitely mean at the very least intense intimidation if not outright (or maybe after a while) persecution. At this point it really is that simple. I believe that the Church in the States, if it vocally stands up for truth, will be vilified and persecuted. It has long been said already that we are not a Christian country any longer. We are a country with many Christians living in it, but the tenor of our society has changed dramatically. We are now, for all intents and purposes, missionaries in a foreign world. Our country is effectively atheist like the Soviet Union was during that era. The “godless atheism” that Reagan fought against (or said he did, remember that as governor of California he was the one who signed bills allowing gays more open acceptance and participation in public and work life). So it is, history did a 180.

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    Gilberto Rosado

    No. A Christian should be a child of God (meaning that he does the will of the Father). By definition (Biblical) a Child of God lives in RIGHT-eousness.

    Now a Christian may harbor “gay” thoughts and be struggling with same sex issues, but can never “BE” gay which would require submission to the “gay” identity and lifestyle.

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    George Burbank

    Gilberto Rosado, what is your take on second marriages?

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    Gilberto Rosado

    A complex one. Too detailed for the comment area here. But it does coincide precisely with the scriptural detail. Maybe you can focus in to a more precise question.

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    Walter Polasik

    Gilberto Rosado: Well, maybe more precisely put, does the Bible allow for second marriages or not?

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    George Burbank

    I know sin is sin, and that homosexuality, or rather the act itself, is a sin. I believe many homosexuals will be in heaven because they have come to Christ and repented. I am wondering where to draw a line concerning “identity and lifestyle.” Because a “non-justifiable” divorce followed by a remarriage would likewise be “identity and lifestyle”, wouldn’t it?

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    Alan N Carla Smith

    George if one came to Christ and repented, would they still be a homosexual?

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    George Burbank

    Well, what if they sinned that way afterward? How would that be different than someone else who sins after they are saved?

  • Reply December 6, 2016

    Gilberto Rosado

    Sin no more. God’s grace is sufficient to correct error. What is the worse of all of this is the way the church deals with this soul – horribly.

    The homosexual will suffer no more damnation than the man or woman who lies about their income on their tax return.

    A church that does not understand God’s Grace enough to have it ministered to all souls toward repentance, salvation and righteousness is failing in the mission of Christ and giving all Christians a bad reputation.

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    Brody Pope


  • Reply December 7, 2016

    George Burbank

    Brody Pope, what are you saying “nope” to

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    Brody Pope

    The question in the topic.

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    George Burbank

    Then I will ask you, Brody Pope, what about someone who has gotten divorced and remarried (other than due to adultery)?

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    Brody Pope

    It’s sin.

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    George Burbank

    So no divorced/remarried people are saved?

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    Brody Pope

    Never said that.

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    George Burbank

    I know, and believe me, I am not trying to trip you up or anything like that at all. But what I do not understand is how the Church views homosexual behavior as a sin that is not covered by the grace of God. And I am willing to bet that most Christians would never believe that Jesus was tempted that way. Yet how could He help those tempted with this unless He had been. And would you say a person in a “same-sex marriage” is in a different light than someone in an adulterous 2nd marriage?

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    Lennie Marx

    Troy your off the wall again on this point demons are not assigned to special sins, sin is sin no matter what YOU choose to name it!

  • Reply December 7, 2016

    Ed Brewer

    A person’s identity is not quantified by the depth of the sin nature, but by it’s spiritual control. Labels are simply an attempt to put rungs on a proverbial alternative ladder out of sin’s abyss. A man is either born again, or lost in his sin – there are no degrees of perceived inevitability that make that fact less true. The sooner the church stops validating that myth by using their terminology, the sooner our message emerges from the cacophony of purportedly equivalent philosophies. Hyphenated Christianity is a construct of man’s attempt to hold on to a portion of the old nature in pursuit of the new. A ‘gay’ man is not a man hopelessly imprisoned to his particular sinful proclivity – he is a man who has believed a lie (the same lie every sinner holds sacrosanct about his own particular situation), and is in need of a savior, not therapeutic acceptance of his sin.

  • Reply December 8, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Yet sin changes man’s identity to mortal. At least so the Bible says

  • Reply December 9, 2016

    Ricky Grimsley

    If by “gay christian” you mean a person who struggles with same-sex attraction, then yes its possible. If by gay christian you mean a person that practices homosexuality and believes God is ok with it, then no.

  • Reply December 9, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    I understood it as gay people who profess to be Christians ?

  • Reply December 9, 2016

    Ricky Grimsley

    It depends on your definition of gay.

  • Reply December 9, 2016

    Varnel Watson

    Seriously – you have an alternative to the alternative gay lifestyle?

  • Reply December 9, 2016

    Brody Pope

    You cannot be a true follower of Christ and still practice homosexuality. Blank, period, bottom line. If you are saved and the devil tempts you with same-sex attraction, I do not believe it is sin until you begin to think on it or act upon it.

  • Reply January 13, 2017

    Charles Page

    that depends on you definition of Christian. A gay can be a regenerate, born again person but a Christian is a water baptized member of the body of Christ (earthly and universal) The Baptizer would be in error baptizing a known homosexual. The homosexual can conceal his homosexuality however the consequences of lying to the baptizer is equal to lying to the Holy Spirit and that has dire consequences.

  • Reply January 13, 2017

    Stan Wayne

    What is Gay? First define

  • Reply January 13, 2017

    Charles Page

    broadly anyone who says they are gay are gay! strictly anyone practicing homosexuality are gay. Many gays make the claim that a pedophile (man – boy) arte not gay but are pedophiles. I don’t make that distinction.

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Melvin Shomo Is GOD OK with gay OR does God hate homosexuality as you’ve posted here?

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Melvin Shomo

    For one Troy Day I didn’t post this, you did.
    I adhere to the unadulterated Word of God

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Melvin Shomo

    wonder why Peter didn’t carry a sign with words upon them when just the walking by of his shadow had healed the people.
    And why didn’t Peter scream to the people saying that they were all hated by God

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Melvin I was merely asking about the picture poster you posted which seemed to be from Wesbory Baptist. Would that be still the case? If so I dont agree with their posters and statements either

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Ed Brewer

    “Gay” is not something that a person is, it is a behavior someone adopts and a false identity behind which accountability for sin is obscured. When sin is treated as syndrome, the observer becomes the enabler and both are left scarred. Sin’s nature – any sin’s nature – can never be changed, and it’s wages can never be negotiated.

  • Reply March 20, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    well now lets be nice and show the love of God to all

  • Reply May 19, 2018

    Jim Gilles


  • Reply May 20, 2018

    John Duncan

    Not according to 1 Cor. 6:9-10. That would have to be in our past verse 11 a – such were some of you.

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Alex Wick


  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Joseph Kidwell


  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Michael Todd Combs

    How can you simply say no? How can being attracted to the same sex be sin when it’s not by choice? According to the Word isn’t acting out on those desires the sin?

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      Xube Shakespeare

      Even the thought of is a sin

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      John Duncan

      Being tempted to murder does not make you a murderer but God may condemn you if you dwell on murdering someone. Having a fleeting temptation is not a sin. Yielding to that temptation in your heart is where the sin comes in. A person is not a homosexual until he yields to his temptations. If a person identifies as what God opposes he is in sin. We cannot just give in to the temptation and say well I am a whatever. We have to agree with God and not yield to temptation. He makes a way of escape from all temptation. We are obligated to take that way of escape or it is sin.

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      Michael Todd Combs

      So if someone is attracted to men and not women they are not homosexual unless they act on it?

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      John Duncan

      Michael Todd Combs just tempted and not acting on it? I would say they need to renew their mind and maybe deliverance from oppression. But I think they will be greatly rewarded for resisting temptation. It is a sticky issue. I am tempted but do not give into other kinds of sins.

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      Michael Todd Combs

      Here’s the point. If you are still of the mindset that all homosexuals choose to be attracted to the same sex you are ignorant and flat out wrong. There are many homosexuals in our churches that don’t live the homosexual lifestyle, but they struggle with it daily. How can any of you say that God doesn’t honor that?

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      John Duncan

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      John Duncan

      Michael Todd Combs I am saying it is probably different w different people but God can deliver and set free. If people w that temptation resist they will be blessed.

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      Scotty Searan

      Michael Todd Combs I know some will disagree with me on the statement I am about to make.
      There are different levels and degrees of sins
      Even in the Old Testament God required different sacrifices for sin
      There were some sins that there was not a sacrifice for. All Sexual sins required a death penalty, there was no sacrifice for those sins, as well as murder, sorcery and witchcraft
      Other sins had a sacrifice for.them that did not require death of a human, but they were sins.
      Homosexuality is the worst type of sex sin, which is not only committing adultery or fornication in itself but it is against nature.
      I do believe demon spirits are attaching themselves to newborns or very young children now days.
      There has been a lot of speculation about Paul’s thorn in the flesh. Some says it was his eyes, some say other things. But he ask God to remove it. Personally I believe it was the way the Jews always came in and caused trouble and he was asking God to remove them from hindering the spread of the Gospel. Many time he died or almost died because of them.
      God told Paul MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU. Just as it is the one who is a drunkard, or the one who has a trouble lying, or the one who is hooked on porno.
      I will tell you one thing, if you are having a problem with a sin in your life, stay away from the places, people or things that cause you to commit sin. The Bible does tell us to put off.
      Do you have a person whom you can trust. Go to them and ask them to agree with you to be delivered from this bondage.
      Do some fasting and praying.
      I do believe there is deliverance for you and all those others that have sin problems in their life. It is a stronghold. You will not pull it down without prayer and fasting.
      God bless you. If I can help you PM me.

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Michael Todd Combs

      John Duncan . I must apologize. My comment wasn’t meant to be pointing a finger at you, but directed at most on this thread.

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Joseph Kidwell

    Because it is by choice. God didn’t make Adam and Steve. He made Adam and Eve.

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Jan Dixon Sykes

    You ever wanted to smack someone, but didn’t? Wanted to lie about something, but didn’t? Wanted to stay in bed instead of going to work, but didn’t? If WANTING to do something bad means we aren’t a Christian, then none of us are.

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      Scotty Searan

      So true.
      Proverbs says the thought of foolishness is sin.
      Mark 7 says evil thoughts come from the heart
      That is why we repent.
      That is we are to think on holy things according to Philippians
      If we are continually thinking evil things then we are not a Christian we are practicing a lifestyle of sin

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    No God is not OK with Gay people.
    Because they are practicing a lifestyle of sin.
    But here is another angle also.
    God is not OK with the other 23 sins mentioned in Romans 1:28-32.
    If we are living a lifestyle and practicing any of these sins, we cannot be a Christian just as well as the gay.

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      John Duncan

      Amen I was beginning to think mostPentecostal had altogether left the teachings of the Bible and our Pentecostal fathers. Praise the Lord.

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      Scotty Searan

      John Duncan a few of us still around, but a minority in the Pentecostal churches

    • Reply May 20, 2018

      John Duncan

      I am a pastor of a growing FULLY on FIRE Pentecostal church and we preach it and live it all week long! Let’s keep fighting!!!

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Jim Gilles

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Md Sanders

    It’s a ,abomination before God it is a choice to serve God man can not just simply change we are born in to sin therefore when we truly believe confess our sins with a broken and constiat spirit being convicted of our sins and being drawn by God we can and will be born again knowing what sin is therefore not practicing sin read your bible ask God to open his word to you because it is the road map that leads you to righteousness

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Md Sanders

    And I love each and everyone of you

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Anthony-Joyce Noe

    Really? Is this a serious question?

  • No but God will for give them and turn the life style around!!

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Rob Kenerly


  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Joseph Kidwell

    God certainly loves homosexuals just as He does drunkards, but God hates sin.

  • Reply May 20, 2018

    Paula Young

    No it’s in the old and new testament

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Rome Meade

    Lord come quickly. Smh. ?‍♂️

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    No way. Lest the repent and are born again.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I was just answering the question you ask. Of course. Jesus loves everyone. He loves the people. Why do you think He died and shed His Precious Blood to save them. If He didn’t love them. God will Judge all sinners. No matter what they do and don’t get forgiveness. Gods whole reason for coming , was to save the lost. Great Love. If you ask me.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Is there a simple answer to that? Joseph Kidwell

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Joseph Kidwell

      Troy Day, the question contained in this post is a ridiculous question to ask in a forum such as this. The Scriptures are clear on this subject. It’s not anywhere near being a grey area.

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      The question is clear, but after reading all the answers I do not see the answer being so easy

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Md Sanders

    To much is given much is required

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Ramsey Tamimi

    Sorry but if you were gay or have gay temptations, you must remember that we all have a thorn in our flesh as St Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12. Yet be led by the Holy Spirit and not overcome by your inward evil desires. (Reference to Gal. 5:16). But if you fail, get back up, repent, and try harder.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Ramsey Tamimi which question are you answering brother?

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Ramsey Tamimi

      “Is God OK with being gay?”

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Not sure that the OP is asking that at all

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Ramsey Tamimi

      Troy Day that’s what the article says lol

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Not really if you read it again pls

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Ramsey Tamimi

      Troy Day idk I can’t open the original post. But it IS the question in discussion is it not?

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Not really. See my next comment below pls

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Ramsey Tamimi Joseph Kidwell Obviously as written in the post: Homosexuality is sin by God’s order; it is not decided by public opinion or deceived/false clergy.

    However, from this discussion came lots of questions about the so called Pentecostal Queer dialog out there I think Scotty Searan found it and posted it somewhere

    Now then, the question remained open – should there be such dialog at all. Some said Christians should not be bigots and dialog. Others said it was a done deal.

    What should the church do in this after all?
    Reach out or close the door?

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Per my last comment Walter Polasik attempted to give an answer. It went something like that

    I agree with the article but the issue now for the Christian community is very simple: to stand up for the truth will definitely mean at the very least intense intimidation if not outright (or maybe after a while) persecution. At this point it really is that simple. //and so on

    Many (me including) believe issue aint so simplistic

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Walter Polasik

    Troy Day: So, you believe a habitually practicing homosexual can be a Christian? Dies the Bible, or does it not, condemn this activity? If it does, and if the Bible clearly says the Christian dies not live in perpetual sin, can there be such a thing as a perpetually sinning individual, enslaved to a particular sin, who can legitimately call himself a Christian? Can a persistent and consistent LIAR call himself a Christian? (Rev. 21:8; 1 Cor. 6:9,10).

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    No I do not believe any of your questions. My comments are addressing primarily on the need of Pentecostal Queer dialogue which is the purpose of this OP Walter Polasik

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    John Duncan

    Whoever thought Pentecostals would debate about Homosexuality being sin and OSAS? Sad day we live in.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    God is not Ok with a gay lifestyle neither is he Ok with these sins.
    full of envy,
    haters of God,
    inventors of evil things,
    disobedient to parents
    without understanding,
    without natural affection,
    Those who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
    This is pure Bible with no interpretation.
    Now where do we stand.
    If we are having trouble with any of these sins or practicing them in a lifestyle,WE ARE AS BAD AS THE GAY PERSON IN GOD’S EYES

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    John Duncan

    Jesus said go and sin NO more not less.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Walter Polasik I believe it was Scotty Searan who familiarized himself with the so called Pentecostal Queer dialog and could give you some more information on it if you want to take part of it so much. I for one have no plans to do so. Troy Day is no gay. Dont know about the other so called liberal believers in this group

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    I am not GAY. To me it is one hideous sin. But look at it in God’s eyes.
    How many Pastors gonna be strutting around like a banny rooster full of pride and proud look at the COG Assembly this year. God say he hates that but we overlook that.
    Go to camp meetings and what do you see.
    God hates that that goes on behind close doors with the politics.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    I am not saying put them in leadership, but we have got to try to win them someway.
    It is a fine line because I know what the Bible say about fellowship and eating with someone who is committing sexual sins.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Well Scotty I am not sure how to read the dialogue. What did you gather from reading all the stuff in it?

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Michael Todd Combs you need help and you are not gonna get it all by yourself. You have admitted it. If you are serious find an old fashion COG without all the glitter and you will get deliverance.

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Michael Todd Combs

      Scotty Searan what exactly am I getting help for? Why would I need an “Old fashioned Church of God?” I don’t live in the past and I am an associate pastor at an amazing Church of God with a fantastic pastor.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Well Scotty Searan maybe yoy can show it to Walter Polasik and see what he can make out of it

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Walter Polasik

    Troy Day: I wasn’t implying you were gay or stood for that. I was responding to your comment about my position being “simplistic” where you said it wasn’t. I personally think It’s rather sad that there’s anything like a “Queer Pentecostal”.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Walter Polasik as usual you got lots to read before commenting. Pls make yourself familiar with the queer dialog so we can talk and actually produce a quality discussion for once

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Troy Day Walter Polasikto me in the article there is a mixture of people that need help.
    You have someone that want help, but do want to go through the astigmatism of being help.
    Then you got some that thinks we’re self righteous because we don’t understand them. I have a problem with that person. I don’t have to know it is wrong to be drunkard , a thief or whatever to know it’s wrong to preach against it or teach against it.
    But I sincerely believe we are seeing people born this way because of demon possession and they do not know it. How? Because the parent are fooling around with drugs and that is sorcery and witchcraft
    Walter Polasik haven’t you seen a PENTECOSTAL LIAR

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Walter Polasik bro Scotty just about summed it up

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    What we have got to do is get our Saints so on fire for for God, that people will be miserable when they come into our churches, that they either get right with God or leave mad.
    Our churches are not meant to make the sinner comfortable. That is a lie hatched up out of hell and a preacher who propagates such things is teaching a false doctrine

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Call me old fashion, legalistic or fanatic.
    WE ARE AT WAR IN THE HEAVEN LIES and we better Keep on the whole Armor of God.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Walter Polasik

    Scotty Searan, Troy Day: It’s one thing to help people who admit to needing it. It’s quite another to go along with sinners when they tolerate sin. The present “Queer Church” movement is in the latter category. A true Christian approach would never stigmatize a person who wished to worship with a congregation while seeking help and counseling with their issues. On the other hand, a true Christian approach would never tolerate and wink at sin vociferously defended. I think I’ve explained my position clearly.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Joseph Kidwell

    As much as it absolutely pains me to be on Walter Polasik’s side, I’m with him on this. His last statement is my position.

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    I try not to wink at any sin the fact remains though and we walked a tight mine a fine line they’re those were not supposed to keep company with according to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and even in 2nd Thessalonians people we are not to keep company with the claim to be brother in and sexual sins is one of the categories mention along with trailers fornicators extortioners or have we got them in the church running a business but yet running it dishonest
    Paul over and 2nd Thessalonians talking about people not working they’re not supposed to eat because they’re busy bodies not to have company with them there’s a fine line

  • No!!

  • Reply May 21, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Scotty Searan Joseph Kidwell Key word used by FOX being “reportedly” Are the news dogging the pope for dogging the Donald?

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Walter Polasik

      Francis has already been marked as a Liberal pope, no doubt. He similarly consoled an young man who asked if his deceased Atheist father had gone to hell. As long as the money goes into the offering plates, the Pope, Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen will tell people what they want to hear.

    • Reply May 21, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      You;ve spoken as a true liberal Walter Polasik

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Tiffany Christine Alberti Charles Page the BIBLICAL interpretation you’ve shown on the gay issue are simply wrong

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    a person is justified based on believing not behaviour. Then in progressive sanctification, a believer is rewarded in the Bema, or loses rewards, based on faithful behaviour, or unfaithful behavior. I would say a gay believer would be rewarded by not practicing being gay; but lose rewards by practicing as a gay.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Ken Massie

      RichardAnna Boyce your theology is wrong…in Timothy The Lord says…they shall not see the kingdom of God. Kinda cut and dry. Repentance is the key. Repentance is turning from sin and turning to The Lord and following his will. I understand stumbling but to say a person can blatantly continue in it is wrong and a dangerous doctrine to try to spread.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Daniel J Hesse

    No room in Scripture for sodomites or catamites.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Daniel J Hesse no place for sinners to be saved? Must we be righteous before God will receive us?

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      please explain – there are many in church today

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Daniel J Hesse

      Philip Williams I recently read Bailey’s The Apostle Paul through Mediterranean Eyes. He states this point. I discovered catamites here. A first.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      William Cochran

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Anthony Christchild

    RichardAnna Boyce that is the only answer I can get behind

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    RichardAnna Boyce

    Paul informs the Corinthians that they could renounce their inheritance privilege by their sinful lifestyles. They could live in the future kingdom (as sons of God) but not possess it (as co-heirs with Christ) if they continued to live in their sins. ………….. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
    Paul points the Corinthians to fact that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. The word unrighteous has no definite article in the Greek, unlike v 1 where the same word appears. This serves to emphasize character rather than position. It can describe both believer and unbeliever who lack godly character. Unbelievers will neither inherit nor enter the kingdom. Unrighteous believers will enter but not inherit.

    Some think Paul is referring to believers who because of the practice of unrighteous deeds lose their salvation. Others say it is referring to those who prove they were never true believers in the first place. Both positions equate inheriting the kingdom of God with entering God’s kingdom. However, in the near context Paul is talking to believers who would suffer loss at the Bema (cf. 3:13-15), but not the impossible loss of eternal salvation. They have eternal life that can never be lost.

    Yet these believers will not inherit the kingdom of God because of their practice of unrighteousness. The word inherit (kl¢ronomeœ) is often used in the OT to express the wider meaning of entering into full possession of a family inheritance. In other words inheriting the kingdom of God is not equivalent to entering God’s kingdom. To inherit simply means to possess and it includes ruling with Christ (cf. 1 Cor 4:8; 2 Tim 2:12). Both the OT and NT illustrate the possibility that some believers may lose their inheritance (Gen 22:15-18; 27:38-40; 2 Tim 2:12; Heb 12:16-17). Therefore Paul informs the Corinthians that they could renounce their inheritance privilege by their sinful lifestyles. They could live in the future kingdom but not possess it if they continued to live in their sins.

    He told them not to be deceived about those who are fornicators (a general term describing one who practices sexual immorality), idolaters (idolatry is the committing of unlawful deeds related to an idol), adulterers (sexual sins related to marriage), homosexuals (men who allow themselves to be misused homosexually), sodomites (male homosexuals). Neither should they be deceived concerning those who practice sins against others: thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners. Believers who fail to live for God will not possess the kingdom of God.

    6:11. Paul reminds them that such were some of the Corinthians. But (strong adversative) they were washed, sanctified, and justified. Though they had practiced such things, and though some of them were still doing so (cf. 3:3; 5:1), they had been washed from their sins, sanctified (positionally set apart to God; cf. Titus 3:5), and justified (declared righteous) in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. These truths are true of the position of every believer, even unrighteous ones. Implicitly here Paul is calling for the readers to live up to their position.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    not surprised by ANYthing Christians say anymore Tiffany Christine Alberti what is your point exactly? Dont seem like you are pro-gay from the first read of your postings

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    William DeArteaga

    Of course, but the practicing gay person is not living in God’s best plan for him/her.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    William DeArteaga they claim they do in most Link videos Tiffany Christine Alberti has posted for us last night

  • At the heart of the claim that the Bible is clear “that homosexuality is forbidden by God” is poor biblical scholarship and a cultural bias read into the Bible. The Bible says nothing about “homosexuality” as an innate dimension of personality. Sexual orientation was not understood in biblical times. There are references in the Bible to same-gender sexual behavior, and all of them are undeniably negative. But what is condemned in these passages is the violence, idolatry and exploitation related to the behavior, not the same-gender nature of the behavior. There are references in the Bible to different-gender sexual behavior that are just as condemning for the same reasons. But no one claims that the condemnation is because the behavior was between a man and a woman.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Tiffany Christine Alberti men having sex with men is a death penalty sin in the Old Testament. The inclination to desire to do so-‘homosexyality’ is a propensity to a certain kind of lust. The Bible addresses overcoming lust too. Treating a propensity to certain lust as a focal point for one’s identity is a dangerous thing. It is what the LGBT movement is based on.

  • here was no word in Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek for “homosexual” or “homosexuality.” These words were invented near the end of the 19th century when psychoanalysts began to discover and understand sexuality as an essential part of the human personality in all of its diversity. Consequently, it cannot be claimed that the Bible says anything at all about it. The writers of the Bible had neither the understanding of it nor the language for it.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Tyler A Blake

      Tiffany Christine Alberti instead it says things like if a man lie with a man as he does a woman it is an abomination.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Todd Griffin

      Tiffany Christine Alberti When men lust after men then call it what you want. It’s HOMOSEXUALITY. Change your name Something else and your still the same person. Here in Romans it doesn’t mention Homosexuality but common sense tells you what it’s talking about . You just CHOOSE to ignore. “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:26-28‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Todd Griffin

      “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
      ‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:6-7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

  • Those are real Christians and real Churches.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Louise Cummings

    No. At least if he hadn’t stopped being in it and repented. Or got saved. The Bible said God would turn over to a reprobate mind. To believe a lie and be damned.

  • There is only one reference to sexual behavior between women, and that is in Romans 1:26. The context of this reference has to do with Gentiles rejecting the true God to pursue false gods; i.e., idolatry. And, the sexual behavior described is orgiastic, not that of a loving, mutual, caring, committed relationship. What is condemned is the worship of false gods

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Philip Williams

      Tiffany Christine Alberti

      I am impressed with you. If you would like, I can introduce you to Michael Brown who would probably like to interview you for his national Line of Fire broadcast. That would give you an opportunity to speak to Christians all over the world.

    • I am only eloquent when I am writing or texting. I have stage fright so I would probably freeze.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Philip Williams impressed with what? Admittance of NO Biblical grounds Like Paul said in Romans BUT changed his mind for the rest of the NT? Come on !!!

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Philip Williams

    Tiffany Christine Alberti that’s about the same list as those turning liberal, becoming spiritually dead, and for the same reason declining in membership as God trims them from his vine.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Philip Williams

    Tiffany Christine Alberti

    Michael Brown has had Matthew Vines on his program.

  • God says otherwise.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Link Hudson

    Tiffany Christine Alberti I have heard Vine’s before. He is a shoveler of decades old Bad Sophistry.

  • Of course he is. After all he does not say what you wish for him to say. Anyone who says anything that offends you is a fraud. Especially since you know everything and make special trips to Heaven every day to talk to The Man Upstairs.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Frances Strickland

    Since homosexuality is an abomination to God, you cannot enter heaven with that. You can say you are Christian, but salvation eludes you.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Frances Strickland

      If the homosexual doesn’t practice any homosexuality, maybe. If homosexuality is a spirit, then it is questionable. How can one enter heaven with a filthy spirit attached?

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      David Grobler

      Rom 6:19 I speak in the manner of men because of the weakness of your flesh; for as you have yielded your members as slaves to uncleanness, and to lawless act unto lawless act, even so now yield your members as slaves to righteousness unto holiness.
      Rom 6:20 For when you were the slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness.
      Rom 6:21 What fruit did you have then in those things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.
      Rom 6:22 But now, being made free from sin, and having become slaves to God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end everlasting life.
      Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      David Grobler

      No righteousness will bring no holiness. If we can sin as we please by having sex with the same sex , and not repent and turn away you are trampling on JESUS .Heb 10:26 For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins,
      Heb 10:27 but a certain fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Heb 10:29 Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy of punishment, the one who has trampled the Son of God, and who has counted the blood of the covenant with which he was sanctified an unholy thing, and has insulted the Spirit of grace? I see this is a Petntacostal page. So i would think that the road of salvation should be Repent, be baptized in Christ, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Be a doer and not only a hearer of the Word. Walk in righteousness, which fruits will bring holiness unto everlasting life. The walk of a disciple of Jesus CHRIST . 1Pe 1:13 Therefore girding up the loins of your mind, being sober, perfectly hope for the grace being brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ,
      1Pe 1:14 as obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance,
      1Pe 1:15 but according to the Holy One who has called you, you also become holy in all conduct,
      1Pe 1:16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      David Grobler

      1Pe 4:17 For the time has come for the judgment to begin from the house of God. And if it first begins from us, what will be the end of those disobeying the gospel of God?
      1Pe 4:18 And if the righteous one is scarcely saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

    • Reply June 28, 2019

      Frances Strickland

      Tiffany Christine Alberti the article is a gigantic, twisted lie. It desperately tries to justify an abomination. God never changes. “The church” mentioned is not the true church of Jesus Christ. Jesus never persecuted homosexuals. He will judge all of us righteously according to His Word.

    • Reply June 28, 2019

      Frances Strickland

      Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version (KJV)
      5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    • Reply June 28, 2019

      Frances Strickland

      Jer 17:5
      Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

    • It is you who are confused. I will pray for you.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Link Hudson

    Tiffany Christine Alberti Vine’s arguments are Sophistry as are yours. Yahweh in Leviticus commanded that men who have sex with men be executed. Not just the ones doing it as pagan rutual– any more than executions for adultery or beastiality were limited to those who do so in the context of idolaty. Having a strong innate desire even from childhood to commit certain sins does not make sin any less sin. Do you believe that God spoke to Moses.

    Your comments about me make little sense. This is the first time I recall interacting with you. I have never claimed to take a trip to heaven. Are you as loose with your characterizations of people as you are with the Bible.

    One of the things about LGBT apologeticists that turn evangelicals off is that many seem more interested in their LGBT agenda than in pleasing God or caring what scripture teaches.

  • That is just your opinion based on misinterpretations and mistranslations in the Bible.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      based on WHICH misinterpretations and mistranslations in the Bible and according to WHO?

  • You have no right to question anyone’s relationship with God.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      Actually as ministers we have exactly this right to examine the flock It gets no more Biblical than that

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Robert Erwine

    Tiffany Christine Alberti is spot on and I have nothing to add.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      figured you’d be the one to say that Now what?

    • Reply June 27, 2019

      Link Hudson

      LGBT religious apologists often have a very warped way of reinterpreting history. They would have us believe that the Bible condemns victims of homosexual rape and victims of homosexual child abusers, but not the men who wilfully engage in such behavior. They blame the rape victims and the molested kids. That’s pretty sick. A betrothed girl who was raped was not to be put to death. Doesn’t the same principle apply to boys raped by homosexual pederasts?

      Romans 1 tells us about wilfull homosexual acts. ‘Men with men working that which is unseemly’. They burned in their lusts toward one another. It’s not talking about rape there. These are two male consenting individuals who sexual acts and lusts the passage condemns.

      If they applied the same logic to ‘Thou shalt not kill’ how would it go? “Back then, they used to kill people with swords and spears and they did so at night. So that does not apply to using a pistol during the day time. Since it was not the culture in the time of Moses to kill with pistols at 12 AM, it is okay to do so today.” This is the same sort of thing.

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Bob Lyn Cox


  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Link Hudson

    A video response to Matthew Vines:

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    Link Hudson

    If ‘gay’ means gave same sex attraction then it isn’t a sin to not act non it.

    The LGBT apologist line of reasoning assumed that lust justifies sin.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      next it will be asked what rainbow means to us

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    David Asbury

    No being gay is a sin it’s fornication it’s evil your sinning against your own body I’ve heard messages that new diseases are going to be released by God in judgement against it so repent get saved

  • Reply June 27, 2019

    David Asbury

    If you are born again your a new creature in Christ old things have passed away
    Can you be a murderer a thief a liar a fornicated an adulterous person and be saved yes if you repent and ask Jesus to forgive you sin is sin and sin any sin is of the devil do not listen to false teacher twisting the word to ease your itching ears listen to truth how homosexuality is a sin but Jesus came to love you to save you

  • Reply June 28, 2019

    AB Robertson


    What is SIN?
    It is to miss the mark/purpose – Romans 3:23

    Homosexuality… misses the purpose of creation…two men or two women don’t compliment each other (parts weren’t made to fit like a man and woman).

    Secondly… miss God’s Divine creative order … male and female.

    Thirdly …. miss God’s Divine purpose … be fruitful and multiply. (Only this generation with medical tech and artificially reproduce.)

    Lastly, one has to dismiss the REAFFIRMATION of Jesus about marriage being between a man and a woman…
    Mark 10:6-9 – But hfrom the beginning of creation, Godi MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE .
    8 l AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH ; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
    9 ” What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.”

    CONCLUSION …can an individual struggle with a desire and still go to heaven?

    YES…as long as they are not acting on or feeding that desire through porn.

    THOUGHT FOR YOU…. If an individual has had homosexual sex (or pornography), then it is possible for it to take up to 2 years for the chemicals that were released within the brain to return to normal. This is why so many say, “I feel … this way or that way…”
    So, God can save them and the struggle be real. Also, when one prays in the Spirit, then a chemical is released as well and can help combat that wrong feeling with an affirmation towards God’s Word and desire to do right. The chemical released was designed to GLUE a man and woman together as husband and wife.

    SIDEBAR … When you see people run from bad relationships to bad relationships… many times they are being guided by a chemically charged feeling that was taken out of its proper introduction (marriage) and prematurely introduced into an individual, so they run from person to person to person, hunting for a feeling.

    This is one reason why porn and pre-marriage sex are sinful and condemned. Also, why so many people are struggling!

  • Reply June 29, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    SO Tiffany Christine Alberti you seem to be hammering the issue in this group in particular Before we take on it more seriously I need to know are you familiar any with the Pentecostal queer dialogue which took place several years ago – if not pls google it before proceeding. I am surprised how many Pentecostals are not aware of it – are you?

    Not too sure why Philip Williams is so impressed but for a Biblical group posts your comments apart from several logical emulations are quite lacking simple exegetical debt. I dont wanna say Biblically wrong for the sake of manner but certainly bordering it closely

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      i confess to my first brother in law, born within 2 hours of me, was gay. But his relationship lasted 35 years before he died. My marriage to his sister lasted only 33 years when she divorced me. I have since married Anna 18 years ago. I personally have little problems with gays and was impressed by Tiffany’s arguements too.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce both with Philip Williams but based on WHAT? Admittance of Rom 1 which allowed for a complete NT condemnation of gay relationships? WHAT BIBLICAL arguments were brought to back it up? A slick deviation between practicing and just feeling gay which Link Hudson already addressed? What exactly is here to impress?

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      RichardAnna Boyce

      it is not a Biblical debate i am interested in focusing on, sorry.

    • Reply June 29, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      RichardAnna Boyce oh sure we can beat around the bush but as this is a Pentecostal theology and very Biblical group I wonder why the issue was so firmly pressed – apart from NO Pentecostal denomination in the pro-list what now? Are Pentecostals the next gay agenda target Link ?

  • Reply June 29, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Tiffany Christine Alberti no major Pentecostal denomination on the list – WHY bring this to a Pentecostal group?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Varnel Watson

    well THANK YOU very much Neil Steven Lawrence an apologetic topic I am not even sure HOW to approach except very very carefully Steve Losee Larry Dale Steele

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Steve Losee

      If we take the Word of God seriously, we have to call homosexuality a sin, at best. However, since we’re all sinners, the tendency to think of it as worse than other sins is plain wrong. Homosexuals are welcome in anything I do (though they probably won’t feel comfortable for long) except Communion, and I’d refrain from serving it to them for their own sake.

    • Luther also grappled with dealing with controversial issues “sensitively”. In the end, he just nailed those theses to the church door and stood back as hell broke loose. The church of the day was weak and corrupt, and needed to be dealt with. The church today is so “politically correct” that everyone is too scared to say anything. Well, Israel Folau did.

    • Troy Day it’s not really an apologetic topic. It’s more dogma. No argument necessary.

    • Troy Day why is this an “apologetic topic”?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Stephen Howsare

    Read your Bible.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Stephen Howsare wow what a smug response

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Radz C. Brown

      Rob Gagnon’s thesis is helpful.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Stephen Howsare

      Pierre Desjardin not smug at all, it’s in there and it’s very clear. To my mind the only way to ask the question is you don’t know the Bible, so read it, or you don’t care for the truth therein. Sadly not everyone cares for the truth.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Casey Powell

      Pierre Desjardin well….I’m just a smug kinda guy. If by smug you mean one who actually follows the Bible.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      David MonteCalvo

      Yes, no point in discussing ambiguity if you’re searching for truth.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin
      How is it smug to read the bible? It tells us everything we need to know including homosexuality.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth not if it’s a false book full of fables

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin Oh you’re an atheist in a Christian apologetics group claiming the bible is full of fables? That just seems like an ignorant assumption. If that’s what you believe then why are you a member of this group?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth to observe the dogma and arrogance of those who live their lives following fairytales

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin So you’re a narcissistic sociopath troll? Wow.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth typical religious zealot. Name calling is for children

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin Those are real words defining what appears to be you. Based off of your previous comment, there is no other logical reason you are a member of this group.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth I have a curiosity about dogmatic people like yourself. That is reason enough.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin How am I dogmatic? I’m speaking truth to you.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin Let me make it more clear…If you don’t believe in God and this is the only life you have, It doesnt make any logical sense for you to be wasting your time in this group.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth I have degrees in philosophy and theology. I am fascinated by people who will enter into combative dialogue with strangers to protect their fragile belief system. Perhaps look up the definition of dogma ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth these groups are case studies for me. That is all

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin So you are wasting you life? Can you give me a philosophical reason as to why?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth I just explained.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth it’s research. I’m curious.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Pierre Desjardin But why are you wasting your time researching it if this is the only life you have? Do you see why that doesn’t make any logical sense?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Emeka Anselem Okeke

      Pierre Desjardin we christian don’t follow atheist group except it’s a debate from so I wonder what you are looking for or doing here.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Aaron Paul Carruth for the hopes of understanding how you folks think

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pierre Desjardin

      Emeka Anselem Okeke can you try that again? I don’t understand

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Emeka Anselem Okeke

      Pierre Desjardin I meant that you are in the wrong place

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    George Lamb

    Can a person continue to live in sin and still be a Christian.?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Steve Davies

    God is only ok with holiness. Is gay holy?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Alexander Faburada

    Watch FINDING GUY documentary. Its on youtube. This will be answered.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Grace Sevil

    God loves all sinners but hates sin.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Greg Barolet


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jehu James Bautista

    I recommend reading Exodus 20:4-5 and Romans 1:18-32. It is quite long, yeah, just try reading and you will know.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jennifer Roman

    Of course,we are all children of Jehovah and he loved all of us the same,it’s just the sin we doesn’t approve of,but God will always love as all.✝️??

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tom Franklin

      Jennifer Roman God is never “okay” with sin…

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      Tom Franklin 100%correct ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      James Menhenitt

      Hi Jennifer; God does indeed love the world, but sad to say we are not all children of Jehovah. We are God’s creation but only to those who believe in His name does he give the right to become children of God.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      James Menhenitt good afternoon brother,well what if a person did wrong he can ask for forgiveness to the Lord and he will forgive,That’s how much God loves us,if we ask for mercy from our hearts,he is the only one that knows the truth,our father understands our imperfection cause he created us, but I will always spreed love and light for all living things,that’s what’s Jesús would have done ✝️??

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      James Menhenitt

      Jennifer amen my sister. Apologies, I didn’t have any issues with the thrust of the point you were making and totally agree with what you just said; it was just the bit about us all being God’s children which wasn’t quite biblically correct.

      Yes, yes, you keep spreading love and light!!!!! Don’t forget the salt though! Remember, the Master showed people their sin, then offered his grace!

      God bless all you do!!!!

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      James Menhenitt amen,brother,that’s why we have to be real and honest to our sins and to God,for his acceptance of what we feel and for the Bible I love the Bible but the Bible says that the heart betrays and well I have Jesus on my heart,so it depends how you acknowledge the word in the most positive way,cause I don’t say this is you ,but using the word to judge people is just not right.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      And by this what I mean is not to tell a person for no reason you are going to hell cause you are gay lol,sometimes people come out very rude and disrespectful,so it depends the case or event,we should just tell them to seek for good in the most humble and with good manners sort of way,I know you can understand me completely cause I can feel the vibe in your writing,let just teach without to love God first of all and not to go away from him,let’s start with that jeje,Have a good day sir !

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      “I wasn’t lost,they told me I wasn’t welcomed “ ✝️

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      James Menhenitt

      Jennifer, yes, we need to be honest with God but to turn from our sin towards his light.

      And don’t worry, I know you weren’t saying I judge, but don’t forget that we are not the ones judging if we confront people with their own sin, just warning them of the law transgressed and the judgment that awaits if they do not repent and believe in the power of the cross! 🙂

      The great preacher John Wesley said that he should preach 90% law and 10% grace as it is the law that is the schoolmaster that brings us to a knowledge of our sin and our need for Christ (Gal 3:24).

      I can totally feel your love for God, my sister! Keep bringing the message of God’s love for all!

      Love your picture – totally true, sadly. The key there is repentance, for Christ came into the world to seek the lost of course!

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      James Menhenitt amén ? I am just happy that people can get to know Jehovah,cause on some countries they don’t even know who is Jesuschrist and that’s even more sadder,Keep letting people know from God Sir,Jehovah got us on his hands. ✝️

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Yazan Khawaja

    I’m sorry but no

    “Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, [10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
    1 Corinthians 6:9

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      So say I had an affair before becoming saved, I won’t get into heaven ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Yazan Khawaja

      Dakota Ann
      Sin is forgiven if you truly repent

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      So couldnt that be the same for someone who is gay ? If they repent and strive to be as chirst like as they can be ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Yazan Khawaja

      Dakota Ann
      Yes if they repent and follow Christ
      God will forgive them

      The only sin that is unforgivable is refusing to repent till the day you die
      (blasphemy of the holy spirit)

    • If you kill someone before converting, and truly repent you are forgiven, but if you keep killing people over and over, and never truly repent, you are not forgiven.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Yazan Khawaja

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo
      To repent means to change your mind

      A person doesn’t become perfect and immune to sin when he repents

      Rather he will have a different attitude towards sin

      He will fall to sin unwillingly
      But the blood of Christ covers it

      Don’t you dare sin willfully and say :
      “oh it’s ok the blood of Christ covers me”

      That’s not the way this works

      Never play games with your creator

      He knows you more than you know yourself

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Reggie Lee

    Can a person be a liar, a thief, an adulterer or a murderer and still be a Christian?

    • Reggie Lee people seem to find it easy to agree with the fact that these things are sin, but not that homosexuality is a sin.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tawanna Anitra

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo right! Why is it so difficult to stick to the topic of homosexuality when speaking of sin! It has to be addressed just like the rest of sin has been addressed…period!!

    • Tawanna Anitra it is how it is. God stablished sex to be exclusively performed within the holy marriage of a male and a female, anything else is sexual immorality.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tawanna Anitra

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo absolutely!

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Shane Mccall

    According to Romans 1 homosexuality is a product of a reprobate mind. God gave them over to it. To fulfill all there unrighteousness

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Daniel P Campbell

    You can’t be a prqcricoj gay AND a Christian

  • HELL NO!

  • Yeah he’s fine with it. Probably best not to look to the Bible for your morality, the people who wrote it were fairly primitive. Use the god-level morality we gained from the tree of knowledge instead.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tarlus Taylor

    Yes a person can be still struggling with certain issues in our lives but our main point is to conform to the image of Christ God loves us too much to leave us the same

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    David Folsom

    No, but we are to be loving towards folk the same way Christ was but it is sinful to tell someone sin is ok with Heavenly Father

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Josiah Reid

    Honestly just read your bible…….
    It’s pretty clear and it’s in literally black and white…
    Do we really have to keep bring this up? Ofc it’s a sin to live out a homosexual lifestyle. You don’t need anymore justification outside of what the bible actually says.

    They way I see it, it’s impossible to live a life where God is on the throne of your heart and still live a lifestyle that goes against His word (any lifestyle, not just homosexuality)

    To smear Gods image of him coming back for His bride is so offensive to him.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chelsea De La Rosa

      Josiah Reid well said. And if sin is still struggling for dominance in someone’s heart, the Holy Spirit will not let that person live in peace with it. God will convict them to continue asking these questions. Everyone wants to find justification for sin. Confusion is a sign of spiritual warfare.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      I agree with everything you said except for the body of Christ being the bride. ?❤

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Josiah Reid

      Aaron Can you explain please? Comment or Pm im not fussed either way. I can always learn and understand more.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Justin Baker

    Why would God create somebody a certain way and then hold it against them? or are you suggesting the gays are just faking it to make God mad?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tom Franklin

      Justin Baker Well, this just begs the question. How do you know that God created males attracted to males or vice versa? Surely doesn’t society and the environment have something to do with it? Did God create pedophiles and sadists?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Derek Tinius

      Justin Baker how do you know God made you to feel a certain way? Just because you feel it natural doesn’t mean that it is. Regardless, I feel like doing a lot of bad things but that does not mean that I should. Most importantly, what we feel does not define who we are….

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Justin Baker

      wanting to harm some one or take something thats not yours to satisfy your own needs is one thing….finding yourself attracted to one sort of person rather than another is just how you feel – and its a pretty natural thing too

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      James Menhenitt

      Justin, I’m totally not equating the two, but surely you could make exactly the same argument for paedophilia – in fact, I’m sure I’ve seen a couple of psychologists claim exactly that – for them it is their natural inclinations….

      Most of us feel naturally inclined to lie in certain circumstances – but all liars have their place in the pit of fire….

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Justin Baker

      James Menhenitt how are two consenting adults finding themselves attracted to each other and in love even REMOTELY comparable to child abuse???

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      James Menhenitt

      Justin, I literally said I’m not comparing the two in that way. I was just addressing your assertion about there being nothing “wrong” with natural feelings.

      The very fact that you could not see that and focussed on what I was not saying indicates my point.

      Two people who have an affair are two consenting adults attracted to each other and in love. They are still in sin.

      When I look with lust, no one is harmed but God’s standards are so high that I am still in sin.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Michael Lavender


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Kenneth Blankenship

    As long as it is something you struggle against and not embrace

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Dakota Ann

    We are all sinners, being gay isn’t a worse sin then any other sin. So yes you can be gay and be Christian and you can be gay and have a place in heaven.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      David Butler

      Some of us are sinners. You have to believe in that stuff to be one. Sin isn’t real beyond being a religious concept.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      David Butler are you not a Christian?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      David Butler

      No. Hence my point.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      David Butler just wanted to clarify before I asked why you are here if you do not believe ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      Dakota Ann totally. Thing is though, sin was tied to the law. The law was fulfilled. Sin for those in the new and everlasting covenant age is not punishable the way it was for Israel under Mosaic law and the old covenant. Jesus paid for sin. It’s our belief/faith in him and what he did that makes us Christian and part of the kingdom, not our supposed lack of or abundance of sin.

      And I agree… we all have human things that would separate us from God if it weren’t for our belief. Being gay is no different from any other human aspect.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Derek Tinius

      Dakota Ann wrong! To embrace sin and assume God will accept that is not biblical living. You are wrong sir.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      I am a lady, not a sir.

      And that’s not what I said. I did not say to embrace it.

      Your sins dictate your blessings on earth, but they will not keep you from heaven if you truly belive Jesus is the son of God and died to pay for our sins. And if you really believe that, striving to be as christ like as you can will be, will come naturally and you will work to not sin but that does not mean you will never sin again.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      David Butler

      Dakota Ann I’m interested in the arguments of apologists. Know thy enemy, as they say.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      David Butler i respect that

    • Reply May 28, 2020


      Dakota Did Jesus say strive to not sin, or did he say go and sin no more?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      Sim he did say and sin no more. Of course he isnt going to say just try to do your best. He wants us to not sin at all or ever again but because we are sinners and it is our nature, you can still sin and be saved. It doesn’t cancle you out.

    • Can you murder everyday and still profess to be a christian? One thing is to struggle and CHOOSE not to do it, but a different thing is to actually partake in that sin. Every action has it’s reaction, and every sin definitely has it’s consequences.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      Carlos Daniel if you read my other comments you will see that we are not far off from your last point in that comment.

    • Dakota Ann your original comment made it seem as if you gave gays a false hope that they can partake in their sinful behavior and still have a place in heaven. Or that’s what I got from it, don’t know what you really tried to communicate.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      Carlos nope didn’t say that at all.

    • Dakota Ann okay sister, my bad.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Derek Tinius

      Dakota Ann you said “being gay.” What do you mean by being gay?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Martha Thompson

      Dakota Ann true. But that doesn’t mean God is pleased with your behavior.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      Martha Thompson right, hates the sin, loves the sinner.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Dakota Ann

      Derek Tinius being attracted to the same sex

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Derek Tinius

      Dakota Ann ok, that makes a huge difference. This is confusing people and needs to be clarified in your post.
      To feel something if one thing. To engage in it is another. I may feel like stealing but society doesn’t technically call me a thief unless I am actually stealing. To say “being gay” sounds like participating.
      God does not make people gay. They may feel that way and have feelings for the same sex but that does not make someone gay. Our feelings do not define who we are. God, as our creator, defines us. We are who He says we are.
      Yes, so people struggle with sin. As children of God (those who are being saved and accept Christ) we do continue to struggle with sin of many kinds. To be tempted is not a sin, To give into temptation is a sin. To actively choose a gay lifestyle is to embrace a perpetual sin that is not acceptable to God. To intentionally choose to live in sin is a sure way to hell.
      Someone who struggles with same sex attractions but understand the error in it and tries to live a godly life can expect salvation if they have surrendered to Christ.
      We all struggle with sin, we are all sinners in that sense. A deep relationship with Christ can change our desires to that which is holy and righteous.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Linda Vellucci

      David Butler that’s funny, you are making up your own religion now?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Linda Vellucci

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo I believe they DO have a place in heaven, even if they participate. God, as the Father forgives them. Most of them were born that way.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      David Butler

      Linda Vellucci Don’t look at me. I’m not the one declaring that other people are ‘sinners’ as if the rules of my fantasy world apply to them

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Traci-Josh Kehl

    Frank Turrek gave a great speech on this…give it a listen.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jereme McAlpin

    Being a homosexual is different than performing a homosexual act. A homosexual who finds Christ and then leads a life of celibacy, is still a homosexual but is not giving into the sin of the act.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Darius Nene

      Jereme McAlpin so you’re telling all gays to be celibate?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Connie Lee-Anne

      Darius Nene yes, just as all alcoholic or drug addicts need to abstain. All have to fight the urge to sin regardless of what our sins are.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Carl Bedford

      Darius Nene no God is, that or only the opposite gender, within marriage. Scripture is very clear.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jereme McAlpin

      Darius Nene only if they profess Jesus as Lord and Savior.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Arthur Adam Haglund

      Jereme McAlpin oh, so lust for a woman IS adultery
      Homo feelings is NOT equal to the acts.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaliyah Matthews

      God said do not be homosexual. He didn’t say don’t be homosexual having sex. Inordinate affection is the initial sin here. Sex happens after. That’s another sin itself.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Carl Bedford

      Arthur Adam Haglund we are to do our best to control our thoughts and not dwell or daydream on the ones that are ungodly

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Arthur Adam Haglund

      Carl Bedford not my point, was it?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Derek Tinius

      Jereme McAlpin our feelings do not define who we are.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Carl Bedford

      Arthur Adam Haglund i believe the point of adulterous thoughts and them being wrong was the dwelling on them. And in my opinion homosexual thoughts fall under same category. We are not to dwell

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Efraín Chay

      I agree. We also would consider when Paul asked God for healing and his answer was “My Grace” would be enough (English is not my first language). So he had to deal with that and depend every day on God, and he was able to accomplish it.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jereme McAlpin

      Derek Tinius I worked agree that our feelings do not define who we are.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Arthur Adam Haglund

      Carl Bedford Jesus didn’t say anything about dwelling on the thought he use the past tense if you have looked upon a woman with lust you have committed adultery the same thing would go for people who have quote-unquote homosexual tendencies. and homosexuality is worse because 100% of the time the homosexual is homosexual at heart while it is Godly to be heterosexual whether you are thinking of a woman or not. It is never Godly to be homosexual in the heart.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jereme McAlpin

      Arthur Adam Haglund a gay man lusting after another man is a sin. A gay man who is not lusting after another man nor is engaging in sexual acts is not committing sin

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Derek Tinius

      Jereme McAlpin great! My point is that even if they feel gay doesn’t mean that they are. Having gay feelings does not make someone gay. They may struggle but they are not by nature gay even if it feels natural. I don’t disagree with you overall I only encourage a slightly different verbage.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Toni Armstrong

      Darius Nene

      Absolutely Marriage is the only place sex is tolerated.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jereme McAlpin

      Derek Tinius I can concede your point.

    • Is it impossible for God to turn them? “It is not good for men to be alone?”.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jereme McAlpin

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo I believe God can turn them, but that doesn’t mean He always will.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Trish Miles

      Darius Nene Actually, unless we’re married we’re all supposed to be celibate.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Patrick Boren

      Jereme McAlpin Amen to that. We were all sinners saved by grace alone through faith alone.

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Jacob Wigley

      Jereme McAlpin thanks for pointing this out. This is so important. I see so many comments writing off someone’s salvation. Actually, I know some brilliant Christian people who are celibate gays

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Daniel Mccarty

    Gays dont inherit the kingdom of heaven . nether do alcoholics. There is no gray area on this. God loves you tho!

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Dean McCoy


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    David Butler

    There’s nothing quite like being born a ‘sinner’ and then having the additional ‘sin’ of being gay on top of that.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Linda Bolen

    Many gays were raised Christian!
    Some have turned away from religion completely.
    Others have somehow justified their lifestyle and (feel) saved as they continue their lifestyle. OSAS
    God warns in 1Cor. 6:9-11
    1 John 3:3-4, 6.
    1 John 5:2-3
    calls sin lawlessness…
    Matt. 7:21-23 Jesus says,
    “Get away from me you workers of lawlessness.”
    Repentance is key!

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Johan Coetser

    Its regarded abominations

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Arthur Adam Haglund


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Rick Montilla


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jerry Spencer


    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Repent Jerry. Give you life to Christ Jesus and trust in Him alone!

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jerry Spencer

      Aaron Paul Carruth,

      No, thank you.

      Isaiah 45:7 (KJV)

      7 “I form the light, and create darkness:
      I make peace, and create evil:
      I the Lord do all these things.”

      1 Samuel 15:2-3
      “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did in opposing the Israelites when they came up out of Egypt. 3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Jerry Spencer Jerry if you refuse to believe in God then why are you a member of this group? That makes no logical sense.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jerry Spencer

      Aaron Paul Carruth,

      I think I’ve answered this question to her three times for you already but I’ll give you the answer again.

      I would defend anyone’s right to believe whatever they wish, but people act according to their beliefs.

      People vote, protest, voice their opinions, blockade, resist and even kill, based on what they believe. There actions affect everything from school district curriculum (teaching Creationism vs. Evolution), laws (Capital punishment and victimless crimes), to who will be the next President.

      The more conservative Christians derives these beliefs on their understanding of the New Testament.

      There is evidence that the New Testament is merely a human product and part of a modern myth.

      Actions based on beliefs that are false can be dangerous.

      You do have a right to your beliefs but, if you’re a Christian, you’re also mandated to defend those beliefs, 1 Peter 3:15+16.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Jerry Spencer That gave me absolutely no logical reason why you’re a member of this group.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jerry Spencer

      Aaron Paul Carruth,

      Not to be rude but you first have to understand logic to be able to understand how to use it.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Jerry, if this is the only life you believe you have then why are you wasting your time trying to debunk a creator? This makes no logical sense at all.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jerry Spencer

      Aaron Paul Carruth,

      You are in an Apologetics group, sorry you don’t get it.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      Jerry No I understand. See the only thing that makes any logical sense is that you are indeed a narcissistic troll. You come on here to troll people to make you temporarily feel better about yourself. It’s extremely sad. I used to be just like you 🙂

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jerry Spencer

      Aaron Paul Carruth,

      Good for you.

      But given your opinion why are you still writing to me?

      Matthew 5:43-44

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Aaron Paul Carruth

      It’s not my opinion it’s the truth. I know what you’re doing. By your own admission, if you refuse to believe in God then why are you a member of this group? There is no logical explanation on why you would continue to waste your time in this group. If this is the only life you got surely you wouldn’t be wasting your precious time arguing with Christians, that wouldn’t make sense. You’re gonna die and you don’t know when, so being here wasting whatever time you have left makes zero sense, like at all.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Gerry Sebastian

    i thought the answers are in the bible?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Biru Rai

      Gerry Sebastian the answer? Is NONONO

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Gerry Sebastian

      Biru Rai how did you know that, did you find the answer in the bible?

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Biru Rai

      Leviticus 20:13 (NLT)
      “If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense.”

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Biru Rai

      Leviticus 18:22 (NLT) “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin.”

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Biru Rai

      Romans 1:24-27 says “And so God has given those people over to do the filthy things their hearts desire, and they do shameful things with each other. They exchange the truth about God for a lie; they worship and serve what God has created instead of the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever! Amen.
      Because they do this, God has given them over to shameful passions. Even the women pervert the natural use of their sex by unnatural acts. In the same way the men give up natural sexual relations with women and burn with passion for each other. Men do shameful things with each other, and as a result they bring upon themselves the punishment they deserve for their wrongdoing.”

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Steven Kralick

    Were all sinners fron the day we were born till the day we die

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Austin Rathbun

    Uh yeah, a good way to rephrase this question is to say “can a sinner still be a christian”

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kieran McAlister

      Austin Rathbun that would be all of us. So, yeah…

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Austin Rathbun

      Kieran McAlister yeah exactly. Someone who’s gay can be a Christian.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kieran McAlister

      Austin Rathbun that’s why I asked my question in my comment. “Gay” as in attraction or by participation?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Austin Rathbun

      Kieran McAlister both, neither of those will make you a non-christian. Are they sins, yes, does committing a sin mean youre not a christian, no

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kieran McAlister

      Austin Rathbun We’re in agreement. There’s no sinless Christians even though I’ve seen plenty profess to be while looking down upon others as they struggle with their particular sin(s)

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Kieran McAlister

    “gay” as in attraction or participation?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Chelsea De La Rosa

    Romans 1:26-27
    Amplified Bible
    26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading and vile passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural [a function contrary to nature], 27 and in the same way also the men turned away from the natural function of the woman and were consumed with their desire toward one another, men with men committing shameful acts and in return receiving in their own bodies the inevitable and appropriate penalty for their wrongdoing.

    There isn’t much room for misinterpretation there. Book of Revelation strongly warns against changing God’s words to meet our own desires. Allow the Holy Spirit to gently correct and lead you if you are not sure of the meaning behind something you read in the Bible.
    The Lord lets us choose how we want to act on our passions, that doesn’t make them right. We choose. Living a life free of sin is a sign of gratitude to God. It’s a form of worship stronger than the words of a song. Our lives become a sacrifice that is pleasing to Him. So when we choose to willfully ignore His instructions and live sinfully, we are not living a life transformed by Him. We are spitting in His face.
    I do believe the Lord extends grace to those who do not understand they are sinning. But for those who are, please look for yourself and discover how God can transform and renew our minds. We all have patterns of behavior to overcome and together as a unified body we should be lifting each other up constructively and in love.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Myvanis Lombard

    Scripture is crystal clear on this issue. I leaves no room for debate.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Larry Litke

    Practicing gay person is a sin,
    If your gay but don’t practice it .
    I don’t think so

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Michael Spicer

      Larry Litke I believe your close. As long as they r not acting on it. I think they r good

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    John Allen

    A saved person can fall into any sin

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Joan Fowler

    Sin was tied to the law. The law was fulfilled. Sin for those in the new and everlasting covenant age is not punishable the way it was for Israel under Mosaic law and the old covenant. Jesus paid for sin. It’s our belief/faith in him and what he did that makes us Christian and part of the kingdom, not our supposed lack of or abundance of sin.

    We all have human things that would separate us from God if it weren’t for our belief. Being gay is no different from any other human aspect. Belief/faith in Jesus saves you, not lack of sin.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Connie Lee-Anne

      Joan Fowler sorry but it’s Grace which saves us, not anything we do.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      Connie Lee-Anne but yet you want gay people to be celibate in order to be considered a Christian.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Connie Lee-Anne

      Joan Fowler if theybare unrepentant from a sin then they have to accept the consequences, the same goes for all of us.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      Connie Lee-Anne then I guess your saying Grace only covers people who abstain from sin. Sounds like Mormonism.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Connie Lee-Anne

      Joan Fowler I never said that at all. Grace is the gift which saves us. We are to repent and believe, not carry on sinning.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      If someone “carries on sinning” are they not saved?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Connie Lee-Anne

      Joan Fowler being saved means you desire to turn away from sin.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      The point is, there isn’t a sin scale. All sin is grave sin. But Jesus came in the 1st century he said “he that believes on me shall not perish but should have eternal life”. Belief… done deal.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      Connie Lee-Anne so you have to do something… desire to and turn away from sin. That’s conditional grace and not what Jesus said.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Connie Lee-Anne

      Joan Fowler no, the desire to turn away from sin is a result of a renewed heart.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Joan Fowler

      Connie Lee-Anne the question posed here is about gay people being Christian. We don’t get to pick and choose what we think is okay. Nobody on the planet goes day to day sin free. That is THE WHOLE POINT of mediation. We can’t do anything to prove ourselves sinless. Scripture says all our righteousness is as filthy rags. All. Piousness, righteousness, self-prescribed definitions of sin, this is better than that… it’s not enough. Jesus fulfilled the law because the law was flawed to begin with. But the Hebrew people spent more time griping, less time seeing the ease of the grace shown to them, and God gave them law and they couldn’t keep it.

      Grace covers it, whatever it is, whenever it happens. If I die instantly and don’t get a chance to make sure I’ve properly repented according to men’s standards, Grace has still got me right where I stand, right when and where I die.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Robert Borges


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Barnabas Pandit

    Yes read bible and for me it is abomination to God. God never created gay and other gender except man and woman.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Doreen Heintschel

    You can be Gay and be saved, however you cannot practice your gay lifestyle and be saved.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kieran McAlister

      Doreen Heintschel exactly. It’s the PRACTICE like all the other sexual sins. Many, MANY Christians struggle in the this area. MANY

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Doreen Heintschel

      Kieran McAlister Yes, pornagraphy, adultery, homosexuality, such were some of you, us, but we were washed, cleansed. We are now a new creation.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kieran McAlister

      Doreen Heintschel and the his work continues in us

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Richard Bediako


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jim Maxwell

    Not “ok” with lusting in our mind. ….. so the answer is no

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Alex Pecor

    God is not “ok” with homosexuality. Sexual immorality (which is everything that is not between a husband and wife) is sin. It’s clear as day in the Bible.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Bobbi Goff Klein

    It is a SIN

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Derek Tinius

    Nope! Not even a question.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Pauline Sharp

    We are all sinners and when we come to the Lord we bring our baggage! The Lord works on what is wrong in our lives by the Holy Spirit prompting us. If we listen and go along with this prompting, repenting as we go and changing our ways by God’s Grace and help, surely we are still saved? It is those that don’t repent as prompted that will be brought to task? If I’m a thief when I come to the Lord He doesn’t say my sin is lesser or greater than the deviant, it is the same and my prompting from the Holy Spirit must be obeyed by the love of Jesus Christ who died for those sins? I am saved by believing Christ died for my sins and that He is the way the truth and the life, and by repentance.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Pauline Sharp

      Obviously God is not OK with sin of any sort. I may have gone off task with the above, be gentle with me I’m still a bit new to all this correct theology and have a tendency to get on my soap box. Correct me by all means

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Carol Jeftha

      If Gay
      Then we have to be celebit
      Each one has a “Thorn in the Flesh”
      We cannot use it to justify living against Gods word

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Linda Vellucci

    of course, being gay is not a sin, but any sex outside of marriage is a sin. Period. I also believe it is not up to us to judge, unless, of course, they are in a position within the church, as the bible notes. If a man were living with a women, unmarried, he shouldn’t be a pastor.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Arthur Adam Haglund

      Linda Vellucci your first sentence is unscriptural infected is anti-christian

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Linda Vellucci

      Arthur Adam Haglund I disagree, chill. “Me thinks you doust protest too much”.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Stephen Bredehoeft

      Linda Vellucci the Bible plainly says homosexuality is sin.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      André Gouvea

      Stephen Bredehoeft If acted upon it, yes.
      But if you have some sort of thoughts about it. It doesn’t necessarily mean you “sinned”. If you have enough strong mind to withstand that action then you’re fighting that temptation.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Stephen Bredehoeft

      André Gouvea we need to be careful of our thoughts too. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust you have committed adultery.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tracy L Terry

    The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. One of the acts being performed by the Nephilim before the flood. That’s why it is a slap in God’s face to use the rainbow as a sign of Pride, which is also a sin. It’s like saying, you promised you wouldn’t destroy us again, so look at us now, God. What are you going to do about it. It’s awful!

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kieran McAlister

      Tracy L Terry ACTS, participation, but there are people who struggle with the attraction, but are abstinent

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Michael Spicer

    Yes they can. As long as they dont act on those feelings

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Sunday James Wakili

    Never God hate gay

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Abigail Darling

    Sam Allberry has a great perspective on this.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Isaac Kariuki

    Gayism is a very great abomination before God.The judgement and the wrath of God is on all who will not repent and forsake sin.Check out where Sodom and Gomorrah ended.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Timothy Clements


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Claudia Favela

    Sometimes I wonder if I even want to read and answer.
    HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN, AN ABOMINATION. bible clearly states.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Ellis Gray

    I’m really shocked at these comments. Obviously never read the passages:

    “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22) and “If a man lies with a man as one lies with woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads” (Leviticus 20:13). Also these following verses y’all can look up. Genesis, chapter 19; Romans 1:18-32; and 1 Timothy 1:8-11

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Marcel Manizabayo


  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Harry Jones

    Not according to the Bible. Homosexuality is a sin worse than fornication. And a person has to repent(have a change of mind) of sin. Fornicators can’t be saved until they turn away from fornicating.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Ko Fy

    Go and ask the people of Sodom.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Aaliyah Matthews

    Why is this a question among christians? We should know by now that inordinate affection is sin. I like to assume that as christians we read the Holy Bible like we’re supposed to. When you are sincerely born again, you are a NEW creature. You can not call yourself homosexual if you truly turned from it and turned to God with your whole heart. We USED to live as those things. Put on the new man. You are no longer in sin. Why keep claiming a sinful name? You cannot serve 2 masters, says God.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Daniil Bugriyev

    If God hates the sin so much, than why does he not send the sin to hell, but rather a sinner. Remember some were some of you. Past tense.

  • Roman’s 1 18-32

    The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

    21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.

    22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools
    23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

    24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

    26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

    28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God,

    so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

    29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.


    32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Goding Reyes

    Definitely a sin and a curse!

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Gary Kittilsen

    No of course not that’s ridiculous. Either you obey Christ (Christian) or you obey the flesh (sinner) that’s like saying can you be a square and be a circle ⭕️

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tammie Edwards

    Is God ok with any sin? Is God ok with gossip?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    John M Soulliere

    When you come to Christ you put your entire life on the altar- gay, straight, male, female, etc., etc. There is no “does God accept” option. He accepts Jesus in our stead. When we receive the new birth, we are born of the spirit of Christ and grow into his image. People who are trying to figure out how to hold on to “their” life, rights, preferences don’t belong to Jesus. They still are the lords of their life. Asking the question of what I get to keep means I am not giving up my life. “Whoever seeks to save his life shall lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake shall gain it.”

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Larry Dale Steele

    Interesting can you be a liar and a Christian or perhaps a gossiper or thief

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      many claim to be Christians and drink social or not so socially, are masons and many other things

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      Troy Day and the list goes on

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Larry Dale Steele adn then ppl on CBD wonder why

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      John M Soulliere

      Larry Dale Steele it’s a process of growing and responding to the Holy Spirit. “Let him who stole steel no more…” When I came to Jesus I had a lot of problems. He has addressed them 1 by 1 over time. When I wanted to keep some of them, I was pushing him away and began to see a gap in our relationship (me from him, not him from me). If I continued that way I have no doubt that alienation can become permanent (me from him not him from me). Regardless, Jesus’ love for us would never allow him to leave one stone unturned in bringing us into total freedom to experience his love. When I came to Christ I gave him my sexuality as well.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    C K Johndoa

    Short answer: no
    Long answer: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Maria Maria


  • Homosexuality is a sin as other sins. What makes homosexuality troubling is that it is a purposeful subduction of others. When I was 8 years old there were attempts to not only molest me but also to recruit me. I was molested but not recruited. If I were recruited then I would have to recruit others. I endured other approaches but I never did it to other boys. I think it scars the very soul.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Zoey Granitz

    Can someone struggle with pornography, pride, idolatry, addiction, lies, judging others and still be a Christian?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Gina Hormann

      Zoey Granitz if they’re not purposely living that way and trying and praying that God would deliver them from those things then yes. Living in sin and continuing to do so knowing that it’s a sin and not caring is the problem.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tricia Laboy

    I have friends who are gay…and I have been asked that same question. I tell them that God loves them but doesn’t agree with the choice of preference. God is very CLEAR that homosexuality is not apart of His procreated plan. But we still must show them Gods love. The spirit of LUST is a powerful thing BUT not as powerful as the Blood of Jesus that can break any and everything chain of anyone in bondage. Because it is a bondage. We as Christians must continue to pray for them that the veil n blinders will be lifted from their eyes n that they may see the error of their ways.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Linda Vellucci

      best response. I have gay friends and family also. It’s my job to show them the love of Christ, period.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tricia Laboy

      Linda Vellucci amen..ditto they know I don’t agree with the lifestyle BUT I don’t make them feel hated nor rejected as a person.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Terefe D Daba

    Never ever!!!

  • God is not ok with ANY sex (gay or otherwise) that isn’t between a man and his wife, believe it or not. It is all considered sinful.

  • Reply May 28, 2020


    No, it’s a abomination.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jim Vaughan

    Sis is sin. Jesus welcomes all sinners to the cross and calls all sinners to repentance. Living a sinful lifestyle is rebellion. No other way to look at it.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Nathanial John

    No. When God created Human being, He created in His image. And being Gay isn’t part of God’s plan for Man. He created Eve for Adam, remember.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Khup S Mang Mangno

    When we think about Sodom and Gomorrah, I think same sex is the main reason God destroyed those cities. A Christian could choose to be gay, but it’s not the way God desires for us.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Chris Arevalo

    It is a sin. No need to make excuses for anyone.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Kawika David Muca

    Question.. is the word gay a verb, meaning to say they “are” gay is to be active in the gay lifestyle sexually? What if a person in the gay lifestyle decides to be a Christian. Not living that way ….Not having sex. But struggling with same sex attraction. Is the act of sex make em gay or the lifestyle?? I agree with most yall….but been hearing this alot

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Larry Velasco

    no it is a sin always has been ,always will be , but God can set you free if you call upon Him.

  • “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality”

    1 Corinthians 6:9

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Shanil Wickremaratne keyword: “practice”, thus referring to homosexual acts not the sexual orientation.

    • Teodore Comentan NKJV reads
      “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites”

      “You know that wicked people will not inherit the kingdom of God, don’t you? Stop deceiving yourselves! Sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals”

      “Or don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals,”

      NAS 1977
      “Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,”

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Shanil Wickremaratne the word homosexual wasn’t actually even invented yet til 1946 so it would be impossible for the Scriptures to refer to those people who have same-sex attractions instead of those who explicitly practice homosexuality.

      you can read more here:

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tim Jones

    Yes , you can be gay in your orientation or inclination , but biblically. are not to engage in the practice!

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Tim Jones

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Emeka Augustine

      Tim Jones who told you that? how can a person be a thief and he or she is not stealing.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tim Jones

      Our true and pure identity is inGoad view of us. We are created in his image! Put our trust in him and his calling on our lives and we will be fulfilled.Sexual expression is not essential to our human fulfilment brother!

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tim Jones

      Some thing to remember about homosexuals: Committed relationships are so rare among homosexual men so as to be almost Zero! (2) Anal intercourse is harmful. Lesions can occur because of the fragility of the rectal lining and cause infections and STD’s. It can cause Rectal cancer as well .Seventy percent of new HIV cases z
      still occur among the gay community! Is comparable with true love? I think not! Quality of love is a fallacy. The whole gay scene is a tragedy from beginning to end! But there is hope in our Lord Jesus for forgiveness and acceptance and love in which they can find release from the thraldom of homosexual Practise!??God loves all sinners, but he calls us out of darkness into his marvellous light! Praise his name!

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Dane Melby

    No absolutely not.. There is a huge difference between sin ad celebrating your sin publicly

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Evan Coates

    Of course. It’s the lifestyle(those who practice it).

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Daniel Trice

    You can be gay, but acting upon it is sinfull.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      tell us more about this – I got lost a little

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Daniel Trice

      Troy Day I know a man that is gay that goes to church. He practices abstinence because he knows that it would be sinful to partake.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Daniel Trice Has Christ not changed him ? I dont get the staying in church while being something else that God created you to be Neil Steven Lawrence

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Daniel Trice

      Troy Day we still war with the flesh after being saved.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Teodore Comentan

    short answer: yes.

    long answer: you can be gay (as in have a homosexual orientation) and be Christian, I said what I said. what’s condemned as a sin in Scripture is acting upon your same-sex attraction by having lustful thoughts and practicing homosexual acts.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Someone just said that too and lost me How can one not do what they know and be? Larry Dale Steele Neil Steven Lawrence from our knowing and being comes out doing Jesus said from the abundance of the heart So any other separation of flesh vs spirit will be much dualistic and Gnostic as what RichardAnna Boyce preaches in not so free grace

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chad Bruce

      Teodore Comentan Show me where in Scripture it says that it’s OK to have same sex attraction, but just not to act upon in…

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Troy Day it’s because experiencing same-sex attraction is not a sin. it’s a disordered passion, yes—an effect of the Fall. but people do not choose to have them. just like how people do not choose to have a heterosexual orientation. what people choose however, is to act upon that attraction by sinful and lustful thoughts and actual homosexual practice.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      Chad Bruce Ia m so lost on this one I see the logic in such point but I am lost as of HOW one actually practice it

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Troy Day homosexual people can choose to be celibate and abstain from all homosexual practice.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Chad Bruce “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality”
      1 Corinthians 6:9

      keyword here is “those who practice”, meaning those who act upon their same-sex attractions.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chad Bruce

      Troy Day 1 Cor 6:9-11. Verse 11 is the key… and such WERE some of you. Meaning that there were homosexuals converting to Christ, but once they followed Christ and He gave them a new heart with new desires (as with all of us) their homosexuality became past tense…

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Chad Bruce note that the previous verses refer to those who practice homosexuality, not just those who are merely homosexuals. so yes, it’s possible to have had practiced homosexual acts and convert to a Christ-like lifestyle of homosexual celibacy. It isn’t contradictory at all.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Damien Lacks

      Teodore Comentan I understand what you are saying. The nature of the homosexual is depraved just as all flesh. The same as the adulterer at heart.Or the murderer at heart. If one choose to deny himself ,he can admittedly say that he has a homosexual tendency but has denied it die to being obedient to the Sovereign Creator. The Most High. The lustful desires remain. As they do with all humans. We all lust. But it is we we are carried away by that, is when it becomes sin..

      But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
      — James 1:14-15

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Damien Lacks exactly my point. thank you.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Damien Lacks

      Teodore Comentan //homosexual people can choose to be celibate and abstain from all homosexual practice.//

      I would agree. I often relate that in my mind to when Jesus spoke on those that chose to be Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom.

      For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”
      — Matthew 19:12

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Damien Lacks

      Teodore Comentan Likewise with the above scripture this could also fit when talking about those who choose to be Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom

      If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell.
      — Matthew 5:30

      Everyone always says that passage is symbolic but when placed with

      For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it.”
      — Matthew 19:12

      It seems to fit to be literal. I honestly never made the correlation until now.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Damien Lacks that’s great insight, Damien! thank you 🙂

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Damien Lacks

      Teodore Comentan Grace and blessing to you. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chad Bruce

      Teodore Comentan Where does sin begin? Is it just the act or does it begin in the heart? Sin is rebellion against God and His righteousness. If a sinful act is not allowed, can the principle of the act remain? Matt 19:4-6, Jesus said that in the beginning He created them male and female and become one flesh. Male and female have always been God’s will for humanity. If I follow your logic then I can identify as a murderer as a lifestyle, just not murder. I can call myself a drunkard and identify as having that “lifestyle”, but just don’t drink.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Chad Bruce I agree, that’s why it’s important for every Christian homosexual or if you would like to call it, every Christian who struggle with same-sex attractions to hold captive and surrender every thought to God that could lead to sin at all times.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chad Bruce

      Teodore Comentan There is a big difference between struggling with homosexual thoughts and entertaining homosexual thought. The former implies that the person recognizes that it is wrong to have those thoughts and the latter has them without remorse. It’s not just the act that is sin, it’s the sinful heart that stirs up desire against God’s will, then the act follows. I don’t think that a person who recognizes that homosexuality is a sin can genuinely continue to believe “as long as I just think it, I’ll be Ok”. We humans are always trying to find loopholes in God’s word so we pick through with a fine tooth comb to try to find some escape from things we don’t like.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      RichardAnna Boyce

      yes of course a gay Christian does not lose their eternal security. Will heaven be empty because we are all greedy etc to some extent? A gay who doesnt practice his inborn trait is no different to those born with a white skin. If his soul/body decides to sin then he/she is in danger of losing rewards and blessings; and under extreme circumstances may be taken home early.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Sarvo Souri Martin

    How many more times is this going to be posted?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Varnel Watson

      where and when was this posted? I see it for the first time – point me to the exact URL link pls THANKS

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Sarvo Souri Martin

      Troy Day There are so many posts everyday, I don’t have the capacity to flush these particular ones out but I am sure there will be others who will also remember seeing this coming up frequently.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Chris Arevalo

    The fact that there’s a struggle is why we know it’s a sin. If we are truly converted, there will be a spiritual warfare.

    I can’t believe how many christians would approve of this. how is it okay to be gay as long as we don’t act on it? is it also ok to have murdererous thoughts as long as we don’t act on it? Is it ok to get angry as long as we don’t murder? ok to have have lustful thoughts as long as we don’t commit adultery? okay to covet as long as we don’t steal it?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Carol Jeftha

      Chris Arevalo yes but we must strive and plead with God to rid us of those thoughts because Christ said before you did the dead and it was sin now if you think in your mind it is sin
      So we are called to a higher level of service and self control

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Carol Jeftha exactly. If there’s no striving, it isn’t sin. and the fact that people do strive, the reason why we need to “renew our minds daily” is because these thoughts are immoral.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Jake Mills

    I’m gay ??

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Jake Mills I’m bisexual. ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      Jake Mills and God loves you ! Just always do good and just talk to God so he will show you what is right or wrong,blessing brother✝️??

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Tim Spangler

      Will you submit to God’s ways or must he submit to yours?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      I never asked God to submit to me. I’m not the one who decided to turn out gay ??‍♂️ I think god actually played a role in making me this way. So…. I feel pretty great about it. My boyfriend and I have an amazing, happy, loving, and healthy relationship and I’ve never felt like god was telling me that it wasn’t okay.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Jake Mills Lev. 18:22

    • Does God make psychopaths, psychopaths?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Chris Arevalo do you follow all of the Old Testament law?

    • Jennifer Roman good works are like filthy rags in the eyes of God, for no amount of good we do can make up for the evil we have done, but the hope is that Jesus paid the price of our sins, for there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood, and Jesus did it for us. Accept the free gift, repent of whatever sin you do, and stop making a god that fits your worldview.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo did people with brain tumors affecting their emotions choose to have those brain tumors?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Jake Mills The Old Testament law defines sin for us. It’s the expression of God’s character. It will always judge us so that we would call on Christ and it is only through faith that that burden is lifted.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Chris Arevalo okay. I’ll remember that when I want to beat my servants until they’re close to death… as long as they don’t die, it’s totally okay.

      Oh yeah, and next time someone tells me that they were raped, I’ll just kill them. Because that’s what the OT says to do.

    • Jake Mills you have a brain tumor?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Jake Mills Jake Mills God’s moral character never change. What is wrong before is still wrong now. This kind of lifestyle is still condemned in the New Testament, “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Rom. 1:26-27.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo Hopefully not ? I’m also not showing signs of psychopathy. So…

    • Look dude, matter of fact is you have been given free will to live the way you see fit. However, do not say that God is okay with whatever you do in your life, for the love of God does not require to be all permissive, much like a parent scolds a child in the wrong, and still loves them, so does God.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Chris Arevalo okay but that’s a different argument. I want you to address the points about beating your servants to near-death and killing rape victims.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Jake Mills what about the civic laws meant for Israel? I’m talking about the moral aspect of the law – like murder that was wrong even before the law was given, and still wrong even after the cross.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      Carlos Daniel Castillejo blessing brother have a good afternoon !

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Chris Arevalo the Bible doesn’t really specify moral from civic. Punishments were the same… seems to be a good window into what god thought was the best. So why don’t you believe him?

    • And like the world says “every action has a reaction” so does “every sin has its own consequence”, for no one ever gets away with it.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Morality is simple to identify. they were wrong regardless of the law. the events in sodom and Gomorrah was before the Sinai covenant and that was the reason why they were punished. Romans 1 isn’t part of the law but you still choose to ignore it – rather, you choose to believe you found a loophole that would make excuses for sin.

    • Jennifer Roman you too sister.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Chris Arevalo

      Jake Mills my friend, we all struggle with sin. Scripture is here to show us that there is freedom in Christ. Your sin is very personal – I don’t intend to be insensitive. But truth must be said, something I don’t have the right to compromise. God bless you.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Chris Arevalo well technically, no haha. I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe that the Bible is divine. So I’ve never felt the need to look for a loophole. Nor have I ever felt even slightly that my homosexuality was a sin.

      I feel like you’ve found a loophole as to escape the ugly parts of the old law. A technicality between “moral” law and “civil” law. Jesus himself said in the sermon on the mount that he didn’t come to abolish the old law and that every single word of it was still relevant. Every. Single. Word.

      He didn’t say “only the moral parts of it”civil” parts of it. He says “not an iota; not a dot shall be changed.”
      (Matthew 5:17-18 ESV)

      So…. yeah?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jake Mills

      Chris Arevalo I understand ? no worries bro. I appreciate the honesty

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Martin Gagnon

    Yes God’s okay with a repentant gay who has confessed his or her sinfullness to God and accepted Jesus Christ’s death, burial and resurection as his of her only ticket to Heaven.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Teodore Comentan

    Your sexual orientation has nothing to do with your salvation, only your acceptance of Christ. ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Kingsley E. Houston

      Teodore Comentan You can’t remain gay after salvation. Note that too

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jennifer Roman

      Teodore Comentan amén !✝️✨?? there are a lot of topics we can bring from this subject,for example I am currently seeing a in process of divorce man and God loves me,cause he knows how much I battled to not love him knowing he was married you know and God has made te way for us to be happy,God knows my heart,and my tears if someone doesn’t understand,explain and leave it as it is,cause we cannot live life explaining our self to others,just doing good,being a good person,doing good deeds and looking for the lords face everyday of our life’s and I know a lot of people may not accept my opinion but Jehovah does and that’s all that matters.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Kingsley E. Houston I think what you meant to say was that you can’t remain practicing homosexual acts after salvation, in which I completely agree with.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Martin Gagnon

      Teodore Comentan which must be followed with obediance to God’s word. I’m referring to real Bibles. Not the fakeries such as the Queen bible, or ‘the passion’ or the ‘message’ or any other such perversions..

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Martin Gagnon yeah, I did not say that we should follow false teachings or scripture.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Martin Gagnon

      Teodore Comentan just making sure it’s clear to other who might read your comment as it was openended.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Linda Vellucci

      Kingsley E. Houston a gay person can’t turn that off!! It’s who they are.

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Kingsley E. Houston

      Linda Vellucci you can’t prove that…
      There’s no way GOD would create gays and say they shouldn’t practice.
      No one is born gay, there’s no gay gene…
      Being gay is a choice.
      I’ve interviewed many ex gays…

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Kingsley E. Houston scientific research shows that genetics heavily influence kleptomaniacs, meaning their tendencies to steal things is because of their genetics. they were technically born that way. but it doesn’t mean that they can’t be saved, they could choose to abstain from acting upon their tendencies even though they are literally born that way. just like how gay people could abstain from active homosexual practice.

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Kingsley E. Houston

      Teodore Comentan this is psudeo science. Stop spreading that…
      I’ll send you a link to a research on this…
      There’s no gay gene

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Kingsley E. Houston

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Kingsley E. Houston there’s no single gay gene but that also means that there are various genes responsible for the sexuality of a person.

      “Ganna et al. perform genome-wide
      association study on 493,001
      participants from the United
      States, the United Kingdom, and
      Sweden to study genes associ-
      ated with sexual orientation (see
      the Perspective by Mills). They
      find multiple loci implicated
      in same-sex sexual behavior indi-
      cating that, like other behavioral
      traits, nonheterosexual behavior
      is polygenic.”


    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Kingsley E. Houston

      Teodore Comentan You don’t seem to understand me.
      No one has a legit reason to act gay cos it’s unnatural.
      It’s just like saying you’re sexually attracted to animals because there’s genes responsible for your sexuality ?‍♂

    • Reply May 29, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Kingsley E. Houston yo, i’m not saying people are justified in doing homosexual acts. the attraction is what is justified. acting upon that attraction is not. stop twisting my words.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Richard Mascioli

    I’m sure many people struggle with their sexuality. As long as they are struggling, I think they’ll be ok. When they stop struggling with it is when they have a problem.

  • No!

  • There is no such thing as gay Christian.

    What I do know is there are Christians who struggle with the sin of homosexuality.

    God is certainly not okay with it, but if it’s his his wish to save any such person, he knows how to go about it.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Gates Isiah

    Sexual sin different from any other sin. The bible says so

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      Gates Isiah scripture please

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Gates Isiah

      Larry Dale Steele know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. [17] But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. [18] Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that commiteth fornication sinneth against his own body..

      1 Corinthians 6:18

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      Gates Isiah I don’t get where it says it’s different then any other sin

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Larry Dale Steele

      James2:10For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.

    • Sexual sin is the only sin in which the sinner sins against himself. I can personally testify of it. However, does it mean sexual sin weighs more than any other, surely not.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Gates Isiah

      Larry Dale Steele i never said that. I said it’s different. Because it is. And God makes a distinction for a reason

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Emeka Augustine

    It is not possible to be a gay and still be a Christian. Christianity is Christ and Christ is not a gay.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Martin Gagnon

      Emeka Augustine great point.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Emeka Augustine how about being a woman? Christ is not a woman.

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Emeka Augustine

      Teodore Comentan my brother lets be reasonable this is a serious matter. We are not talking about being a man or a woman here.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Edson Robis Rase

    Vatican allows homosexuality.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tracy Pavlik

    Yes, homosexual thoughts and sex are sin.

    Yes, a practicing homosexual can be a Christian (aka saved).

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Zsolt Imre

    Teodore Comentan repent

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Teodore Comentan

      Zsolt Imre ?

    • Reply May 28, 2020

      Jesse Campos

      Zsolt Imre you cannot be practicing homosexual and be a Christian and anyone claiming they are is not saved it’s in scripture

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Charles Dallas

    I don’t know y’all allow adultery in violation of Luke 16:18 with all of your remarriages and call yourself Christian’s so

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Tim McClung

    Homosexuality is a sin just as unsanctioned heterosexual behavior is a sin. Does this require debating? Seems the Bible was pretty clear that it’s emotionally, physically, and spiritually destructive behavior. It doesn’t make those people less in the eyes of God but it does separate them from him as any sin does.

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Steven Wells

    What is gay?

  • Reply May 28, 2020

    Zara Hnamte

    I have seen a Gay who is born again in Christ. He Totally turned into a real person that God made him to be. From what i saw, i now believe that a true born again/true believer is made/converted into a person that he should be by the the work of the Holy Spirit.

    Looking at the Bible, God make Man and Woman only.

  • Reply January 23, 2023


    No, not at all. Perhaps, if he gets forgiveness through the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ will be possible to compromise with the Heavenly Father. Amen!

  • Reply January 26, 2023


    Link Hudson do you have a video teaching on this one here?

  • Reply January 27, 2023


    William DeArteaga stated about EMORY in ATL – — -Just came back from an event at Emory University, to be specific the St. Thomas Aquinas club (Catholic). The meeting was divided into a worship/sermon part and the lecture part. The worship part was great, with scripture readings and songs I never heard – have not been in a Catholic service in decades. The lecture part was demoralizing and would be scandalous to any person who believes in the divine inspirations of the Bible. It was all Woke ideology and the LGBTQ agenda with the assumption that biblical revelation must cede to current experience and fashion.
    I left with a sense of sadness, and I realized that if my prayer/dream to teach healing and deliverance at Emory is to come about it will be a pure miracle from God.
    my resent/late and now future involvement with SBL centered in ATL has also left me with bitter taste in my mouth The recognition of strange non-Christian waves much similar to what you describe is right there as well We had to sign NEW improved ToC for recognition of sex varieties – I refuse to use the exact lingo that was implemented there recently

  • Reply January 27, 2023


  • Reply January 28, 2023


    If you want to reach out with the gospel you will find plenty of opportunities

    • Reply January 28, 2023


      truth be told the GOSPE is best conversion therapy

    • Reply January 30, 2023


      Our help in ages past our hope in ages to come . Jesus Christ. the Righteous

  • Reply January 28, 2023


    No! Homosexuals must repent of their sin, just like any other sinner if they want to have a relationship with Jesus, and make it to heaven. 

    The Homosexual Agenda gets its power from a major Category Error that it has brainwashed public with! 

    The logical fallacy called “Category Mistake” or “Category Error“
    It’s like saying: “the rock is alive“ or “that thought is blue“ – wrongly assigning life to an inanimate object or color to an abstract idea. 

    The Homosexual Agenda has propagandized the culture to believe that: homosexuality is a “human right.“

    The simple fact is the Bible shows that God defines homosexuality as a sin; an aberration of a normal relationship of sex in marriage that God established.

    An analogy would be like saying: “bank robbing is a human right“. 

    The ability to have free monetary transactions, without fear of theft, abuse, or fraud is established by law and based on individual (human) rights.

    Bank robbing is an aberration of those rights. 

    Homosexuality is not a human right! 

    Remove this one lie, established by logical fallacy, and their entire case crumbles in the culture. 

  • Reply April 22, 2023



  • Reply May 28, 2023


    The first 50 years the church branded most of Hollywood’s productions as worldly and even evil and we were strongly warned to stay out of movie houses.
    Then along came television and hollywood moved into our homes. Little by little we developed a taste for news and their views and then entertainment, including killing and sexual licenses until such a time that we are spending big money every month on cable TV that let’s in all kinds of options from the good and important to the base and the wicked. What has Hollywood done to us? For us? Against us?

  • Reply May 29, 2023


    Short answer: No

    • Reply May 29, 2023


      Nelson Banuchi OK great you decide to do your 6months drive by comment but did you even read the article to see what it says?

    • Reply May 29, 2023


      Robert Cox Why is it that ppl want to get on pages that they don’t agree with and start arguing? Especially church pages. Do they think they are going to change someone’s opinion about something? Doesn’t the Bible say that God hates those that sow division among the brethren? I don’t go join catholic pages or Mormon pages just so I can argue! Nor do I comment on some politician’s page expressly bc I oppose him/her. What is the point other than to be contentious?
      So dumb, really. Sigh.

    • Reply May 31, 2023


      Troy Day nope. Didn’t read the article. Got priorities. Just answering the headline question. My drive-by shooting hits the 🎯 and is, thereby, sufficient.

  • Reply May 29, 2023



  • Reply May 30, 2023


    13 Bible Verses about Guarding Yourself..
    1 Peter 5:8
    Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
    1 John 5:21
    Little children, guard yourselves from idols.
    Proverbs 4:23
    Watch over your heart with all diligence,
    For from it flow the springs of life.
    1 Timothy 4:16
    Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.
    Psalm 39:1
    For the choir director, for Jeduthun. A Psalm of David.
    I said, “I will guard my ways
    That I may not sin with my tongue;
    I will guard my mouth as with a muzzle
    While the wicked are in my presence.”
    2 John 1:8
    Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward.
    Ephesians 6:11
    Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
    1 Corinthians 16:13
    Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
    2 Timothy 4:15
    Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed our teaching.
    Deuteronomy 4:9
    “Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.
    Ecclesiastes 5:1
    Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil.
    1 Timothy 6:20
    O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge”—
    James 4:7
    Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

  • Reply May 31, 2023



  • Reply May 31, 2023


    Where is Ralph Waldo Emerson when we need him?

    There is a monumental conflict brewing between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. It will be a classic struggle that will be more legendary than that which occurred between Greece and Troy. If only Homer were alive today to record the deeds of the heroes who may be called to lay down their lives in this epic conflict.

    Unfortunately, few people are actually paying attention to what may very well be a fight for the soul of the country. That needs to change.

    There are far too many people who are AWOL in this battle. While our brave warriors are dying in the street, the rest of the population goes on carelessly with their lives, eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage. They are completely unaware of the flood that is coming.

    Too few of us are keeping watch and do not understand that the day of the Lord is at hand. The forces of Satan are amassing even now and are preparing for spiritual warfare against a small cadre of God’s warriors. Only a precious few have had the foresight to don the armor of God and take a stand against the devil’s schemes.

  • Reply November 14, 2023


    I’d say no He is NOT …

  • Reply November 14, 2023


    Is fornication ok? adultery? No they are not.. Even Jesus stated Sodom was judged, he did not say misjudged…No one shoukd ever be mistreated because they sin differently than myself…but we must stand up to this progressive sin of homosexuality, if not we will lose our kids and grandchildren to this sin…

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      this is something for @everyone to consider

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart homosexuality must be treated like all sin. It offends God, it separates people from God, it ends in eternal death. It can only be washed away by faith in Jesus Christ and his cleansing blood. The same can be said of any and every kind of sin. Repent, turn from sin and trust the Savior.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Michael Chauncey agree..It’s sin. No matter what the world tells us… it’s still sin

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Michael Chauncey just think HOW it appeared again after Noah’s flood and how you cannot explain its first appearing before the flood without Gap Theory – just think about it for a moment if you will

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart this “sin differently” comment is an assumption that Christians judge homosexuals while clinging to more “socially acceptable” sins. This assumption may have merit. That is why the Christian must examine himself. He must cleanse himself of all filthiness of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. We are called to walk Worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Troy Day Sin appeared because Adam disobeyed. He didn’t need a gap. He didn’t need pre-Adamic history to turn himself and offspring into sinners. All he needed was the free will to choose good or evil.

      Exodus 20:9-11 makes the gap a total impossibility. During the six days of creation God created the following things; Heaven, earth, the sea and Everything in them. That means that before day one, none of those things existed!

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Michael Chauncey no. You are incorrect Im actually saying I’m a hypocrite if I treat you different because your sin is homosexuality and mine is gluttony or lieing or fornication…Still homosexuality is sin…don’t hate people because they sin differently than myself * ourselves

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Troy Day my brother, please explain Gap thoury to me..ty

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart I didn’t say you were a hypocrite. All I did was agree with you.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Michael Chauncey oh I didn’t mean you did that…I’m saying we are hypocrites if we treat people bad or mean because they sin differently than ourselves..Sorry if it came across that way..

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart no Michael Chauncey did not do that now 🙂

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      SURE just join us in the other group where we are explaining it right now

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart , gang rape is always wrong.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Danny André Dixon are you referring to a scripture or comment here?

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Troy Day to Fred’s comment. And I guess to yours as well that all should reflect on what Fred said.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Danny André Dixon sure!

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Danny André Dixon ??? Please elaborate

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      yes Danny André Dixon Id; like to know what spurred the comment too

    • Reply November 16, 2023


      Is something else obvious?

    • Reply November 16, 2023


      Danny André Dixon yes, why random gang rape? How about just rape?

    • Reply November 16, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart or how about just gang as in a gay gang Link Hudson Philip Williams or polygamic gay aka polygay and so on?

    • Reply November 16, 2023


      Troy Day no idea..

    • Reply November 16, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart me2

    • Reply November 16, 2023


      Fred Leon Stewart, I think all the men desiring to do this makes it gang rape.

    • Reply November 17, 2023


      Danny André Dixon are you saying gays are made of gang – what is it?

    • Reply November 17, 2023


      Troy Day No. The terms “gang” and “gang rape” are obviously not the same. It was sad, unfortunate, and sinful that the men of the city wanted to gang rape Lot’s guests (whom we know to have been angels).

      A person does not have to be gay to be involved in a gang rape.

      Just trying to make sure that we are clear on what the offense was – attempted gang rape.

    • Reply November 17, 2023


      Danny André Dixon so you are saying Noah after the boat Philip Williams never found was ganged by sons and birthed gayism?

    • Reply November 17, 2023


      Troy Day, I’m not exactly sure what the youngest son physically DID to Noah. But “birthing gayism” is an odd way to put facts to the following from Genesis 9:

      Your Content
      Genesis 9
      New International Version
      God’s Covenant With Noah
      9 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. 2 The fear and dread of you will fall on all the beasts of the earth, and on all the birds in the sky, on every creature that moves along the ground, and on all the fish in the sea; they are given into your hands. 3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

      4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.

      6 “Whoever sheds human blood,
      by humans shall their blood be shed;
      for in the image of God
      has God made mankind.

      7 As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it.”

      8 Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him: 9 “I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you 10 and with every living creature that was with you—the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you—every living creature on earth. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”

      12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

      17 So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.”

      The Sons of Noah
      18 The sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham and Japheth. (Ham was the father of Canaan.) 19 These were the three sons of Noah, and from them came the people who were scattered over the whole earth.

      20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded[a] to plant a vineyard. 21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside. 23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked.

      24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him, 25 he said,

      “Cursed be Canaan!
      The lowest of slaves
      will he be to his brothers.”

      So No, I wasn’t saying anything about Noah or his sons. As I recall, there is simply a major physical abuse issue going on in Genesis 19. God had a list of issues to reckon with Sodom. English law “Sodomy” would not have been a defined sin in that chapter. Gang rape by the men in the city was the intended physical assault, not an expression of indefinitely “gayism.”

      “Gayism” isn’t a biblical term nor is it a named biblical sin – not by making a reference yo the stories of Noah’s sons or the intended gang rape by the men of Sodom.

  • Reply November 15, 2023


    A gay Christian or a liberal Christian is a contradiction in terms.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Ross Chenault who presented these terms in the discussion ?

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Troy Day It’s in the meme. Gay Christian. I threw in liberal because it’s closely related. One cannot be “liberal” morally and be a Christian. They can be “liberal” fiscally, but not morally, in today’s meaning of that word. Oh well. Sorry to expand the discussion. I’ll be quite.

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Ross Chenault you mean the THUMB not the meme – it says no where
      gay Christian – it does ask if one can be both – you called it liberal and contradiction but Philip Williams defends contradictive as conservative As for example in Christian socialism which he defends liberally

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Troy Day I still stand by what I said. It’s a contradiction in terms to say one is a gay Christian- if one is practicing the gay lifestyle, because you can’t claim to follow Christ and the morality taught in the Bible, and be a “gay Christian”. If it’s not a contradiction- what is it? A misnomer?

    • Reply November 15, 2023


      Ross Chenault but who has introduced any such terms right now?

  • Reply November 16, 2023


    some have tried but many have failed
    Robert Cox GOD created Adam and Eve
    Not Adam and Steve

  • Reply November 19, 2023


    “Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, BURNED IN THEIR LUST for one another, men with men COMMITTING WHAT IS SHAMEFUL, and RECEIVING IN THEMSELVES THE PENALTY (antimisthia, vengeance) of THEIR ERROR which was due.” (Romans 1:27)

    • Reply November 19, 2023


      Bill Stockham Is homosexuality a sin? And who do we believe? God is the ultimate and sovereign judge for sin. Homosexuality is sin by His order; it is not decided by public opinion or deceived/false clergy.

  • Reply November 20, 2023


    As it is written, such WERE some of you.

    • Reply November 20, 2023


      are you implying @everyone here was gay @ 1 time?

  • Reply November 20, 2023


    If you think of that, try read this:

    God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
    Genesis 1:28 NIV

    Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth.
    Genesis 9:1 NIV

    And whole Genesis 38

    Unless if you are gay, refrain from sex and it’s lustful sin.

    Every sex act without the intend to multiply is a sin.

  • Reply January 21, 2024


    Rom 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
    Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
    Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
    Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

  • Reply February 16, 2024

    Troy Day

    I dont think so Link Hudson Junior Beasley @followers

  • Reply February 16, 2024

    Junior Beasley

    Repent and fight against the flesh. Maybe a occasional stumble who knows. We have a problem getting a drunk or addicted into church but when they decide to go to the altar we shout and praise God. Then o e tome they show with a apparent struggle we pull all the Grace away and tell them thr better straiten up or they will go to hell. You know some ppl God delivers instantly other he seems to make them struggle their who lives. Maybe the struggle is what keeps them close to God. His ways are higher then mine I’m we are instructed not to send anyone up or down In our judgments somethings just need to be left to God.
    Jesus told the Eunichs they would be the only one to understand Hos message to them. We know many were captured or sold and made into sex slaves. It was a practice amounh the romans in Christ day to by a young boy cut off his genitals before puberty so he would always be a femine in looks and be made a sex slave it was a status sign among the wealthy.
    So I’ve learned tow thing for certain in all these years.
    1. There is a God
    2. I am not Him

    Good thing Good has 8 billion personal relationships, somethings are best left up to Him.

  • Reply February 16, 2024

    Troy Day

    List of Christian denominations affirming LGBT

    Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists[18]
    Affirming Pentecostal Church International
    Anglican Church of Southern Africa[19]
    Deo Gloria Global Apostolic Network in South Africa[20]
    Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (Southern Synod)[21]
    Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa (NGK) NOTE: Each congregation may determine its own decision on gay marriage and gay ministers.[22]
    Methodist Church of Southern Africa[23] NOTE: The church “accepts same-sex relationships (as long as such relationships are not…marriage)”.
    Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa[24] NOTE: Each minister may exercise his or her conscience and support same-sex unions.
    Aglipayan Church – officially known as Iglesia Filipina Independiente or Philippine Independent Church, an Independent Catholic and Anglo-Catholic[25] denomination. The church has adopted an official and binding position of inclusion and full acceptance of LGBT individuals and organizations since 2017 after the question of inclusiveness was raised in an official leadership meeting by a gay member of the church in 2014. Its youth organization wing has also repeatedly elected presidents, vice presidents, and executives who belong to the Filipino LGBT youth sector.[26] On February 24, 2023, the church ordained Wylard “Wowa” Ledama, a trans woman, to the diaconate as the church’s first trans cleric.[27]
    Anglican Church of Korea[28] NOTE: The Anglican church has some clergy and congregations that support LGBT rights.
    Church of South India[29][30] NOTE: The CSI opened ordination to transgender persons, has ministries specifically for transgender rights and some clergy support gay rights. The CSI is among the Anglican churches that “are open to changing Church doctrine on marriage in order to allow for same-sex unions” according to the BBC.[31]
    Evangelical Church of India[citation needed]
    United Church of Christ in Japan[32]
    United Church of Christ in the Philippines[33]
    North America

    United Church of Christ’s motto which expresses its support for LGBT rights

    Church of the Pilgrims in Washington, D.C., indicating its support for LGBT rights

    Metropolitan Community Church, an LGBT-affirming Christian church in New York City

    Grace Gospel Chapel, in Seattle
    Episcopal Church (United States)[34]
    Evangelical Anglican Church In America[35]
    Neutral positions
    Some Baptist denominations in the United States do not have official beliefs about marriage in a confession of faith and invoke congregationalism to leave the choice to each church to decide.[36]

    American Baptist Churches USA[37]
    Progressive National Baptist Convention[37]
    National Baptist Convention, USA[37]
    Cooperative Baptist Fellowship[38]
    Affirming positions
    Alliance of Baptists (USA) [39]
    Canadian Association for Baptist Freedoms[39]
    Aliança de Batistas do Brasil[40]
    Fraternidad de Iglesias Bautistas de Cuba[41]
    Catholic (independent)
    American National Catholic Church[42][43]
    Catholic Apostolic Church in North America
    Ecumenical Catholic Church[44]
    Ecumenical Catholic Communion[45]
    Evangelical Catholic Church[46]
    Old Catholic Church[47]
    Traditionalist Mexican-American Catholic Church[48]
    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America: the ELCA’s document A Social Statement on Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust [49] notes “While Lutherans hold various convictions regarding lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships, this church is united on many critical issues. It opposes all forms of verbal or physical harassment and assault based on sexual orientation. It supports legislation and policies to protect civil rights and to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public services. It has called upon congregations and members to welcome, care for, and support same-gender couples and their families and to advocate for their legal protection.”
    Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada[50]

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