GIFT OF FAITH I’ve heard very little on

GIFT OF FAITH I’ve heard very little on

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I’ve heard very little teaching on the Gift of Faith, as mentioned in 1 Cor. 12. I remember an experience I had with that gift years ago. When one of my daughters by my former marriage was an infant, she was in the hospital and deathly sick. As Christians, of course we were praying, and we even back then knew to pray in faith, not fear. Yet the results didn’t seem to come. The doctors were worried.

Then, before going home, suddenly something rose up in me like a holy anger, and I commanded the sickness to leave her body. It wasn’t me, but rather the Spirit of God that just rose up from within. The next morning, when I arrived, she was out of the oxygen tent and the surprised doctors said she was completely well and could go home. I believe what rose up in me, following persistent prayer in the spirit, was the Gift of Faith, God’s faith, not mine, which wrought the miracle. What think you?


  • Reply December 19, 2018


    Great Testimony. I believe there is some that God uses with the gift of faith. These signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with New tongues; (18). They shall take up serpents: and if they drink any deadly thing. It shall not hurt them. They shall lay hands on the sick, they shall recover. ( Mark 16:17–18.

  • Reply December 19, 2018


    Pastor I think there’s a lot of overlap in the working of God’s gifts. It could be that you prayed through to victory. It definitely is a healing. It’s enough that God receives the glory. I do think it’s probably gifts of healing with a jump start of Holy Spirit faith and knowing. That God’s people are well and encouraged and that Christ is lifted up. That’s the side I fall on lol

  • Reply December 19, 2018


    Oh, definitely gifts of healings involved, but my point is that it wasn’t simply a praying through to victory. Nothing was happening with prayers being resisted by the enemy, until the supernatural faith of God showed up, which led to a miraculous, instant healing.

  • Reply December 19, 2018


    I was saying that Scripture to say if you believe. You can be one that the gift of healing. But the other part it is to easy confused. But it doesn’t mean picking up snakes. We have a lot in the pulpit that’s teaching false doctrine or poisonous doctrine. And if you know the Word if you hear it , it won’t hurt you. But I’m not sure that’s what that means so I’m going to erase this. Not because we don’t need the whole Bible. We do. You could explain but I be honest I know it doesn’t mean tempting God. Because The Lord told the devil when the devil was tempting The Lord Thy God. So God did not mean for us to tempt Him. I have heard in the early days of Pentecost , Of some poison in a well because they didn’t want Holiness in their town. They drank out of it and it didn’t hurt them. Now something like that. God will take care of you. Because they were not tempting God. But that whole family got saved. And told the minister what they had done. They said I want to serve a God like that. Like Paul, gathering sticks for a fire. A poisonous snake was in the wood. And it bit Paul. But he didn’t pick it up intentionally. Paul shook it off into the fire and burned it up. That’s Faith. Because He believed what God told him. The Lord had told him he was going to Rome. He took God at His Word. Slept the snake burn in the fire. If we know the spoken Word Of God. Then stand on it. You don’t have to tempt God. Just believe what He said. When I started talking about the gift of faith. I forgot it went into all these verses. Not that we don’t need to know the Word. But this wasn’t the subject. Tell me what I should do. I hate to erase Gods Word. I just can’t hardly do it. Let’s go on with our subject. I think was Christmas. But this is about Christ. We can just add the other discussion back in. Whet I’m not explaining well or the way it should be. Let’s me know. John The Baptist told some that came to him to be Baptized. He said oh he generation of vipers. Go and bring forth fruits meet for Repentance. (Matthew 3: 7-9 ). He called them vipers. You can’t get more poison than a viper. If you want to handle snakes. Got to some of the places where they are trying to kill you with their poisonous doctrine. Trying to get you to drink some of that poisonous stuff. I don’t mean to offend any one. Some of you really believe it’s right. But let me plead with you. Please Study The Word. I love you. But I want you to know the Word.

  • Reply April 11, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    I’ve long studied systems in the church – too long some may say. I’ve observed again and again that the ones who move up the system with intent to change it, are changed by the system by the time they get into the position of authority to change it

    • Link Hudson
      Reply April 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      The system may weed out those who maintain the desire to change it

    • Reply April 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      if you are correct Link Hudson true change in church can only happen in the margins and the periphery of the actual life of the church system #soSAD

    • Link Hudson
      Reply April 12, 2019

      Link Hudson

      Troy Day Or some kind of supernatural move of God might change it. These are general tendencies we are talking about, not absolutes.

      In our political system, Trump somehow got in. He is still constrained by the rules of the system in a lot of ways.

    • Reply April 12, 2019

      Varnel Watson

      he got in on technicality or Russian help – he most certainly did NOT get most of the votes to brag about

  • Joe Absher
    Reply April 12, 2019

    Joe Absher

    I’ve heard it called “special faith” and seems right to me what little i know.
    Lester Sumeral used to talk about Howard Carter having it. The supernatural gift to lay ahold of God and his will. Sometimes it just happens that you know God’s will and character and believe for it.

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