Former president Jimmy Carter: Believes Jesus would approve of gay marriage

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Former president Jimmy Carter said on Tuesday that he believes Jesus would approve of gay marriage, though he said that he doesn’t have “any verse in scripture” to corroborate this notion. “I believe he would. I believe Jesus would. I don’t have any verse in scripture…” Carter responded when asked by HuffPo Live host Mark Lamont Hill whether Christ would embrace same-sex nuptials. “I believe that Jesus would approve of gay marriage, but I’m not – that’s just my own personal belief.” The one-term Democratic president also said that he believes Jesus “would encourage … any love affair that was honest and sincere.”

Greg Carr [07/09/2015 7:49 AM]
Classic case of man shaping God after his own image and likeness.

Tim Anderson [07/09/2015 7:53 AM]
has no verses for – but if he was honest he would have said there are many verses against this. Sad day!! God will not be mocked, a person will reap from what they sow. This is sowing confusion…

John Kissinger [07/09/2015 7:57 AM]
Alan N Carla Smith certainly shocked by the statement

Kenneth Gentles [07/09/2015 10:56 AM]
It’s not unusual for great men to be disillusioned when faced with the inevitable.

Alan N Carla Smith [07/09/2015 8:57 PM]
This man believes a lot of things, BUT really needs to keep his trap SHUT!

Michael Wayne Prince [07/09/2015 11:08 PM]
He is a peanut farmer from south Ga and he is a once saved always saved moron!!!

Ron Hamm [07/09/2015 11:15 PM]
He also believes in unicorns

Nixon John [07/10/2015 2:39 AM]

Leah M Grier-Lee [07/20/2015 1:40 AM]
really ?

Manuel Fain [07/23/2015 11:04 PM]

Robert Webster [07/24/2015 12:07 AM]
Who even listens to this guy anymore!

Mike Millard [07/31/2015 7:50 PM]
wow tha’s all I got is wow

Mike Millard [07/31/2015 7:50 PM]
wow tha’s all I got is wow

Rosemary Swinehart [07/31/2015 9:03 PM]

Pentecostal Theology [07/31/2015 9:04 PM]
when the post was shared by Mike Millard it got the following response: @Allen Wayne Butler The man never made sense

@Janice Widner Never! Not my Lord! He has never contradicted himself!

@Catherine Moore How idiotic! Whatever…

@Jane Little He needs to read the Bible!!!!!

@Rose Maust Yes he needs to read the bible.

@Ronnie Fuqua Mitchem Once a Fool always a Fool !!!

@Sheila Presnell No, He would not ! You need to read God’s word!!!

@Pati Ramsey-Chaline The old man has lost his mind!!

@Golda Hula He’s a idiot

@Kennth Presnell Satan has got people so blinded..

@Diana Salmon-Cooks Leave Jesus out of y’all mess a young man as you!

@Cheryl Shifflett Man, is that man ever deluded–He has lost his marbles big time!!!

@Linda Schmidt Jimmy, have God given you over to a reprobate mind? Your statement is not from the Bible. Try reading the Bible to know what Jesus would approve of.

@Bobby Beliew Is any of these people saved ?


  • Reply May 3, 2017

    Keith Day

    2 Corinthians 11:4 (KJV)
    For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
    The Word of God the Bible tells of another Jesus that is not the Jesus of the Bible. God’s word tells you what He approves of and what he dose not. When some one tells you that Jesus approves of some thing that in His word He says He dose not approve of. that person is speaking of a false Jesus, a false Christ also know as the ant- Christ. This is the ant- Christ spirit.

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Larry Susan Lowry

    Senile, liberal, false teacher….plain enough?!

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Bob Buckland

      “Senile” and “liberal” are redundant terms. Lol.

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Wasn’t he the last Christian president before Trump?

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Ron Hamm

    Well, he is old….and he was a failure as President…..and I voted for him….

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Lot’s of people voted for Trump for the same reasons Stan Wayne

  • being gay is a sin. it’s just like every other sin. doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to hell. as long as you know Jesus you will be forgiven if you believe in him and try to change your sinful ways. God looks at your heart and if you are trying and never give up you can make it into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Thank GOD we dont get in the kingdom of heaven with our own trying. Neither should be gay people or sinners of any kind Ricky Grimsley Christ alone – corner stone! #solafide #solascriptura #solagratia

    • So, are you saying that you have no sins? Are you saying you’re perfect like Jesus Christ? Well that’s awesome man if you are because I try everyday to try to be like Jesus too. I Try to not sin but I find it difficult for me but I keep on trying. If you have no sins well then you’re my next best friend cuz I’m trying to get that way. And if you do have sins are you not trying to change them? How do you change a sin if you don’t try to change it expecially when your life is not guaranteed for A full hundred years or more.

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Regeneration trough grace removes all sins from the repented heart. Returning to sin leaves you no grace…

    • That’s not true just because you got baptized and asked Jesus Christ to be forgiven and then you make the mistake and sin again but your heart is in the right place and you really are trying you’re saying you are going to hell?

    • You ever hear the term the person sold his soul to Satan and that if you do that you can never enter the kingdom of heaven but keep in mind you are still alive you have not entered in Hell yet. I believe and what I hear in the bible where jesus speaks he says you can be forgiven of your sins because you cannot sell your soul to the devil society makes you think you can sell your soul but you can not so you’re always forgiven even if you keep on making mistakes but you are trying at least you are good to go and Heaven I believe because that’s what Jesus speaks of please show me something different if you don’t agree

    • Once again I’m working and I’m using voice text message I’m sorry that the message I’m trying to reply is not coming through it but I think you understand

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Jeremy Edens

      Troy, I agree with you Praise God we don’t get into Heaven based on our own works, but we are saved by grace in faith in Christ alone. However, I disagree with you that if we sin once we are saved, that we no longer receive grace. Sanctification is a life-long journey. If we no longer received grace once we sin after being saved, then what’s the point in trying to become more like Christ? It is only BY the grace of God that I can grow daily and have a relationship with the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit.

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Jeremy Edens

      Justification (salvation) is an instantaneous occurance, but Sanctification (being made into the image of Christ) is a life-long process.

  • Trying? So you are saying you can not get into the Kingdom of Heaven. if your whole life you’re always trying to change your sins and one day when you die at that last minute that your breath is slipping away and you ask Jesus I’m so sorry please forgive me for my sins I’ve tried over these years and over these years but I always believed in you. Addictions, being tempted, our attitudes, being judgemental and more are not easy to change. I have a lot of sins that i work on every day that I’m trying to change and I have changed. a lot about myself but I always believe in Christ and our heavenly father.

  • “Neither should be gay people or sinners of any kind”

    I like how you say gay people “or” sinners
    Being gay is a sin it’s just like all the other sin they are all equal there is not one sin that is bigger than the other.

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Keith Day

    Jesus is always ready to forgive the person that is repenting. If you are entering into a gay marriage then you are not repenting.

    • So you’re saying if you get married to the same sex that you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven?

    • So you’re saying a person that tries to change things is not guaranteed to go to heaven? Being gay is a sin just like every other since they are all equal there is no sin bigger than the other. So take a drug addict he only smokes meth and believes in Jesus but then he decides to shoot up with a needle. Which is a bigger step from smoking then from going shooting into your arms with a needle. But he still believes in Jesus and continues to believe in Jesus and ask Jesus every day to try to help his addiction. And then he’s about to die he has only a few seconds to live. He right away let’s Jesus no he believes in him and always has and ask for forgiveness. And he really meant it coming from his heart because God knows your heart he knows if you are telling the truth or not and if they man was telling the truth you’re trying to say he could not go into heaven. It’s the same as a gay person they believe in Jesus but they’re only dating not married but they ask for forgiveness and to help change their ways and it’s coming from their heart sincerely coming from their heart. But then they decide to get married so what you’re saying they are automatically going to hell it will not make it into the kingdom of heaven? But now they’re married and they still believe in Jesus Christ and are still trying to change their ways but they fail everyday. so are you saying they are not going to make it in the Kingdom of Heaven. What does Jesus say believe in me ask for forgiveness and you will enter the kingdom of heaven.

    • He says that any time of your life doesn’t matter the sins that you have committed even murder that I will forgive you and you enter the kingdom of heaven.

    • I apologize about my writing it’s not perfectly done right because I’m using voice text messaging and I’m working I just had came across this post and had to reply to it

    • If nothing makes any sense please let me know and I will try to change it so you can understand it

  • I’m sorry I don’t believe that. can you please explain. not that I don’t believe it I don’t understand sorry I’m using voice text message I’m not really good at writing

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    No practicing sinner will enter the Kingdom. That’s for sure Vincent Christina Young How could one’s heart be in the right place and sin at the same time? What you ma talking about brother? Sin separates from GOD

    • Practicing a sin? We don’t practice sining. the way we are raised the way we decide to choose to live because we have free will but we also have to live for our heavenly father. I never said a sinner can make it into the Kingdom of Heaven that’s what you said not me. I’m going what Jesus Christ says and he says if you are a sinner and you ask for forgiveness you are forgiven even if you take it to your grave and at those last few seconds and you ask for forgiveness you are good in God’s eyes

    • We are all brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Heaven that’s what I mean is that not what God says Our Savior Jesus Christ says we are all equal in the Kingdom of Heaven

    • “How could one’s heart be in the right place and sin at the same time?”

      To answer that, We are all trying to change our selves to be better in Jesus Christ our Heavenly Father’s Eyes. How do you change a sin? Well you try and you try and you try until you get it right. But sometimes we go years and years committing the same sin and believe it or not a lot of people have lots of sins. they have to deal with those sins on an everyday basis. God knows that we are sinners and he knows that we can be forgiven as long as we believe in Jesus Christ. So to answer your question. I sin quite a lot everyday I try not to sin but my heart still believes in Jesus Christ and I have changed my sins. To the point that I never do make those same sins. because their was a lot and I’m still working on the others I don’t know if I’ll make it to completely never sin. I pray that I do before I die. But even if I about to die right at those last few seconds and I might just have sined yesterday. But I will ask Jesus for forgiveness because he knows my heart and I pray that I enter in the Kingdom of Heaven.

      So are you saying that I’m going to hell because I have not changed a lot of my sins that I used to do but I still have a few more that I’m trying to not do no more. And if i died before I was able to change those but I still believe in Jesus and ask for forgiveness right before I died. So are you saying I am not going to heaven?

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Timothy Staggs

    Now this is a guy who has taught a Sunday School class in his Baptist church for years.

    • Yes he is but I’m not understanding what he is saying because in Jesus Christ Our Savior says that no matter what you’re saying is because all sin is equal to the same you will be forgiven if you believe in Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness so that being said that means even if you are trying and you take it to your grave trying but you believe in Christ and at that last few seconds when you’re about to slip away you asked Jesus to please forgive you even if you send up to your grave I believe you will enter the kingdom of heaven. Because God knows your heart he knows if you are very sincere or not

    • Once again I apologize for my writing I’m using voice text messaging and working so it’s not coming out right and cannot really corrected at the moment but I think you guys understand

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Vincent Christina Young or Carter?

  • No not of Carter

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Sin separates from GOD That much we do know from the BIBLE

    • But you can be forgiven by Jesus Christ at any moment of your life

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Sure you are can. Any moment except the one in which you are still sinning in a gay relationship

    • Just because you were in a gay marriage doesn’t mean you actually knew Jesus at that time and even if someone did no Jesus at that time and got married. And they are still trying to change and they die and ask for forgiveness and Jesus they will go to heaven it’s like if someone sells their soul to the devil. But then they find Jesus and ask for forgiveness and really trying to change their sins. Jesus says that he would forgive all sins because those are all sins are you trying to tell me that’s not true?

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Make no mistake. No practicing homosexual will enter the Kingdom of God

    • Homosexual is a sin just like every other thing they are the same

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      In this case you best leave it while there’s still time

    • As long as a person ask for forgiveness it’s up to God to judge them and he’s going to say did you believe in Jesus and the person says yes he’s going to say did you try to change your ways the person is going to say yes then God’s going to look at the heart see if they’re telling the truth and if they are they are forgiven of their sins

    • Reply May 4, 2017

      Varnel Watson

      Ask for forgiveness + practice what they’ve asked for. Not just empty, hallow, shallow words…

    • “I’d best leave it is that” a threat? That doesn’t seem very Godly coming from someone that preaches the word of God. That seems very angry and hateful and judgmental because Jesus is not saying he saying you are forgiven even if you take your sin to the Grave

    • They’re not empty shallow words people try to be good but it’s not easy for everyone doesn’t mean they are damned to hell. Are you trying to say Jesus doesn’t forgive homosexuals even at the ending of their life those few seconds before the slip away and they ask for forgiveness they will not enter the kingdom of heaven???

    • Apologize once again for my writing not being right I’m using voice text messaging and working I just had to reply to this time

    • Brother because we all brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Heaven I don’t understand what you were trying to say choice because that’s not what Jesus is saying he forgives all that believe in him and follow him even if they are trying all the way up to their death he forgives I don’t know what else to say to you but that’s what I believe I have no religion I only believe in Jesus Christ as my savior and I believe in our heavenly father that created the Earth and us and I believe in the Bible prefer the Kings James version The Holy Bible and I believe in the Ten Commandments

    • I’ll pray for you brother and you pray for me too that we are guided to know the right knowledge of what our heavenly father ask of us. that we share and spread his words to people but giving the right information that he wants us to give.

      God bless you Troy God bless everyone in this world

  • Reply May 4, 2017

    Jeremy Edens

    I believe rather than condemning, and yes he is wrong in his statement, that we should pray for his spirit and soul and that the truth would be revealed to Jimmy Carter.

  • Reply May 5, 2017

    Nathan Glenn

    Someone in a fake gay marriage is willingly & knowingly sinning and there heart is not right with God, period. Could they get right, of course. All sin is not the same, Paul said sexual sin is worse because one sins against their own body. Jimmy Carter is also for abortion and believes in other religions as legitimate paths to God. His heart would be questionable, especially as someone who has taught Bible. Could his Calvinistic belief of predestination be a reason for this mindset? Why live right if God has already appointed you for Heaven or Hell? I believe this is one of the great fallacies of all time!

  • Reply May 5, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    WHAT is “a fake gay marriage”? It’s pretty real if you ask me

  • Reply May 5, 2017

    Nathan Glenn

    I don’t accept it as legitimate, why should I ? They didn’t see the need to “marry” until they realized it was a dagger in the side to conservative people and people of faith. I also will not accept a man marrying his dog, cat or cow for a tax write off. The fact that our government accepts it also disgust me. Tax incentive for married couples is to promote family & encourage parents to stay married which is historically proven to benefit children & society. How does two or three men or women living together intimately benefit society? If we don’t define marriage where does it end? If I have 4 wives, 3 husbands and a herd of cattle I’m married to I would pay no taxes, cheap rent & plenty of beef & milk for everyone but what kind of society would that be? Believe me some pervert has probably already thought that and is likely lobbying Washington as we speak!?

  • Reply May 5, 2017

    Wanda Goldston

    Evidently he don’t read the Holy Bible.

    • Reply May 5, 2017

      Stan Wayne

      He has lost his way – ever since his sister died

    • God bless you Stan and Wanda I’ll pray for you

    • The man is still alive instead of assuming and judging him. Because thats not our job. But we can help him we can pray for him. I’m sorry I just don’t believe you both are right.

      You cannot say he lost his way ever since his sister died because you don’t really know that and Wanda you cannot say that he does not really read the Holy Bible. Because you don’t know that he could and just like myself for years I was reading it wrong because it’s not an easy thing at least for me to read.

  • The people that judge are going to be judged by our heavenly father.

    You have people walking into schools and murdering people.
    women are being kidnapped every day and shipped overseas where they become sex slaves. Our own kids or committing suicide. gay marriage is legal. smoking weed is legal now husbands cheating on their wives wives having sex with their kids it goes on and on and on. Their are children in other countries that are starving that are just wondering on the streets because theirfamily has already passed away and are trying to survive. There are children that are being kidnapped and being sex slaves you want me to keep going on. I pray for this world I hope we don’t go in a third war. I pray for happiness pray for the children to able to eat but we sitting America with all-you-can-eat buffets and stuffing our faces. Keep in mind I’m using voice text messaging I’m working so this is probably not coming out right. God bless you all

  • Reply May 5, 2017

    Bill Stockham

    “Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves THE DUE PENALTY FOR THEIR ERROR.” (Romans 1:26-27)

    • Thanks for the verse and yes you are right but those are for the ones that are not worthy for the kingdom of heaven when they do not ask for forgiveness then they will not enter the kingdom of heaven. But the people that are doing those things can be safe if only they believe in Jesus and only if they ask for forgiveness and really try to change.

    • Reply May 5, 2017

      Stan Wayne

      You are right – Jimmy can come back to Jesus but if he leads a little one into later gay marriage he may have a millstone or something like it to get off his neck

    • Reply May 5, 2017

      Bill Stockham

      Vincent Christina Young yes, repentance is the answer. I was a drug and alcohol addict and God delivered me and saved me!

    • Yes Jimmy can come back to Jesus it’s just like someone that sells their soul to the devil. they can come back to Jesus because you cannot sell your soul to the devil

    • People are forgetting we all sin. myself back when I was 23 i sined all the time but always believed in Jesus and never gave up and tried and tried and eventually I did. I stoped my old sins but I still have a lot of sins still today that are challenging for me everyday but I’m still trying to change. I’ve asked forgiveness for those things numerous times but I find myself still living in the sins so what happens if I die today so does that mean I go to hell. but at my last breath before my soul Slipped Away I asked for forgiveness and it really came from my heart.

      I was never a drug addict or a alcoholic but I’ve done worse things than that. We all make mistakes in our life some are worse than others but we can be forgiven if we truly believe that in our hearts. Because that’s what Jesus says. I talk to him everyday. He came into my life and I only was 25 it was the craziest thing ever I was so scared he showed

    • The people that judge are going to be judged by our heavenly father.

      You have people walking into schools and murdering people.
      women are being kidnapped every day and shipped overseas where they become sex slaves. Our own kids or committing suicide. gay marriage is legal. smoking weed is legal now husbands cheating on their wives wives having sex with their kids it goes on and on and on. Their are children in other countries that are starving that are just wondering on the streets because theirfamily has already passed away and are trying to survive. There are children that are being kidnapped and being sex slaves you want me to keep going on. I pray for this world I hope we don’t go in a third war. I pray for happiness pray for the children to able to eat but we are sitting inAmerica with all-you-can-eat buffets and stuffing our faces. Keep in mind I’m using voice text messaging I’m working so this is probably not coming out right. God bless you all

  • Reply May 5, 2017

    Walter Polasik

    Carter WOULD believe that. Naturally. He’s had “LIBERAL” smeared on him a LONG time.

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